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Name: _____________________________________


1 Listen and tick ü the boxes. 186

/5 marks
1 What are the children going to learn next 4 What are the children going to do at the
week? museum?

a b c a b c

2 What did Grace do last winter? 5 What does the actor have to wear in the

a b c a b c

3 What did Peter draw?

a b c

2 Listen and draw lines. 187

/10 marks
Julie Anna

Tom Bob


Bright Ideas 4 Tests © Oxford University Press PHOTOCOPIABLE 1

Name: _____________________________________

Reading and Writing

3 Read and unscramble the letters. Write the words. /5 marks

1 Alex is going to the zoo tomorrow. He’s going to observe the gsarokano. ____________ _
2 Did you fly in a plane or in a lehptrecio on your last holiday? ____________
3 ‘Please don’t shout – phiewrs the answer quietly,’ said the teacher. ____________ _
4 Charlie makes lcpeusturs of famous people. ____________
5 My uncle teaches at a rustynieiv where people learn about animals. ____________

4 Read the story. Write 1, 2 or 3 words to complete the sentences. /5 marks

Last week, Paul went to the zoo with his friend, Sam. First, they observed the rhinos.
Then they went to see the chimpanzees and the sea lions. ‘I think the sea lions are the
most exciting animals in the zoo,’ said Paul. The man who looks after the pandas asked, ‘Would
you like to help me feed the pandas?’ ‘Oh yes, please!’ said Sam. ‘This is more educational than
watching wildlife films at home!’ Later, Sam’s dad said, ‘OK boys, we’re going to eat a Chinese
takeaway now.’ ‘Wow,’ said Paul. ‘I never eat takeaways. I’m having
a lot of fun today!’
1 Paul and Sam went to the zoo _______________________________.
2 They went to _____ __________________________ first.
3 Paul thinks the sea lions are the _______________________________ animals in the zoo.
4 Sam loved feeding _______________________________.
5 After two hours, they ate _______________________________.

5 Look and write sentences. /10 marks


(I / winter) I wear boots in winter. ___________________________

(she / summer) _________________________________________

(you / like / films?) _______________________________________

(he / went to) ___________________________________________

(I / last week) ____________________________________ ______

(more modern) _________________________________________

2005 1920
Bright Ideas 4 Tests © Oxford University Press PHOTOCOPIABLE 2
Name: _____________________________________


6 Look and answer. /10 marks

1 2 3 4

5 1 Is sending a text more old-fashioned than sending a postcard?

2 Did Dan catch a fish?
3 What does a cameraman do?
4 Why do people go to the travel agent’s?
5 What kind of films does Vicky usually watch?

7 Answer for you. /5 marks

1 How often do 4 When did you

you buy new last drink hot
jeans? chocolate?

2 How many times 5 What do you do

a year do you go when you go
to a department camping?

3 How much
cheese have
you got in your

Total /50 marks

Bright Ideas 4 Tests © Oxford University Press PHOTOCOPIABLE 3

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