Registration of Marriage Forms

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REGISTRATION OF MARRIAGE 1 Original Marriage Certificate attested by MFA and copy of the certificate. 2. Bridegroom & bride’s Original passports and copies. (Minimum 3 months valid Indian Passport with resident visa. Other nationality should attest their documents/NOC and other related documents by their respective Embassy and Ministry of Foreign A fairs) 3. 3 Witnesses (Indians) original passport and copy (Valid Indian passports with resident visa. Witnesses should not be related to each other) 4. Oman Identity Card/Labour Card 3. Notice Form (2 sets) 6. Affidavit Form, a 7. Declaration Form. 8. Applicant Personal Letter. 9. Witness personal letter (Each witness separately) 10. Single Photographs (2+2) 1. Joint photographs - 4 Housemaid/ Baby sitter visa holders not allowing to Marriage Registration. 30 days notice period in the Embassy notice board. To ‘The Marriage Officer, Embassy of India, ‘Muscat. Sub: Marriage Registration Dear Sir, We, Mr. -+-s holder of. issued at .. +» residing in » Sultanate of Oman and Me becler oh passport No... issued at .. residing in . do hereby inform that ‘we have already married at .. Sultanate of Oman on ‘Now we want to have our marriage registered in the Embassy of India, Muscat. Signature (Bridegroom) Name : Date Contact No Signature (Bride) Name : Date Contact No i No. at, marriage of at Affidavit holder of Passport dated, issued hereby solemnly affirm that on the day of my with holder Passport No. dated issued . was Unmarried /Divorced/ Widow/ Widower. Signature (Bridegroom) Date: Contact No: Affidavit 1 holder of Passport No. dated. issued at hereby solemnly affirm that on the day of my marriage with holder of, Passport No. dated issued at. . was Unmarried /Divorced/ Widow/ Widower. Signature (Bride) Date: Contact No: THE SECOND SCHEDULE (See séction 12) APPLICATION FOR REGISTRATION OF MARRIAGE UNDER SECTION 17 OF THE FOREIGN: MARRIAGE ACT, 1961 (33 OF 1969) DECLARATION TO BE MADE BY THE BRIDEGROOM i hereby declare as follows: - 1. 1 was unmarried/ widower/divorcee at the time of marriage solemnized on 2. Ihave completed. years of age. 3. Lam not related to prohibited relationship. 4, Tam citizen of. . (10 be filled up) 5. 1am aware that, if any statement in the declaration is false, I am liable to imprisonment and also to fine. (The bride) within the degrees of Signature (The bridegroom) DECLARATION TO BE MADE BY THE BRIDE i hereby declare as follows :~ 1, Lwas unmarried/ widower/divorcee at the time of marriage solemnized on. 2. Ihave completed... fears of age. 3. am not related to prohibited relationship. 4. Lam citizen of. (to be filled up) 5.1 am aware that, if any statement in the declaration is false, I am liable to imprisonment and also to fine. (The bridegroom) within the degrees of ignature (The bride) Signed in our presence by the above named and So far as we are aware, there is no lawful impediment to the marriage. Signature of three witnesses. Witnesses Name Contact | Passport | Dateof | Placeof | Sign. of the No. No Issue issue witnesses Witness-I Witness-II ‘Witness-IIT (Countersigned) Marriage Officer Dated the.. To ‘The Marriage Officer Embassy of India, Muscat Sultanate of Oman Sir, PHOTO PHOTO We hereby give you notice that a MARRIAGE UNDER THE FOREIGN MARRIAGE ACT 1969 is intended to be registered between us within ONE MONTH from the date hereof: - S.NO PARTICULARS BRIDEGROOM BRIDE 1 | NAME 2 | FATHER’S NAME 3__| CONDITION 4 | OCCUPATION 5___| DATE OF BIRTH PASSPORT NO. 6 | DATE OF ISSUE PLACE OF ISSUE PRESENT ADDRESS 7 PERMANENT ADDRESS 8g 9 _ | LENGTHOF STAY AT PRESENT PLACE 10 _ | CONTACT PHONE NO. 11 | SIGNATURE WITNESS OUR HANDS ON THIS --------------DAY OF-—-----------2013. N CONTACT | PASSPORT | DATEOF | PLACE OF | WITNESSES NAME NO. NO ISSUE Issue _| SIGNATURE 1 Signed before me. To ‘The Marriage Officer Embassy of India, Muscat Sultanate of Oman Sir, PHOTO PHOTO ‘We hereby give you notice that a MARRIAGE UNDER THE FOREIGN MARRIAGE ACT 1969 is intended to be registered between us within ONE MONTH from the date hereof: - S.NO PARTICULARS BRIDEGROOM. BRIDE 1 | NAME 2 | FATHER’S NAME 3__| CONDITION 4 | OCCUPATION 5___| DATE OF BIRTH. PASSPORT NO. 6 | DATE OF ISSUE PLACE OF ISSUE PRESENT ADDRESS 7 PERMANENT ADDRESS 8g 9 | LENGTHOF STAY AT PRESENT PLACE. 10__ | CONTACT PHONE NO. 11 | SIGNATURE WITNESS OUR HANDS ON THIS --- N CONTACT | PASSPORT | DATE OF | PLACE OF ©. | WITNESSES NAME NO. ‘NO ISSUE Issue _ | SIGNATURE 1 Signed before me. To The Marriage Officer, Embassy of India, Muscat. Sub: Declaration of Witness Dear Sir, .. holder of Indian passport No. ........... issued at On residing at , sultanate of Oman, do hereby confirm that I attended and was present during the solemnizing of the marriage of Mr. . and Ms. at... Sultanate of Oman on I also confirm that I will be standing in as a witness to their Marriage Registration at the Indian Embassy, Muscat. Signature ‘Name: Date : To The Marriage Officer, Embassy of India, Muscat. Sub: Declaration of Witness Dear Sir, .. holder of Indian passport No. . at. On .. .. residing at . , sultanate of Oman, do hereby confirm that I attended and was present during the solemnizing of the marriage of Mr. .. and Ms. .. at Sultanate of ‘Oman o on. .. issued I also confirm that I will be standing in as a witness to their Marriage Registration at the Indian Embassy, Muscat. Signature Name: Date : To The Marriage Officer, Embassy of India, ‘Muscat. Sub: Declaration of Witness holder of Indian passport No. residing at .......c.+-+05 Sultanate of Oman, do hereby confirm that I attended and was present during the solemnizing of the and Ms. . ..y Sultanate of Oman on ... marriage of Mr. .. at... T also confirm that I will be standing in as a witness to their Marriage Registration at the Indian Embassy, Muscat. Signature ‘Name: Date : To The Marriage Officer, Embassy of India, Muscat, Sub: Declaration of Witness Dear Sir, . holder of Indian passport No. ........ . issued at... .. residing at . sultanate of Oman, do Hereby coufinn isk T attended and wes present during the eolemnizing of the marriage of Mr. . and Ms. ... at... Sultanate of Oman on . I also confirm that I will be standing in as a witness to their Marriage Registration at the Indian Embassy, Muscat. Signature Name: Date :

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