DRRR Group-8

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Group Members

Bea Maglaqui
Lavrigne Nemes
Zachary Pinero

Disaster Readiness and Risk Reduction

I. Potential volcano-related hazards

A. Ballistic Projectile - Ballistic projectiles that are ejected from the volcanoes vent
1. Types of Ballistic Projectile
a. Lava
b. Rocks
c. Molten Rocks

B. Volcano gasses - are gasses released from an active volcano

1. Types of Volcanic Gas
a. Water Vapor
b. Carbon Dioxide
c. Sulfur Dioxide
2. Composition
a. Sulfur Dioxide
b. Water Dioxide
c. Carbon Dioxide
C. Lava Flow - streams of molten rock that pours or ooze from an erupting vent.
1. Types of Lava Flow
a. Basaltic (Mafic) Lava
b. Rhyolitic (Felsic) Lava

II. Appropriate Measures To Be Done

A. What to do Before an Eruption
1. Listen for emergency information and alerts.
2. Follow evacuation or shelter orders. If advised to evacuate, then do so early.
3. Avoid areas downstream of the eruption
4. Protect yourself from falling ash
5. Do not drive in heavy ash fall.
B. What to do During an Eruption
1. Stay calm and stay indoors.
2. Cover your nose and mouth with dust mask or damp clean cloth.
3. Close the doors and windows of your house and car.
4. Place damp towels or cloth on door opening and other open areas.
5. Listen to the news for updates.
6. Keep your pets inside the house.
7. If you’re driving a vehicle, pull on the side of the road and stop if there is heavy ash
fall that causes poor visibility.
8. If outside, look for immediate shelter and wear goggles to protect the eyes. Avoid
wearing contact lenses.
9. Cover water containers to avoid contamination.

C. What to do After an Eruption

1. As soon as the ash fall stops, scrape the ash from the roof of your house to prevent
damage or collapse.
2. Clean the ash with water to prevent corrosion.
3. Clean the ash on other parts of the house and on your car.
4. Collect the ashes and put them in an area that is far from a water source to prevent
5. Boil water before drinking.
6. Use detergent when washing clothes that is covered with ash.
7. Wash the grass if you have to feed livestock.
8. Cover your mouth and nose when cleaning the ash.

III. References

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