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Power Grid Corporation of India Ltd.

Technical Specification for Battery package

Technical Specifications for valve Regulated Lead Acid (VRLA) battery

This section specifies_ the technical requirements of 48 V/50V Valve Regylated Lead
Aoid (VRLA)
batteries, which shall be used for meeting the backup requirementr ir Telecom
eq'ipment i.e.
DWDM Equipment, SDH Equipment, Optical Line Amplifier, Regenerator/Repeater, Network
Management Systern (NMS) and other associated equipment located indoor at substations
Repeater/Amplifier locations etc.

The detailed BoQ is provided in the appen<lices. The Contractor shall furnish technical details along
with all arrangemenl,s and supporting structures, for each type of VRLA lbattery bank during detail
2.1 Batteries
VRLA Storage batteries designed for continuous operation shall be provided as iclentif,red in
Appendices. Battery sets shall be maintenance free, sealed type and in thermoplastic containers.
The batteries shall jinclude battery mounting racks, and other equipment requlred t6 provide a
complete operational battery subsystem. The average ambient temperature shall be :lj"C. The
Bidder shall submit temperature vis-d-vis life curve along with the bid. The offered lbattery sets
shall be compact arrd shall require no ri:gular maintenance. All safety equipment required for
installation shall be prrovided by the Contra,ctor.

The batteries to be installed at Communir;ation nodes in PoP, Substation and Repeaterr locations
shall have the minimum capacity as indicarted in Appendices. Battery stacking shall be done with a
view to optimize floor space and loading. The Contractor shall provide the necessary installation
arrangements including grouting, base frames etc.

2.1.1 Technical Bxperience

The Batteries shall be offered from a'|EC/BSNL QA/ RDSO approved manufacturer who has been
manufacturing VRLI\ batteries for the las1. two (2) years and at least tenL (10) numbers of VRLA
batteries of 48V, 300AH or higher capacity manufactured by such manufacturer should have in
satisfactory operation for at least one (1) year as on the originally scheduled date of bid opening.

Bidder shall furnish the details/document in support of above qualifying requirements of

manufacturer alons with bid.

2.1.2 General Requirements of Batteries

Depending upon the location, the batteries of different rating may be required as specified in the
Appendices. Battery bank shall be formed as follows:
o Battery bank of 48V shall be formed by connecting 24 nos 2V (nominal) cells of the rated

Power Grid Corporation of India Ltd.
Technical Specification for Battery package

capacity in series.
o BatterY bank of 50V shall be forned by connecting 25 nos 2V (nominal)
cells of the rated
capacity in sieries
ng the cells/batteries shall be responsible to replace/repair free of charge,
faulty, owing to defective workmanship or material u, pe, the provisiolns

2.1.3 Constructiional Requirements

The design of battery shall be as per field proven practices. Partial plating of cells
is not permitted.
The cells shall be so designed as to be suitable of Aorizontal Stacking. Geieral Arrangement

drawing may change for each site based on site constraints. Site wise GA drawing shall
submitted for each type of battery bank basred on site survey reports for Ernployer's approval. Containers
The container matet'ial shall have chemical and electro-chemical compatibility and shall be acid
resistant. The material shall meet all the requirements of VRLA batteriei and be consistent with the
life of battery. The container shall be fire retardant and shall have an Oxygen Index of atleast2So/o.
The porosity of the container shall be suoh as not to allow any gases to escape except from the
regulation valve. The tensile strength of the material of the container shall be such as to handle the
internal cell pressurer of the cells in thLe worst working condition. Cell shatl not show any deformity
or bulge on the sides under all working conditions. The container shall be capable of withstanding
the rigours of transport, storage and handling. The containers shall be enclosed in a steel tray. Cell Cov,ers

The cell covers shall be made of srlitable material compatible with thLe container material and
permanently sealed with the container. It shall be capable to withstand internal pressure without
bulging or cracking. It shall also be fire retardant. Fixing of Pressure Regulation Valve & terminal
posts in the cover shall be such that the sreepage of electrolyte, gas escapes and entry of electro-
static spark are prevented. Separators
The separators usecl shall be ofglass mat or synthetic material having high acid absorption
capability, resistant 1o sulphuric acid and good insulating properties. The design of separators shall
ensure that there is no misalignment during normal operation and handling. Pressure Regulation Valve

Each cell shall be pr,ovided with a pressure) regulation valve. The valve shall be self re-sealable and
flame retardant. The valve unit shall be such that it cannot be opened without a proper tool. The
valve shall be capable to withstand the interrnal cell pressure specified by the manufacturer.

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Power Grid Corporation of India Ltd.
Technical Specification for Battery package Terminarl Posts

Both the *ve and -ve terminals of the cellls shall be capable of proper termination and
shall ensure
its consistency with the life of the battery. The surfac. of th. terminal post extending
above the cell
cover including boLt hole shall be coated with an acid resistant and corrosion retarding
Terminal posts or any other metal part which is contact with the electrolyte shall be made
of the
same alloy as that of the plates or of a proven material that does not have any harmful effect
on cell
performance. Both ']-ve and
-ve postt; shall be clearly and unambiguously identifiable. All exposed
metal parts (connectors, terminals etr:) sheLll be protected with heat shrinkable silicon/pVC sleeves
for reducing the enviironmental impact including a corrosive environment. Connectrors, Nuts & Bolts, Heat Shrinkable Sleeves

Where it is not possible to bolt the cell terminals directly to assembler a battery, separate non-
corroding lead or copper connectors of suitable size shall be provided to enable connection of the
cells. Copper conneotions shall be suitably lead coated to withstand corrosion due to sulphuric acid
at avety high rate oI charge or discharge. The area of cross-section ofthe connectors shall be rated
at2 Amplmm2 minirnum at 6 hour rate of clischarge.

Nuts and bolts for c,onnecting the cells shall be made of copper, brass or stainless steel. Copper or
brass nuts and bolts shall be effectively lead coated to prevent corrosion. Stainless steel bolts and
nuts can be used without lead coating, Flame Arrestors

Each cell shall be equipped with a Flame Arrestor to defuse the Hydrogen gas escaped during
charge and discharge. Material of the flame arrestor shall not affect the performance of the cell.

2.1.4 Operational Requirements

All the cells shall be designed for full load operation under uncontrolledl atmosphere and ambient
temperature varying from 0o C to 35"C and maximum humidity of 95%. Only natural air convection
shall be employed for cooling of cells and it shall be capable of working without fans/ exhaust fans.

When working as a battery, failure of one or two cells shall not cause the failure of battery and
battery should be able to provide uninterrupted rated power to the load.

2.1.5 Expected Ilattery Life

Under ideal conditions i.e. moderate ambiernt temperature (10" C to 35o C), charging not faster than
Cll} rate, minimum expected service lif'e of battery, on true float shall be fifteen (15) years.
However, the same battery at an average temperature of 35" C in cyclic discharge application to
80% DOD (depth of discharge) will give 1200 cycles or five (5) years of operational life (which
ever is early).

Depth of Discharge (DOD) is defined as the ratio of quantity of electricity (in Amphere-hour)
removed from a cell or battery on discharge to its rated capacity.

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Power Grid Corporation of India Ltd.
Technical Specification for Battery package

2,1,6 Capacify llequirements

the battery is discharged at 10 lhour rate, it shall deliver 80% of C (rated capacity,
corrected at
before any of the cells in the battery bank reaches 1.85V/cell. The cipacity (corrected
2ToCelcius) shall also not be less than C and not n ore than 120% of
C before any celiin the battery
bank reaches 1.75Vlcell.

The capacity of the llattery at rate of discharge other than 10 hour disch ar14e rate shall be as given in
the table 2.1 below:

Table- 2.1

Rate of Discharge
Capacity expressed as oh of
Capacity at rate CllD
End cell voltage
ctr 50.0 r.70
c12 f,J.J r.70
ct3 '7t.7 |.74
cl4 '78.2 t.74
ct5 i33.3 r.7s
c/8 9s.0 1 .75
cl20 120.0 r.7 5

The battery shall be capable of being recharged from the fully exhausted condition (1.75Vlcell) at
the specified float voltage. The battery design shall permit the charging of the battery at2.45YlceII
(when two cells shofted). All the cells in aLbattery shall be designed for continuous float operalion
at the specified float voltage throughout the life. Float voltage of each cell in the string shall be
within 0.05V of the average float voltage/cr:ll.

The battery voltage shall not be less than the following values, when a fully charged battery is put to
discharse at Cll0 rat'e:

(a) After Six minutes of discharge 1.98V

(b) After Six hours of discharge 1.92Y
(c) After 8 ho,urs of discharge 1.85V
(d) After 10 tLours of discharge 1.75V

The bidder shall provide the Tables & Graphs showing relation of the closed circuit voltage,
impedance and the residual capacity of eaLch cell in the battery, when it is discharged to the end
voltage of l.T5Ylcell at C/10 and C/8 rate of discharge. A table and graph showing the relation

' 2-4
Power Girid Corporation of India Ltd.
attery Package

between the impedance and residual capacity of each cell

shall also be provided by the bidder.

ient temperature of 35"C for a period of 6 months

shall achieve 85% of its rated capacity within 3
thin 5 cycles, after the storage period of 6 months.
thin 0.05V of the average voltage throughout the
storage period. Ampere hour efficiency shall be better than 90oh and watt
hour efficiencli shall be
better than 80%.

2.1.7 Chemical Requirements

Oxygen recombination efficiency of cell/battery shall be higher thang5oh for charge current
under normal working conditions. The cell pressure shall be sufficient for 99vo gas recombination
when working at Cll} rate of charge and ambient temperature of 27o Celsius. Under normal
operating conditions grid corrosion shall not be more than 0.05mm/year.

Throughout its life, in the operating condition of C/10 rate of charge and C/8 rate of discharge in
average ambient ternperature of 35o Celsius, shedding of battery active material shall not lead to
short circuit. The growth of positive plate r;hall be less thanS%o of the total plate area throughout the
specified life.

While operating in the normal operating conditions, the cell or battery shall not lead to dry out,
throughout the life of the battery. Manufacturer shall supply the necess ary data to supporl. the
requirement. The battery shall not exhibit thermal *nu*uy *hile working in tfre urr".ug. ambient
temperature of 35' C, operating range of Cr to 50 'C and at a charge rate of CllO and, discharge rate
of C/8.

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Power Cirid Corporation of lndia Ltd.
Technical Specification for Battery package

Technical Specifications for
Lithium lon batterv
3.0 Introduction
This section specifies the technical requirerments of 48 V Lithium Ion batteries,
which shall be used
for meeting the backup requirements of Telecom equipment i.e. DWDM Equipment, SDH
Equipment, Optical Line Amplifier, Regenerator/Repeater, Network Meuragement System
and other associated equipment located in<loor at substations, Repeater/Amplifier locations

The Lithium Ion battery shall meet the requirements specified in the TEC GR/TX/LIB-001/01.
MAR-16 Standard.

The detailed BoQ is provided in the appendices.

3.1 Batteries
Lithium ion Storager batteries designed for continuous operation shall be provided as identified in
Appendices. The system shall employ a modular configuration to provide flexibility, keeping in
view the future bacl<up requirement. Batrleries are required to have all the necessaries electronics
and intelligence built into it to ensure that battery performs in the safest and proper manner with
existing power planrt. These batteries shall be charged normally at 0.5C rate ('C' wherever used in
this document, stand for the capacity of cell/module) in a constant current/constant voltage charge
mode. Maximum Charging rate shall tre specified by the manufacturer. All other required
Charge/discharge management parametersi of battery module shall be provided by Contractor for
parameters matching with switched-mode power supply (SMPS). The battery is normally not
allowed to discharge beyond 80% of C (rated capacity).The discharge rate for these batteries is
between 0.5C to 1 C up to 80% of its rated capacity, depending on application requirements.

The operating Temperature range of battery should be -10o C to 60o C. The Contractor shall furnish
submit temperature vis-d-vis life curve during detailed engineering. The offered battery sets shall be
compact and shall require no regular maintenance. All safety equipment required for installation
shall be provided by the Contractor.

The batteries to be installed at Communication nodes in PoP, Substation and Repeater local.ions
shall have the minirnLum capacity as indical.ed in Appendices.

3.1.1 Technical Experience

The Batteries shall be offered from manul'acturer who has been manufacturing Li-ion batteries for
the last two (2) years and at least ten (10) numbers Li-ion batteries of 48V, 50AH or higher capacity
manufactured by such manufacturer shoulclhave in satisfactory operation for at least one (1) year as
on the originally scheduled date of bid opening.


Power Grid Corporation of India Ltd.
Technical Specification for Battery package

Bidder shall furnish the details/document in support of above qualifying requirements of

manufactwer along with bid

3.1.2 General Requirements of Batteries

Depending upon the location, the batteries of different rating may be required
as specified in the

48V Battery module shall be formed by connecting up to 15 nos. cell each having nominal
as 3V or above of the rated' capacrty in series to form modules subject to
compliance of clause 3.5
& 3.7 ( design practice & cell matching claLuse) . To achieve required capacity as mentioned in IlOe
paralleling of the rnodule is permitted only with an electronic coniroller like parallel
management system to maintain state of charge (SOC) between parallel connected modules.
manufacturer supplying the battery module shall be responsible to replace/repair free of charge,
battery/cell becoming faulty, owing to de1'ective workmanship or material u, p.1" the provisio's
the bid document.

3.1.3 ConstructionalRequirements
The design of battery shall be as per field proven practices. Lithium Iron Phosphate (LiFepO4) or
equivalent should be used as active material. The paralleling of cells within the module is not
permitted. The paralleling of modules for enhancement of capacity is permitted. The offered battery
module rating should not be less than 50AH. The contractor shall provide minimum two no of
modules for achieving rated capacity. The Battery module shall be so designed as to be suitable for
Horizontal, Vertical and handstand position, can be installed in 19" cabinet along with parallel
battery management. Any installation position & method shall be as per requirement to ensure space
and floor loading requirement. The stacking arrangement shall be such that end terminals of baitery
shall be top two adjacent modules on the same side of stack to minimize voltage drop from power
plant. Containerri
The cell shell made of aluminum metal or equivalent subjected to safety standard are met. It shall be
capable to meet all r'equirements of lithiuna cell and be consistent with the life of battery. The cell
shell shall be in rigid casing of sufficient strength to prevent flexing.
The module containrlr made of painted gallvanized sheet or equivalent shall be capable to meet all
the requirements of I-ithium ion battery and be consistent with the life of battery. Both cell shell and
module container materials shall have chemical and electro-chemical compatibility and shall be acid
resistant. The container shall be symmetrical in shape and stand level on the plane level surface.
The internal area o1' cell shell has sufficient provision for expansion of +ve plate. The module
container shall be fire retardant and shall have an Oxygen Index of at least 28% & should comply
UL-94 V-0 for this purpose. The porosity of the container shall be such as not to allow any gases to
escape except from lhe release valve. The tensile strength of the material of the container shall be
such as to handle the internal cell pressure of the cells in the worst working condition. Module shall
not show any deformity or bulge on the sides under all working conditions. The container shall be
capable of withstanding the rigours of transport, storage and handling. The materials of container

t\ 3-2

Power Grid Corporation of India Ltd.
Technical Specification for Battery package

shall be designed by AS (Aluminum shell) or equivalent subject

to meet all the safety requirements. CelUmodules Covers

The cell/module co'vers shall be made of suitable material compatible with the
container material
and permanently sezLled with the container. It shall be capable to withstand internal
pressure without
bulging or cracking' It shall also be fire retardant. Fixing of Pressure release Valve & terminal
in the cover shall be such that the seepage of electrolyt., gas escapes and entry of electro-static
spark are prevented. Pressure Release Valve

Each cell shall be provided with a pressure release valve. The valve may open only as a final
protection of the worst case condition when abnormal cell over charge/discharge happen which
further cause cell expansion, extreme high internal gas pressure. Once the safety valves blow off,
the cell cannot be reused. TerminallPosts
Both the *ve and -ve terminals of the cells/module shall be capable of proper termination and shall
ensure its consistency with the life of the battery. The surface of the.terminal post extending above
the cell/module cover including bolt hole shall be coated with an acid resistant and corrosion
retarding material. Terminal posts or any other metal part which is contact with the electrolyte shall
be made of the sarne alloy as that of ther plates or of a proven material that does not have any
harmful effect on cell/module performirnce. Both +ve and -ve posts shall be clearly and
unambiguously identifiable. The terminal post & its sealing shall be capable to withstand the heat
generated in cell/module during external short circuit condition. Connectors, Nuts & Bolts, Heat Shrinkable Sleeves

Where it is not possible to bolt the cell terminals directly to assemble abattery, separate non-
corroding lead or copper connectors of suitable size shall be provided to enable connection of the
cells. Copper connections shall be suitably tin coated to withstand corrosion.. The thickness of the
tin coating of connectors shall be not less than 0.025mm. . The area of cross-section of the
connectors shall be rated at 2 Amplmm2 minimum atCl5 rate of discharge.

Nuts and bolts for c;onnecting the cells strall be made of copper for -ve and aluminium for *ve
Stainless steel bolts nuts and washers can be used.

3.1.4 Operational Requirements

All the cells, modules & batteries shall be designed for continuous full load operation under all the
conditions specified in QM-333 Cat-B. l\atural/forced air cooling will be employed such that
cells/modules/batteries always operate with in the safe temperature limit. The offered battery
modules may be installed in outdoor cabinert.

The cell/module shall not explode or discharge or burn when an electro-static discharge of 8KV
applied to any of its part exposed to contactt. It shall be tested in accordance with IEC-61000-4-2.

Power Grid Corporation of India Ltd.
Technical Specification for Battery package

Failure of any module shall not cause t.he failure of other

modules and Battery shall be able to
provide uninterupted power to the load.

3.1.5 Expected.Battery Cycle Life

The Cell/module for Float application shall_be capable of giving more
than 2000 DOD ( up to 30%)
cycles ataverageternperature of 35 degree Celsius.

Depth of Discharger (DoD) is defined as the ratio of quantity of electricity (in Ampere-hour)
removed from a cell or battery on discharge to its rated capicity.

3.1.6 Capacityllequirements
When a cell is discharged at Cl5 rate, it shall deliver 100%o of C (rated capacity, corrected at
25'Celcius) before the cell voltage reaches end cell voltage specified bymanufacturer

In case of module, it shall deliver 90o/o ctf C (rated capacity, corrected at 25oCelcrus) before
module voltage reaches 45V, when discharged at Cl5 rate. The capacity (cogected at 25"Celcius)
shall also not be less than C and not more than l20o/o of C when dischargl to the voltage of 42y.

The capacity of the cell/module at discharge rates Cl20 shall be as given in the table2;t
Table- 2.1
Cell Module
Capacity End cell Discharge Capacity End cell
expressed voltage current expressed voltage
Rate of Discharge as "/" of as o/" of
Discharge current Capacify Capacity
at rate at rate
ct5 c/10
cl2 0.5c 97.6 2.5 42V
ct3 0.33C 99.r 2.5 0.333C 99.r 42V
ct4 0.25C 99.2 2.5 0.2sc 99.2 42Y
cts a.2c 100 2.5 0.2c 100 42V
c/8 0.125C 100 2.5 0.125c 100 42V
clr0 0.1c 100 2.5 0.1c 100 42V
cl20 0.05c 100 2.5 0.0sc 100 42V

The module shall be capable of being rechirged from the fully exhausted condition (42Ylmodule) at
the specif,red charge voltage. The modute design shall permit the charging of the module at
54Vlmodule, in cons;tant current and constant voltage charging mode. Charging and discharging of
the module at slow rate of Cl72 and ClI20 shall not affect life and performance of module and shall
not lead to capacity loss forever.

The cell/module voh.age shall not be less tlhan the following values, when a fully charged battery is
put to discharge at Cl5 rute:


Power Grid Corporation of India Ltd.
Technical Specification for Battery package

(a) After 4 hours of discharge 4nv(3.2v)

(b) After 4.85 hrs hours of discharge 45v(3.0V)
(c) After 4.95 hours of discharge 42.v(2.8v)
(d) After 5 hours of discharge 40.5v (

The bidder shall provide the Tables & Graphs showing relation of the closed circuit voltage,
impedance and the residual capacity of ear;h module/celt in the battery string, when it is discharg-ed
to the end voltage o1 42Y lmodule at Cl20,tCll0,Cl8,Cl6,Cl5,Cl3 and, Cl2 rate of discharg e,2.5y l6ell
or 42Ylmodule at C'4 & C3 rate A table arLd graph showing the relation between the impedance and
residual capacity of each cell or module shall also be provided by the bidder.

When the battery is put to load at Cl3, inrmediately after taking it off from the float, the voltage of
any of the cell in the battery shall not fall below 3V, throughout the battery life. In case of modirle it
shall not fall below zITY rnthe above condiitions.

Loss in capacity during storage at an averclge ambient temperature of 35oC for a period of 6 months
shall not be more tlnn 20o/o and the cell/module shall achieve 95o/o of its rated capacity wittrin 2
charge/discharge cyr:les and full rated caparcity within 3 cycles, after the storage period of 6 months.
Voltage of each cell in the battery set shall be within 0.05V of the average voltage throughout the
storage period. Amp,sls hour efficiency shall be better than95%o and watt hour efhciency shall not
be less than9}Yo.

3.1.7 Short Circuit

External short circuit (As per IEC60233), when applied to cell, until its voltage drop to zero, r;hall
not cause fire or explosion of the cell. Extrsrnal short circuit when applied to module, there shall be
immediate protection by BMS and shall not cause fire or explosion of the module. No internal short
circuit shall occur, throughout the life of the cell/module due to active material expansion.

3.1.8 Cell matching

Cell matching is essential for optimum lifc: and perfornance of the battery. The difference between
cell voltages in the cell module string, with the highest and lowest open circuit voltage shall be less
than 0.05V under fully recharged conditions. The difference in the highest and the lowest cell
capacities shall not b,e more than 4Yo percent of their rated capacity.

3.1.9 Conductanr:ematching
Conductance matching of each cell/ cell nnodule in the battery, when connected in series, shall be
within +l- 15yo of the average cell conductance. Also when the cell are connected in parallel to lbrm
a cell module, the conductance of all the cell in the cell module shall be within +l-I5% oi the
average conductance of the cells of the module. The conductance matching test certificate shall be
obtained from any recognized or accreditecl lab.

Power Grid Corporation of India Ltd.
Technical Specification for Battery Package

3.1.10 Standard discharge & charge current (A): 0.5C at a temp. 25 degree C and humidity
55+i-5% RII.

3.1.11 Module charging voltage: Between 48V to 56V

3.1.12 Module Cutoff voltage (V): 42Y to 44Y.

3.1.13 Storage Temperature: -30o C to 70 "C

3.1.14 Relative Flumidity:

Operation Relative humidity: >90o (40"C t2"C)

Max95o/o (40"C Lil'C)
Storage Relative humidity: >95Vo (40"C + 2"C)

3.1.15 Atmospheric pressure: Atmospheric pressure range: 70kPa to 106kPa

3.1.16 ChemicallRequirements
While operating in the normal operating conditions, the cell/module or battery shall not lead to
out, throughouithe life of the battery. Manufacturer shall supply the necessary data to
support the
requiremeit. The cell/modul elbattery shall not exhibit thermal runaway while working in the
uu.rug. ambient temperature of 35o i, operating range of -10 to 60 "C and at a charge
rate of Ol2 '

3.1.17 Safety Rrequirements

as per UL 16421
a) Offered battery cell/module shall conform to foliowing Safety Requirements
rEC 62133 / tlN 38.3

i) Electrical SafetY
ii) Mechanical SafetY
iii)Operational Safety (Environmental testing)
iv) Projectile

Contractor shall carry out the above safety tests or submit the previous test

3.1.18 BatteryManagement System (BMS)

A Battery management system (BMS) shall be provided along with battery modules to manage


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Power Grid Corporation of India Ltd.
Technical Specification for Battery package

rechargeable battery (cell or battery pacl() by collecting all the

information from the individual
battery modules and communicates to tlhe external uyJt.. through defined protocol.
monitor the state of battery by monitoring Battery voltage, voltage of ltrdirrid.rai
It should
cells, minimum &
maximum cell voltage, average temperature, coolant intaie temperature, coolant output
temperature, current in or out of battery and can be shown in the display of
tft. BMS.

It should have all the necessary electronics and intelligence built into it so as to ensure that the
battery performs in the safest and proper rnanner without any communications with existine
based power plant.

A BMS may also feature a pre-charged system allowin6; a safe way to connect the battery loads and
eliminating the excerssive inrush currents to load capacitors. The connection to load shall normaly
controlled through Solid state or Electronic switches.

The BMS should be consisting of following components:

i. The BMS control with display for the control

ii. Solid-state or Electronic switch for disconnecting r:harging path and current limiter circuit to
regulate charginll current.
iii.Solid-state or Electronic switch for disconnecting discharging path that is disconnecting the
battery discharging circuit to prevent a total discharge.
iv. The current sensor to measure the charging and discharging currents.
v. The power supply for the energy supply of the BMS.
vi. The BMS cell board or the central box that are monitoring and balancing the single cells
vii. .Temperature sensors for monitoring tennperature of each cell. Data Display accuracy in BMS

Accuracy in data display by BMS and actual value of battery modules shall be as follows:

Voltage accuracy: better than 0.5Yo

Current accuracy: better than2%o
Capacity accuracy: tretter than 5o/o
Temperature accuracy: better than 5oh Computatiion in BMS

A BMS should calcuLlate the followins:

i. Maximum cJharge and discharge curent limit

ii. Energy delivered since last charge or charge cycle.
iii. Internal imperdance of a cell (to determine open circuit voltage)

Power Grid Corporation of India Ltd
Technical Specification for Battery package

iv. charge delivered or stored and Accumulated delivered Ah.

u: Total energy delivered since first use
vl. r ofcycles, Charge/discharge count
vii. ge or depth of discharge
viii. lth Protection in BMS

The BMS may protect its battery from following conditions:
i. Over charge protection
ii. Over discharge protection
iii. Short Circuit Protection
iv. Over Load protection
v. Temperature protection Alarms in IIMS

Following alarms shall be provided on display and available on communication port.

i. Cell over voltage

ii. Cell Under Voltage
iii. Charge over Cunent level 1 &2
iv. Cell Charge over Temperature
v. Cell Discharge over Temperature
vi. Cell Charge Under temperature
vii. Cell Discharge Under temperature
viii. Discharge o'ver Current level l&2
ix. Current Limit Mode
x. Cell Unbalance
xi. Total cell over voltage
xii. Total cell under volt.
xiii. Hardware fail Remote M,easurement

BMS can remotely measure charge capacity of battery module (SOC), voltage of battery
module/cell, ambiernt temperature of trattery module/PCBA board(optional)/cell (optional),
charging/discharging current of battery module, Internal resistance of battery module (optional),
state of healthy of battery module (SOH) etc.

Power Cirid Corporation of India Ltd.
Technical Specification for Batterv Remote Cr:mmunication

BMS can remotely communicate about D module, overcharge lover_

current alarm of battery module, dischar alarm of battery Lodule,
charge over of battery modul of battery module, high
temperature alarm of ambientlbattery module/PCBA board, ambient under-temperature
alarm under
capacity alarm of battery module, tempr:raturelvoltagelcurrent sensors failure alarms
of battery
modules, failure alarm of cell(optional), failure alarm of battery module (optional) Remote Control

BMS can remotely control switch off alarm voice, smart intermittent charge and limited current
charge. Remote ad.iustment

BMS can remotely adjust Charge/discharge management parameters of battery module, parameters
matching with switched-mode power supp.ty (SMPS). Communication ports in BMS

All required support, for integration of BIMS with existing wireless modem, shall be extended by
contractor. Commutnication cable or any accessories required for termination of communication
port with Modem shall be provided by Contractor. LED/LCID to be provided for power, activity and fault status in BMS Optimization by BMS

In order to maximiize the battery's capacity and to prevent localized under charging or over
charging, the BMS tnay actively ensure that all the cells that compose the battery are kept at same
voltage or state of ctrarge through active barlancing. The BMS can balance the cell by:

i. Shuffling energy from the most charged cells to the least charged cells (balancers)
ii. Reducing the charging current to a sufficiently low level that will not damage fully charged
cells, while less charged cells may r;ontinue to charge.
iii. Modular charging


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