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Michael W.


Department of Political Science

Massachusetts Institute of Technology
77 Massachusetts Ave., E53-458A
Cambridge, MA 02139
(617) 575 - 9524

Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA
Ph.D. Candidate, Department of Political Science,
Fields: American Politics, Models and Methods
Expected Graduation, May 2013

University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA

B.A. with highest honors in Political Science, May 2006, Phi Beta Kappa
Minor: English Literature

Work in Progress
Childhood Family Structure and Adult Voter Turnout: An Exploration of the Eect of Pre-adult Experi-
ences on Political Behavior. Under review.

Is there a  Winner Eect in American Elections? Evidence from a Natural Experiment

Good Control, Bad Control: Post-Treatment Bias and Political Behavior

Using Instructional Manipulation Checks to Reduce Noise in Political Science Experiments. (With Adam
Berinsky and Michele Margolis.)

Name-Letter Eects and Political Choice. (With Adam Berinsky, Gabriel Lenz, and Michele Margolis.)

Subjective Evaluations of Election Integrity: Evidence from 2008. (With Charles Stewart III)

Conference Presentations
Is there a  Winner Eect in American Elections? Evidence from a Natural Experiment. Poster presented
at the Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, September 2011.

Campaign Funding Disclosures and Mass Political Attitudes. Poster presented at the Annual Confer-
ence of the Midwest Political Science Association, March 2011.

Partisanship and Information Processing: Perceptions and Expectations. (With Adam Berinsky, Krista
Loose, Gabriel Lenz, and Michele Margolis). Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the Midwest
Political Science Association, March 2011.

Research Assistance
MIT Political Experiments Research Lab (PERL), 2010-2011

Andrea Campbell, 2009, 2010

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Adam Berinsky, 2009

Orit Kedar, 2009

Departmental Service
American Politics Faculty Search Committee, Fall 2010

Articial Languages
R, Stata, Perl, Python, PHP, HTML, CSS, Drupal, L TEX

Experimental Software
MediaLab, DirectRT, Z-Tree

Original Software

Work Experience
Social Capital Inc., Woburn, MA, 2007-2008

AmeriCorps VISTA, Woburn, MA, 2006-2007

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