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Lourdes College

Integrated Basic Education Department

Gen. Capistrano-Hayes St., Cagayan de Oro City

21 Century Literature from
the Philippines and the World
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Lourdes College
Integrated Basic Education Department
Gen. Capistrano-Hayes St., Cagayan de Oro City

Module for Online Learning

General Instructional Guidelines

for Grade 11 (All Strand)

Greeting: Good morning / afternoon everyone! Praised be Jesus and Mary! Welcome to our module for this session. You
will find here our general instructional guidelines, then the components of our module. You will be guided one
step at a time through the specific instructions of the learning tasks given below, which intend to develop our
cognitive skills as well as our values, considering current social realities. Let joy and peace abound in your
mind and heart as you genuinely and responsibly respond to the learning processes that this module offers.

1. General Instructional Guidelines

1.1 Please refer to the Unit Plan for the subject description, minor and major performance tasks, and criteria for
grading. Consultation will be provided through our group chat, email, Gmail, SMS, Edmodo or other social
network. I will monitor your participation in our learning activities through these chosen media. In addition, you
are always encouraged to voice any concerns on internet connections so that appropriate adjustments can be

1.2 Your honesty and integrity are few of the most important component to whatever outputs asked from the module
A plagiarism-checker tool will be utilized as one of the measures in assessing your outputs. Use in-text citation (citing the
author and year) when you mention a statement coming from a source other than the list of references that can be found
in your paper.

1.3. Feedback is an essential component in this mode of delivery. You will be asked of your assessment of your
learning experience in this subject so that we will be able to improve our learning processes in the succeeding
instructional delivery.

2. Specific Instructions for the Learning Activity

You are reminded that at the end of this module, you are expected to comply with all the required tasks/activities, and
answers the 4- items post-test.

Note: Kindly upload your output in our Google Classroom using your account. File name must be:

Example: Sabayton_Activity_A. If you have considerable concerns or problems, feel free to communicate about it to me.
Module No. 1: Introduction to Philippine Literature

Module Overview: In this module, students are expected to be well educated with regards to the meaning,
purpose, and importance of literature; how will they redefine and empower the sinking value of our own
country’s literature, and above all, be equipped with historical facts about the country’s literature.

LESSON 1: Definition, Purpose, and Signific

ance of Literature


Students in the long run and on their own will be able to create new and modern literary pieces through
critically studying events during the Philippine literary periods and analyzing various literary pieces which will
contribute to the country’s peaceful and harmonic living which is what God desires.

In these lessons, you will be able to do the following:
1. Explain the definition, purpose, and importance of literature in one’s life;
2. examine the significant events during the development of Philippine Literature;
3. compare and contrast different literary forms and critique examples of literature during the Pre-
Colonial, Spanish Colonization, and Revolutionary Period.

Literature in the Modern Generation: Literature is a timeless piece of entertainment. As the innovations of
technological advancements have grown, the way we read has revolutionized and evolved. However, the
essence of storytelling and the effect it has on our lives hasn’t wavered.
Literature reflects human nature and a way we can learn and relate to others. By reading through a first-person
perspective, we can fully immerse ourselves into a different mindset and figure out how others think and feel.
This is important within today’s society as we’re becoming increasingly detached from human interaction
through iPhones, FaceTime, and social media. Literature is something that will never change in the way it
makes you feel, regardless of whether that’s on paper or as an eBook.
Learn about past lives
History plays a fundamental role in shaping literature, every novel, play, or poem you read has been influenced
by political context, or a time period, or a relationship from the time it was written.
Not forgetting the pure history of literature itself with the first novel being penned in 2000 BC - The Epic of
Gilgamesh. Being able to read first-hand something from so long ago is a major aspect of learning the lives of
historical figures and times.
Escapism and possibilities
Reading can take us into different realms and see other people’s creative thought processes. Whether it’s
flying into Neverland, wandering through Middle Earth, battling at Hogwarts, or rafting through the Mississippi
River with Huck and Jim - books can take you anywhere and any place. This is an amazing tool that few
entertainment mediums can truly give you and one of the reasons why literature is so beautiful. Whether you’re
having a bad day, stressed out with work, dealing with new life decisions - books can help you escape into
another world and live somewhere else for a short amount of time.
Novels provide knowledge, entertainment, encourage creativity and offer an escape for readers - enriching our
lives in more ways than one. It’s definitely much more than words in a book, and even with the increasing
popularity of eBooks, Wattpad, and online reading they create a conversation, a unique world, and new
Definition of Literature: In simple terms, Literature is a preserved writing/s belonging to a specific country,
age, language, and people and is passed on from generations to generations. Literature is a sort
of aesthetic expression, usually involving words, but can be made of patterns or symbols. Most people think
of literature as novels, but it can be anything you read, write, or create, as long as it has a special meaning.
What then is 21st Century Literature: 21st century literature or Modern Literature per se, is anything that was
written and published in the year 2000s. It is a bit too early to give a definite and elaborate description of the
21st century literature in the Philippines and the world. It is possible, however, to approach contemporary
literature as a reaction to and dialogue with existing forms of expressive culture. As we engage in technology
more and more, we create and discover more existing forms of expressive culture as well. We have a wide
range of resources through the internet and this gave opportunities to people, especially the youth, to begin
writing and expressing their thoughts, ideas, and feelings. The following are prominent Modern Literary types in
our country and the world: Testimonio, Textula, Lyrical Essay, Vlog, Fliptop (Filipino Rap), Speculative
Fiction, Photographic Essay, Creative Nonfiction, Hyperpoetry, and many more!
For more insights, click this link:

Purpose of Literature:

EXPRESSION OF ONE’S FEELINGS Personally, young as I am, I express my emotions in various ways – I
eat, cry, take a walk, sleep, and most of all, write poems. Literature is
another portal in terms of expressing one’s self. If you’re mad, write
mad poems! If you are rad and spirited, write happy proses! If you are
lost and dispirited, create short stories, poems, proses, anyway you

Just like Edgar Allan Poe, one of the top caliber poet of history, he
expresses his emotions just like this:

How about you? How do you express your feelings when you are
happy? In love? Angry? Or sad?
EXPRESSION OF IDEOLOGIES Psychology says that if you try to suppress yourself from sharing ideas
you would really want to express, in the latter part, it may haunt you…
or the worse, so much thoughts of regress come after. One thing I
want to share with you is that ideologies are keys to make something
(i.e. Country, plans, a person’s life, etc.) better. If you would want to
contribute better plans about something, express your ideas… it may
Look at these books authored by our very own hero, Jose Rizal. Most
of the oppressed Filipinos dated ago are too blinded about the
conspiring agendas that the Spaniards had. That is why, with his
fervent and unconditional patriotism and affection to the country, he
was able to express his ideas through literature.

EXPRESSION OF VALUES Value or values are a person's principles or standards of behavior.

Sometimes, we are unaware that what we create (an outcome out of
ourselves) are reflections of our values. Just like when your friend tells
you that you are too generous, it rationally makes sense that kindness
and generosity are values you uphold as a person. Or, when someone
notices that you are too frugal, then it may reflect or conclude you are
stingy personally. When you try to paint a happy art, it could also
reflect on the painter’s values. Artists also reflect their values on
literary pieces they make.

Are you a fan of Harry Potter? Try to know the life of J.K. Rowling (the
author) and compare it to the values of the main character of this
movie. Indeed! Her life (J.K. Rowling) – her characteristics and values
– are somewhat embodied by Harry Potter in the novel.
EXPRESSION OF CREATIVITY Literature can stand as a medium of flaunting creativity. Look how
diversified Filipinos are in terms of culture and even literature.
Sawikain, salawikain, nobela, bugtong, tula, alamat, and so many
more! These are not just mere literature passed on from generations
to generations, but these are from the talents of our ancestors!
Immobilized and illiterate as they say, but look how creative our
primitive Flilipinos were!

How about you? What is your favorite salawikain?

Importance of Literature:

Understand a culture Look at the picture presented. What is your reaction? I know you find it
weirdly funny and odd. Who does where rings to elongate her neck?
Who does ride on a cart and allow oneself to be ridiculed by throwing
trashes? Weird! However, we keep saying that, “understanding is the
most significant key to world peace.” Albeit, we laugh at this picture.
Now, where is our vow of understanding? What would these people
feel about us humiliating them?

This pictures is basically a book illustration (pictures from books) that

showcase Thailand, Indonesia, and Myanmar’s historic culture about
elongating necks to signify a woman’s beauty. Through literature, we
are able to witness how diversified the world is in terms of culture.
Recognize humanity Humanity, kindness, and benevolence, are Godly traits bestowed
upon us as gifts to us, humans. However, at times, we neglect to be
kind and choose to be malevolent to the world. War, crime, gossiping,
stealing, and so many frail ways are dominating the world right now.
However, through stories, movies, poems, proses, and various
literature, some of the characters are commune to us representing
kindness. Some characters are portrayed to us as villains who, in the
long run, are defeated by benevolent characters.
Which therefore tells us that literature can also be a medium for us
people to absorb the kindness they depict. It is up to us people. We
are born rationally. We have the option to think benevolently or

Learn from historical events What important events are you well aware about? These pictures are
basically arts showcasing Filipinos and heroic personalities, and Eve
harvesting the forbidden fruit deceived by a serpent. The bible is also
a literature. You will know why in the next modules.

Eve’s grieving and remarkable fault, which everyone knows, was

picking the fruit of the the restricted tree. Our ancestors’ mishap was
believing too much from the foreign abductors.

Through literature, we are able to know about things from history. And,
it gives us the ability to reflect and constrict ourselves from following
the faults our ancestors once experienced.

Build critical thinking ability The language of literature, specially in the denomination of poetry, is
literary enough to be understood by a literal mind. Try to think about
this: “My foot is a ship that no shoes would fit.”

Give your own interpretations…

Interpretation #1:
Interpretation #2:
Interpretation #3:

If you are able to transcend from the lines and grasp the real meaning
of “My foot is a ship that no shoes would fit”, then congratulations! You
are able to operate precisely your critical thinking ability!

Real interpretation: The speaker’s feet is too big that it is difficult to

look for right shoe sizes for him.


Instructions: Below are boxes where you are expected to fill out ideas. The first box is where you are to
write misconceptions and primary learning you have about the word, “literature.” The second box is where you
will be writing what you have learned from about the concept of literature and new ideas that rectified
misconceptions about literature. Note: The substantial your answers will be, the more points will be given.
Criteria for checking
Depth: 10pts Substance: 10pts Syntax: 5pts
What I know about literature is each country has a I learned that the literature is preserved writing/s
their own literature pieces that contains many belonging to a specific country. Through literature
important cultural information. An example of it is we will know how others think and feel in their
Dr. Jose P. Rizal’s works which indirectly everyday life. Literature progress as the people of a
documents of the Philippines history during the certain country progress, because only human can
invasion of the Spaniards. And also for me understand literature and make it more beautiful,
literature is the ability to write, speak and learn with creativity and exquisite. Some of us express their
your friends. feelings and fight through literature.


Instructions: Below is a picture of an infamous character, Thanos, from the highest-grossing film,
Avengers. With your creative mind, why do you think Thanos, despite being the greatest arch nemesis, is used
as an example of the context, “Literature as a tool to recognize humanity?” The substantial the answer, the
more points will be given. Input your answers on the blanks provided.
Criteria for checking
Depth: 10pts Substance: 10pts Syntax: 5pts

In the movie “Infinity War.”, Thanos was obsessed on getting the infinity stones to combine all its powers to
complete his mission to wipe out half of humanity living in this world. Though many people thought that it is an evil
doing. Thanos wanted the universe to be balance, because he believes that the word is overpopulated. And soon people
will run out of natural resources: Food, Water and etc. Just like in literature if the country is overpopulated there is a
possibility that the progress rate of it is very low. Why? Because, large number of people is unemployed. If that happen
literature progress rate will slowly decrease because the country’s natural resources will slowly run out and soon our
country will be very poor. If that happen then the deaths of the people who work very hard just for us to have own
literature will be in vain. I don’t know some of us might agree to some solution, similar to Thanos mission.


Instructions: In this phase, a diagram is prepared below this sentence. All you have to is give your
own definition of literature. Avoid looking for details from the web. The more personal your answers; the more
essential it is for this task.
Literature is a tool
used to record

encourage Redefining express
Literature other
your ideas.

Literature express the

values of a person
who made it.

Ignacian Core/Related Value
Core Values: Faith
Related Values: Nationalism
Question: What does learning from historical events contribute to your life?

Learning historical events is important because it enable us to understand more about the world we live in. It can also
help us to develop our knowledge and understanding things that we don’t know yet.

b. Social Orientation: Resiliency

Question: What lessons can your personal downfalls teach you?

The lesson I can get from my personal downfalls is to not let happen again what was make down. And think of every
step I take toward my dream and for my family who fill up the loneliness in my life. For my loved ones I cannot let
myself down because they believe in me, then if someone believe in me there will nothing to scared.

c. Lesson Across Discipline: Understanding Culture, Society, and Politics

Question: How will you react to unusual practices from various culture?

If you learn the history of various cultural literature of some countries or your country, then you will know how to
react without disrespecting them. Base on your reaction they will know if you have knowledge about literature and
how you treat literature.

d. Faith Biblical Reflection:

James 1:5 If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault,
and it will be given to you.

Read carefully the instructions

Below are questions relevant about the conceptualization of literature. To synthesize your acquired learning from
the topic, fill out and answer what is asked in the box below. Answers must be placed inside the box. Make sure that
the answers are originally yours. You will pick and answer one question only.

Tick only one question you want to answer:

 What is your own definition of literature after learning from this module?
 In what ways can literature in the Philippines be empowered at the present times?
 What can Philippine Literature contribute to your life as a student?
 What do you think is the greatest purpose of constructing a literature?
 In what ways can literature in the Philippines be empowered at the present times?


Literature in the Philippines can be empowered if the Filipinos work together by finding a way
or solution of what we can do to progress in this time of COVIDS19 pandemic. If there is a collaboration
among Filipinos about thinking of what he can do to help our literature to grow. Then it won’t be long before
the rating of our literature reach rooftop of our collaboration, and the best way to empowered our literature
is to know or learn the history and of how do we have our own literature. If we know everything about the
history and origin of our literature, then it will serve as our foundation. Then as a return for those who
sacrifices their life just for us to have our own literature, it is our duty to promise them that we will
strengthen our literature. If we have strong foundation of our literature it will be hard for other literature to
influence ours. Having substantial literature is the best literature we can have because we carry the will of
those people who died for the sake of our literature, and our literature must be pass down to the next
generation. Little by little, technology progress and that us a lot of opportunities to contribute something that
will help our literature grow more fast than other countries. It is to encourage a lot of people through social
media; Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and etc. That if we have better literature then we assure that the life if
the next generation will be better and peaceful.

Your answers will be assessed using the rubric below.

Excellent Developing Average Needs Improvement

 Criteria 5 pts 4 pts 3 pts 2 pts

Substance Writing is extremely Writing is somewhat Writing contains few Writing contains
substantial. Ideas substantial. There substantial ideas but many cliché ideas
and style are are some new and style is mostly and an uninspired
refreshing and imaginative ideas. uninspired. style.
imaginative. Good writing.
Talented writing.

Syntax Proper use of There are a few Poor spelling and There are so many
spelling and spelling and grammar muddle the spelling and
grammar is grammar errors, overall effectiveness grammar errors that
employed however it does not of this piece. it is difficult to
consistently take away from the comprehend the
throughout the overall quality of the meaning.
writing assignment. writing assignment.

Word Choice Strong, vivid words Strong words and Some strong words Poor word choice
and descriptions descriptions and descriptions. and descriptions
throughout. Words throughout. Many Some above throughout.
are above average, words are above average word Elementary word
and used average and used choices however, choices and many
appropriately appropriately many words are words misused.
throughout the throughout the used inappropriately.
work. work.

Organization and Excellent idea Good idea Some idea creativity. No creativity, poor
Development creativity. creativity. Attempted organization and no
Organization and Organization and organization and use attempt to supply
use of supporting use of supporting of some supporting supporting details.
details evident in details evident in details evident in the
the work. the work. work.


Summing up what I learned in my journey through this lesson:
I learned that:
I learned that the literature is very important aspect of our life because we will able to
communicate with other people, and also allow us to make our life more peaceful. A country without literature
does not exist, because literature will be form if there is a people living on it.

I realized that:
I realized that if literature does not exist, then how do we express feelings, culture, ideas and
etc. For me, literature constitute our everyday life.

I promise to:
I promise to study more about the history of Philippines literature so that I will be able to
understand about how do we have literature.

Online References:





Textbook References:

 Sanchez, L., Lizada, M., Agustin, R., and Cuartero, J. (2016). 21st Century Literature from the

Philippines and the World. Vibal Group, Inc.

 Urquiola, L., and Lacuata, M. (2017). Voices: 21st Century Literature from the Philippines and the

World. Abiva Publishing House, Inc.

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