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Before the advent of electronic media like radio and TV, newspapers and magazines were
the most important media. Apart from providing the news and the views, the newspapers
carried the ads also. Radio and TV directed a lot ad budget from the print media to the
electronic media. Still the print media has survived, and remains significant in any media
plan owing to its peculiar characteristics. Print is the only primary medium for the
industrial advertising. What makes the print media survive against the onslaught of radio
and TV? The method of receiving messages provides the answer to this question. Radio
listening or TV viewing are the passive activities with no role of the listener or the
viewer. However reading is an activity in which readers are involved. Print thus is an
ideal medium for conveying complex technical details, product benefit details and
product feature explaining details.

NEWSPAPER ADVERTISING: In spite of the availability of several media,

newspapers have retained their premier position as ad media. They are also a media for
business advertisements, corporate advertising, financial advertising, legal notices and
social advertising etc. Newspapers are dailies and some are weekly and some cater to
special audience like The Economics Times and The Financial Express.

TYPES OF NEWSPAPER ADVERTISING: To distinguish advertising from editorial

matter, display advertising is designed comprising the copy, the layout, and the visuals.
They are placed all over in a newspaper. Depending upon the policy of that paper.


other media and still hold a strong position due to certain unique advantages that they
offer, like Geographic selectivity: Newspaper advertising is possible in national or
regional newspapers, keeping in mind the market for our product. Market penetration:
Newspapers are read by people of all income groups, and readership cuts across a wide
cross section of the society. Creative Flexibility: Wide variety of sizes, placement in
varied manner, black –and –white and colour ads offer creative possibilities. Dead lines
Newspapers have short deadlines and accept the ads almost on daily basis. Audience
Interest: Newspapers are read with interest. There are special sections like, sports, films,
business etc.


Selectivity: They are not useful for specific targeting. Short Durability of Message: No
one reads a previous day’s newspaper. It is read only for a day and that too for few
minutes. Reproduction Constraints: News print on which newspapers are printed is a
coarse paper. It does not lend to high quality colour processed printing. Clutter:
Newspaper carry a lot of ads along with a variety of editorial matter. An individual ad
thus has to face a lot of clutter.
PLANNING NEWSPAPER ADVERTISING: It is important to know who will notice
our ad. Reach of newspaper is given by its circulation which is the number of copies
distributed each day. The number of readers exceeds its circulation number, because each
copy of the paper is read by more than one person. The rates of the ads, production
specification and ad deadlines and other relevant details are given in the rate card. Some
newspapers offer a volume discount for repetitions. Open rate is the highest rate for the
single ad. Contract rate or earned rate is based on agreement. Basically, ad rates are
ROP__ run of press, and ads can be placed anywhere on any page. But for special
position, we have to pay more. If the same publication house publishes more than one
newspaper, it can offer a combination rate which is lesser than the rate of buying in each
individual media.

MAGAZINE ADVERTISING: Magazines are of three types__ General interest

magazines like India Today and outlook or Business magazines like Business India,
Business world or Special Magazines for Niche Markets like Eastern Pharmacist
Professional journals are also specialized magazines like journals for Chartered
accountants, company secretaries etc.


have different advantages to the print media. The peculiar advantages of magazines are,
Demographic Selectivity: Every magazine has a different audience whose demographic
and psychographic characteristics are different. Geographic Selectivity: Some
magazines have all India circulation and some have regional only. Creative Flexibility:
High fidelity reproduction is a speciality of magazines on account of their superior
quality of paper and printing. Durability of message: Magazines are kept for a longer
time. And are read again and again, it means that the chances of the ad message being
seen are more.


material will have to be submitted much in advance because the magazine requires
elaborate production plan. Limited Reach and Frequency: Magazines have limited
reach and as far as total the total number of household are concerned. As their periodicity
is either a month or a fortnight or a week it is difficult to higher frequency.

PLANNING MAGAZINE ADVERTISING : While planning magazine ads, we have

to consider factors like circulation and readership, ad rates, placement of ads, special
facilities given by the magazines (i) Circulation and Readership: Circulation figures
indicate the number of people who will get to see the ad. But circulation for the
magazines keeps on fluctuating. (ii) Magazines Ad Rate: There are separate rates for
Black and White and colour ads. Magazines offer a variety of sizes__ full page, half
page, quarter page, ads. The preferred positions are the first cover, the front inside cover
(second cover), the inside back cover (third cover) and the outside cover (fourth cover).
(iii).Placement of Ads: Three date- lines are important in the placement. The on-sale
date is the date on which the magazine appears on the stall. The cover date is the date that
appears on the cover of the magazine. Closing date is the deadline by which the
advertisement material must reach the magazine.

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