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Paragraphs can be classified into various types

 These types are following which we will study.
1.  Analysis
2.  Description
3.  Definition 
4. Comparison
5.  Contrast
6.  Comparison and contrast
7.  Explanation
8.  Illustration
9.  Classification
10.  Problem and solution
11.  Argument 

An analysis paragraph gets to the center of how something works
it finds the possible casual linkages.


Physical description of paragraph includes shape size color

material volume texture position of the paragraph while functional
description provides a clear concise view of the various functions
of its subject


 Definitions are of two types simple and extended

 Simple definition is very short and gives only the term while
extended definition is a paragraph or more and it includes
examples procedures and descriptions in addition to the term type
and distinguishing characteristics.

 Comparison brings out the similar characteristics aspects or
qualities in two subjects this mode is also used in paragraph
writing which decides the points of similarities and also think of
specific examples to explain that similarity.


 If we use the contrast mode in a paragraph we need to decide

the points of the similarities and also think of specific examples to
explain those differences

 Comparison and contrast

 Comparison contrast in a paragraph brings out both the

similarities and differences of two subjects together to develop the
main idea of the paragraph


 Paragraphs that are developed using the explanation mode

attempt to explain the central idea of the topic or key sentence of
the paragraph. The topic sentence contains the main idea of


 An illustration paragraph demonstrate the main Idea by providing



 Classification paragraph is developed by breaking the main Idea

into specific categories it is generally used when we want to
introduce a variety of ideas

 Problem and solution

 In this type of paragraph the various possible solution to a
problem at hand are discussed


 And argument paragraph is used when we want to express an

opinion and convince the readers using facts to substantiate our


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