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Lourdes College

Integrated Basic Education Department
Gen. Capistrano Street, Cagayan de Oro City
S.Y. 2020 - 2021, First Semester

Prepared by


Modules for the Week

August 10 – 14, 2020

Lourdes College
Integrated Basic Education Department
Gen. Capistrano-Hayes St., Cagayan de Oro City

Module for Online Learning

General Instructional Guidelines


Greeting: Good morning / afternoon everyone! Praised be Jesus and Mary! Welcome to our module for
this session. You will find here our general instructional guidelines, then the components of our
module. You will be guided one step at a time through the specific instructions of the learning
tasks given below, which intend to develop our cognitive skills as well as our values,
considering current social realities. Let joy and peace abound in your mind and heart as you
genuinely and responsibly respond to the learning processes that this module offers.

I. General Instructional Guidelines

1.1 Please refer to the Unit Plan for the subject description, minor and major performance tasks, and
criteria for grading. Consultation will be provided through our group chat, email, Gmail, SMS,
Edmodo or other social network. I will monitor your participation in our learning activities
through these chosen media. In addition, you are always encouraged to voice any concerns
on internet connections so that appropriate adjustments can be done.

1.2 Your honesty and integrity are few of the most important component to whatever outputs asked
from the module
A plagiarism-checker tool will be utilized as one of the measures in assessing your outputs. Use in-text
citation (citing the author and year) when you mention a statement coming from a source other than the
list of references that can be found in your paper.

1.3. Feedback is an essential component in this mode of delivery. You will be asked of your
assessment of your learning experience in this subject so that we will be able to improve our learning
processes in the succeeding instructional delivery.

2 Specific Instructions for the Learning Activity

You are reminded that at the end of this module, you are expected to comply with all the required
tasks/activities. The deadline for this will be on August 14, 2020 up until 5pm only.

Note: Kindly upload your output in our Google Classroom using your account. File name must be:

Example: Beronio_Activity_A. If you have considerable concerns or problems, feel free to communicate
about it to me.
Module No. 2: The Christian Faith

Module Overview: This module deals with the central truths of our faith which grounded in God’s
own revelation through his words and deeds in salvation history as well as the paradoxical
characteristics of Christian faith, the growth and the development of the Creed and its functions
in order to assess its value and importance in the proclamation of the Gospel as a form of
evangelization to the people and the members of the Church. The Learners will demonstrate
significant understanding of the overview of faith grounded in God’s revelation with its
corresponding characteristics and dimensions; allowing them to fully exercise to their spiritual
and daily life the correct understanding of faith in accordance to the teaching of the Catholic


The students in the long run and on their own will be able to apply the fundamental
characteristics and dimensions of Catholic Christian Faith to our mission of evangelization as
our vital response to God’s Revelation in today’s contemporary time inspiring them to be living
witnesses of God’s Kingdom.

LESSON 2: The Christian Faith


In these lessons, you will learn the following:

1. reflectively create ways on how to respond with an open mind to the call of faith for total
and absolute adherence to the Triune God.
2. present ways and means of becoming mature in one’s faith to God based from faith life
3. Examine reflectively each aspects of Christian faith that touches every part of our being;
our minds, wills and hearts.
4. Assess their own personal response to God’s fundamental questions of faith posted to
people’s life.
5. Make a distinction of being faithful to God and faithless to Him that making us aware of
the sacrifices demanded by authentic human love
6. Describe how Christian Faith can give a meaningful sense in one’s life as a free and
joyful individual in the spiritual level.


The Christian Faith

● Characteristic of Christian Faith (1-2)

● Characteristics of Christian Faith (3-5)
● Essential Dimension of Faith

>>> Characteristic of Christian Faith


� Already the Old Testament contrasted faith “in man in whom there is no
salvation” with faith in “the Lord who made heaven and earth… who shall reign
forever” (Ps146:3,5-6,10; Jer 17:5-8)
� Only Faith in God calls for a Total and absolute adherence.
� Faith is our adherence to the Triune God revealed through Jesus Christ our Lord.
� It is our Friendship with Christ and through Christ with the Father, in their
Holy Spirit.
� Through Christ’s witness to His Father in his teaching, preaching, miracles, and
especially in his passion, Death and Resurrection, we come to believe in Christ
our Savior, in the Father, and in the Holy Spirit sent into our hearts.
� Our Christian Faith is truly life-giving and mature only through love, for “man
without love has known nothing of God, for God is love” (1Jn 4-8)
� And to be Christian, this love must be inseparably love of God and love of
neighbor, like Christ’s.
� it thus impels us to mission, to evangelize, by bringing others the Good News. (cf
� Such missionary spirit is the test of authentic faith because it is unthinkable
that a person should believe in Christ’s Word and Kingdom without bearing
witness and proclaiming it in his turn.
� PCP II insist that Catholic Faith must be” Informed” That is “Believing Jesus’
words, and accepting his teachings, trusting that he has “Words of eternal life”
(cf. Jn6:68; NCDP 347).
� It must be “communitarian” since it is the Church that transmits to us Christ’s
revelation through Sacred Scripture and its living tradition, and alone makes
possible for us an adequate faith-response (cfPCP, II65
� This Catholics Faith in God and in Christ is never separated from the typical
Filipino Faith in family and friends. On the other hand, we live out our faith in
God precisely in our daily relationship with family, friends, fellow workers, etc.
� On the other hand, each of these is radically affected by our Catholic Faith in
God our Father, in Jesus Christ His only begotten Son, Our Savior, and in the
Holy Spirit dwelling within us in grace.

>>>>> Three Essential Dimensions of Faith

Vatican II explains this faith-response as follows: “by faith man freely commits his entire self to
God, making ‘the full submission of his intellect, and will to God who reveals,’ and willingly
assenting to the revelation given by Him”

Christian Faith, then, touches every part of us; “Our minds (Believing), Our Wills (doing), and
Our hearts (trusting)

Faith involves our basic convictions as Christians, “for if you confess with your lips
that Jesus is Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised him from the Dead;
you will be saved” (Rom 10:9)
John sums up his Gospel with: “these things have been recorded to help you believe
that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, so that through this faith you may have life in
his name” (Jn20:31)

Faith, then, is Knowing, but not mere “head knowledge” of some abstract truths, it is
like the deep knowledge we have of our parents, or of anyone we love dearly. Christian
faith, then, is Personal Knowledge of Jesus as “My Lord and my God” (Jn 20:28).
Christ, solemnly assures each of us: “here I stand knocking at the door. If anyone
hears me calling and opens the door, I will enter his house, and have supper with
him, and he with me” (Rev 3:20)

As St, James writes; “My brothers, what good is it to profess faith without
practicing it?” (Jas 2:14)
Christ Himself taught: “None of those who cry out ‘Lord, Lord’ will enter the kingdom of
God, but only the one who does the will of my Father in Heaven” (Mt7:21)
Faith then, is a “Commitment” to follow (obey) God’s will for us. This we see exemplified
in Mary’s “I am the servant of the Lord, let it be done to me as you say” (Lk 1:38)

PCPII brings out this “doing” dimension of faith as “Witnessing” through “Loving
Service” of our needy neighbors. In our concrete situation, particularly urgent is the call
� Deeds of justice and love;
� For protecting and caring for our endangered earth’s environment (cf PCPII
� This is how all we know you for my disciples: your love for one another”

Abraham, our father in faith, at God’s command left everything to set our for a foreign
land. Against all human odds.
Against all human odds Moses trusted Yahweh to free the Hebrews from their slavery in
In the New Testament, Jesus worked signs and cures only with those who trusted in
him. He promised the possessed boy’s father: “everything is possible to a man who
trusts” (Mk 9:23)
Faith, then, is from the heart- the loving, trusting, and hoping in the Lord that comes
from God’s own love flooding or hearts.
This trusting Faith “Lives and grows through prayer and worship” – personal
heartfelt conversation with God that is the opposite of mindless, mechanical repetition of
memorizing formulas.
Genuine personal prayer and group prayer find both their inspirational source and
summit of perfection in the Liturgy, The Catholic community’s official public Trinitarian
worship of the ather, through Christ our Lord, in the Holy Spirit (cf PCPII 74:77)

To explore more about the topics, read the following articles thru the

The Christian Faith

● Faith and the Three Classic Questions

● Faith and Salvation: Maturity
● Faith and Salvation: Freedom and Spiritual Joy

These three aspects of our Christian Faith – believing, doing, prayerful trusting- respond to the
three classical questions posted to every person in life.

>>>>> faith and Three Classic Questions

� “What can I know?”

� Christian faith responds that we can know God as Our Father and Christ as our
Lord (Credere Deum/Christum). “know that we belong to God… that the Son of
God has come and has given us discernment to recognize the One who is true”
(1Jn 5: L19-20) pagpapakila sa Ama, sa Anak at sa Espiritu Santo.
� “What should I do?”
� Which means to “love in deed and truth and not merely talk about it”
� This demands acting on the credibility of God’s teachings in Christ as true and
dependable (Credere Deo/Christo)

� “What may we hope for?”

� “Neither death nor life, neither angels nor principalities, neither the present nor
the future, nor powers; nether height nor depth nor any other creature, will be
able to separate us from the love of God that comes to us in Christ Jesus,
our Lord” (Rom 8:38-39)
� In brief, this hope means to believe in God “with your whole heart, with your
whole soul, and with all your mind” (Mt 22:37)
� Entrusting ourselves to Him in love (Credere in Deum/Christum)

>>>>Faith and Salvation: Maturity, Freedom, and Spiritual Joy

Real faith is a force within us that by the power of Christ’s Holy Spirit gradually works a
transformation in or daily thoughts, hopes, attitudes and values.
It is the “beginning of our salvation” (cf. Trent, ND 1935; CCC 161)
for “without faith it is impossible to please God” (Heb 11:6)

from this experience, we realize that faith brings us fuller life which can be described by three
basic values: Genuine personal MATURITY, freedom and happiness

Faith is a growth in personal maturity because it helps us “Put childish ways aside” (1
Cor 13:11)
It develops a basic honesty in us before God and man
It grounds our own self-identity in the fact that we are sons and daughters of the Father,
redeemed by the Blood of Christ our Savior, and inspired by their indwelling Holy Spirit.

Faith in Christ frees us from preferring “darkness rather than light” (Jn3:19), “the
praise of men to the glory of God” (Jn 12”43)
Without faith in God, we are at the mercy of “carnal allurements, enticements for the
eye, the life of empty show” so that” the Father’s love has no place in us” (Jn 2:15-
As Scripture wans us: “the world its seductions is passing away, but the man who
does God’s will endure forever” (1Jn 2:17)

So Mary proclaimed: “My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord, and my spirit
rejoices in God my savior” (Lk 1:46-47)
John The Baptist was “overjoyed” to hear Christ voice– “that is my joy, and it is
complete” (Jn 3:29)
Christ Himself taught His disciples “so that my joy may be yours, and your joy may
be complete” (jn 15:11), a “Joy no one can take from you” (Jn 16:22).
for Christian Faith is our response to Christ’s “Good News”, Lives in the Spirit whose
fruits are “Love, joy, peace, patience, endurance, kindness, generosity, faith,
mildness and chastity” (Gal 5:22)

To explore more about the topics, read the following articles thru the link:


TASK 1: Grace upon Grace

Look up and read the Bible verses below. In your own words, explain the idea or purpose of
grace as used in the Scripture passage. In the final paragraph, summarize some of the
important ideas found in the Scripture verses, and explain how grace is present in your life.
John 1:16–17
Jesus wants the truth of every people, because all the grace we received in place is given to us
already.  Out of his fullness we have all received grace in place of grace already given. In my life
we give grace for everybody who deserve.

Acts of the Apostles 15:11

If we believed him, we always saved the Lord. But we believe that through the grace of
the LORD Jesus Christ we shall be saved, even as they. I`m always believed him no matter what

Acts of the Apostles 20:24

No matter what happen they finish of what he start because he also aim of it.  However, I
consider my life worth nothing to me; my only aim is to finish the race and complete the task the
Lord Jesus has given me—the task of testifying to the good news of God’s grace. Just like me
I’m also aim what’s good of me so that my parent proud of me.

Romans 3:24

If you justified yourself you have a reward of God. And all are justified freely by his
grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus. For me no matter what reward of that
as long as you have a faith of him, it’s a very big reward I got of him.

Romans 5:1–2

If you have faith, you have pure love of God. Therefore, since we have been justified through
faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ,  through whom we have gained
access by faith into this grace in which we now stand. And we boast in the hope of the glory of
God. I’m also gained for my strength so that I face the reality in peace and stand for good.

Romans 5:20–21

Let spread the good way so that if you reign of death you pass in good path. The law was
brought in so that the trespass might increase. But where sin increased, grace increased all the
more, so that, just as sin reigned in death,  so also grace might reign through righteousness to
bring eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. For me if your time is end you need to accept it.

Romans 11:5–6
If you did not pass the grace, you don’t go in the good grace. So too, at the present time there is
a remnant chosen by grace.  And if by grace, then it cannot be based on works;  if it were, grace
would no longer be grace. So we all people need to do good so that we go in a good grace.
1 Corinthians 15:9–11

We need to work hard to be able to raise your life a good way. For I am the least of the
apostles and do not even deserve to be called an apostle, because I persecuted  the church of
God.  But by the grace of God I am what I am, and his grace to me  was not without effect. No, I
worked harder than all of them—yet not I, but the grace of God that was with me. Whether,
then, it is I or they,  this is what we preach, and this is what you believed. For me I’m one of
person who spread the words of God so that God will happy of it.

2 Corinthians 12:9

If we did not spread the words of God, he`s weak. But he said to me,  “My grace is sufficient for
you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about
my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me. For me Jesus is not weak because I
always believed him and praise him everyday.

Ephesians 2:5–9

In pass by you meet God, in times end. Made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in
transgressions—it is by grace you have been saved.  6 And God raised us up with Christ and
seated us with him in the heavenly realms in Christ Jesus, 7 in order that in the coming ages he
might show the incomparable riches of his grace,  expressed in his kindness to us in Christ
Jesus. 8 For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it
is the gift of God— 9 not by works, so that no one can boast. For me I enjoy life and enjoy it
when I’m alive and do the good things so that if I face God he happy of what I doing in land.

Final Paragraph: What themes or common ideas are present regarding grace? How is grace
present in your life?

Grace presents in my life that reminds me an alive and a death. And also what the Good and
Bad thing do when your alive.

TASK 2: Biblical Evidence for Jesus’ Divinity

Look up and read each passage below. In the space below the passage citation, write a
sentence that summarizes how that passage provides evidence that Jesus is God.

1. Matthew 1:18–25


2. Matthew 16:13–17



3. Luke 7:11–17



4. John 1:1, 14–15



5. John 10:25–30



6. John 20:24–28



Put a star by the three passages that most convince you that Jesus is God. On the back of the
worksheet, explain why.

TASK 3: What about You?

Jesus asked his disciples, “Tell me, who do people say I am?”

They answered, “Some say that you are John the Baptist. . others say that you are Elijah, while
others say that you are one of the prophets.” (Mark 8:27–28)
If Jesus were to ask you the same question today, what answers could you give to Jesus
regarding who people say that Jesus is? Research one world religion, such as Islam, Judaism,
Buddhism, Shinto, or Hinduism, and write a paragraph explaining what you think its followers
would say about Jesus.





In the next verse, Jesus asks, “What about you? . . . Who do you say I am?” (Mark 8:29).
Write a brief paragraph answering Jesus’ question. Who do you believe Jesus is to you and to
the world?





TASK 4: Justice in the World

“According to the Christian message, therefore, our relationship to our neighbor is bound up
with our relationship to God; our response to the love of God, saving us through Christ, is shown
to be effective in his love and service of people. Christian love of neighbor and justice cannot be
separated. For love implies an absolute demand for justice, namely a recognition of the dignity
and rights of one's neighbor. Justice attains its inner fullness only in love. Because every person
is truly a visible image of the invisible God and a sibling of Christ, the Christian finds in every
person God himself and God’s absolute demand for justice and love.”
(“Justice in the World, Synod of Bishops, 1971,” 34)

Fill the boxes to the right of each phrase:

The Bishops of the World What does this ask of me at What does this ask of me as
school or at home? a citizen of my town, city,
country, or world?
Our relationship to our We all bounded in loved with As of citizen of my town we
neighbor is bound up with God to our each and every need to be bound for each
our relationship with God. one in the school or at people you encounter so
home. that you have relationship of

Our response to God’s love We show our loved of We need to show our love in
is shown in love and service everyone to helping them in our town to helping them if
of people. the school activities. they need.

Christian love of neighbor Every born as Christian we In comes to our country we

and justice cannot be all not separated because in cannot be separated for
separated. the school and home we all them because we have a
brothers and sister. good heart that God give us.

Love demands justice. In school all love has In the city they always
demand justice because we demand justice because all
have a different attitude. people has a difference
attitude it comes the

Justice is the recognition of In the school we always do In the city we all have a
the dignity and rights of my what is right, because we dignity, but theirs people has
neighbor. learn in the school of that so no dignity because of their
that we know about dignity problems others are need it.

Every person is a visible In school we all difference In world also we all

image of God and a brother religion, but the meaning of difference religion but we all
or sister of Christ. God are the same. brothers and sister created
by God.

The Christian finds God in In my school there is Muslim In city all people created and
every person. and Christian but we all praise by God.
created by God.
TASK 5: Ways to Respect Life

Every day you have numerous opportunities to show respect for God’s work of creation in
yourself and in other people. Respecting life means protecting oneself and others from harm,
but it also means valuing life in everyday ways. The following chart lists some ways people
sometimes do not show enough respect for what God has created. For each action on the left,
describe an alternate action that shows a greater respect for life.

Taking Life for Granted Valuing Life

Ignoring or neglecting a person who is They need a mental and emotional care that
developmentally or physically disabled given by them and care.

Using negative self-talk, such as, “I’m so That expression is bad in yourself; we need to
stupid. I hate myself!” cheer up yourself.

We need to do advise them to raise the child so

Encouraging someone to terminate an that God is guide in good hands not to do

unplanned pregnancy abortion. And otherwise, advise them in a good

way and help them if you need.

We need to understand the person and lot of

Neglecting an elderly person who needs
patient so that you give the care they need the

We need to understand the people, so that we

Not showing compassion to a person who
know what are there need the most so we can
is suffering
help them.

Smoking is dangerous in our body, not also our

Smoking body also the person who smell the cigarettes; it

causes the cancer and dead.

Practicing bad eating habits—either eating Be self-discipline, so that we avoid unhealthy

unhealthy foods or routinely undereating
to be thin lifestyle and sickness.
Driving while under the influence of Avoid drinking alcohol while driving it causes a
alcohol accidents.

Be a patient and clamed so that we avoid war in

War that endangers the lives of civilians every person, and also when you are clam down

all problem will settle.

TASK 6: Teachings from the Catechism

Read each short paragraph in the left-hand column, adapted from the Catechism of the Catholic
Church. Respond to the questions in the next two columns, and record your answers.

What does God ask of How is this teaching

me in my life? How do lived out (or not) in
I follow this teaching? society? How should it
be lived out?

Paragraph 2197 I respect my parents I honor my teacher

who raise me in a who teaches me what
good ways. I learn.
We should honor our parents who
gave us life. We should honor and
respect all those whom God has
placed in authority over us, for our

Paragraph 2200 We need to respect Respect our teacher,

our parents, like like respect your
respect you. parents, because
teacher is the second
Fulfilling the Fourth Commandment
mother in the school.
brings the fruits of peace and
prosperity. Failure to fulfill it brings
harm to individuals and communities.

Paragraph 2212 We all respect Respect what you see

because we baptism in your school,
in one blood in God. because they baptism
in blood of God,
All people are children of fathers and
mothers. Our fellow citizens are
children of our country. Through
Baptism, we are children of the
Church. A person is not a cog in a
wheel but an individual who deserves

Paragraph 2221 Parents are a guide to Teacher is also

their children so that teaching the children
the children must to be educated by
educate in their their character.
Parents have the right to educate
their children. They must educate
their children both morally and

Paragraph 2222 We understand what Teacher must guide

good of their children the children to become
in comes in their respectful to people.
school activities,
Parents must see their children as
guide in a good path.
children of God. They must respect
their children as human persons.

Paragraph 2223 Parents must a good The second, teacher

example first in their will remind them to
children in the house, children in a good
so that their children manners the way they
Parents must provide a home for their
have good values. act in other people.
children in which they teach the
virtues of self-denial, sound judgment,
and self-mastery. They must be good
examples to their children.

Paragraph 2237 Parents’ teach the Teacher was always

children the rights way remind and tech them
and the disadvantage the right and a good
in the human manners way, advantage and
Civil authorities must respect the
so that the child will disadvantage in life so
fundamental rights of the human
raise a good person. that children aware the
person, especially the rights of
possible in the reality.
families and the disadvantaged.


Ignacian Core/Related Value

Core Values: Service
Related Values: Strong faith in God
Question How can we able to response to the call of recognizing God as our Lord?

We need to respond by heart so that god will believed you.

b. Social Orientation: Fake news
Question: As Christians, How can we able to response to the fake news about God’s words?

We did not believe first, we need to open our ears and eyes so that the truth will reveal in a
truth/show up.

c. Lesson Across Discipline: Social Studies

Question: What we may hope for our country today?

I hope that our country free of the virus we encounter today, because many people had affected the
crises today.

d. Faith Biblical Reflection:

“the man without love has known nothing of God, for God is Love” 1 Jn 4:8

PERFORMANCE TASK: Grace and Redemptive in Film

Consider these questions as you view the film, jotting down brief thoughts (not full answers) so
that you can refer to them later. Your teacher will provide further instructions after the film.

1. How do you see grace active in the lives of the characters in this film?
2. How does this film reveal the lasting effects of Original Sin in society as a whole? in the
lives of the individual characters?
3. What are some examples of self-centered choices the characters in the film made?
What are some examples of God-centered choices they made?
4. What events or characters in this film help us to understand the universal human need
for grace?
5. How does this film show us that grace is more powerful than sin, suffering, and death?
6. Which characters in the film were able to accept God’s freely offered gift of grace?
Which characters struggled to accept this gift? Were any characters ultimately unable to
accept it?
7. Which character’s struggles do you relate to the most? Why?
8. The issues on which these films focus—slavery / human trafficking for Amazing Grace
and the death penalty for Dead Man Walking—are still present in our society. Human
beings—especially women and children—continue to be sold into modern-day slavery,
and many countries, including the United States, continue to execute those convicted of
crimes. How can God’s gift of redemptive grace help us to respond to these
contemporary forms of exploitation and violence?


Above Meets Approaching Below Score

Expectations Expectations Expectation
20pts 15pts 10pts 5pts 60

Reflective The reflection The reflection The reflection The

explains the explains the attempts to reflection

student’s student’s demonstrate does not

thinking address the
own thinking about
about student’s
thinking and learning but is
his/her own vague and/or thinking
learning unclear
processes, learning and/or
processes about the learning.
as well as personal
implications for
future learning.

Analysis The reflection The reflection The reflection The reflection

is does not
Is an in-depth attempts move beyond
an analysis of a
analysis of the the learning to analyze the
learning description of
experience, the experience learning
the learning
and the value
value of the experience
of the experience
but the value
derived learning derived of the
learning to
to self or others, learning to the
self or others.
and the
enhancement student or

of the student’s others are

vague and/or
appreciation for unclear.

the discipline.

Making The reflection The reflection The The

articulates articulates reflection reflection
multiple connections attempts
connections between this to articulate
articulate any
between this learning connections
learning experience between this connection
experience and and
learning to other
content from content
other courses, experience learning or
from other and
past learning, life courses, past experiences
content from
experiences learning other courses,
and/or future
experiences, past learning
and/or future experiences,
or personal
goals, but

connection is

vague and/or




Summing up what I learned in my journey through this lesson:

I learned that

Every words, every act you do there`s a lot of wrong and bad doing, we need face the reality
that there a lot of people that different attitude. We need to be calm and give patient so that
every problem we encounter, we solve for good.

I realized that

We need to become a good example in your school, home or other place, because if there’s a
child watching you they will copy a good value that you do. Also every people you encounter
you need to respect them no matter what.

I promise to

Be a good example in every person/people I meet, because if you respect people you also
respect yourself the most. “If you respect others they respect you”.

● (The scriptural quotation on this handout is from the Good News Translation® [Today’s
English Version, Second Edition]. Copyright © 1992 by the American Bible Society. All
rights reserved. Bible text from the Good News Translation [GNT] is not to be reproduced in
copies or otherwise by any means except as permitted in writing by the American Bible
Society, 1865 Broadway, New York, NY 10023 [].)










Prepared by:
Checked and Reviewed by:


Religious Studies 1 Teacher Strand
Leader (ABM and TVL)

Strand Leader (HUMSS and STEM)

Approved by:


SHS Coordinator

All Rights Reserved.

All contents appearing on Lourdes College Senior High School

Modules are protected and are all property of Lourdes College. You
are not allowed to copy, reproduce, distribute, publish, display,
perform, modify, create derivative works, transmit, or in any way
exploit any such content, nor may you distribute any part of this

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