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TNGD Time : 2 hours Name of the Candidate Hogn. Number LL} INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES 1. Do not open the Question Book until the Hall Superintendent signal for the commencement of the examination. 2, Write your Name, your Registration Number and the Name of your Examination Centre (as found in the HALL TICKET) and sign in the space provided above. Other than these arid what is ‘mentioned in item 6 below, do not write or mark anything anywhere on the Question Book 8. After the commencement of the examination, open the Question Book and take out the ANSWER SHEET. If the Question Book or the ‘Answer Sheet is not in good condition then ask for immediate replacement. No replacement will be made 5 minutes after the commencement of the examination. 4. Write and shade your Registration Number and Question Book Number and write the Name of ‘the Examination Centre and put your signature in the Answer Sheet in the spaces provided. 5. The question hook has $.Parts ‘The tharkc allotted to various parts are as follows : : 10 marks (Common to all candidates) Part TI : 20 marks (Common to all candidates) Under Part II all correct answers upto a maximum number of 20.will be given credit; but all wrong answers will be taken into account. Part Il : 60 marks (Part III has 8 sections namely Civil Engineering,’ Mechanical Engineering, Electrical & Electronics and Instrumentation Enginéering, Electronics and Communication Engineering, Computer Science and Information Technology, Production and Manufacturing,” Industrial Engineering and Instrumentation Engineering. Candidates have to choose the part to be answered based on their specialisation). The last few pages of the Question Bock «re blank .except for the words "FOR ROUGH WORK’. You can make any relevant rough =—-ealoulations on-these pages. —.— gives the > . 208 Maximum : 100 marks Examination Centre Signature of the Candidate 7. Each correct answer carries 1 mark. For every wrong answer mark will be deducted. 8. Shade with ball point pen one of the four options against each question number in the Answer ‘Sheet which according to you corresporids to the correct answer. 9. Answers with multiple shading will be considered as wrong answer. 10. Use the “Answer Sheet carefully. Answer Sheet will be given. No spare LL. At the end of the examination when the Hall Superintendent announces “Stop Writing’, you must stop writing immediately and place the Answer Sheet inside the Question Book and be ready to handover the materials. 12, When you have completed answering, stand up and. remain in your place. The. Hall ‘Superintendent will come to you and collect your Question Book and Answer Sheet.. Under ‘no circumstances should any of these be taken out of the Examination Hall. No candidate shall leave the Hall until the Question Book and Answer Sheet are collected. 13. No candidate can leave the Hall during the first 30 minutes and the last 15 minutes of the examination. 14. No candidate can re-enter the Hall after leaving. 15. Calculators, tables or any oth: caleulating devices, pagers and cell phones are strictly rohibited for this examination. 4, The differential equation has the solution x=y (log x+0) 2 y= (log y+e) 3. x=(y¥c) log x 4. y=(x+e) log y = crc aicosus sindrim ger als x=y (log x+c) y= (log ¥ +0) x=(y+c) log x y=(x+0) logy TNGD = ou * then x + yo is 7. If @=2i-2j-K and b=3i+2j+k, then 7. a the projection of 5 on @ is © 2. ae TNGD L 3 1 1 via a 3 @=2i-2j-k. wom bb =31+ 2j+k cramped Ing B wigud a er Sips L 3 iv 11. TF f(@) is an analytic function whose real 1. 2. function of x only - 3. function of y only 2 constant, 12. If f(z)=u-+iv isan analytic function, then 12. 1. w is harmonic function 2.» is harmoni¢ function @ both u and v are harmonic functions 4. both wand v are not harmonic functions AQ) cep GH UGUIUd sninder Oud ~ Ug onpil enir..9p f=) anus Lz draminy 2. x éramny ww 3. -y éramiy WC OID 4. tombledl f@)=usiv crénugy ugindud — sing crenpre, IDG 1. u orang Qonsen sniny 2. v crdmigy QensuBer amity 3. uw wpgib v orénagi Gonsulen oniry 4. uw wigd v crénugy Glonsen sritucdo TNGD See REIS REE 13; If /G@) is an analytic function whose 13. fl) @@ u@iGWad snity ed oper modu nstant, then f(z) isa” WEL Gia, QO mpl craflé, Ging f(z) | : : Ses i 16. Trapezoidal rule of integration is exact 16. ar genar Gana udgpLiLincnsesig 2.cretms for all polynomial of degree not CgrosusAibsror sflas ASuimensy shuns | exceeding Gunes 510? ? 1 x £ 2. 2 20° 2 3. 4 3. 4 1 at 3 43 | TNGD 6 +o eeheayesreserertess 19. If X~N (1) -and Y =X? then: the correlation coefficient r (X,Y) is. 20. ‘The aquare of a standard normal variate 20. Gaign QuadBnw swamisin) wnpésinen isa aultéab crags 905 “L. Beta distribution 1. Seu mupeud 2. Cauchy distribution 2 sass upard Chi-square distribution 3. FevGamut pas 4. Fedistribution 4. Feurass 7 TNGD PART Il — BASIC ENGINEERING AND SCIENCE, ——21-— The speci of w'stratr increases uniformly” from 300 rpm to 800 rpm in 10s. The angular aceeleration is. | 1, 10.48 rad/s? @) ‘b:24 rad/s? 3. 50 rad/s* AL 80m rad/s? 22. Two Hl © parallel forces are acting at a of action’ of ‘resultant is 10 mm’ from one. of the ss, the two forces'are- FE 28, , Monieht of liettié of @ Circular lainina ‘of radius 10 cm and-mass 100 kg is given oF i 100000 kg em? 5000 kg om? E 10000 kg cm? 4, 98000 kg em? 24. If @ and u are the angle of projection and initial velocity of “a projectile respectively, the horizontal range of the projectile, is u? sin2a TNGD 24, 10 Gpmascie Spra aapahladings per Cano aeGiais 10 Gai8 2pnq6i5, 100 kg Penpuji Qari ail sya app mune 1. © 100000 kg em? 2 5000 ky em? 3. _ 10000-kg em? 4. 98000 kg em? 90 asda a wom u cpaptu sip Corend wppid {ads PeosCasd 460} apisaen Bano sand 4 1 win ; & 1 wu? sin? @ g u? sina 2g u® sin? a 2g sapm (A): on sia 27. process is non-quasi static 3. ‘The boundary. of the system should Ina closed aystem, volume changes from 1m® to 2m? and heat addition is 2000kd. ‘The change in internal energy given the pressure volume _ relation as p= 1000V kPa, Where V is volume in m°, ® 500 ks % 1500 kd 8. 3500 kd 4. 4500 kd 21. Saosin) Paw aepred wopd : HOwerssantaepte> sinot, Anps eaipred pp Qausdut® Gain flew oo 3. hanwiiler esens paign Cours uufombptd Bley 4, - ewdys Bods HeapTSs, QeudirD AObUS sagas qerion ed OG CaW Henini gPUGe serovars] tonppb 1 5 Seybg 2 8? 260. Qaucu Gaincny 2000 kid.. s1egds. wbgid sar reraiig = @eorCuwner Gsm p= 1000V kPa cra, opudid ot dno onippib erenen?. V-craiagy sen oiarey (5) 1 500k 2 1500 kd 3. 3500kd 4 4500 kd TNGD 28. ‘Match items in List.- 1 (Process) with those in List = I (characteristic) and select the answer, using the codes 30. 29. Gi). No change in entropy Itis proposed to use a heat pump to heat inter, when the & temperature: ‘ig: + 28°C to Enea the room at-+22°C. If the power rating of the heat pump is 5 kW, the maximum heat transfer rate that ‘The capillary rise in the glass tube is not exceeding 0.2 mm of water. The minimum size, given that surface tension for water in contact with air is 0.0725 Nim is 15.50 em ® 14.80.em 3. 13.25em 4. 12.20em TNGD 10 28. afluinen Gaui) cpmpenu syser Gem | Lisi geet Gattis. a. Opnéese__G)._Garmar Gains 4 Yon uLellévenen “peanComis Gi) tdi Gps” wap, ismbpustevene> & pareiflaunéain (ii) wnpns ar | 2 ae) a Gy) ompns a creat gi uusmiGAngi, ponte qéSIST BOS cB | BAW aad, imped AsnGssuOD | cexBlauc9 aut Lifhond sipibernar? L Be 3: 4. 30. @G, seirann, @pmiId Per ewiey LkW 22 kW. 33 kW 44 kW sPatuquis 0.2 6. smprer Asrfyo_us filer Cioprigny Bepsilens 0.0725 Ni cra, @ypmideir yeray 15.50 Qa 14.80 Gaus 13.25 Ges 12.20 ss ee SysssAeH Amora ge Unio LmLed PITAL agGachoeon sienjcposen sly” 34. 32. 33 horizontal is equal to. pA 2 p.Asind 3 p.A.coad 4. p.Atand The statement that a fluid’s velocity of 34. flow through a porous medium is directly related to the hydraulic gradient is known as ‘Young's law ‘Hooke's law Stoke's law Darey's law Oi» u Po oe GAG Bib! Cunpm fla@ ena eiganied Bixpélngs? 1 DOwppiourasaur 2. eaptnggen wpp10 urcoupso PA a 2. p,Asind 3. pA cosd 4 pAtand POG Gist gimarsa5érar e_sé Payer Asdgud UminngBér Umiay JoeCasid Comes ager SiowGud | Cagun@uer sm fyon wigs orand pias Lue 2 pons oA 3. vind oA 4 Guid AB TNGD 35. ‘The idea of the quantum nature of light 35. gal gpdseflér gérono Cursenar arson is required to explain Boréats Lusei@OSngi? 1.__ interference of light L a 36. 37. 2 thermionic emission 2, 3. Radioactivity + 3. Sifluéab O Blackbody radiation 4. s@bGun@ st 5picbés Gaui ouianés 2 Dipse ‘The wavelength of emission from He-Ne 36. He-Ne Gavatldr a ipsa jena fond laser is 1 10.64 wm 1 10.64 zm 2 337.1nm 2 337.1nm i 3. 694.3 nm 3. 694.3 nm { 4. 632.8nm 632.8 nm ‘An optical fibre has a core material of «37. gaf@@pidr eds s. Ganag sotiste index of 1.5 and cladding PAAasd GHIEG,1.55 oor e.erpty ‘refractive index of 1.50. The - 2. Ganassslen «501.50. @niputen Sune aperlaeorhe tive is oS 10.08 1. 0.05. 1 @ 039 * 2 0.39 3 3 3.05 3. 3.05 4. 0.90 4. 0.90 38. The regions of electromagnetic spectrum 38. gq Uidtanbs simasspapier gsi given in terms of wave length for eupyPlen coins Gyr .ojenenn sone Boni Microwave, Visible and Mid. IR nasa mqus opp anu TR Spidce spectroscopy are given respectively by ayfiueruente Lk 1100 mm, 25-50 my and 1 1-100 i, 25-50 mu wgit 380-780 nm 880-780 nm : : 2 25-50 my, 1-100 mm and 2 26-50 my, 1-100 Swope 380-780 nm. 380-780 nm 3. 380-780 nm, 25-50 my and 3. 380-780 nm, 2.5-50 my wopt 1-100 mm 1-100 i 4. 1-100 mm, 380-780 nm and 4. 1-100 Wi, 880-780 am wg 25-50 mye 2.5-50 mu TNGD 12 | SiBisting.uitor Gpaie Brodwiadige } sae AGE SBE QuitGy eres Ais Ferro electric 2 3. Pyro electric 3. eouGym crane As ‘4 ~ “Magneto optic A Cibsener atin 42. Where K and o are thermal and 42, K wpb o aémma gq Samogen electrical conductivities in a solid, Gains wpgid Dens sgid scronoune.. ‘according to Wiedemann-Franz law Si Cones Gytiency Auer Lig, x —= constant 1 = wid ¢ e 2, Ke constant 2 Be pes 6 o_ 8. 2p constant 8 = np K K oa ong e = constant 4 To= ons 13 TNGD 43. Ohm's Law is applicable to 43. gb AB ap6 Gung sg1b7 1. Silicon carbide 1. ASéanen sinicou® 2. Zener Alinde—_—__—+ = ——2—garraceong as Yorage reyulator tae 8. Candice gm: 9.0 5si6 opncing fr | i © Copper aE 400 grins 44: The purpose of including an external 44. gig DO Wei Cron nang Quid grb. Wl “resistance at the time of starting a DC Cuigh QaaAKD VBiiccou Coin, motor is to. pnd crcirar? : 1, inerease the starting torque 1. pads mésins Psfles ; 2. increase the armature flux 2 iw SF Yosos sdlaNis i : 1 t 3B gaiss Denemrsog Goopes ; ‘maintain the constant flux 4. onfldluinen jageng sionass j i i s i ABS a g ‘ 45. ibBEL far ieteh-co_ seal eitend the range of an ammeter? Ludi Ossieg as? 1 1. A low resistance in series with the 1 SEL Ler Qgm én oa ammeter. aoe ~ magnesia > calcium carbonate > alumina - 65, ‘The -inerease-in order of carbon content of the different types of coal is given by G) Peat. < Sub-bituminous coal < Bituminous coal < Anthracite 2. Peat < Bituminous. coal < Sub- bituminous coal < Anthracite 3. Anthracite wasaFAun > snedBusid sriiGent.> aigidlenr GadiGag armaurar Garsefhde, apaiegi amir —syarayaa ei tise01.u8 15" axons qpenot@Ls 1. afl < gman Yonsndl flosaf < Yensnd fakall 1. Caufbonra 8 2 Geosmas AB 3. Gaile au : machining 2.oamsa sig obuosDg? Amn @ ductile material at high speed L @egoras 2. Ganado ACaspsler ve 2. ductile material at low speed 2 Gyo 2 Cana Genjasnar Cai Z 3, brittle material at high speed 3. dp fla) 2 Coonsid ACassne i 4. brittle material at low speed 4. pla » Cana eenpasncs Cars 87. The property of a material necessary for 87. promised a dro Qumpiys, J forgings, in stamping’ images on coins iis Cormasaigyis UweniGi a and in ornamental work, is oun ais Cponeunsren ei i elasticity 1. @wmai geren0 i 2) plasticity 2 App senomo i 3. ductility ficopeeate i 4, malleability 4 slo unégsé | { j { TNaD 888, Eutectoid composition of carbon stecl at 88, ep Gaitusflmend sniicn ovodler room tome ature is known a5. WyLSL ML sooner cronLDOss 1 Busine 3. | AGibatace AL tomitesienat 89). In whieh’ onpiof the following. welding 8% app aims uppaaiisa vapid Gsuppb 2 ‘vacuum environment’ is GaeoaiuODg? 1... Ultrasonic elt: 1. madi prenalé udpendigso 2, Laser beam welding 2 2. Gast sian upp@ass® Blectron beam welding 3. cradiLgnar shen Unn@asse Plasma aro welding 4. Wernedor Ad powers 90. Seeitin mf 20: 9e edi Biey cBcoaras sants0.0 A eee aia pp RL LT eA rst eee 2... Gpirumad, ‘convergent portion 3. @pigbursi ‘ abo if eur di. Adimensionléss:dumber asiociated with 91. Gagan Gurabss Qautixgenss transient conduction heat transfer is T guggaild Opniyaru smeediosins ereior 1. Reynblds number 1. Qyesnsxs ein 2. Nusselt number 2 peat 3. Froude number 3. Yoon ® Biot number 4. aunt cain 92. Ina refrigeration system, subeooling 92. GO Gatep GH stenvluI, grams aioe increases C.0.P 1 COP aus ofstse> EZ decreases C.0.P 2 COP aus eempso 3, increases the work required 3. CgenautiuGib Gamaenns Bafee® 4 4. decreases the work required Gpaartiid Garocou GoDsG> aL TNGD TTR In a saturated - ait-water mixture, the vapour 1. Dry bulb temperature is higher -—than-the wet bulb-temperatire— 2. Dewpoint temperature is lower than the wet bulb temperature @) Dry bulb; wet bulb and dew point temperature are the same 4, Dry bulb temperature is higher 94, 1 than the dew point temperature ‘The critical radius of insulation signifies ‘The insulation thickness above which the cheat transfer is. increased. The insulation thickness above Which the heat transfer remains “unaltered! / = The insillation thickness below which the electric cable gets overheated and fails ‘The insulation thickness above which the heat transfer is reduced 95. A gas having a negative Joule —'Thompson coefficient, when throttled, will 1. Become cooler Become warmer 3. Remain at the same temperature 4 Either be cooler or warmer depending on the type of gas TNGD 42 98, 94. 95, 90 Bip ony Byres secoande LESH GBD Cart sfine 6a Aatuiferomn ty Boies i 2 aempdautuflns — fige Gouri sBleoeemur Ag Qos | 3 no) GD. Bike 68H wind GaituPerwacr senesiég5 s.r 4 2m Gi Gautniflenar Ganeyplenssous — ead Bote 5 1 el 8 snd Bovis 4 L896, God smUsLG gg Blind Qoutin uitonod. 2 S15 BRimés Cod 4 UMenipb onprspne —< | 3. PPP SHES Bp BéradGuaer | Gand sifsNss 25) 4 GCpneicBuicor agi i 4 2B fyUMsG Cod LPlomipi epi i | aPindenp grs-smbsér Qswpanas Gand atlogang Anes Gung, 1 @afitéAwco_uyid ; a, een : 3 ACE AaiiPorsite Qa igd 4 4 actusfir sous Qurpies 6 HOVE LMG | 96, Sensible Heat Factor (SHF) is defined 96: cant Gans ange rea ets pAeni Gususnen eBid 1 Rep Gaitisdieb een = — —————aaluiboet oe Sensible heat to latent heat 2c QandugAiey Shins 2 Riss CalivgAiee Latent heat to total heat 3. Senp Gaiiupp\reb Gongs, ee e Eee Garaghrebd ~ ~* Sensible héat to total heat 4 nmi QsnugAiied Qiong ve oe ee Catered ‘98. Which one of the following process is the 98. energy efficient one for compression of air 5 1. Isentropie compression Polytropic compression” e Isothermal compression 4. - None of the above 99. ‘Thermal diffusivity is > 99. 1. Adimensionless parameter 2. A function of temperature 3. A function of distance _ © A physieal property of the material 43 97. sep sHlictis sOUunet SLU Aoneing. Ges. Goucimguigy 1 ais apps Gapps «BApreiiny sis ae apoio “snpap spagape spsQenGssiuir abs Cponp 459 Aowasipans Iqaq? gecrGrmd ds epasid Une Grn o1gpaiid nari sepia Bee exgyayBercma Gout payed regs L sagscioong 21e4G 2 GaxtiuflenanSidr Cauener 3. ganpBldn Gaseno> 4, 2Ganpslér Quidco TNGD 100. The continuity equation is connected with 5 @ 4. -Viscousinon-viscous fluids Compressibility of the fluid Conservation of mass Steady/Unsteady flow 101. Ina condensing turbine, the pressure in 102. Domestic refrigerator Jast stage of turbine is 1 equal to atmospheric Jess than atmospheric more than atmospheric may be less or more depending on size of turbine and condenser working on vapour compression’ cycle uses. the following type of expansion device 1 zs 3 electrically operated valve manually operated valve thermostatic valve @ capillary tube throttling 103. ‘The dimensional number associated with mass transfer is © Schmidt Number 2. 3. 4. TNGD Nusselt Number Biot Number Mach Number a4 100, 101. 102. 103, Qpnt — umbiey sagan sixes pm inyonwgi? 1._ungenin/unGenioidaaings wmbioriser urdunbper siephefipe 2. 3. np 0 For impossible process : AS <0 4. None of the above ~ ‘The Work “¥atio™ of closed: cycle gas turbine plant depends upon i. pressure ratio of the cycle and ‘specific heat ratio 2 compression ratio of the cycle and specific heat ratio 3. pressure. ratio, temperature ratio and specific heat ratio only pressure ratio 107. The work done in a Carnot heat engine cycle is given by 1 Rlogr(t, -7,) $ 2 Rlog,r(T, ~T;) 3. R-log(T, -T,) 4. Rlog.(T, -T,) 45 104. 105. BLO egarés smoiitd Coo appa optus, 1 Gas yim ageinéspens Opin ig iNermnppae gaurd 2 Peasindnd amaunéssors Osm ipa: Garins gpd 2 ganda 3: GallgLOsd cflenernar ~ epgcie agaréd, S05 Asn iggy Aaou opm Berane 2 Gaunseso 4. agiayBacoa Aamiudler soddors apaps Qumpsg. agi Deopunengs? L P@UALgL Gaudqpapid AS = 0 2+ PEdUGIATAsudgpenpidd AS > 0 3. Paps Gsuicrqpanpided AS <0 4. agiaulo@a 106. 107. 56 Chu apps ails Spa Paoupper Caron opin cron QunDss6? 1. ss Aap npg sarGeutu Alpi 2 gpss ABs ppb sarQoutns BApiD 3. 21gss Blab, Gacupao Bdgb wppi peaQeuiin Bpid 4. cgi Alp oO 86 sntom’ Govt oimiuLL Carma 1. Rlogr(T,-T) 2 Rlog,r(T,-7.) 3. Relog(T, ~7,) 4. Rlog, (1, -7,) TNGD 108. Ina fully automatic transmission the 1, torque is cdntinuously transmitted _to the driving wheels 2. power is continuously transmitted to the driving wheels 3. tractive effect is continuously transmitted to the driving wheels 4, driving force is continuously ‘transmitted to the driving wheels 109. The curl of velocity vector is also known as 1. linear deformation rate 2. angular velocity 3. shear rate Ca. 110, ‘The following type of aircraft requires longest runway for take off 1. ~ the aiteraft that uses turboprop the aircraft that uses turbojet 3. the aircraft that uses piston engine i 4, the aircraft that uses turbofan 111. In Joop scavenging, the top of the piston flat contoured slanted dopressed 108. 109. 110. ui. 8G PUMBiorer srefuig appa L Gagiggnd Geese i pn_te suns onppiiuGe Apne Auge onppiugd AO PersCars QaubmMér agar cromUOas! 1. Opie, eso gis 2. Gaston SensCare 3. genfitiy og 4. aiBloowo £94 AsnGaaUu Gre aiens aurgyrif Cod srcgiou Bair. @Opord Gseneucnsub TL. LACLnCipms UuaiOEBOUGD ourgaia LACH Re UMeIOSBOUOD uring 3. Dein. creipfonar Lise @Sgd cureoni 4. UiGunCucr UUsGSsOUOD eungni Agneit ors Sse pS0, Ad often Grooms slowed i 2. aware 3, amiaurangy 4. @erpaunongy 112. AJ hypersonic aitbreathing propulsion 112. wapcutoncils snag ecrahgseo afipa requires. the following type of © ip axeoasnen cflascnend Garey GO? combustion chamber - i can: type-gas-turbine combustor — A.C cies auctions arflsaea———— £ 2 “type gas’ (turbine 2. aleurdiend alothn spel eitamdr 3, ramjet combustor BL pmbGgt. erflscoc 40 supersonic combustor 4. Gliutenais ofa 113. appa umisey orérugs rotational flow. i Sereia irrotational flow 2. sbpng umisey 3. viscous flow 3. Ungen0ts umiey 4, free shear flow 4. pen gienfldixy Um} ce Carbon moiidiade formation in internal 114. adr os@ungh agen sriudr justion engine is due to Giorenéone@ ©.cjaurdingi? 1. snppé @opum game 2. ayabiger GarpuMgennd and 3. bg wopb Qatiusplns Gopand 4: “insufficiency of . oxygen and 4. ayidlgen opps Qauigos temperature Gopeane 115. Carbon monoxide and Carbon-di-oxide 115. sminici Giosennéena@ wopgub smtucs-co- emissions can be measured using ayiona@) 2.ipayscr ercvourgs sore UGA? @) Infra red method Laas Aart pop 2 — Chemiluminescent method 2. Gard gsfitay pap 3, Flaime ionization method 3. pipe swaflusmdsid eponp 4, Ultra violet method 4. up aagré sit cpp a7 TNGD 56. oT. 88. 59. PART Ill — 3. ELECTRICAL & ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING AND INSTRUMENTATION ENGINEERING, Asseries RL circuit having a resistance of 200 and induétance of 8 H is connected to a DC vollage soures of 120 V at t=0. ‘The current in the circuit at t = 0.6 sec is 1. oA 2. 2.33A. © 4.668 : 4. 1A When an alternating current passes through an ohmic resistance, the electric power converted ‘into heat is 3. reactive power 4. “none of the above ‘The intrinsic impedance of free space is 1. 874 ohms 2, 376okme 37 ohms 378 ohms With Ein -z direction and H in -y direction, the direction of propagation of EM wave will be in 1. y direction 2. -y direction =x direction x direction 48 60. —The velocity of the electromagnetic wave 61. 62. through a dielectric is 4. same a8 in fee space 2, higher than in free apace ® lower than in fee space 4. wero : In the equivalent cirenit of transformers the magnetiaing circuit branch is drawn in parallel to supply voltage because 1. transformer has better operational, © efficiency transformer has almost equal iron loss and copper loss: transformers magnetization , current and iron loss remains constant with supply voltage 4, ~ transformer's voltage regulation is better ‘A doubly excited salient pole motor will have 1. reluctance torque 2 mutual torque 3. reluctance torque and mutual © torque at the same instant reluctance torque followed by mutual torque i. 65, During constant torque operation of ac. electrical machines 1. supply. yoltage or frequency ‘has to = rémair eonstant — 4% _ speed Bas to remain eonsta 3 power has to remain seen both’ supply voltage’ and’ supply frequiency has to remain constant In’ a’ thrée-phase slip ring “induction ‘motor if rotor resistance ischanged then 1, the maximum torque hmit changes the ‘speed at which maxirnum torque occurs changes) © 3... the iron'loss changes 4 the: speed remains: constant but ‘torque changes 5 ‘The synchronous generator and. synchronous motor under over excited condition shes dearest power factor current @ and leading power factor current respectively ‘Tagging: power factor current 3. “operates” under “constant | power respectively draws lagging power factor current region and constant torque region respectively 4, “operates under. constant torque region and constant power region respectively. If the specific speed of a turbine is 800, the turbine should be 1. Francis turbine Pelton wheel ® Kaplan turbine 4. Girard turbine 49 68, 69. 70. ‘The presence of eavth in the overhead lines 2. 3. 4. Increases the capacitance Increases the inductance ; Decreases the capacitance Decreases the inductance For stability and economic reasons we ‘operate: the transmission line with power.” angle in the range. * 10° to 25° 4.> 65° to 80° ‘An altornator having an induced emf of 1.6 px is connected to ant infinite bus of 1.0 p.u. If the bus bar has réactance of 0.6 p.u and ‘alternator. has reactance of 0.2 p.u, the-maximum power that can be transferred is given by G 2p 2. 26Tpu 3. Spw 4 6pu ‘An overhead line with surge impedance 400 ohms is terminated through a resistance R. A surge travelling over line does not suffer any reflection at the junetion if the value of R is 1. 200 ohms 2 2000 ohms 800 ohms @ None of the above

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