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ORO S.Y. 2020-2021

Inquiries, Investigations and Immersion

Presented to

Academic Department of Informatics Computer Institute

In Partial Fulfillment
Of the Requirements for the Course
Inquiries, Investigation and Immersion


Narisma, Jeymaica
Tres Reyes, Lyrah
Omiping, Phamela
Nagangga, Renz
Ruiz, Charmyn
Salcedo, Roselle
Roble, Dyana Jean
Ponce, Michelle
Tejada, Rey
Omiping, Ivan

February 2021

INFORMATICS INSTITUTE- CAGAYAN DE ORO S.Y. 2020-2021” prepared and submitted by,
Jeymaica Narisma, Lyrah Mae Tres Reyes, Phamela Omiping, Renz Nagangga, Charmyn Ruiz,
Roselle Salcedo, Dyana Jean Roble, Rey Tejada, Ivan Omiping, and Michelle Jean Ponce in
partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Inquiries, Investigation and Immersion has been
examined and in recommended for approval and acceptance.

John More Clapano

Research Adviser

Janice Mae R. Villegas

Academic Head

Accepted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Course Inquiries, Investigations, &

Jocerimay B. Enaya
School Principal

FEBRUARY 8, 2021

This research paper was created attainable through the assistance and supports of every
person that surrounds us, our family, close friends, teachers and specially the Almighty God in
heaven that never failed to guide us from the very beginning up to the end. We would like to
express our gratitude towards the subsequent vital consultant and contributors. First , we
would like to acknowledge and thank Mr. John More Clapano, our Inquiries, Investigations and
Immersion Instructor for his thoughtfulness and patience upon checking and reviewing all our
edited stuff and our final documents, in browsing our works and offered valuable elaborate
advices on making the content right. Secondly, to our respondents who spent time in answering
our survey questionnaire and finally, we would like to sincerely thank our families, and friends,
who never get tired of spending time with us through ups and down for providing and giving us
advices and financial support for the completion of our Research Paper. This will not be
possible without their help from the very beginning.
Table of Contents

Abstract .............................................................................................................1

Chapter I ............................................................................................................2

Chapter II ...........................................................................................................3

Chapter III ..........................................................................................................4

Chapter IV .........................................................................................................5

Chapter V...........................................................................................................6

Chapter VI .........................................................................................................7

Reference ..........................................................................................................8


In today’s fast-moving and globalized world it is almost impossible to imagine our day- to-
day life without mobile-phones. It is one of the most successful inventions of the 20th century,
which has become a convenient means of communication. Modern mobile phones perform
many other functions as well; they can substitute for such devices as music players, cameras
and organizers. Most of them also provide Internet access and texting. As cell phones have
become more available, they are increasingly owned and used by teens. Further, as handsets
become more loaded with capabilities ranging from video recording and sharing, to music
playing and internet access, teens and young adults have an ever-increasing repertoire of use.
Indeed, we are moving into an era when mobile devices are not just for talking and texting, but
can also access the internet and all it has to offer (Pew Research Center,2010).

According to the U.N. Telecom agency, there were almost 6 billion cell phone users in the
world, with almost 86 gadgets for every 100 people. There is nothing strange in this fact, as
modern people need phones in all spheres of their lives – professional and personal. But we do
not notice how much we depend on cell phones and what effects their excessive use might
bring. There is no doubt that a mobile phone is a handy tool. It eases communication with
colleagues, friends, and relatives. But every technology that provides such benefits comes with
a set of negative impacts. The impact of mobile phones on students and society is immense. It
is this area that requires attention.

With the advent of advanced technology, growing use of mobile phones and other gadgets are
considerably harming the younger generation. Students are developing a strong connection
with their mobile phones, which is leading to a massive loss in their concentration and time
spent in studies. Parents and teachers usually face problem in combating the distraction of
Society has come to a point where the idea of living without cell phones seems ludicrous.
Students desire cell phones in order to sustain contact with friends and for school purposes
specially this pandemic. Cell phones carry multiple benefits, but with this technology lies a
dualism that teeters precariously between the benefits and negative effects of cell phone usage
-- especially with students.

Though the device hardly occupies the 3/4th size of your palm area, you want to hold your
mobile phones all through the day. Loaded with mind invigorating blogs, you get info on any
given topic.

Through a simple mobile phone, offers you a plenitude of benefits, there are few striking
negative impacts that require evaluation. These devices adversely affect the lives of students.
At this research, let us now learn about the “The perceived Negative Effects of Excessive Use of
Cellular Phone towards Academic Performance”.
Background of the Study

This study focuses on the negative effects of excessive use of cellular phone towards
Academic performance of a student. As a grade 12 students this research is conducted because
nowadays most of the teenagers/students use their cell phones excessively without knowing
that this can affect their academic performance.

The group had decided to choose this topic because as a part of modern age where cell
phones as part of technology is most likely being focused on. The purpose of this research is
that to bring knowledge to the students that using too much cellular phones can affect not just
their health but also it can affect their academic performance. So by the time that the students
really understand what mobile phones are for, we'll be able to share and to aware others on
what this device can affect.

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to determine the Perceived Negative Effects of excessive use of cellular
phones towards academic performance of grade 12 students.

Specifically, seeks to answer the following question:

1. What are the negative effects of excessive use of cellular phones towards academic
2. How can this affect our health?
Significance of the Study

This study is conducted to benefit the following. It would show up the student to the
implication of spending too much time on their mobile phones.

Students: This study will help them how to value and limit in using smartphones.

Teachers: This will help them guide their students the proper use of smartphones.

Future Researchers: This study will help them understand more about the impacts of
excessive use of phones and how can this affect a student. And it will also help them construct
a more accurate research in the future.

Scope and Limitations of the Study

This study will be focusing on Perceived Negative Effects of Excessive Use of Cellular Phones
towards Academic Performance of Grade 12 Online Learning Students. This study is limited to
the Grade 12 students of Informatics Institute located at 2nd floor, Stary Building Max Suniel St,
Carmen Cagayan De Oro City, school year 2020-2021, who are engaged and conducted this
research. This study will examine the student’s excessive use of phones and its negative effects
to academic performance of grade 12 online learning students.
Theoritical Framework

The table below shows “The Negative Effects to Excessive Use of Cellular Phones among Grade
12 Section 9 Students in Informatics Institute-Cagayan De Oro S.Y. 2020-2021”



Negative Effects

Academic Performance

• Lack of

• Health


This section presents the related writing after intensive and top to bottom inquiry done
by the analysts. This section incorporates the thoughts, completed examination, ends and
others. Those that were remembered for this section helps in social event new data that are
important and like the current investigation.

Mental Health

According to Hadfield “mental health is the full and harmonious functioning of the

whole personality”. A mentally healthy person can live a fuller, happier, harmonious and

effective life. It describes either a level of cognitive (or) emotional well-being or an

absence of a mental disorder. From perspectives of the discipline of positive psychology

or holism, mental health may include an individual's ability to enjoy life and procure a

balance between life activities and efforts to achieve psychological resilience. Mental

health is an expression of our emotions and signifies a successful adaptation to a range

of demands.

Impact of Mobile Phones on Students

Cell phone texting is the most favorite channel of basic communication among school

students. They are gradually detaching themselves from family by losing emotional

closeness & warmth. (Maier M. 2000). This leads to frequent conflict and disagreements

between parents and adolescents. Mobile phone technology may have an impact on

student lives at a variety of levels. (Takao, etal.2009). From the study, a use of mobile

phones by school students, it is found that, mobile phone usage is increased

progressively within the 10-15 age groups. (Coggon, D. 2005). It is also found that, there

was widespread use of SMS text messages, especially children are using mobile to

communicate with friends. (Bianchi,,2005). Among all school students, text

messaging has become a predominant form of interaction with their friends. They

generally send 100 messages per day or 3000 SMS per month. Daily text messaging has

increased rapidly since early 2008. Nearly, 87% of students use text messaging

occasionally. Students typically make or receive five calls a day and 150 calls per month.

Parents encourage and support the use of cell phone by teenager due to its mixed

blessings like accessibility and monitor the condition of the offspring. It makes them

comfortable, easier to control, safer and convenient. (Martha, C. & Griffet, J. 2007). It

helps to be connected continuously with their child. For students, it gives space and

freedom to them. Students feel that, they can reach their parents through cell phone no

matter where they are. Students do not understand the side effects of the radiation

which is emitted from the mobile. (Hermann, D.A. & Hussmann, K.A. 2003). At first, it

was just an uncolored screen which developed into cellular phones with built-in

cameras, music player, internet, games, television, GPS etc. Now we have tremendously
increasing features like touch screen etc. It is useful but, it has also brought

disadvantages among children and adolescence.

Mobile Phone and Mental Health of Students

Students using mobile phones were seem to have different types of discomfort (Hutter,

et al., 2006). Some of them are discussed below such as, sleep, depression, addiction,

stress, fear of missing out, incivility and isolation, which are explained as follows:

·Sleep: Using a laptop, cell phone, or iPad at late night can seriously mess with your

sleep patterns and habits, potentially leaving you with a sleep disorder. Late night use is

also associated with stress and depressive symptoms.

·Depression: A Swedish study found that, participants who felt the need to have their

cell phones constantly accessible were more likely to report depressive mental health

symptoms. (Barany, et al., 2009).

·Addiction: Several studies have actually suggested that the brains of technology

abusers develop a certain pattern of change over time. Studies also suggest that, the

amounts of times technology abusers check their gadgets are just enough to trigger the

addiction-oriented parts of our brains.

·Stress: When people come home from school or work and immediately hop on the

Internet or turn on the iPad, our brains don't get the chance to de-stress and unwind

from the day's activities, so our brains get stuck in stress mode.

·FOMO aka (Fear of Missing Out): It's a real thing now.

The popularity of social media and sharing everything has led to this new sensation

where everyone feel the pressure to attend every event and share every experience.

·Isolation: Related to FOMO, excessive technology use can lead to feelings of isolation

or the eventual isolation of a person due to so much time spent with technology as

opposed to making real connections with human friends.

·Incivility: Research has shown that with the ascent of Internet and technology use,

rudeness and incivility on social media sites has also increased. This is bad, as being rude

to someone is wrong on its own, but it can also lead to Internet bullying.

·Insecurity: Such things like FOMO, social media, and constant access to it through our

phones, tablets and laptops mean, that people are constantly plugged into insecure


·Anxiety: Social media on our gadgets can give us anxiety about everything from FOMO

to fear which shows that human life is not “interesting” enough.



This study used an online survey method because of COVID-19 pandemic. Survey
method use for collecting data from a predefined group of respondents to gain information and
insight about perceived negative effects of excessive use of cellular phones to the academic
performance. The students who will participated in answering all the questions are the Grade
12 Students of Informatics Institute.

A questionnaire use descriptive method. Likert scale survey and finalize by the
researchers before being distributed to the targeted group of respondents. The survey
questionnaire was designed specifically to address research objectives: to identify the
perceived negative effects of excessive use of cellular phone to the academic performance.

To get the data gathering procedure we use the sampling procedure by doing the
Slovins Formula. Slovins Formula is used to compute for the sample size in a study given the
total population and margin of error.

n / (1+Ne2)

n=100/1+100(0.05) ²
n=80 total number of sample size


In this chapter primary data collected is summarize. Whereas quantitative data collected with
the help of our survey questionnaire is presented with the help of pie graph. The results of the
study are presented and discussed with reference to the aim of the study, which was to
determine the perceived negative effects of excessive use of cellular phone towards academic
These are the survey questionnaire:

How do you often use your cellular phone?

1. I always use my cellular phone.

2. I use cellular phone to communicate.

3. I use my cellular phone to play games and accessing social media.

4. Using cellular phone excessively effects the student’s academic performance.

5. Using cellular phone affects the relationship with your family and friends.

6. Excessive use of cellular phone can cause student’s laziness.

7. I get angry easily when someone disturbs me while focusing on the cellular phone.

8. I acquired non-school related information due to excessive use of mobile phone.

9. I use my phone and stay up all night.

10. Due to excessive use of mobile phone I tend to be late in class.

Survey Link:
I always use my cellular phone.

Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree

7.7% Strongly Disagree

8.8% Disagree

49.1% Agree

35.1% Strongly Agree

I use my cellular phone to communicate.

Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree

10.3% Strongly Disagree

1.7% Disagree

48.3% Agree

39.7% Strongly Agree

I use cellular phone to play games and
accessing social media.

Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree

12.1% Strongly Disagree

3.4% Disagree

55.2% Agree

29.3% Strongly Agree

Using cellular phone affects the students
academic performance.

Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree

3.6% Strongly Disagree

30.9% Disagree

55.2% Agree

14.5% Strongly Agree

Using cellular phone affects the relationship
with your family and friends.

Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree

10.7% Strongly Disagree

25% Disagree

46.4% Agree

17.9% Strongly Agree

Excessive use of cellular phone can cause
student’s laziness.

Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree

5.4% Strongly Disagree

12.5% Disagree

55.4% Agree

26.8% Strongly Agree

I get angry easily when someone disturbs
me while focusing on the cellular phone.

Stronglt Disagree
Stronglt Agree

9.1% Strongly Disagree

41.8% Disagree

41.8% Agree

7.3% Strongly Agree

I acquired non-school related information
due to excessive use of mobile phone.

Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree

10.7% Strongly Disagree

23.2% Disagree

58.9% Agree

7.1% Strongly Agree

I use my phone and stay up all night.

Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree

5.4% Strongly Disagree

48.2% Disagree

33.9% Agree

12.5% Strongly Agree

Due to excessive use of mobile phone I tend
to be late in class.

Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree

34.5% Strongly Disagree

30.9% Disagree

25.5% Agree

9.1% Strongly Agree

Based on our survey the excessive used of cellular phone affect the students in many ways,
with their attitude and mental health. Base on the result most of the respondents agreed that
widely use of cellular phone can affect academic performance because of some fake
information that has being posted in any social media account. Excessive use of cellular phone
can also affect your relationship with your family and friends, because it made the students lazy
at time when the students were focus on using cellular phone they don’t want to be disturb
especially when their playing games. Therefore excessive use of cellular phone effect the
students in many negative ways.


Overuse of cellphones or smart phones can result in a number of different problems. The study
shows that overuse of mobile phone can affect the academic performance among grade 12
students. Half of the respondents agree that excessive use of mobile phones affects the
academic performance of the grade 12 students. As cell phone technology continues its rapid
development, the device appears capable of contributing to student learning and improved
academic performance. The recent rapid increase in cell phones has influenced multiple aspects
of our daily lives, particularly those of Students.
Most of the respondents agree that excessive use of mobile phones can affect the relationship
with your family and friends. Birch et al (2006), analysis that the relationship between parental
involvement and students’ academic achievement is stronger when academic achievement is
represented. 54.5% of the respondents agree that cellular phones can cause students laziness.
58.2% agree that they acquired non-school related information due to excessive use of mobile
phone. 35.2% strongly disagree that due to excessive use of mobile phone they tend to be late
in class.

This study serves as an awareness that overuse of smart phones can affect the academic
performance among grade 12 students and it can also affect the relationship with your family.

The researchers failed to meet the target number of respondents because of the following
 Lack of Participation of the students
 Low Internet Connection


There are 57 total respondents and majority of them excessively use cellular phone. This
analysis was conducted to work out the results of excessive use of cellular phones in student’s
educational performance and to seek out why Grade 12 students in Informatics Computer
Institute overly use cellular phones. Using cellular phones in school and in our everyday lives
are such a standard issue of course it's a lot of convenient however using mobile excessively
isn't an honest idea. Supported the survey, most of the students are excessively using their
phones in academic purposes, recreation and online games. The researchers conducted that
using phone excessively will have a negative effect on the student’s academic performance
despite the fact that they use it on educational functions. However, overly use of mobile
phones can cause harm to student’s health, trouble sleeping during night, and lack of
concentration which may altogether distraction for their class. This analysis will be accustomed
unfold awareness concerning why using excessively of cellular phones can have a negative
impact on academic performance.


Based on the results of the study, the ensuing are encouraged and suggested to teachers,
students, and future researchers. Exploitation mobile phones will truly be valuable in today’s
era and it can educate numerous things in an exceedingly convenient method however using
mobile phones too can have an impact on student’s educational performance. For teachers,
they could initiate exercises or assignments that doesn’t need to use their mobile phones for
looking their answers, as a result, students might bank an excessive amount of what mobile
phones can provide to them.

Related Articles and Textbook

 Effects of using mobile phones too much4. Cell Phones and Cancer Risk.
 International Telecommunication Union. (2011).The world in 2011. ICT Facts and
 Excessive use of cell phone may cause depression and distraction.

Online Reference

September 25, 2020

Ms. Janice Mae R. Villegas

Academic Operations Head
Informatics Computer Institute
Max Suniel St., Carmen, Cagayan de Oro City

Dear Ma’am,

We, the Grade 12 Section 1 Group 3 ABM Students, currently conducting a research entitled,
“The Perceived Negative Effects of Excessive Use of Cellular Phone to the Academic
Performance among Grade 12 students of Informatics Computer Institute – Cagayan de Oro”. In
which the participants are the Grade 12 Online learning students.

We are requesting consent to permit us to direct an overview among Grade 12 Students. Rest
guarantee that the information accumulated will stay classified and for scholastic reasons as it
were. Your approval is an extraordinary significance to our examination.

Sincerely yours,

• Jeymaica Narisma • Dyana Jean Roble • Ivan Omiping

• Renz Nagangga • Michelle Jane Ponce
• Lyrah Mae Tres Reyes • Roselle Salcedo
• Phamela Omiping • Charmyn Ruiz
• Rey Tejada

Noted by

Mr. John More Clapano


Approved by

Ms. Janice Mae R. Villegas

Academic Operations Head

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