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- IEC 60228, IEC 60502-1
Circuit integrity
- BS 6387 Categories C, W, Z
- IEC 60331 at 750ºC 3 hours
Flame propagation
- IEC 60332-1
- IEC 60332-3 Categories A, B, C
Acid gas emission
- IEC 60754-2
Smoke emission
- IEC 61034

Preferably used for installation into
conduit and surface wiring which
provide flame retardant property and CONSTRUCTION :
long-term circuit integrity in a fire
Conductor : Compact or Round concentric lay stranded copper
Fire Barrier : Mineral ceramic (Mica) fire resistant tape.
Maximum conductor temperature
90ºC, Circuit voltage(U) does not Insulation : Cross-linked polyethylene (XLPE) : Natural (Translucent) Colour.
exceed 1,200 volts. Outer Sheath : Low smoke & halogen free compound (LSHF : ST8) : Orange Colour.
Other colours to special order.
3.5 kV

A llo wa ble
C o nduc t o r N o m ina l N o m ina l M a xim um M inim um
O v e ra ll C a ble A m pa c it ie s
T hic k ne s s T hic k ne s s C o nduc t o r Ins ula t io n S t a nda rd
S IZ E C ro s s M inim um dia m e t e r We ight In F re e A ir
D ia m e t e r of o f O ut e r R e s is t a nc e R e s is t a nc e pa c k ing
S e c t io n N um be r ( A ppro x.) ( A ppro x.) a t 4 0 °C
( A ppro x.) ins ula t io n S he a t h a t 2 0 °C a t 2 0 °C
A re a o f Wire s ( a m bie nt )

C o re x m m ² ( m m ²) mm (mm) (mm) (mm) (kg / km) (Ω / km) (M Ω / km) A (m/ R )

1 x 1.5 1.5 7 1.56 0.7 1.4 8 63 12.1 2,400 27 500
1 x 2.5 2.5 7 2.01 0.7 1.4 9 77 7.41 2,100 36 500
1x4 4 7 2.55 0.7 1.4 9 97 4.61 1,800 48 500
1x6 6 7 3.12 0.7 1.4 10 121 3.08 1,500 61 500
1 x 10 10 6 3.70 0.7 1.4 11 169 1.83 1,200 82 500
1 x 16 16 6 4.65 0.7 1.4 11 222 1.15 1,100 110 500
1 x 25 25 6 5.84 0.9 1.4 13 322 0.727 1,100 145 500
1 x 35 35 6 6.89 0.9 1.4 15 419 0.524 1,000 180 500
1 x 50 50 6 7.96 1.0 1.4 16 542 0.387 900 220 500
1 x 70 70 12 9.65 1.1 1.4 18 758 0.268 900 280 500
1 x 95 95 15 11.30 1.1 1.5 20 1,019 0.193 800 345 500
1 x 120 120 18 12.85 1.2 1.5 21 1,261 0.153 800 400 500
1 x 150 150 18 14.10 1.4 1.6 23 1,545 0.124 800 460 500
1 x 185 185 30 15.95 1.6 1.6 25 1,913 0.0991 800 530 500
1 x 240 240 34 18.35 1.7 1.7 28 2,477 0.0754 700 630 500
1 x 300 300 34 20.40 1.8 1.8 31 3,071 0.0601 700 725 500
1 x 400 400 53 23.25 2.0 1.9 34 3,881 0.047 700 840 500
1 x 500 500 53 26.50 2.2 2.0 38 4,940 0.0366 700 975 500
1 x 630 630 53 29.95 2.4 2.2 42 6,332 0.0283 600 1,125 300
1 x 800 800 53 33.90 2.6 2.3 47 8,035 0.0221 600 1,320 300
1 x 1,000 1,000 53 39.80 2.8 2.4 53 10,107 0.0176 600 1,510 300
R = Packing in reel

Page 1 of 1 Revision : November 2012

Phelps Dodge International (Thailand) Limited.

Maneeya Center Building, 16th Floor, 518/5 Ploenchit Rd., Lumpinee, Pathumwan, Bangkok 10330 Telephone : (66 2) 680 5800 Fax : (66 2) 680 5896, 680 5898
Website :
© 2012 Phelps Dodge International (Thailand) Limited. All rights reserved.

- IEC 60228, IEC 60502-1
Circuit integrity
- BS 6387 Categories C, W, Z
- IEC 60331 at 750ºC 3 hours
Flame propagation
- IEC 60332-1
- IEC 60332-3 Categories A, B, C
Acid gas emission
- IEC 60754-2
Smoke emission
- IEC 61034

Preferably used for installation into
conduit and surface wiring which
provide flame retardant property and CONSTRUCTION :
long-term circuit integrity in a fire
Conductor : Compact or Round concentric lay stranded copper
Fire Barrier : Mineral ceramic (Mica) fire resistant tape.
Maximum conductor temperature
90ºC, Circuit voltage(U) does not Insulation : Cross-linked polyethylene (XLPE) : Black, Natural Colour.
exceed 1,200 volts. Filler : LSHF filler and/or Polypropylene (Nonhygroscopic material)
Binding Tape : Polyester tape and/or Spunbond tape.
Outer Sheath : Low smoke & halogen free compound (LSHF : ST8) : Orange Colour.
3.5 kV
Other colours to special order.

A llo wable
C o nduct o r N o m ina l N o m ina l M axim um M inim um
O v era ll C a ble A m pa cit ie s
T hick ne ss T hic knes s C o nduct o r Ins ulat io n S t anda rd
S IZ E C ro s s M inim um dia m e t er Weight In F ree A ir
D iam e t e r of o f O ut e r R es ist a nc e R es ist a nc e pac king
S e ct io n N um ber ( A ppro x.) ( A ppro x.) a t 40 °C
( A ppro x.) insula t io n S hea t h at 2 0°C at 2 0°C
A rea o f Wire s ( a m bie nt )

C o re x m m ² ( m m ²) mm (mm) (mm) (mm) ( kg / k m ) ( Ω / km ) (M Ω / km) A (m/ R )

2 x 1.5 1.5 7 1.56 0.7 1.8 13 155 12.1 2,400 25 500
2 x 2.5 2.5 7 2.01 0.7 1.8 14 188 7.41 2,100 34 500
2x4 4 7 2.55 0.7 1.8 15 234 4.61 1,800 44 500
2x6 6 7 3.12 0.7 1.8 16 292 3.08 1,500 57 500
2 x 10 10 6 3.70 0.7 1.8 18 401 1.83 1,200 77 500
2 x 16 16 6 4.67 0.7 1.8 19 519 1.15 1,100 100 500
2 x 25 25 6 5.87 0.9 1.8 23 752 0.727 1,100 135 500
2 x 35 35 6 6.92 0.9 1.8 25 968 0.524 1,000 165 500
2 x 50 50 6 8.00 1.0 1.8 28 1,246 0.387 900 205 500
2 x 70 70 12 9.70 1.1 1.8 32 1,735 0.268 900 255 500
2 x 95 95 15 11.35 1.1 2.0 35 2,325 0.193 800 315 500
2 x 120 120 18 12.90 1.2 2.1 39 2,890 0.153 800 365 500
2 x 150 150 18 14.15 1.4 2.2 43 3,523 0.124 800 415 500
2 x 185 185 30 16.00 1.6 2.3 47 4,378 0.0991 800 485 500
2 x 240 240 34 18.35 1.7 2.5 53 5,655 0.0754 700 580 500
2 x 300 300 34 20.50 1.8 2.7 58 7,004 0.0601 700 675 300
2 x 400 400 53 23.35 2.0 2.9 65 8,854 0.047 700 790 300
R = Packing in reel

Page 1 of 1 Revision : November 2012

Phelps Dodge International (Thailand) Limited.

Maneeya Center Building, 16th Floor, 518/5 Ploenchit Rd., Lumpinee, Pathumwan, Bangkok 10330 Telephone : (66 2) 680 5800 Fax : (66 2) 680 5896, 680 5898
Website :
© 2012 Phelps Dodge International (Thailand) Limited. All rights reserved.

- IEC 60228, IEC 60502-1
Circuit integrity
- BS 6387 Categories C, W, Z
- IEC 60331 at 750ºC 3 hours
Flame propagation
- IEC 60332-1
- IEC 60332-3 Categories A, B, C
Acid gas emission
- IEC 60754-2
Smoke emission
- IEC 61034

Preferably used for installation into
conduit and surface wiring which
provide flame retardant property and CONSTRUCTION :
long-term circuit integrity in a fire
Conductor : Compact or Round concentric lay stranded copper
CLASSIFICATION : Fire Barrier : Mineral ceramic (Mica) fire resistant tape.
Maximum conductor temperature Insulation : Cross-linked polyethylene (XLPE) : Black, Natural, Red Colour.
90ºC, Circuit voltage(U) does not
exceed 1,200 volts. Filler : LSHF filler and/or Polypropylene (Nonhygroscopic material)
Binding Tape : Polyester tape and/or Spunbond tape.
AC TEST VOLTAGE : Outer Sheath : Low smoke & halogen free compound (LSHF : ST8) : Orange Colour.
3.5 kV Other colours to special order.

A llo wable
C o nduct o r N o m ina l N o m ina l M axim um M inim um
O v era ll C a ble A m pa cit ie s
T hick ne ss T hic knes s C o nduct o r Ins ulat io n S t anda rd
S IZ E C ro s s M inim um dia m e t er Weight In F ree A ir
D iam e t e r of o f O ut e r R es ist a nc e R es ist a nc e pac king
S e ct io n N um ber ( A ppro x.) ( A ppro x.) a t 40 °C
( A ppro x.) insula t io n S hea t h at 2 0°C at 2 0°C
A rea o f Wire s ( a m bie nt )

C o re x m m ² ( m m ²) mm (mm) (mm) (mm) ( kg / k m ) ( Ω / km ) (M Ω / km) A (m/ R )

3 x 1.5 1.5 7 1.56 0.7 1.8 14 183 12.1 2,400 21 500
3 x 2.5 2.5 7 2.01 0.7 1.8 15 228 7.41 2,100 28 500
3x4 4 7 2.55 0.7 1.8 16 291 4.61 1,800 37 500
3x6 6 7 3.12 0.7 1.8 17 368 3.08 1,500 48 500
3 x 10 10 6 3.70 0.7 1.8 19 518 1.83 1,200 64 500
3 x 16 16 6 4.67 0.7 1.8 20 687 1.15 1,100 86 500
3 x 25 25 6 5.87 0.9 1.8 24 1,009 0.727 1,100 115 500
3 x 35 35 6 6.92 0.9 1.8 27 1,313 0.524 1,000 140 500
3 x 50 50 6 8.00 1.0 1.8 29 1,705 0.387 900 170 500
3 x 70 70 12 9.70 1.1 1.9 34 2,413 0.268 900 215 500
3 x 95 95 15 11.35 1.1 2.0 38 3,229 0.193 800 260 500
3 x 120 120 18 12.90 1.2 2.1 42 4,023 0.153 800 305 500
3 x 150 150 18 14.15 1.4 2.3 46 4,939 0.124 800 350 500
3 x 185 185 30 16.00 1.6 2.4 51 6,144 0.0991 800 405 500
3 x 240 240 34 18.35 1.7 2.6 56 7,954 0.0754 700 490 300
3 x 300 300 34 20.50 1.8 2.8 62 9,869 0.0601 700 565 300
3 x 400 400 53 23.35 2.0 3.1 70 12,518 0.047 700 655 200
R = Packing in reel

Page 1 of 1 Revision : November 2012

Phelps Dodge International (Thailand) Limited.

Maneeya Center Building, 16th Floor, 518/5 Ploenchit Rd., Lumpinee, Pathumwan, Bangkok 10330 Telephone : (66 2) 680 5800 Fax : (66 2) 680 5896, 680 5898
Website :
© 2012 Phelps Dodge International (Thailand) Limited. All rights reserved.

- IEC 60228, IEC 60502-1
Circuit integrity
- BS 6387 Categories C, W, Z
- IEC 60331 at 750ºC 3 hours
Flame propagation
- IEC 60332-1
- IEC 60332-3 Categories A, B, C
Acid gas emission
- IEC 60754-2
Smoke emission
- IEC 61034

Preferably used for installation into
conduit and surface wiring which
provide flame retardant property and CONSTRUCTION :
long-term circuit integrity in a fire
Conductor : Compact or Round concentric lay stranded copper
Fire Barrier : Mineral ceramic (Mica) fire resistant tape.
Maximum conductor temperature
Insulation : Cross-linked polyethylene (XLPE) : Black, Natural, Red, Green Colour.
90ºC, Circuit voltage(U) does not
exceed 1,200 volts. Filler : LSHF filler and/or Polypropylene (Nonhygroscopic material)
Binding Tape : Polyester tape and/or Spunbond tape.
Outer Sheath : Low smoke & halogen free compound (LSHF : ST8) : Orange Colour.
3.5 kV
Other colours to special order.

A llo wable
C o nduct o r N o m ina l N o m ina l M axim um M inim um
O v era ll C a ble A m pa cit ie s
T hick ne ss T hic knes s C o nduct o r Ins ulat io n S t anda rd
S IZ E C ro s s M inim um dia m e t er Weight In F ree A ir
D iam e t e r of o f O ut e r R es ist a nc e R es ist a nc e pac king
S e ct io n N um ber ( A ppro x.) ( A ppro x.) a t 40 °C
( A ppro x.) insula t io n S hea t h at 2 0°C at 2 0°C
A rea o f Wire s ( a m bie nt )

C o re x m m ² ( m m ²) mm (mm) (mm) (mm) ( kg / k m ) ( Ω / km ) (M Ω / km) A (m/ R )

4 x 1.5 1.5 7 1.56 0.7 1.8 15 220 12.1 2,400 21 500
4 x 2.5 2.5 7 2.01 0.7 1.8 16 277 7.41 2,100 28 500
4x4 4 7 2.55 0.7 1.8 17 357 4.61 1,800 37 500
4x6 6 7 3.12 0.7 1.8 19 457 3.08 1,500 48 500
4 x 10 10 6 3.70 0.7 1.8 21 651 1.83 1,200 64 500
4 x 16 16 6 4.67 0.7 1.8 22 872 1.15 1,100 86 500
4 x 25 25 6 5.87 0.9 1.8 27 1,290 0.727 1,100 115 500
4 x 35 35 6 6.92 0.9 1.8 29 1,689 0.524 1,000 140 500
4 x 50 50 6 8.00 1.0 1.9 33 2,223 0.387 900 170 500
4 x 70 70 12 9.70 1.1 2.0 37 3,145 0.268 900 215 500
4 x 95 95 15 11.35 1.1 2.1 42 4,216 0.193 800 260 500
4 x 120 120 18 12.90 1.2 2.3 46 5,278 0.153 800 305 500
4 x 150 150 18 14.15 1.4 2.4 50 6,453 0.124 800 350 300
4 x 185 185 30 16.00 1.6 2.6 56 8,059 0.0991 800 405 300
4 x 240 240 34 18.35 1.7 2.8 63 10,435 0.0754 700 490 300
4 x 300 300 34 20.50 1.8 3.0 69 12,950 0.0601 700 565 200
4 x 400 400 53 23.35 2.0 3.3 77 16,421 0.047 700 655 200
R = Packing in reel

Page 1 of 1 Revision : November 2012

Phelps Dodge International (Thailand) Limited.

Maneeya Center Building, 16th Floor, 518/5 Ploenchit Rd., Lumpinee, Pathumwan, Bangkok 10330 Telephone : (66 2) 680 5800 Fax : (66 2) 680 5896, 680 5898
Website :
© 2012 Phelps Dodge International (Thailand) Limited. All rights reserved.

- IEC 60228, IEC 60502-1
Circuit integrity
- BS 6387 Categories C, W, Z
- IEC 60331 at 750ºC 3 hours
Flame propagation
- IEC 60332-1
- IEC 60332-3 Categories A, B, C
Acid gas emission
- IEC 60754-2
Smoke emission
- IEC 61034

Preferably used for installation into CONSTRUCTION :
conduit and surface wiring which
provide flame retardant property and
long-term circuit integrity in a fire Conductor : Compact or Round concentric lay stranded copper
Fire Barrier : Mineral ceramic (Mica) fire resistant tape.
CLASSIFICATION : Insulation : Cross-linked polyethylene (XLPE) : Black, Natural Colour.
Maximum conductor temperature Bedding : Low smoke & halogen free compound (LSHF : ST8) : Black Colour.
90ºC, Circuit voltage(U) does not
Armour : Aluminum wire for single core.
exceed 1,200 volts.
Binding Tape : Polyester tape and/or Spunbond tape.
AC TEST VOLTAGE : Outer Sheath : Low smoke & halogen free compound (LSHF : ST8) : Orange Colour.
Other colours to special order.
3.5 kV

C o nd uct o r A llo wab le

N o minal N o minal N o minal N o minal M aximum M inimum
Over all C ab le A mp acit ies
T hickness T hickness A r mo ur T hickness C o nd uct o r Insulat io n St and ar d
SIZ E d iamet er W eig ht In F r ee A ir
C r o ss M inimum of of W ir e o f Out er R esist ance R esist ance p acking
D iamet er ( A p p r o x.) ( A p p r o x.) at 4 0 °C
Sect io n N umb er insulat io n B ed d ing D iamet er Sheat h at 2 0 °C at 2 0 °C
( A p p r o x.) ( amb ient )
A r ea o f W ir es

C o r e x mm² ( mm²) mm ( mm) ( mm) ( mm) ( mm) ( mm) ( kg / km) ( Ω / km) ( M Ω / km) A ( m/ R )

1 x 50 50 7 7.96 1.0 1.0 1.3 1.8 21 801 0.387 900 210 500
1 x 70 70 12 9.65 1.1 1.0 1.3 1.8 23 1,044 0.268 900 260 500
1 x 95 95 15 11.30 1.1 1.0 1.6 1.8 25 1,369 0.193 800 325 500
1 x 120 120 18 12.85 1.2 1.0 1.6 1.8 27 1,646 0.153 800 375 500
1 x 150 150 18 14.10 1.4 1.0 1.6 1.8 29 1,948 0.124 800 425 500
1 x 185 185 30 15.95 1.6 1.0 1.6 1.9 31 2,373 0.0991 800 485 500
1 x 240 240 34 18.35 1.7 1.0 1.6 2.0 34 2,981 0.0754 700 565 500
1 x 300 300 34 20.40 1.8 1.0 1.6 2.1 37 3,617 0.0601 700 635 500
1 x 400 400 53 23.25 2.0 1.2 2.0 2.2 41 4,622 0.047 700 725 500
1 x 500 500 53 26.50 2.2 1.2 2.0 2.3 45 5,758 0.0366 700 815 500
1 x 630 630 53 29.95 2.4 1.2 2.0 2.4 49 7,218 0.0283 600 925 250
1 x 800 800 53 33.90 2.6 1.4 2.5 2.6 55 9,257 0.0221 600 1,125 250
1 x 1,000 1,000 53 39.80 2.8 1.4 2.5 2.8 62 11,517 0.0176 600 1,215 250
R = Packing in reel

Page 1 of 1 Revision : November 2012

Phelps Dodge International (Thailand) Limited.

Maneeya Center Building, 16th Floor, 518/5 Ploenchit Rd., Lumpinee, Pathumwan, Bangkok 10330 Telephone : (66 2) 680 5800 Fax : (66 2) 680 5896, 680 5898
Website :
© 2012 Phelps Dodge International (Thailand) Limited. All rights reserved.

- IEC 60228, IEC 60502-1
Circuit integrity
- BS 6387 Categories C, W, Z
- IEC 60331 at 750ºC 3 hours
Flame propagation
- IEC 60332-1
- IEC 60332-3 Categories A, B, C
Acid gas emission
- IEC 60754-2
Smoke emission
- IEC 61034

Preferably used for installation into
conduit and surface wiring which
provide flame retardant property and
long-term circuit integrity in a fire
Maximum conductor temperature Conductor : Compact or Round concentric lay stranded copper
90ºC, Circuit voltage(U) does not Fire Barrier : Mineral ceramic (Mica) fire resistant tape.
exceed 1,200 volts. Insulation : Cross-linked polyethylene (XLPE) : Black, Natural Colour.
Filler : LSHF filler and/or Polypropylene (Nonhygroscopic material)
Binding Tape : Polyester tape and/or Spunbond tape.
3.5 kV Bedding : Low smoke & halogen free compound (LSHF : ST8) : Black Colour.
Armour : Galvanised steel wire for multi core.
Separator Tape : Tape Polyester tape and/or Spunbond tape.
Outer Sheath : Low smoke & halogen free compound (LSHF : ST8) : Orange Colour.
Other colours to special order.

A l lo w ab le
C o nd uct o r N o mi nal N o mi nal N o mi nal N o mi nal M axi mum M i ni mum
O ver all C ab l e A mp aci t i es
T hi ckness T hickness A r mo ur T hi ckness C o nd uct o r I nsul at i o n St and ar d
SI Z E C r o ss M i ni mum d i amet er W ei g ht In F r ee A i r
D i amet er of of W ire o f O ut er R esi st ance R esi st ance p acking
Sect i o n N umb er ( A p p r o x. ) ( A p p r o x. ) at 4 0 °C
( A p p r o x. ) i nsul at i o n B ed d i ng D i amet er Sheat h at 2 0 °C at 2 0 °C
A r ea o f W i r es ( amb i ent )
C o r e x mm² ( mm²) mm ( mm) ( mm) ( mm) ( mm) ( mm) ( kg / km) ( Ω / km) ( M Ω / km) A ( m/ R )

2 x 1.5 1.5 7 1.56 0.7 1.0 0.9 1.8 17 446 12.1 2,400 25 500
2 x 2.5 2.5 7 2.01 0.7 1.0 0.9 1.8 18 494 7.41 2,100 35 500
2x4 4 7 2.55 0.7 1.0 1.3 1.8 20 665 4.61 1,800 45 500
2x6 6 7 3.12 0.7 1.0 1.3 1.8 21 759 3.08 1,500 55 500
2 x 10 10 6 3.70 0.7 1.0 1.3 1.8 23 917 1.83 1,200 75 500
2 x 16 16 6 4.67 0.7 1.0 1.3 1.8 24 1,073 1.15 1,100 105 500
2 x 25 25 6 5.87 0.9 1.0 1.6 1.8 28 1,554 0.727 1,100 145 500
2 x 35 35 6 6.92 0.9 1.0 1.6 1.8 30 1,830 0.524 1,000 175 500
2 x 50 50 6 8.00 1.0 1.0 1.6 1.8 33 2,210 0.387 900 210 500
2 x 70 70 12 9.70 1.1 1.0 1.6 2.0 37 2,871 0.268 900 260 500
2 x 95 95 15 11.35 1.1 1.2 2.0 2.1 42 3,892 0.193 800 325 500
2 x 120 120 18 12.90 1.2 1.2 2.0 2.2 46 4,614 0.153 800 375 500
2 x 150 150 18 14.15 1.4 1.2 2.0 2.3 49 5,375 0.124 800 425 500
2 x 185 185 30 16.00 1.6 1.4 2.5 2.5 56.0 6,964 0.0991 800 485 500
2 x 240 240 34 18.35 1.7 1.4 2.5 2.7 61.0 8,533 0.0754 700 565 250
2 x 300 300 34 20.50 1.8 1.6 2.5 2.8 66.0 10,198 0.0601 700 635 250
2 x 400 400 55 23.35 2.0 1.6 2.5 3.1 73.0 12,431 0.047 700 725 250
Page 1 of 1 R = Packing in reel Revision : November 2012

Phelps Dodge International (Thailand) Limited.

Maneeya Center Building, 16th Floor, 518/5 Ploenchit Rd., Lumpinee, Pathumwan, Bangkok 10330 Telephone : (66 2) 680 5800 Fax : (66 2) 680 5896, 680 5898
Website :
© 2012 Phelps Dodge International (Thailand) Limited. All rights reserved.

- IEC 60228, IEC 60502-1
Circuit integrity
- BS 6387 Categories C, W, Z
- IEC 60331 at 750ºC 3 hours
Flame propagation
- IEC 60332-1
- IEC 60332-3 Categories A, B, C
Acid gas emission
- IEC 60754-2
Smoke emission
- IEC 61034

Preferably used for installation into
conduit and surface wiring which
provide flame retardant property and
long-term circuit integrity in a fire
Maximum conductor temperature Conductor : Compact or Round concentric lay stranded copper
90ºC, Circuit voltage(U) does not Fire Barrier : Mineral ceramic (Mica) fire resistant tape.
exceed 1,200 volts.
Insulation : Cross-linked polyethylene (XLPE) : Black, Natural, Red Colour.
Filler : LSHF filler and/or Polypropylene (Nonhygroscopic material)
Binding Tape : Polyester tape and/or Spunbond tape.
3.5 kV
Bedding : Low smoke & halogen free compound (LSHF : ST8) : Black Colour.
Armour : Galvanised steel wire for multi core.
Separator Tape : Tape Polyester tape and/or Spunbond tape.
Outer Sheath : Low smoke & halogen free compound (LSHF : ST8) : Orange Colour.
Other colours to special order.

A l lo w ab le
C o nd uct o r N o mi nal N o mi nal N o mi nal N o mi nal M axi mum M i ni mum
O ver all C ab l e A mp aci t i es
T hi ckness T hickness A r mo ur T hi ckness C o nd uct o r I nsul at i o n St and ar d
SI Z E C r o ss M i ni mum d i amet er W ei g ht In F r ee A i r
D i amet er of of W ire o f O ut er R esi st ance R esi st ance p acking
Sect i o n N umb er ( A p p r o x. ) ( A p p r o x. ) at 4 0 °C
( A p p r o x. ) i nsul at i o n B ed d i ng D i amet er Sheat h at 2 0 °C at 2 0 °C
A r ea o f W i r es ( amb i ent )
C o r e x mm² ( mm²) mm ( mm) ( mm) ( mm) ( mm) ( mm) ( kg / km) ( Ω / km) ( M Ω / km) A ( m/ R )

3 x 1.5 1.5 7 1.56 0.7 1.0 0.9 1.8 18 488 12.1 2,400 20 500
3 x 2.5 2.5 7 2.01 0.7 1.0 0.9 1.8 19 553 7.41 2,100 30 500
3x4 4 7 2.55 0.7 1.0 1.3 1.8 21 746 4.61 1,800 35 500
3x6 6 7 3.12 0.7 1.0 1.3 1.8 22 859 3.08 1,500 50 500
3 x 10 10 6 3.70 0.7 1.0 1.3 1.8 24 1,070 1.83 1,200 65 500
3 x 16 16 6 4.67 0.7 1.0 1.3 1.8 25 1,276 1.15 1,100 90 500
3 x 25 25 6 5.87 0.9 1.0 1.6 1.8 30 1,851 0.727 1,100 125 500
3 x 35 35 6 6.92 0.9 1.0 1.6 1.8 32 2,239 0.524 1,000 150 500
3 x 50 50 6 8.00 1.0 1.0 1.6 1.9 35 2,744 0.387 900 180 500
3 x 70 70 12 9.70 1.1 1.2 2.0 2.0 41 3,917 0.268 900 230 500
3 x 95 95 15 11.35 1.1 1.2 2.0 2.2 45 4,910 0.193 800 280 500
3 x 120 120 18 12.90 1.2 1.2 2.0 2.3 49 5,865 0.153 800 320 500
3 x 150 150 18 14.15 1.4 1.4 2.5 2.5 54 7,431 0.124 800 360 500
3 x 185 185 30 16.00 1.6 1.4 2.5 2.6 59.0 8,921 0.0991 800 420 250
3 x 240 240 34 18.35 1.7 1.6 2.5 2.8 65.0 11,124 0.0754 700 490 250
3 x 300 300 34 20.50 1.8 1.6 2.5 3.0 71.0 13,297 0.0601 700 560 200
3 x 400 400 55 23.35 2.0 1.6 2.5 3.2 78.0 16,308 0.047 700 650 200
Page 1 of 1 R = Packing in reel Revision : November 2012

Phelps Dodge International (Thailand) Limited.

Maneeya Center Building, 16th Floor, 518/5 Ploenchit Rd., Lumpinee, Pathumwan, Bangkok 10330 Telephone : (66 2) 680 5800 Fax : (66 2) 680 5896, 680 5898
Website :
© 2012 Phelps Dodge International (Thailand) Limited. All rights reserved.

- IEC 60228, IEC 60502-1
Circuit integrity
- BS 6387 Categories C, W, Z
- IEC 60331 at 750ºC 3 hours
Flame propagation
- IEC 60332-1
- IEC 60332-3 Categories A, B, C
Acid gas emission
- IEC 60754-2
Smoke emission
- IEC 61034

Preferably used for installation into
conduit and surface wiring which
provide flame retardant property and
long-term circuit integrity in a fire
Maximum conductor temperature Conductor : Compact or Round concentric lay stranded copper
90ºC, Circuit voltage(U) does not Fire Barrier : Mineral ceramic (Mica) fire resistant tape.
exceed 1,200 volts. Insulation : Cross-linked polyethylene (XLPE) : Black, Natural, Red, Green Colour.
Filler : LSHF filler and/or Polypropylene (Nonhygroscopic material)
Binding Tape : Polyester tape and/or Spunbond tape.
3.5 kV Bedding : Low smoke & halogen free compound (LSHF : ST8) : Black Colour.
Armour : Galvanised steel wire for multi core.
Separator Tape : Tape Polyester tape and/or Spunbond tape.
Outer Sheath : Low smoke & halogen free compound (LSHF : ST8) : Orange Colour.
Other colours to special order.

A l lo w ab le
C o nd uct o r N o mi nal N o mi nal N o mi nal N o mi nal M axi mum M i ni mum
O ver all C ab l e A mp aci t i es
T hi ckness T hickness A r mo ur T hi ckness C o nd uct o r I nsul at i o n St and ar d
SI Z E C r o ss M i ni mum d i amet er W ei g ht In F r ee A i r
D i amet er of of W ire o f O ut er R esi st ance R esi st ance p acking
Sect i o n N umb er ( A p p r o x. ) ( A p p r o x. ) at 4 0 °C
( A p p r o x. ) i nsul at i o n B ed d i ng D i amet er Sheat h at 2 0 °C at 2 0 °C
A r ea o f W i r es ( amb i ent )
C o r e x mm² ( mm²) mm ( mm) ( mm) ( mm) ( mm) ( mm) ( kg / km) ( Ω / km) ( M Ω / km) A ( m/ R )

4 x 1.5 1.5 7 1.56 0.7 1.0 0.9 1.8 19 545 12.1 2,400 20 500
4 x 2.5 2.5 7 2.01 0.7 1.0 1.3 1.8 20 732 7.41 2,100 30 500
4x4 4 7 2.55 0.7 1.0 1.3 1.8 22 849 4.61 1,800 35 500
4x6 6 7 3.12 0.7 1.0 1.3 1.8 23 986 3.08 1,500 50 500
4 x 10 10 6 3.70 0.7 1.0 1.3 1.8 25 1,242 1.83 1,200 65 500
4 x 16 16 6 4.67 0.7 1.0 1.6 1.8 28 1,656 1.15 1,100 90 500
4 x 25 25 6 5.87 0.9 1.0 1.6 1.8 32 2,216 0.727 1,100 125 500
4 x 35 35 6 6.92 0.9 1.0 1.6 1.9 35 2,727 0.524 1,000 150 500
4 x 50 50 6 8.00 1.0 1.0 1.6 2.0 38 3,365 0.387 900 180 500
4 x 70 70 12 9.70 1.1 1.2 2.0 2.2 44 4,799 0.268 900 230 500
4 x 95 95 15 11.35 1.1 1.2 2.0 2.3 49 6,057 0.193 800 280 500
4 x 120 120 18 12.90 1.2 1.4 2.5 2.5 55 7,815 0.153 800 320 500
4 x 150 150 18 14.15 1.4 1.4 2.5 2.6 59 9,228 0.124 800 360 250
4 x 185 185 30 16.00 1.6 1.4 2.5 2.8 65.0 11,130 0.0991 800 420 250
4 x 240 240 34 18.35 1.7 1.6 2.5 3.0 72.0 13,911 0.0754 700 490 250
4 x 300 300 34 20.50 1.8 1.6 2.5 3.2 78.0 16,769 0.0601 700 560 200
4 x 400 400 53 23.35 2.0 1.8 3.2 3.5 88.0 21,735 0.047 700 650 200
Page 1 of 1 R = Packing in reel Revision : November 2012

Phelps Dodge International (Thailand) Limited.

Maneeya Center Building, 16th Floor, 518/5 Ploenchit Rd., Lumpinee, Pathumwan, Bangkok 10330 Telephone : (66 2) 680 5800 Fax : (66 2) 680 5896, 680 5898
Website :
© 2012 Phelps Dodge International (Thailand) Limited. All rights reserved.

- IEC 60228, IEC 60502-1
Circuit integrity
- BS 6387 Categories C, W, Z
- IEC 60331 at 750ºC 3 hours
Flame propagation
- IEC 60332-1
- IEC 60332-3 Categories A, B, C
Acid gas emission
- IEC 60754-2
Smoke emission
- IEC 61034

Preferably used for installation into
conduit and surface wiring which
provide flame retardant property and
long-term circuit integrity in a fire

Maximum conductor temperature
90ºC, Circuit voltage(U) does not
exceed 1,200 volts.

3.5 kV

Conductor : Compact or Round
concentric lay stranded copper
Fire Barrier : Mineral ceramic (Mica)
fire resistant tape.
Insulation : Cross-linked polyethylene
(XLPE) : Black Colour with marking
Filler : LSHF filler and/or
Polypropylene (Nonhygroscopic
Bedding : Low smoke & halogen free
compound (LSHF : ST8) : Black
Metallic Shield : Annealed copper
Binding Tape : Polyester tape and/or
Spunbond tape.(Where necessary)
Outer Sheath : Low smoke & halogen
free compound (LSHF : ST8) : Orange

Other colours to special order

Page 1 of 6 Revision : November 2012

Phelps Dodge International (Thailand) Limited.

Maneeya Center Building, 16th Floor, 518/5 Ploenchit Rd., Lumpinee, Pathumwan, Bangkok 10330 Telephone : (66 2) 680 5800 Fax : (66 2) 680 5896, 680 5898
Website :
© 2012 Phelps Dodge International (Thailand) Limited. All rights reserved.

N o m ina l
C o nduc t o r N o m ina l N o m ina l M a xim um M inim um
T hic k ne s s O v e ra ll C a ble
No. of T hic k ne s s T hic k ne s s C o nduc t o r Ins ula t io n S t a nda rd
C ro s s M inim um of dia m e t e r We ight
C o re s D ia m e t e r of o f O ut e r R e s is t a nc e R e s is t a nc e pa c k ing
S e c t io n N um be r B e dding ( A ppro x.) ( A ppro x.)
( A ppro x.) ins ula t io n She a t h a t 2 0 °C a t 2 0 °C
A re a o f Wire s S he a t h

( m m ²) mm (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (kg / km) (Ω / km) (M Ω / km) (m/ R )

2 1.5 7 1.56 0.7 1.0 1.8 15 246 12.1 2,500 500

2.5 7 2.01 0.7 1.0 1.8 16 286 7.41 2,100 500
4 7 2.55 0.7 1.0 1.8 17 341 4.61 1,800 500
6 7 3.12 0.7 1.0 1.8 19 407 3.08 1,500 500
10 6 3.70 0.7 1.0 1.8 20 530 1.83 1,200 500

3 1.5 7 1.56 0.7 1.0 1.8 16 279 12.1 2,500 500

2.5 7 2.01 0.7 1.0 1.8 17 331 7.41 2,100 500
4 7 2.55 0.7 1.0 1.8 18 403 4.61 1,800 500
6 7 3.12 0.7 1.0 1.8 19 489 3.08 1,500 500
10 6 3.70 0.7 1.0 1.8 21 655 1.83 1,200 500

4 2 7 1.56 0.7 1.0 1.8 17 324 12.1 2,500 500

2.5 7 2.01 0.7 1.0 1.8 18 389 7.41 2,100 500
4 7 2.55 0.7 1.0 1.8 19 479 4.61 1,800 500
6 7 3.12 0.7 1.0 1.8 21 590 3.08 1,500 500
10 6 3.70 0.7 1.0 1.8 23 800 1.83 1,200 500

5 1.5 7 1.56 0.7 1.0 1.8 18 372 12.1 2,500 500

2.5 7 2.01 0.7 1.0 1.8 19 451 7.41 2,100 500
4 7 2.55 0.7 1.0 1.8 21 561 4.61 1,800 500
6 7 3.12 0.7 1.0 1.8 22 696 3.08 1,500 500
10 6 3.70 0.7 1.0 1.8 25 954 1.83 1,200 500

6 1.5 7 1.56 0.7 1.0 1.8 19 422 12.1 2,500 500

2.5 7 2.01 0.7 1.0 1.8 21 516 7.41 2,100 500
4 7 2.55 0.7 1.0 1.8 22 646 4.61 1,800 500
6 7 3.12 0.7 1.0 1.8 24 806 3.08 1,500 500
10 6 3.70 0.7 1.0 1.8 27 1,113 1.83 1,200 500

7 1.5 7 1.56 0.7 1.0 1.8 19 441 12.1 2,500 500

2.5 7 2.01 0.7 1.0 1.8 21 544 7.41 2,100 500
4 7 2.55 0.7 1.0 1.8 22 688 4.61 1,800 500
6 7 3.12 0.7 1.0 1.8 24 866 3.08 1,500 500
10 6 3.70 0.7 1.0 1.8 27 1,210 1.83 1,200 500

R = Packing in reel

Page 2 of 6 Revision : November 2012

Phelps Dodge International (Thailand) Limited.

Maneeya Center Building, 16th Floor, 518/5 Ploenchit Rd., Lumpinee, Pathumwan, Bangkok 10330 Telephone : (66 2) 680 5800 Fax : (66 2) 680 5896, 680 5898
Website :
© 2012 Phelps Dodge International (Thailand) Limited. All rights reserved.

N o m ina l
C o nduc t o r N o m ina l N o m ina l M a xim um M inim um
T hic k ne s s O v e ra ll C a ble
No. of T hic k ne s s T hic k ne s s C o nduc t o r Ins ula t io n S t a nda rd
C ro s s M inim um of dia m e t e r We ight
C o re s D ia m e t e r of o f O ut e r R e s is t a nc e R e s is t a nc e pa c k ing
S e c t io n N um be r B e dding ( A ppro x.) ( A ppro x.)
( A ppro x.) ins ula t io n She a t h a t 2 0 °C a t 2 0 °C
A re a o f Wire s S he a t h

( m m ²) mm (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (kg / km) (Ω / km) (M Ω / km) (m/ R )

8 1.5 7 1.56 0.7 1.0 1.8 21 493 12.1 2,500 500

2.5 7 2.01 0.7 1.0 1.8 22 610 7.41 2,100 500
4 7 2.55 0.7 1.0 1.8 24 775 4.61 1,800 500
6 7 3.12 0.7 1.0 1.8 26 979 3.08 1,500 500
10 6 3.70 0.7 1.0 1.9 29 1,387 1.83 1,200 500

9 1.5 7 1.56 0.7 1.0 1.8 22 546 12.1 2,500 500

2.5 7 2.01 0.7 1.0 1.8 23 678 7.41 2,100 500
4 7 2.55 0.7 1.0 1.8 25 866 4.61 1,800 500
6 7 3.12 0.7 1.0 1.8 27 1,095 3.08 1,500 500
10 6 3.70 0.7 1.0 1.9 31 1,562 1.83 1,200 500

10 1.5 7 1.56 0.7 1.0 1.8 23 611 12.1 2,500 500

2.5 7 2.01 0.7 1.0 1.8 25 760 7.41 2,100 500
4 7 2.55 0.7 1.0 1.8 27 970 4.61 1,800 500
6 7 3.12 0.7 1.0 1.9 30 1,243 3.08 1,500 500
10 6 3.70 0.7 1.0 2.0 34 1,776 1.83 1,200 500

11 1.5 7 1.56 0.7 1.0 1.8 23 629 12.1 2,500 500

2.5 7 2.01 0.7 1.0 1.8 25 788 7.41 2,100 500
4 7 2.55 0.7 1.0 1.8 27 1,013 4.61 1,800 500
6 7 3.12 0.7 1.0 1.9 30 1,303 3.08 1,500 500
10 6 3.70 0.7 1.0 2.0 34 1,873 1.83 1,200 500

12 1.5 7 1.56 0.7 1.0 1.8 24 667 12.1 2,500 500

2.5 7 2.01 0.7 1.0 1.8 26 838 7.41 2,100 500
4 7 2.55 0.7 1.0 1.8 28 1,080 4.61 1,800 500
6 7 3.12 0.7 1.0 1.9 31 1,400 3.06 1,500 500
10 6 3.70 0.7 1.2 2.1 36 2,062 1.83 1,200 500

13 1.5 7 1.56 0.7 1.0 1.8 25 718 12.1 2,500 500

2.5 7 2.01 0.7 1.0 1.8 27 904 7.41 2,100 500
4 7 2.55 0.7 1.0 1.8 29 1,168 4.61 1,800 500
6 7 3.12 0.7 1.0 1.9 32 1,514 3.08 1,500 500
10 6 3.70 0.7 1.2 2.1 37 2,230 1.83 1,200 500

R = Packing in reel

Page 3 of 6 Revision : November 2012

Phelps Dodge International (Thailand) Limited.

Maneeya Center Building, 16th Floor, 518/5 Ploenchit Rd., Lumpinee, Pathumwan, Bangkok 10330 Telephone : (66 2) 680 5800 Fax : (66 2) 680 5896, 680 5898
Website :
© 2012 Phelps Dodge International (Thailand) Limited. All rights reserved.

N o m ina l
C o nduc t o r N o m ina l N o m ina l M a xim um M inim um
T hic k ne s s O v e ra ll C a ble
No. of T hic k ne s s T hic k ne s s C o nduc t o r Ins ula t io n S t a nda rd
C ro s s M inim um of dia m e t e r We ight
C o re s D ia m e t e r of o f O ut e r R e s is t a nc e R e s is t a nc e pa c k ing
S e c t io n N um be r B e dding ( A ppro x.) ( A ppro x.)
( A ppro x.) ins ula t io n She a t h a t 2 0 °C a t 2 0 °C
A re a o f Wire s S he a t h

( m m ²) mm (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (kg / km) (Ω / km) (M Ω / km) (m/ R )

14 2 7 1.56 0.7 1.0 1.8 25 737 12.1 2,500 500

2.5 7 2.01 0.7 1.0 1.8 27 932 7.41 2,100 500
4 7 2.55 0.7 1.0 1.9 30 1,224 4.61 1,800 500
6 7 3.12 0.7 1.0 2.0 32 1,590 3.08 1,500 500
10 6 3.70 0.7 1.2 2.1 37 2,327 1.83 1,200 500

15 1.5 7 1.56 0.7 1.0 1.8 26 792 12.1 2,500 500

2.5 7 2.01 0.7 1.0 1.8 28 1,003 7.41 2,100 500
4 7 2.55 0.7 1.0 1.9 31 1,323 4.61 1,800 500
6 7 3.12 0.7 1.0 2.0 34 1,719 3.08 1,500 500
10 6 3.70 0.7 1.2 2.1 39 2,506 1.83 1,200 500

16 1.5 7 1.56 0.7 1.0 1.8 26 811 12.1 2,500 500

2.5 7 2.01 0.7 1.0 1.8 28 1,031 7.41 2,100 500
4 7 2.55 0.7 1.0 1.9 31 1,366 4.61 1,800 500
6 7 3.12 0.7 1.0 2.0 34 1,779 3.08 1,500 500
10 6 3.70 0.7 1.2 2.2 39 2,622 1.83 1,200 500

17 2 7 1.56 0.7 1.0 1.8 27 869 12.1 2,500 500

2.5 7 2.01 0.7 1.0 1.8 30 1,106 7.41 2,100 500
4 7 2.55 0.7 1.0 1.9 33 1,463 4.61 1,800 500
6 7 3.12 0.7 1.2 2.1 36 1,959 3.08 1,500 500
10 6 3.70 0.7 1.2 2.2 41 2,808 1.83 1,200 500

18 1.5 7 1.56 0.7 1.0 1.8 27 887 12.1 2,500 500

2.5 7 2.01 0.7 1.0 1.9 30 1,148 7.41 2,100 500
4 7 2.55 0.7 1.0 2.0 33 1,522 4.61 1,800 500
6 7 3.12 0.7 1.2 2.1 36 2,019 3.08 1,500 500
10 6 3.70 0.7 1.2 2.2 41 2,906 1.83 1,200 500

19 1.5 7 1.56 0.7 1.0 1.8 27 906 12.1 2,500 500

2.5 7 2.01 0.7 1.0 1.9 30 1,176 7.41 2,100 500
4 7 2.55 0.7 1.0 2.0 33 1,564 4.61 1,800 500
6 7 3.12 0.7 1.2 2.1 36 2,080 3.08 1,500 500
10 6 3.70 0.7 1.2 2.2 41 3,002 1.83 1,200 500

R = Packing in reel

Page 4 of 6 Revision : November 2012

Phelps Dodge International (Thailand) Limited.

Maneeya Center Building, 16th Floor, 518/5 Ploenchit Rd., Lumpinee, Pathumwan, Bangkok 10330 Telephone : (66 2) 680 5800 Fax : (66 2) 680 5896, 680 5898
Website :
© 2012 Phelps Dodge International (Thailand) Limited. All rights reserved.

N o m ina l
C o nduc t o r N o m ina l N o m ina l M a xim um M inim um
T hic k ne s s O v e ra ll C a ble
No. of T hic k ne s s T hic k ne s s C o nduc t o r Ins ula t io n S t a nda rd
C ro s s M inim um of dia m e t e r We ight
C o re s D ia m e t e r of o f O ut e r R e s is t a nc e R e s is t a nc e pa c k ing
S e c t io n N um be r B e dding ( A ppro x.) ( A ppro x.)
( A ppro x.) ins ula t io n She a t h a t 2 0 °C a t 2 0 °C
A re a o f Wire s S he a t h

( m m ²) mm (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (kg / km) (Ω / km) (M Ω / km) (m/ R )

20 1.5 7 1.56 0.7 1.0 1.8 29 966 12.1 2,500 500

2.5 7 2.01 0.7 1.0 1.9 31 1,260 7.41 2,100 500
4 7 2.55 0.7 1.0 2.0 34 1,672 4.61 1,800 500
6 7 3.12 0.7 1.2 2.1 38 2,214 3.08 1,500 500
10 6 3.70 0.7 1.2 2.3 43 3,214 1.83 1,200 500

21 1.5 7 1.56 0.7 1.0 1.8 29 985 12.1 2,500 500

2.5 7 2.01 0.7 1.0 1.9 31 1,288 7.41 2,100 500
4 7 2.55 0.7 1.0 2.0 34 1,715 4.61 1,800 500
6 7 3.12 0.7 1.2 2.1 38 2,274 3.08 1,500 500
10 6 3.70 0.7 1.2 2.3 43 3,311 1.83 1,200 500

22 1.5 7 1.56 0.7 1.0 1.8 30 1,047 12.1 2,500 500

2.5 7 2.01 0.7 1.0 1.9 33 1,367 7.41 2,100 500
4 7 2.55 0.7 1.2 2.1 37 1,873 4.61 1,800 500
6 7 3.12 0.7 1.2 2.2 40 2,430 3.08 1,500 500
10 6 3.70 0.7 1.2 2.3 45 3,508 1.83 1,200 500

23 1.5 7 1.56 0.7 1.0 1.9 30 1,079 12.1 2,500 500

2.5 7 2.01 0.7 1.0 2.0 33 1,411 7.41 2,100 500
4 7 2.55 0.7 1.2 2.1 37 1,914 4.61 1,800 500
6 7 3.12 0.7 1.2 2.2 40 2,490 3.08 1,500 500
10 6 3.70 0.7 1.2 2.4 46 3,627 1.83 1,200 500

24 1.5 7 1.56 0.7 1.0 1.9 32 1,160 12.1 2,500 500

2.5 7 2.01 0.7 1.0 2.0 35 1,513 7.41 2,100 500
4 7 2.55 0.7 1.2 2.1 38 2,041 4.61 1,800 500
6 7 3.12 0.7 1.2 2.3 42 2,672 3.08 1,500 500
10 6 3.70 0.7 1.4 2.5 49 3,926 1.83 1,200 500

25 1.5 7 1.56 0.7 1.0 1.9 32 1,180 12.1 2,500 500

2.5 7 2.01 0.7 1.0 2.0 35 1,542 7.41 2,100 500
4 7 2.55 0.7 1.2 2.1 38 2,083 4.61 1,800 500
6 7 3.12 0.7 1.2 2.3 42 2,732 3.08 1,500 500
10 6 3.70 0.7 1.4 2.5 49 4,024 1.83 1,200 500

R = Packing in reel

Page 5 of 6 Revision : November 2012

Phelps Dodge International (Thailand) Limited.

Maneeya Center Building, 16th Floor, 518/5 Ploenchit Rd., Lumpinee, Pathumwan, Bangkok 10330 Telephone : (66 2) 680 5800 Fax : (66 2) 680 5896, 680 5898
Website :
© 2012 Phelps Dodge International (Thailand) Limited. All rights reserved.

N o m ina l
C o nduc t o r N o m ina l N o m ina l M a xim um M inim um
T hic k ne s s O v e ra ll C a ble
No. of T hic k ne s s T hic k ne s s C o nduc t o r Ins ula t io n S t a nda rd
C ro s s M inim um of dia m e t e r We ight
C o re s D ia m e t e r of o f O ut e r R e s is t a nc e R e s is t a nc e pa c k ing
S e c t io n N um be r B e dding ( A ppro x.) ( A ppro x.)
( A ppro x.) ins ula t io n She a t h a t 2 0 °C a t 2 0 °C
A re a o f Wire s S he a t h

( m m ²) mm (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (kg / km) (Ω / km) (M Ω / km) (m/ R )

26 1.5 7 1.56 0.7 1.0 1.9 32 1,198 12.1 2,500 500

2.5 7 2.01 0.7 1.0 2.0 35 1,570 7.41 2,100 500
4 7 2.55 0.7 1.2 2.1 38 2,126 4.61 1,800 500
6 7 3.12 0.7 1.2 2.3 42 2,792 3.08 1,500 500
10 6 3.70 0.7 1.4 2.5 49 4,120 1.83 1,200 500

27 2 7 1.56 0.7 1.0 1.9 32 1,240 12.1 2,500 500

2.5 7 2.01 0.7 1.0 2.0 35 1,626 7.41 2,100 500
4 7 2.55 0.7 1.2 2.2 39 2,221 4.61 1,800 500
6 7 3.12 0.7 1.2 2.3 43 2,895 3.08 1,500 500
10 6 3.70 0.7 1.4 2.5 50 4,273 1.83 1,200 500

28 1.5 7 1.56 0.7 1.0 1.9 33 1,305 12.1 2,500 500

2.5 7 2.01 0.7 1.0 2.0 36 1,701 7.41 2,100 500
4 7 2.55 0.7 1.2 2.2 41 2,323 4.61 1,800 500
6 7 3.12 0.7 1.2 2.3 45 3,026 3.08 1,500 500
10 6 3.70 0.7 1.4 2.5 51 4,464 1.83 1,200 500

29 1.5 7 1.56 0.7 1.0 1.9 33 1,323 12.1 2,500 500

2.5 7 2.01 0.7 1.2 2.1 37 1,784 7.41 2,100 500
4 7 2.55 0.7 1.2 2.2 41 2,366 4.61 1,800 500
6 7 3.12 0.7 1.2 2.3 45 3,087 3.08 1,500 500
10 6 3.70 0.7 1.4 2.5 51 4,561 1.83 1,200 500

30 1.5 7 1.56 0.7 1.0 2.0 34 1,359 12.1 2,500 500

2.5 7 2.01 0.7 1.2 2.1 37 1,812 7.41 2,100 500
4 7 2.55 0.7 1.2 2.2 41 2,407 4.61 1,800 500
6 7 3.12 0.7 1.2 2.3 45 3,147 3.08 1,500 500
10 6 3.70 0.7 14.0 2.6 52 4,683 1.83 1,200 500

R = Packing in reel

Page 6 of 6 Revision : November 2012

Phelps Dodge International (Thailand) Limited.

Maneeya Center Building, 16th Floor, 518/5 Ploenchit Rd., Lumpinee, Pathumwan, Bangkok 10330 Telephone : (66 2) 680 5800 Fax : (66 2) 680 5896, 680 5898
Website :
© 2012 Phelps Dodge International (Thailand) Limited. All rights reserved.

- IEC 60228, IEC 60502-1
Flame propagation
- IEC 60332-1
- IEC 60332-3 Categories A, B, C
Acid gas emission
- IEC 60754-2
Smoke emission
- IEC 61034

Preferably used for installation into
conduit and surface wiring which
provide safety and flame retardant
property in a fire CONSTRUCTION :
Conductor : Compact or Round concentric lay stranded copper
Maximum conductor temperature
Insulation : Cross-linked polyethylene (XLPE) : Natural (Translucent) Colour.
90ºC, Circuit voltage(U) does not
exceed 1,200 volts. Outer Sheath : Low smoke & halogen free compound (LSHF : ST8) : Orange Colour.
Other colours to special order.
3.5 kV

A llo w able
Co nductor Nom inal M axim um M inim um
No m inal Ov er all Cable A m pacities
Thick ness Co nductor Insulatio n Standar d
SIZE Cr o ss M inim um Thick ness Diam eter W eig ht In Fr ee A ir
Diam eter o f Outer Resistance Resistance pack ing
Section Num ber o f insulatio n (A ppr ox.) (A ppr ox.) at 40°C
(A ppr ox.) Sheath at 20°C at 20°C
A r ea of W ir es (am bient)

Cor e x m m ² (m m ²) mm (m m ) (m m ) (m m ) (k g / k m ) (Ω / k m ) (M Ω / k m ) A (m /R)

1 x 1.5 1.5 7 1.56 0.7 1.4 7 50 12.1 2,400 27 500

1 x 2.5 2.5 7 2.01 0.7 1.4 8 63 7.41 2,100 36 500
1x4 4 7 2.55 0.7 1.4 8 82 4.61 1,800 48 500
1x6 6 7 3.12 0.7 1.4 9 106 3.08 1,500 61 500
1 x 10 10 6 3.70 0.7 1.4 10 152 1.83 1,200 82 500
1 x 16 16 6 4.65 0.7 1.4 10 200 1.15 1,100 110 500
1 x 25 25 6 5.84 0.9 1.4 12 298 0.727 1,100 145 500
1 x 35 35 6 6.89 0.9 1.4 13 392 0.524 1,000 180 500
1 x 50 50 6 7.96 1.0 1.4 15 513 0.387 900 220 500
1 x 70 70 12 9.65 1.1 1.4 17 724 0.268 900 280 500
1 x 95 95 15 11.30 1.1 1.5 19 980 0.193 800 345 500
1 x 120 120 18 12.85 1.2 1.5 20 1,219 0.153 800 400 500
1 x 150 150 18 14.10 1.4 1.6 22 1,500 0.124 800 460 500
1 x 185 185 30 15.95 1.6 1.6 24 1,861 0.0991 800 530 500
1 x 240 240 34 18.35 1.7 1.7 27 2,419 0.0754 700 630 500
1 x 300 300 34 20.40 1.8 1.8 30 3,009 0.0601 700 725 500
1 x 400 400 53 23.25 2.0 1.9 33 3,811 0.047 700 840 500
1 x 500 500 53 26.50 2.2 2.0 37 4,862 0.0366 700 975 500
1 x 630 630 53 29.95 2.4 2.2 41 6,244 0.0283 600 1,125 300
1 x 800 800 53 33.90 2.6 2.3 46 7,937 0.0221 600 1,320 300
1 x 1,000 1,000 53 39.80 2.8 2.4 52 9,995 0.0176 600 1,510 300
Page 1 of 1 R = Packing in reel Revision : November 2012

Phelps Dodge International (Thailand) Limited.

Maneeya Center Building, 16th Floor, 518/5 Ploenchit Rd., Lumpinee, Pathumwan, Bangkok 10330 Telephone : (66 2) 680 5800 Fax : (66 2) 680 5896, 680 5898
Website :
© 2012 Phelps Dodge International (Thailand) Limited. All rights reserved.

- IEC 60228, IEC 60502-1
Flame propagation
- IEC 60332-1
- IEC 60332-3 Categories A, B, C
Acid gas emission
- IEC 60754-2
Smoke emission
- IEC 61034

Preferably used for installation into
conduit and surface wiring which
provide safety and flame retardant
property in a fire CONSTRUCTION :
Conductor : Compact or Round concentric lay stranded copper
Maximum conductor temperature
Insulation : Cross-linked polyethylene (XLPE) : Black, Natural Colour.
90ºC, Circuit voltage(U) does not
exceed 1,200 volts. Filler : LSHF filler and/or Polypropylene (Nonhygroscopic material)
Binding Tape : Polyester tape and/or Spunbond tape.
AC TEST VOLTAGE : Outer Sheath : Low smoke & halogen free compound (LSHF : ST8) : Orange Colour.
3.5 kV Other colours to special order.

A llo w able
Co nductor Nom inal M axim um M inim um
No m inal Ov er all Cable A m pacities
Thick ness Co nductor Insulatio n Standar d
SIZE Cr o ss M inim um Thick ness Diam eter W eig ht In Fr ee A ir
Diam eter o f Outer Resistance Resistance pack ing
Section Num ber o f insulatio n (A ppr ox.) (A ppr ox.) at 40°C
(A ppr ox.) Sheath at 20°C at 20°C
A r ea of W ir es (am bient)

Cor e x m m ² (m m ²) mm (m m ) (m m ) (m m ) (k g / k m ) (Ω / k m ) (M Ω / k m ) A (m /R)

2 x 1.5 1.5 7 1.56 0.7 1.8 11 116 12.1 2,400 25 500

2 x 2.5 2.5 7 2.01 0.7 1.8 12 146 7.41 2,100 34 500
2x4 4 7 2.55 0.7 1.8 13 190 4.61 1,800 44 500
2x6 6 7 3.12 0.7 1.8 14 243 3.08 1,500 57 500
2 x 10 10 6 3.70 0.7 1.8 16 348 1.83 1,200 77 500
2 x 16 16 6 4.67 0.7 1.8 17 460 1.15 1,100 100 500
2 x 25 25 6 5.87 0.9 1.8 21 683 0.727 1,100 135 500
2 x 35 35 6 6.92 0.9 1.8 23 891 0.524 1,000 165 500
2 x 50 50 6 8.00 1.0 1.8 26 1,162 0.387 900 205 500
2 x 70 70 12 9.70 1.1 1.8 29 1,633 0.268 900 255 500
2 x 95 95 15 11.35 1.1 2.0 33 2,215 0.193 800 315 500
2 x 120 120 18 12.90 1.2 2.1 37 2,769 0.153 800 365 500
2 x 150 150 18 14.15 1.4 2.2 40 3,392 0.124 800 415 500
2 x 185 185 30 16.00 1.6 2.3 45 4,230 0.0991 800 485 500
2 x 240 240 34 18.35 1.7 2.5 51 5,490 0.0754 700 580 500
2 x 300 300 34 20.50 1.8 2.7 56 6,823 0.0601 700 675 300
2 x 400 400 53 23.35 2.0 2.9 63 8,650 0.047 700 790 300
R = Packing in reel
Page 1 of 1 Revision : November 2012

Phelps Dodge International (Thailand) Limited.

Maneeya Center Building, 16th Floor, 518/5 Ploenchit Rd., Lumpinee, Pathumwan, Bangkok 10330 Telephone : (66 2) 680 5800 Fax : (66 2) 680 5896, 680 5898
Website :
© 2012 Phelps Dodge International (Thailand) Limited. All rights reserved.

- IEC 60228, IEC 60502-1
Flame propagation
- IEC 60332-1
- IEC 60332-3 Categories A, B, C
Acid gas emission
- IEC 60754-2
Smoke emission
- IEC 61034

Preferably used for installation into
conduit and surface wiring which
provide safety and flame retardant
property in a fire
Maximum conductor temperature Conductor : Compact or Round concentric lay stranded copper
90ºC, Circuit voltage(U) does not Insulation : Cross-linked polyethylene (XLPE) : Black, Natural, Red Colour.
exceed 1,200 volts.
Filler : LSHF filler and/or Polypropylene (Nonhygroscopic material)
Binding Tape : Polyester tape and/or Spunbond tape.
Outer Sheath : Low smoke & halogen free compound (LSHF : ST8) : Orange Colour.
3.5 kV
Other colours to special order.

A llo w able
Co nductor Nom inal M axim um M inim um
No m inal Ov er all Cable A m pacities
Thick ness Co nductor Insulatio n Standar d
SIZE Cr o ss M inim um Thick ness Diam eter W eig ht In Fr ee A ir
Diam eter o f Outer Resistance Resistance pack ing
Section Num ber o f insulatio n (A ppr ox.) (A ppr ox.) at 40°C
(A ppr ox.) Sheath at 20°C at 20°C
A r ea of W ir es (am bient)

Cor e x m m ² (m m ²) mm (m m ) (m m ) (m m ) (k g / k m ) (Ω / k m ) (M Ω / k m ) A (m /R)

3 x 1.5 1.5 7 1.56 0.7 1.8 12 137 12.1 2,400 21 500

3 x 2.5 2.5 7 2.01 0.7 1.8 12 178 7.41 2,100 28 500
3x4 4 7 2.55 0.7 1.8 14 237 4.61 1,800 37 500
3x6 6 7 3.12 0.7 1.8 15 310 3.08 1,500 48 500
3 x 10 10 6 3.70 0.7 1.8 17 455 1.83 1,200 64 500
3 x 16 16 6 4.67 0.7 1.8 18 612 1.15 1,100 86 500
3 x 25 25 6 5.87 0.9 1.8 22 922 0.727 1,100 115 500
3 x 35 35 6 6.92 0.9 1.8 24 1,218 0.524 1,000 140 500
3 x 50 50 6 8.00 1.0 1.8 27 1,600 0.387 900 170 500
3 x 70 70 12 9.70 1.1 1.9 32 2,289 0.268 900 215 500
3 x 95 95 15 11.35 1.1 2.0 35 3,090 0.193 800 260 500
3 x 120 120 18 12.90 1.2 2.1 39 3,869 0.153 800 305 500
3 x 150 150 18 14.15 1.4 2.3 43 4,771 0.124 800 350 500
3 x 185 185 30 16.00 1.6 2.4 48 5,955 0.0991 800 405 500
3 x 240 240 34 18.35 1.7 2.6 54 7,742 0.0754 700 490 300
3 x 300 300 34 20.50 1.8 2.8 60 9,636 0.0601 700 565 300
3 x 400 400 53 23.35 2.0 3.1 67 12,254 0.047 700 655 200
R = Packing in reel
Page 1 of 1 Revision : November 2012

Phelps Dodge International (Thailand) Limited.

Maneeya Center Building, 16th Floor, 518/5 Ploenchit Rd., Lumpinee, Pathumwan, Bangkok 10330 Telephone : (66 2) 680 5800 Fax : (66 2) 680 5896, 680 5898
Website :
© 2012 Phelps Dodge International (Thailand) Limited. All rights reserved.

- IEC 60228, IEC 60502-1
Flame propagation
- IEC 60332-1
- IEC 60332-3 Categories A, B, C
Acid gas emission
- IEC 60754-2
Smoke emission
- IEC 61034

Preferably used for installation into
conduit and surface wiring which
provide safety and flame retardant
property in a fire
Conductor : Compact or Round concentric lay stranded copper
Maximum conductor temperature
90ºC, Circuit voltage(U) does not Insulation : Cross-linked polyethylene (XLPE) : Black, Natural, Red, Green Colour.
exceed 1,200 volts. Filler : LSHF filler and/or Polypropylene (Nonhygroscopic material)
Binding Tape : Polyester tape and/or Spunbond tape.
Outer Sheath : Low smoke & halogen free compound (LSHF : ST8) : Orange Colour.
3.5 kV
Other colours to special order.

A llo w able
Co nductor Nom inal M axim um M inim um
No m inal Ov er all Cable A m pacities
Thick ness Co nductor Insulatio n Standar d
SIZE Cr o ss M inim um Thick ness Diam eter W eig ht In Fr ee A ir
Diam eter o f Outer Resistance Resistance pack ing
Section Num ber o f insulatio n (A ppr ox.) (A ppr ox.) at 40°C
(A ppr ox.) Sheath at 20°C at 20°C
A r ea of W ir es (am bient)

Cor e x m m ² (m m ²) mm (m m ) (m m ) (m m ) (k g / k m ) (Ω / k m ) (M Ω / k m ) A (m /R)

4 x 1.5 1.5 7 1.56 0.7 1.8 12 163 12.1 2,400 21 500

4 x 2.5 2.5 7 2.01 0.7 1.8 13 215 7.41 2,100 28 500
4x4 4 7 2.55 0.7 1.8 15 291 4.61 1,800 37 500
4x6 6 7 3.12 0.7 1.8 16 386 3.08 1,500 48 500
4 x 10 10 6 3.70 0.7 1.8 18 573 1.83 1,200 64 500
4 x 16 16 6 4.67 0.7 1.8 20 780 1.15 1,100 86 500
4 x 25 25 6 5.87 0.9 1.8 24 1,183 0.727 1,100 115 500
4 x 35 35 6 6.92 0.9 1.8 27 1,570 0.524 1,000 140 500
4 x 50 50 6 8.00 1.0 1.9 30 2,085 0.387 900 170 500
4 x 70 70 12 9.70 1.1 2.0 35 2,987 0.268 900 215 500
4 x 95 95 15 11.35 1.1 2.1 39 4,039 0.193 800 260 500
4 x 120 120 18 12.90 1.2 2.3 44 5,081 0.153 800 305 500
4 x 150 150 18 14.15 1.4 2.4 48 6,239 0.124 800 350 300
4 x 185 185 30 16.00 1.6 2.6 54 7,816 0.0991 800 405 300
4 x 240 240 34 18.35 1.7 2.8 60 10,163 0.0754 700 490 300
4 x 300 300 34 20.50 1.8 3.0 66 12,652 0.0601 700 565 200
4 x 400 400 53 23.35 2.0 3.3 75 16,083 0.047 700 655 200
R = Packing in reel
Page 1 of 1 Revision : November 2012

Phelps Dodge International (Thailand) Limited.

Maneeya Center Building, 16th Floor, 518/5 Ploenchit Rd., Lumpinee, Pathumwan, Bangkok 10330 Telephone : (66 2) 680 5800 Fax : (66 2) 680 5896, 680 5898
Website :
© 2012 Phelps Dodge International (Thailand) Limited. All rights reserved.

- IEC 60228, IEC 60502-1
Flame propagation
- IEC 60332-1
- IEC 60332-3 Categories A, B, C
Acid gas emission
- IEC 60754-2
Smoke emission
- IEC 61034

Preferably used for installation into
conduit and open tray which provide
safety and flame retardant property
in a fire

Maximum conductor temperature
90ºC, Circuit voltage(U) does not Conductor : Compact or Round concentric lay stranded copper
exceed 1,200 volts. Insulation : Cross-linked polyethylene (XLPE) : Black, Natural Colour.
Bedding : Low smoke & halogen free compound (LSHF : ST8) : Black Colour.
AC TEST VOLTAGE : Armour : Aluminum wire for single core.
3.5 kV Binding Tape : Polyester tape and/or Spunbond tape.
Outer Sheath : Low smoke & halogen free compound (LSHF : ST8) : Orange Colour.
Other colours to special order.

C o nd uct o r A llo wab le

N o minal N o minal N o minal N o minal M aximum M inimum
Over all C ab le A mp acit ies
T hickness T hickness A r mo ur T hickness C o nd uct o r Insulat io n St and ar d
SIZ E d iamet er W eig ht In F r ee A ir
C r o ss M inimum of of W ir e o f Out er R esist ance R esist ance p acking
D iamet er ( A p p r o x.) ( A p p r o x.) at 4 0 °C
Sect io n N umb er insulat io n B ed d ing D iamet er Sheat h at 2 0 °C at 2 0 °C
( A p p r o x.) ( amb ient )
A r ea o f W ir es

C o r e x mm² ( mm²) mm ( mm) ( mm) ( mm) ( mm) ( mm) ( kg / km) ( Ω / km) ( M Ω / km) A ( m/ R )

1 x 50 50 6 7.96 1.0 1.0 1.25 1.8 20 752 0.387 900 210 500
1 x 70 70 12 9.65 1.1 1.0 1.25 1.8 22 995 0.268 900 260 500
1 x 95 95 15 11.30 1.1 1.0 1.6 1.8 24 1,317 0.193 800 325 500
1 x 120 120 18 12.85 1.2 1.0 1.6 1.8 26 1,585 0.153 800 375 500
1 x 150 150 18 14.10 1.4 1.0 1.6 1.8 28 1,883 0.124 800 425 500
1 x 185 185 30 15.95 1.6 1.0 1.6 1.9 30 2,296 0.0991 800 485 500
1 x 240 240 34 18.35 1.7 1.0 1.6 2.0 33 2,903 0.0754 700 565 500
1 x 300 300 34 20.40 1.8 1.0 1.6 2.1 36 3,534 0.0601 700 635 500
1 x 400 400 53 23.25 2.0 1.2 2.0 2.2 40 4,533 0.047 700 725 500
1 x 500 500 53 26.50 2.2 1.2 2.0 2.3 44 5,660 0.0366 700 815 500
1 x 630 630 53 29.95 2.4 1.2 2.0 2.4 48 7,101 0.0283 600 925 250
1 x 800 800 53 33.90 2.6 1.4 2.5 2.6 54 9,133 0.0221 600 1,125 250
1 x 1,000 1,000 53 39.80 2.8 1.4 2.5 2.8 61 11,378 0.0176 600 1,215 250
R = Packing in reel

Page 1 of 1 Revision : November 2012

Phelps Dodge International (Thailand) Limited.

Maneeya Center Building, 16th Floor, 518/5 Ploenchit Rd., Lumpinee, Pathumwan, Bangkok 10330 Telephone : (66 2) 680 5800 Fax : (66 2) 680 5896, 680 5898
Website :
© 2012 Phelps Dodge International (Thailand) Limited. All rights reserved.

- IEC 60228, IEC 60502-1
Flame propagation
- IEC 60332-1
- IEC 60332-3 Categories A, B, C
Acid gas emission
- IEC 60754-2
Smoke emission
- IEC 61034

Preferably used for installation into
conduit and open tray which provide
safety and flame retardant property
in a fire

Maximum conductor temperature
90ºC, Circuit voltage(U) does not Conductor : Compact or Round concentric lay stranded copper
exceed 1,200 volts. Insulation : Cross-linked polyethylene (XLPE) : Black, Natural Colour.
Filler : LSHF filler and/or Polypropylene (Nonhygroscopic material)
AC TEST VOLTAGE : Binding Tape : Polyester tape and/or Spunbond tape.
3.5 kV Bedding : Low smoke & halogen free compound (LSHF : ST8) : Black Colour.
Armour : Galvanised steel wire for multi core.
Binding Tape : Polyester tape and/or Spunbond tape.
Outer Sheath : Low smoke & halogen free compound (LSHF : ST8) : Orange Colour.
Other colours to special order.

C o nd uct o r A llo wab le

N o minal N o minal N o minal N o minal M aximum M inimum
Over all C ab le A mp acit ies
T hickness T hickness A r mo ur T hickness C o nd uct o r Insulat io n St and ar d
SIZ E d iamet er W eig ht In F r ee A ir
C r o ss M inimum of of W ir e o f Out er R esist ance R esist ance p acking
D iamet er ( A p p r o x.) ( A p p r o x.) at 4 0 °C
Sect io n N umb er insulat io n B ed d ing D iamet er Sheat h at 2 0 °C at 2 0 °C
( A p p r o x.) ( amb ient )
A r ea o f W ir es

C o r e x mm² ( mm²) mm ( mm) ( mm) ( mm) ( mm) ( mm) ( kg / km) ( Ω / km) ( M Ω / km) A ( m/ R )

2 x 1.5 1.5 7 1.56 0.7 1.0 0.9 1.8 15 359 12.1 2,400 25 500
2 x 2.5 2.5 7 2.01 0.7 1.0 0.9 1.8 16 410 7.41 2,100 35 500
2x4 4 7 2.55 0.7 1.0 1.25 1.8 18 569 4.61 1,800 45 500
2x6 6 7 3.12 0.7 1.0 1.25 1.8 19 649 3.08 1,500 55 500
2 x 10 10 6 3.70 0.7 1.0 1.25 1.8 21 814 1.83 1,200 75 500
2 x 16 16 6 4.67 0.7 1.0 1.25 1.8 22 952 1.15 1,100 105 500
2 x 25 25 6 5.87 0.9 1.0 1.6 1.8 26 1,408 0.727 1,100 145 500
2 x 35 35 6 6.92 0.9 1.0 1.6 1.8 28 1,694 0.524 1,000 175 500
2 x 50 50 6 8.00 1.0 1.0 1.6 1.8 31 2,049 0.387 900 210 500
2 x 70 70 12 9.70 1.1 1.0 1.6 2.0 35 2,689 0.268 900 260 500
2 x 95 95 15 11.35 1.1 1.2 2.0 2.1 40 3,691 0.193 800 325 500
2 x 120 120 18 12.90 1.2 1.2 2.0 2.2 44 4,401 0.153 800 375 500
2 x 150 150 18 14.15 1.4 1.2 2.0 2.3 47 5,152 0.124 800 425 500
2 x 185 185 30 16.00 1.6 1.4 2.5 2.5 54.0 6,718 0.0991 800 485 500
2 x 240 240 34 18.35 1.7 1.4 2.5 2.7 59.0 8,270 0.0754 700 565 250
2 x 300 300 34 20.50 1.8 1.6 2.5 2.8 64.0 9,918 0.0601 700 635 250
2 x 400 400 53 23.35 2.0 1.6 2.5 3.1 71.0 12,127 0.0470 700 725 250
Page 1 of 1 R = Packing in reel Revision : November 2012

Phelps Dodge International (Thailand) Limited.

Maneeya Center Building, 16th Floor, 518/5 Ploenchit Rd., Lumpinee, Pathumwan, Bangkok 10330 Telephone : (66 2) 680 5800 Fax : (66 2) 680 5896, 680 5898
Website :
© 2012 Phelps Dodge International (Thailand) Limited. All rights reserved.

- IEC 60228, IEC 60502-1
Flame propagation
- IEC 60332-1
- IEC 60332-3 Categories A, B, C
Acid gas emission
- IEC 60754-2
Smoke emission
- IEC 61034

Preferably used for installation into
conduit and open tray which provide
safety and flame retardant property
in a fire

Maximum conductor temperature
90ºC, Circuit voltage(U) does not Conductor : Compact or Round concentric lay stranded copper
exceed 1,200 volts. Insulation : Cross-linked polyethylene (XLPE) : Black, Natural, Red Colour.
Filler : LSHF filler and/or Polypropylene (Nonhygroscopic material)
AC TEST VOLTAGE : Binding Tape : Polyester tape and/or Spunbond tape.
3.5 kV Bedding : Low smoke & halogen free compound (LSHF : ST8) : Black Colour.
Armour : Galvanised steel wire for multi core.
Binding Tape : Polyester tape and/or Spunbond tape.
Outer Sheath : Low smoke & halogen free compound (LSHF : ST8) : Orange Colour.
Other colours to special order.

C o nd uct o r A llo wab le

N o minal N o minal N o minal N o minal M aximum M inimum
Over all C ab le A mp acit ies
T hickness T hickness A r mo ur T hickness C o nd uct o r Insulat io n St and ar d
SIZ E d iamet er W eig ht In F r ee A ir
C r o ss M inimum of of W ir e o f Out er R esist ance R esist ance p acking
D iamet er ( A p p r o x.) ( A p p r o x.) at 4 0 °C
Sect io n N umb er insulat io n B ed d ing D iamet er Sheat h at 2 0 °C at 2 0 °C
( A p p r o x.) ( amb ient )
A r ea o f W ir es

C o r e x mm² ( mm²) mm ( mm) ( mm) ( mm) ( mm) ( mm) ( kg / km) ( Ω / km) ( M Ω / km) A ( m/ R )

3 x 1.5 1.5 7 1.56 0.7 1.0 0.9 1.8 15 388 12.1 2,400 20 500
3 x 2.5 2.5 7 2.01 0.7 1.0 0.9 1.8 16 455 7.41 2,100 30 500
3x4 4 7 2.55 0.7 1.0 1.25 1.8 18 630 4.61 1,800 35 500
3x6 6 7 3.12 0.7 1.0 1.25 1.8 19 739 3.08 1,500 50 500
3 x 10 10 6 3.70 0.7 1.0 1.25 1.8 21 945 1.83 1,200 65 500
3 x 16 16 6 4.67 0.7 1.0 1.25 1.8 23 1,139 1.15 1,100 90 500
3 x 25 25 6 5.87 0.9 1.0 1.6 1.8 27 1,687 0.727 1,100 125 500
3 x 35 35 6 6.92 0.9 1.0 1.6 1.8 30 2,060 0.524 1,000 150 500
3 x 50 50 6 8.00 1.0 1.0 1.6 1.9 33 2,560 0.387 900 180 500
3 x 70 70 12 9.70 1.1 1.2 2.0 2.0 38 3,675 0.268 900 230 500
3 x 95 95 15 11.35 1.1 1.2 2.0 2.2 42 4,678 0.193 800 280 500
3 x 120 120 18 12.90 1.2 1.2 2.0 2.3 46 5,617 0.153 800 320 500
3 x 150 150 18 14.15 1.4 1.4 2.5 2.5 52 7,163 0.124 800 360 500
3 x 185 185 30 16.00 1.6 1.4 2.5 2.6 57.0 8,592 0.0991 800 420 250
3 x 240 240 34 18.35 1.7 1.6 2.5 2.8 63.0 10,771 0.0754 700 490 250
3 x 300 300 34 20.50 1.8 1.6 2.5 3.0 68.0 12,963 0.0601 700 560 200
3 x 400 400 53 23.35 2.0 1.6 2.5 3.2 76.0 15,944 0.0470 700 650 200
Page 1 of 1 R = Packing in reel Revision : November 2012

Phelps Dodge International (Thailand) Limited.

Maneeya Center Building, 16th Floor, 518/5 Ploenchit Rd., Lumpinee, Pathumwan, Bangkok 10330 Telephone : (66 2) 680 5800 Fax : (66 2) 680 5896, 680 5898
Website :
© 2012 Phelps Dodge International (Thailand) Limited. All rights reserved.

- IEC 60228, IEC 60502-1
Flame propagation
- IEC 60332-1
- IEC 60332-3 Categories A, B, C
Acid gas emission
- IEC 60754-2
Smoke emission
- IEC 61034

Preferably used for installation into
conduit and open tray which provide
safety and flame retardant property
in a fire

Maximum conductor temperature
90ºC, Circuit voltage(U) does not
Conductor : Compact or Round concentric lay stranded copper
exceed 1,200 volts.
Insulation : Cross-linked polyethylene (XLPE) : Black, Natural, Red, Green Colour.
AC TEST VOLTAGE : Filler : LSHF filler and/or Polypropylene (Nonhygroscopic material)
Binding Tape : Polyester tape and/or Spunbond tape.
3.5 kV
Bedding : Low smoke & halogen free compound (LSHF : ST8) : Black Colour.
Armour : Galvanised steel wire for multi core.
Binding Tape : Polyester tape and/or Spunbond tape.
Outer Sheath : Low smoke & halogen free compound (LSHF : ST8) : Orange Colour.
Other colours to special order.

C o nd uct o r A llo wab le

N o minal N o minal N o minal N o minal M aximum M inimum
Over all C ab le A mp acit ies
T hickness T hickness A r mo ur T hickness C o nd uct o r Insulat io n St and ar d
SIZ E d iamet er W eig ht In F r ee A ir
C r o ss M inimum of of W ir e o f Out er R esist ance R esist ance p acking
D iamet er ( A p p r o x.) ( A p p r o x.) at 4 0 °C
Sect io n N umb er insulat io n B ed d ing D iamet er Sheat h at 2 0 °C at 2 0 °C
( A p p r o x.) ( amb ient )
A r ea o f W ir es

C o r e x mm² ( mm²) mm ( mm) ( mm) ( mm) ( mm) ( mm) ( kg / km) ( Ω / km) ( M Ω / km) A ( m/ R )

4 x 1.5 1.5 7 1.56 0.7 1.0 0.9 1.8 16 434 12.1 2,400 20 500
4 x 2.5 2.5 7 2.01 0.7 1.0 1.25 1.8 18 597 7.41 2,100 30 500
4x4 4 7 2.55 0.7 1.0 1.25 1.8 19 709 4.61 1,800 35 500
4x6 6 7 3.12 0.7 1.0 1.25 1.8 21 852 3.08 1,500 50 500
4 x 10 10 6 3.70 0.7 1.0 1.25 1.8 23 1,101 1.83 1,200 65 500
4 x 16 16 6 4.67 0.7 1.0 1.6 1.8 25 1,485 1.15 1,100 90 500
4 x 25 25 6 5.87 0.9 1.0 1.6 1.8 29 2,023 0.727 1,100 125 500
4 x 35 35 6 6.92 0.9 1.0 1.6 1.9 32 2,511 0.524 1,000 150 500
4 x 50 50 6 8.00 1.0 1.0 1.6 2.0 36 3,145 0.387 900 180 500
4 x 70 70 12 9.70 1.1 1.2 2.0 2.2 42 4,546 0.268 900 230 500
4 x 95 95 15 11.35 1.1 1.2 2.0 2.3 46 5,785 0.193 800 280 500
4 x 120 120 18 12.90 1.2 1.4 2.5 2.5 52 7,476 0.153 800 320 500
4 x 150 150 18 14.15 1.4 1.4 2.5 2.6 56 8,873 0.124 800 360 250
4 x 185 185 30 16.00 1.6 1.4 2.5 2.8 62.0 10,745 0.0991 800 420 250
4 x 240 240 34 18.35 1.7 1.6 2.5 3.0 69.0 13,495 0.0754 700 490 250
4 x 300 300 34 20.50 1.8 1.6 2.5 3.2 75.0 16,327 0.0601 700 560 200
4 x 400 400 53 23.35 2.0 1.8 3.15 3.5 85.0 21,180 0.0470 700 650 200
Page 1 of 1 R = Packing in reel Revision : November 2012

Phelps Dodge International (Thailand) Limited.

Maneeya Center Building, 16th Floor, 518/5 Ploenchit Rd., Lumpinee, Pathumwan, Bangkok 10330 Telephone : (66 2) 680 5800 Fax : (66 2) 680 5896, 680 5898
Website :
© 2012 Phelps Dodge International (Thailand) Limited. All rights reserved.

- IEC 60228, IEC 60502-1
Flame propagation
- IEC 60332-1
- IEC 60332-3 Categories A, B, C
Acid gas emission
- IEC 60754-2
Smoke emission
- IEC 61034

Preferably used for installation into
conduit and open tray which provide
safety and flame retardant property
in a fire

Maximum conductor temperature
90ºC, Circuit voltage(U) does not
exceed 1,200 volts.

3.5 kV

Conductor : Compact or Round
concentric lay stranded copper
Insulation : Cross-linked polyethylene
(XLPE) : Black Colour with marking
Filler : LSHF filler and/or
Polypropylene (Nonhygroscopic
Bedding : Low smoke & halogen free
compound (LSHF : ST8) : Black
Metallic Shield : Annealed copper
Binding Tape : Polyester tape and/or
Spunbond tape.(Where necessary)
Outer Sheath : Low smoke & halogen
free compound (LSHF : ST8) : Orange

Other colours to special order

Page 1 of 6 Revision : November 2012

Phelps Dodge International (Thailand) Limited.

Maneeya Center Building, 16th Floor, 518/5 Ploenchit Rd., Lumpinee, Pathumwan, Bangkok 10330 Telephone : (66 2) 680 5800 Fax : (66 2) 680 5896, 680 5898
Website :
© 2012 Phelps Dodge International (Thailand) Limited. All rights reserved.

N o m ina l
C o nduc t o r N o m ina l N o m ina l M a xim um M inim um
T hic k ne s s O v e ra ll C a ble
No. of T hic k ne s s T hic k ne s s C o nduc t o r Ins ula t io n S t a nda rd
C ro s s M inim um of dia m e t e r We ight
C o re s D ia m e t e r of o f O ut e r R e s is t a nc e R e s is t a nc e pa c k ing
S e c t io n N um be r B e dding ( A ppro x.) ( A ppro x.)
( A ppro x.) ins ula t io n She a t h a t 2 0 °C a t 2 0 °C
A re a o f Wire s S he a t h

( m m ²) mm (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (kg / km) (Ω / km) (M Ω / km) (m/ R )

2 1.5 7 1.56 0.7 1.0 1.8 13 191 12.1 2,500 500

2.5 7 2.01 0.7 1.0 1.8 14 228 7.41 2,100 500
4 7 2.55 0.7 1.0 1.8 15 280 4.61 1,800 500
6 7 3.12 0.7 1.0 1.8 16 342 3.08 1,500 500
10 6 3.70 0.7 1.0 1.8 18 462 1.83 1,200 500

3 1.5 7 1.56 0.7 1.0 1.8 14 215 12.1 2,500 500

2.5 7 2.01 0.7 1.0 1.8 15 263 7.41 2,100 500
4 7 2.55 0.7 1.0 1.8 16 332 4.61 1,800 500
6 7 3.12 0.7 1.0 1.8 17 414 3.08 1,500 500
10 6 3.70 0.7 1.0 1.8 19 575 1.83 1,200 500

4 1.5 7 1.56 0.7 1.0 1.8 14 247 12.1 2,500 500

2.5 7 2.01 0.7 1.0 1.8 16 308 7.41 2,100 500
4 7 2.55 0.7 1.0 1.8 17 394 4.61 1,800 500
6 7 3.12 0.7 1.0 1.8 18 500 3.08 1,500 500
10 6 3.70 0.7 1.0 1.8 21 703 1.83 1,200 500

5 1.5 7 1.56 0.7 1.0 1.8 15 283 12.1 2,500 500

2.5 7 2.01 0.7 1.0 1.8 17 355 7.41 2,100 500
4 7 2.55 0.7 1.0 1.8 18 460 4.61 1,800 500
6 7 3.12 0.7 1.0 1.8 20 589 3.08 1,500 500
10 6 3.70 0.7 1.0 1.8 22 838 1.83 1,200 500

6 2 7 1.56 0.7 1.0 1.8 16 318 12.1 2,500 500

2.5 7 2.01 0.7 1.0 1.8 18 406 7.41 2,100 500
4 7 2.55 0.7 1.0 1.8 19 529 4.61 1,800 500
6 7 3.12 0.7 1.0 1.8 21 681 3.08 1,500 500
10 6 3.70 0.7 1.0 1.8 24 977 1.83 1,200 500

7 1.5 7 1.56 0.7 1.0 1.8 16 334 12.1 2,500 500

2.5 7 2.01 0.7 1.0 1.8 18 430 7.41 2,100 500
4 7 2.55 0.7 1.0 1.8 19 565 4.61 1,800 500
6 7 3.12 0.7 1.0 1.8 21 735 3.08 1,500 500
10 6 3.70 0.7 1.0 1.8 24 1,068 1.83 1,200 500

R = Packing in reel

Page 2 of 6 Revision : November 2012

Phelps Dodge International (Thailand) Limited.

Maneeya Center Building, 16th Floor, 518/5 Ploenchit Rd., Lumpinee, Pathumwan, Bangkok 10330 Telephone : (66 2) 680 5800 Fax : (66 2) 680 5896, 680 5898
Website :
© 2012 Phelps Dodge International (Thailand) Limited. All rights reserved.

N o m ina l
C o nduc t o r N o m ina l N o m ina l M a xim um M inim um
T hic k ne s s O v e ra ll C a ble
No. of T hic k ne s s T hic k ne s s C o nduc t o r Ins ula t io n S t a nda rd
C ro s s M inim um of dia m e t e r We ight
C o re s D ia m e t e r of o f O ut e r R e s is t a nc e R e s is t a nc e pa c k ing
S e c t io n N um be r B e dding ( A ppro x.) ( A ppro x.)
( A ppro x.) ins ula t io n She a t h a t 2 0 °C a t 2 0 °C
A re a o f Wire s S he a t h

( m m ²) mm (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (kg / km) (Ω / km) (M Ω / km) (m/ R )

8 1.5 7 1.56 0.7 1.0 1.8 17 370 12.1 2,500 500

2.5 7 2.01 0.7 1.0 1.8 19 480 7.41 2,100 500
4 7 2.55 0.7 1.0 1.8 20 635 4.61 1,800 500
6 7 3.12 0.7 1.0 1.8 22 829 3.08 1,500 500
10 6 3.70 0.7 1.0 1.9 26 1,221 1.83 1,200 500

9 1.5 7 1.56 0.7 1.0 1.8 18 409 12.1 2,500 500

2.5 7 2.01 0.7 1.0 1.8 20 532 7.41 2,100 500
4 7 2.55 0.7 1.0 1.8 22 706 4.61 1,800 500
6 7 3.12 0.7 1.0 1.8 24 924 3.08 1,500 500
10 6 3.70 0.7 1.0 1.9 27 1,367 1.83 1,200 500

10 1.5 7 1.56 0.7 1.0 1.8 19 454 12.1 2,500 500

2.5 7 2.01 0.7 1.0 1.8 21 591 7.41 2,100 500
4 7 2.55 0.7 1.0 1.8 23 789 4.61 1,800 500
6 7 3.12 0.7 1.0 1.9 26 1,046 3.08 1,500 500
10 6 3.70 0.7 1.0 2.0 30 1,545 1.83 1,200 500

11 1.5 7 1.56 0.7 1.0 1.8 19 468 12.1 2,500 500

3 7 2.01 0.7 1.0 1.8 21 615 7.41 2,100 500
4 7 2.55 0.7 1.0 1.8 23 826 4.61 1,800 500
6 7 3.12 0.7 1.0 1.9 26 1,100 3.08 1,500 500
10 6 3.70 0.7 1.0 2.0 30 1,635 1.83 1,200 500

12 1.5 7 1.56 0.7 1.0 1.8 20 495 12.1 2,500 500

2.5 7 2.01 0.7 1.0 1.8 22 654 7.41 2,100 500
4 7 2.55 0.7 1.0 1.8 24 881 4.61 1,800 500
6 7 3.12 0.7 1.0 1.9 26 1,178 3.08 1,500 500
10 6 3.70 0.7 1.2 2.1 31 1,807 1.83 1,200 500

13 1.5 7 1.56 0.7 1.0 1.8 20 532 12.1 2,500 500

2.5 7 2.01 0.7 1.0 1.8 22 703 7.41 2,100 500
4 7 2.55 0.7 1.0 1.8 25 950 4.61 1,800 500
6 7 3.12 0.7 1.0 1.9 28 1,272 3.08 1,500 500
10 6 3.70 0.7 1.2 2.1 33 1,952 1.83 1,200 500

R = Packing in reel

Page 3 of 6 Revision : November 2012

Phelps Dodge International (Thailand) Limited.

Maneeya Center Building, 16th Floor, 518/5 Ploenchit Rd., Lumpinee, Pathumwan, Bangkok 10330 Telephone : (66 2) 680 5800 Fax : (66 2) 680 5896, 680 5898
Website :
© 2012 Phelps Dodge International (Thailand) Limited. All rights reserved.

N o m ina l
C o nduc t o r N o m ina l N o m ina l M a xim um M inim um
T hic k ne s s O v e ra ll C a ble
No. of T hic k ne s s T hic k ne s s C o nduc t o r Ins ula t io n S t a nda rd
C ro s s M inim um of dia m e t e r We ight
C o re s D ia m e t e r of o f O ut e r R e s is t a nc e R e s is t a nc e pa c k ing
S e c t io n N um be r B e dding ( A ppro x.) ( A ppro x.)
( A ppro x.) ins ula t io n She a t h a t 2 0 °C a t 2 0 °C
A re a o f Wire s S he a t h

( m m ²) mm (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (kg / km) (Ω / km) (M Ω / km) (m/ R )

14 1.5 7 1.56 0.7 1.0 1.8 20 546 12.1 2,500 500

2.5 7 2.01 0.7 1.0 1.8 22 727 7.41 2,100 500
4 7 2.55 0.7 1.0 1.9 25 999 4.61 1,800 500
6 7 3.12 0.7 1.0 2.0 28 1,339 3.08 1,500 500
10 6 3.70 0.7 1.2 2.1 33 2,042 1.83 1,200 500

15 1.5 7 1.56 0.7 1.0 1.8 21 585 12.1 2,500 500

2.5 7 2.01 0.7 1.0 1.8 23 779 7.41 2,100 500
4 7 2.55 0.7 1.0 1.9 26 1,072 4.61 1,800 500
6 7 3.12 0.7 1.0 2.0 29 1,439 3.08 1,500 500
10 6 3.70 0.7 1.2 2.1 34 2,202 1.83 1,200 500

16 1.5 7 1.56 0.7 1.0 1.8 21 600 12.1 2,500 500

2.5 7 2.01 0.7 1.0 1.8 23 804 7.41 2,100 500
4 7 2.55 0.7 1.0 1.9 26 1,110 4.61 1,800 500
6 7 3.12 0.7 1.0 2.0 29 1,494 3.08 1,500 500
10 6 3.70 0.7 1.2 2.2 34 2,309 1.83 1,200 500

17 1.5 7 1.56 0.7 1.0 1.8 22 640 12.1 2,500 500

2.5 7 2.01 0.7 1.0 1.8 24 858 7.41 2,100 500
4 7 2.55 0.7 1.0 1.9 27 1,186 4.61 1,800 500
6 7 3.12 0.7 1.2 2.1 31 1,648 3.08 1,500 500
10 6 3.70 0.7 1.2 2.2 36 2,468 1.83 1,200 500

18 1.5 7 1.56 0.7 1.0 1.8 22 655 12.1 2,500 500

2.5 7 2.01 0.7 1.0 1.9 25 894 7.41 2,100 500
4 7 2.55 0.7 1.0 2.0 28 1,236 4.61 1,800 500
6 7 3.12 0.7 1.2 2.1 31 1,702 3.08 1,500 500
10 6 3.70 0.7 1.2 2.2 36 2,559 1.83 1,200 500

19 1.5 7 1.56 0.7 1.0 1.8 22 670 12.1 2,500 500

2.5 7 2.01 0.7 1.0 1.9 25 917 7.41 2,100 500
4 7 2.55 0.7 1.0 2.0 28 1,273 4.61 1,800 500
6 7 3.12 0.7 1.2 2.1 31 1,757 3.08 1,500 500
10 6 3.70 0.7 1.2 2.2 36 2,650 1.83 1,200 500

R = Packing in reel

Page 4 of 6 Revision : November 2012

Phelps Dodge International (Thailand) Limited.

Maneeya Center Building, 16th Floor, 518/5 Ploenchit Rd., Lumpinee, Pathumwan, Bangkok 10330 Telephone : (66 2) 680 5800 Fax : (66 2) 680 5896, 680 5898
Website :
© 2012 Phelps Dodge International (Thailand) Limited. All rights reserved.

N o m ina l
C o nduc t o r N o m ina l N o m ina l M a xim um M inim um
T hic k ne s s O v e ra ll C a ble
No. of T hic k ne s s T hic k ne s s C o nduc t o r Ins ula t io n S t a nda rd
C ro s s M inim um of dia m e t e r We ight
C o re s D ia m e t e r of o f O ut e r R e s is t a nc e R e s is t a nc e pa c k ing
S e c t io n N um be r B e dding ( A ppro x.) ( A ppro x.)
( A ppro x.) ins ula t io n She a t h a t 2 0 °C a t 2 0 °C
A re a o f Wire s S he a t h

( m m ²) mm (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (kg / km) (Ω / km) (M Ω / km) (m/ R )

20 2 7 1.56 0.7 1.0 1.8 23 712 12.1 2,500 500

2.5 7 2.01 0.7 1.0 1.9 26 974 7.41 2,100 500
4 7 2.55 0.7 1.0 2.0 29 1,352 4.61 1,800 500
6 7 3.12 0.7 1.2 2.1 32 1,865 3.08 1,500 500
10 6 3.70 0.7 1.2 2.3 38 2,830 1.83 1,200 500

21 1.5 7 1.56 0.7 1.0 1.8 23 726 12.1 2,500 500

2.5 7 2.01 0.7 1.0 1.9 26 998 7.41 2,100 500
4 7 2.55 0.7 1.0 2.0 29 1,389 4.61 1,800 500
6 7 3.12 0.7 1.2 2.1 32 1,919 3.08 1,500 500
10 6 3.70 0.7 1.2 2.3 38 2,921 1.83 1,200 500

22 1.5 7 1.56 0.7 1.0 1.8 24 769 12.1 2,500 500

2.5 7 2.01 0.7 1.0 1.9 27 1,056 7.41 2,100 500
4 7 2.55 0.7 1.2 2.1 31 1,513 4.61 1,800 500
6 7 3.12 0.7 1.2 2.2 34 2,052 3.08 1,500 500
10 6 3.70 0.7 1.2 2.3 40 3,087 1.83 1,200 500

23 1.5 7 1.56 0.7 1.0 1.9 24 795 12.1 2,500 500

2.5 7 2.01 0.7 1.0 2.0 27 1,092 7.41 2,100 500
4 7 2.55 0.7 1.2 2.1 31 1,551 4.61 1,800 500
6 7 3.12 0.7 1.2 2.2 34 2,107 3.08 1,500 500
10 6 3.70 0.7 1.2 2.4 40 3,197 1.83 1,200 500

24 1.5 7 1.56 0.7 1.0 1.9 25 846 12.1 2,500 500

2.5 7 2.01 0.7 1.0 2.0 28 1,161 7.41 2,100 500
4 7 2.55 0.7 1.2 2.1 32 1,652 4.61 1,800 500
6 7 3.12 0.7 1.2 2.3 36 2,252 3.08 1,500 500
10 6 3.70 0.7 1.4 2.5 42 3,449 1.83 1,200 500

25 1.5 7 1.56 0.7 1.0 1.9 25 861 12.1 2,500 500

3 7 2.01 0.7 1.0 2.0 28 1,185 7.41 2,100 500
4 7 2.55 0.7 1.2 2.1 32 1,690 4.61 1,800 500
6 7 3.12 0.7 1.2 2.3 36 2,307 3.08 1,500 500
10 6 3.70 0.7 1.4 2.5 42 3,540 1.83 1,200 500

R = Packing in reel

Page 5 of 6 Revision : November 2012

Phelps Dodge International (Thailand) Limited.

Maneeya Center Building, 16th Floor, 518/5 Ploenchit Rd., Lumpinee, Pathumwan, Bangkok 10330 Telephone : (66 2) 680 5800 Fax : (66 2) 680 5896, 680 5898
Website :
© 2012 Phelps Dodge International (Thailand) Limited. All rights reserved.

N o m ina l
C o nduc t o r N o m ina l N o m ina l M a xim um M inim um
T hic k ne s s O v e ra ll C a ble
No. of T hic k ne s s T hic k ne s s C o nduc t o r Ins ula t io n S t a nda rd
C ro s s M inim um of dia m e t e r We ight
C o re s D ia m e t e r of o f O ut e r R e s is t a nc e R e s is t a nc e pa c k ing
S e c t io n N um be r B e dding ( A ppro x.) ( A ppro x.)
( A ppro x.) ins ula t io n She a t h a t 2 0 °C a t 2 0 °C
A re a o f Wire s S he a t h

( m m ²) mm (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (kg / km) (Ω / km) (M Ω / km) (m/ R )

26 1.5 7 1.56 0.7 1.0 1.9 25 875 12.1 2,500 500

2.5 7 2.01 0.7 1.0 2.0 28 1,208 7.41 2,100 500
4 7 2.55 0.7 1.2 2.1 32 1,727 4.61 1,800 500
6 7 3.12 0.7 1.2 2.3 36 2,361 3.08 1,500 500
10 6 3.70 0.7 1.4 2.5 42 3,630 1.83 1,200 500

27 1.5 7 1.56 0.7 1.0 1.9 26 905 12.1 2,500 500

2.5 7 2.01 0.7 1.0 2.0 29 1,250 7.41 2,100 500
4 7 2.55 0.7 1.2 2.2 33 1,804 4.61 1,800 500
6 7 3.12 0.7 1.2 2.3 37 2,447 3.08 1,500 500
10 6 3.70 0.7 1.4 2.5 43 3,763 1.83 1,200 500

28 1.5 7 1.56 0.7 1.0 1.9 27 945 12.1 2,500 500

2.5 7 2.01 0.7 1.0 2.0 30 1,305 7.41 2,100 500
4 7 2.55 0.7 1.2 2.2 34 1,889 4.61 1,800 500
6 7 3.12 0.7 1.2 2.3 38 2,553 3.08 1,500 500
10 6 3.70 0.7 1.4 2.5 45 3,926 1.83 1,200 500

29 1.5 7 1.56 0.7 1.0 1.9 27 960 12.1 2,500 500

2.5 7 2.01 0.7 1.2 2.1 30 1,373 7.41 2,100 500
4 7 2.55 0.7 1.2 2.2 34 1,926 4.61 1,800 500
6 7 3.12 0.7 1.2 2.3 38 2,607 3.08 1,500 500
10 6 3.70 0.7 1.4 2.5 45 4,016 1.83 1,200 500

30 1.5 7 1.56 0.7 1.0 2.0 27 988 12.1 2,500 500

2.5 7 2.01 0.7 1.2 2.1 30 1,397 7.41 2,100 500
4 7 2.55 0.7 1.2 2.2 34 1,963 4.61 1,800 500
6 7 3.12 0.7 1.2 2.3 38 2,662 3.08 1,500 500
10 6 3.70 0.7 1.4 2.6 45 4,128 1.83 1,200 500

R = Packing in reel

Page 6 of 6 Revision : November 2012

Phelps Dodge International (Thailand) Limited.

Maneeya Center Building, 16th Floor, 518/5 Ploenchit Rd., Lumpinee, Pathumwan, Bangkok 10330 Telephone : (66 2) 680 5800 Fax : (66 2) 680 5896, 680 5898
Website :
© 2012 Phelps Dodge International (Thailand) Limited. All rights reserved.

- Based on BS 7211
Circuit integrity
- BS 6387 Categories C, W, Z
Flame propagation
- BS 4066-3 Categories C IEEE 383
Acid gas emission
- BS 6425-2 (BS EN 50267-2-2)
Smoke emission
- BS 7622-2 (BS EN 50268-2)

Preferably used for installation into
trunking and conduit which provide
flame retardant property and long-
term circuit integrity in a fire CONSTRUCTION :
Conductor : Compact or Round concentric lay stranded copper
Maximum conductor temperature
Fire Barrier : Mineral ceramic (Mica) fire resistant tape.
90ºC, Circuit voltage(U) does not
exceed 1,000 volts. Insulation : Low smoke & halogen free Cross-linked polyethylene.
Red Colour (Other colours to special order).
2.5 kV

Co nductor M axim um M inim um A llo w able

No m inal Ov e r all Cable
Co nductor Insulation A m pacities In Standar d
SIZE Cr o ss M inim um Thick ne ss of Diam e ter W eig ht
Diam e ter Resistance at Re sistance at Fr ee A ir at pack ing
Se ction Num ber insulation (A ppr ox.) (A ppr o x.)
(A ppr ox.) 20°C 20°C 40°C (am bie nt)
A rea of W ir e s

Cor e x m m ² (m m ²) mm (m m ) (m m ) (k g / k m ) (Ω / k m ) (M Ω / k m ) A (m /R)

1 x 1.5 1.5 7 1.56 0.7 6 29 12.1 0.01 24 100/C

1 x 2.5 2.5 7 2.01 0.8 6 42 7.41 0.009 33 100/C
1x4 4 7 2.55 0.8 7 59 4.61 0.0077 44 100/C
1x6 6 7 3.12 0.8 7 80 3.08 0.0065 57 100/C
1 x 10 10 6 3.70 1.0 9 129 1.83 0.0065 79 300/R
1 x 16 16 6 4.65 1.0 9 179 1.15 0.005 105 300/R
1 x 25 25 6 5.84 1.2 11 275 0.727 0.005 145 300/R
1 x 35 35 6 6.89 1.2 12 366 0.524 0.0043 180 300/R
1 x 50 50 6 7.96 1.4 14 491 0.387 0.0043 220 300/R
1 x 70 70 12 9.65 1.4 15 696 0.268 0.0035 280 300/R
1 x 95 95 15 11.30 1.6 18 955 0.193 0.0035 350 300/R
1 x 120 120 18 12.85 1.6 19 1,186 0.153 0.0032 405 300/R
1 x 150 150 18 14.10 1.8 21 1,458 0.124 0.0032 465 300/R
1 x 185 185 30 15.95 2.0 23 1,822 0.0991 0.0032 540 300/R
1 x 240 240 34 18.35 2.2 26 2,377 0.0754 0.0032 645 300/R
1 x 300 300 34 20.40 2.4 28 2,964 0.0601 0.003 740 300/R
1 x 400 400 53 23.25 2.6 31 3,754 0.0470 0.0028 860 300/R
1 x 500 500 53 26.50 2.8 35 4,791 0.0366 0.0028 1,000 300/R
1 x 630 630 53 29.95 2.8 39 6,105 0.0283 0.0025 1,155 300/R
Page 1 of 1 C = Packing in coil, R = Packing in reel Revision : November 2012

Phelps Dodge International (Thailand) Limited.

Maneeya Center Building, 16th Floor, 518/5 Ploenchit Rd., Lumpinee, Pathumwan, Bangkok 10330 Telephone : (66 2) 680 5800 Fax : (66 2) 680 5896, 680 5898
Website :
© 2012 Phelps Dodge International (Thailand) Limited. All rights reserved.

- BS 7846
Circuit integrity
- BS 6387 Categories C, W, Z
Flame propagation
- BS 4066-3 Categories A, B, C
Acid gas emission
- BS 6425-2 (BS EN 50267-2-2)
Smoke emission
- BS 7622-2 (BS EN 50268-2)

Preferably used for installation into
conduit and open tray wiring which
provide flame retardant property and
long-term circuit integrity in a fire

Maximum conductor temperature
90ºC, Circuit voltage(U) does not Conductor : Compact or Round concentric lay stranded copper
exceed 1,200 volts. Fire Barrier : Mineral ceramic (Mica) fire resistant tape.
Insulation : Cross-linked polyethylene (XLPE ) : Red, Black Colour.
AC TEST VOLTAGE : Filler : LSHF filler and/or Polypropylene (Nonhygroscopic material)
Binding Tape : Polyester tape and/or Spunbond tape.
3.5 kV
Bedding : Low smoke & halogen free compound (LSHF : ST8) : Black Colour.
Armour : Galvanised steel wire for multi core.
Binding Tape : Polyester tape and/or Spunbond tape.
Outer Sheath : Low smoke & halogen free compound (LSHF : ST8) : Orange Colour.
Other colours to special order.

Conductor Nominal Nominal Maximum Minimum
Nominal Nominal Overall Cable Ampacities In
Armour Thickness Conductor Insulation Standard
SIZE Cross Minimum Thickness of Thickness of Diameter Weight Free Air at
Diameter Wire of Outer Resistance at Resistance at packing
Section Number of insulation Bedding (Approx.) (Approx.) 40°C
(Approx.) Diameter Sheath 20°C 20°C
Area Wires (ambient)
Core x mm² (mm²) mm (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (kg / km) (Ω / km) (MΩ / km) A (m/R)

2 x 1.5 1.5 7 1.56 0.6 0.8 0.90 1.3 15 370 12.1 0.7828 26 500
2 x 2.5 2.5 7 2.01 0.7 0.8 0.90 1.4 17 441 7.41 0.7350 34 500
2x4 4 7 2.55 0.7 0.8 0.90 1.4 18 509 4.61 0.6290 45 500
2x6 6 7 3.12 0.7 0.8 0.90 1.4 19 584 3.08 0.5462 58 500
2 x 10 10 6 3.70 0.7 0.8 0.90 1.5 21 737 1.83 0.4498 77 500
2 x 16 16 6 4.67 0.7 0.8 1.25 1.5 23 1,004 1.15 0.3999 100 500
2 x 25 25 6 5.87 0.9 0.8 1.25 1.6 27 1,335 0.727 0.4098 135 500
2 x 35 35 6 6.92 0.9 1.0 1.60 1.7 30 1,805 0.524 0.3582 165 500
2 x 50 50 6 8.00 1.0 1.0 1.60 1.8 33 2,196 0.387 0.3366 200 500
2 x 70 70 12 9.70 1.1 1.0 1.60 1.9 37 2,834 0.268 0.3198 250 500
2 x 95 95 15 11.35 1.1 1.2 2.00 2.0 42 3,849 0.193 0.2778 310 500
2 x 120 120 18 12.90 1.2 1.2 2.00 2.1 46 4,562 0.153 0.2690 360 500
2 x 150 150 18 14.15 1.4 1.2 2.00 2.2 49 5,316 0.124 0.2829 410 500
2 x 185 185 30 16.00 1.6 1.4 2.50 2.4 55.0 6,892 0.0991 0.2880 480 500
2 x 240 240 34 18.35 1.7 1.4 2.50 2.5 61.0 8,415 0.0754 0.2673 570 250
2 x 300 300 34 20.50 1.8 1.6 2.50 2.6 66.0 10,064 0.0601 0.2541 660 250
2 x 400 400 53 23.35 2.0 1.6 2.50 2.8 73.0 12,235 0.0470 0.2500 760 250
Page 1 of 1 R = Packing in reel Revision : November 2012

Phelps Dodge International (Thailand) Limited.

Maneeya Center Building, 16th Floor, 518/5 Ploenchit Rd., Lumpinee, Pathumwan, Bangkok 10330 Telephone : (66 2) 680 5800 Fax : (66 2) 680 5896, 680 5898
Website :
© 2012 Phelps Dodge International (Thailand) Limited. All rights reserved.

- BS 7846
Circuit integrity
- BS 6387 Categories C, W, Z
Flame propagation
- BS 4066-3 Categories A, B, C
Acid gas emission
- BS 6425-2 (BS EN 50267-2-2)
Smoke emission
- BS 7622-2 (BS EN 50268-2)

Preferably used for installation into
conduit and open tray wiring which
provide flame retardant property and
long-term circuit integrity in a fire

Maximum conductor temperature
90ºC, Circuit voltage(U) does not Conductor : Compact or Round concentric lay stranded copper
exceed 1,200 volts. Fire Barrier : Mineral ceramic (Mica) fire resistant tape.
Insulation : Cross-linked polyethylene (XLPE ) : Red, Yellow, Blue Colour.
AC TEST VOLTAGE : Filler : LSHF filler and/or Polypropylene (Nonhygroscopic material)
Binding Tape : Polyester tape and/or Spunbond tape.
3.5 kV
Bedding : Low smoke & halogen free compound (LSHF : ST8) : Black Colour.
Armour : Galvanised steel wire for multi core.
Binding Tape : Polyester tape and/or Spunbond tape.
Outer Sheath : Low smoke & halogen free compound (LSHF : ST8) : Orange Colour.
Other colours to special order.

Conductor Nominal Nominal Maximum Minimum
Nominal Nominal Overall Cable Ampacities In
Armour Thickness Conductor Insulation Standard
SIZE Cross Minimum Thickness of Thickness of Diameter Weight Free Air at
Diameter Wire of Outer Resistance at Resistance at packing
Section Number of insulation Bedding (Approx.) (Approx.) 40°C
(Approx.) Diameter Sheath 20°C 20°C
Area Wires (ambient)
Core x mm² (mm²) mm (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (kg / km) (Ω / km) (MΩ / km) A (m/R)

3 x 1.5 1.5 7 1.56 0.6 0.8 0.90 1.3 16 409 12.1 0.7828 22 500
3 x 2.5 2.5 7 2.01 0.7 0.8 0.90 1.4 17 493 7.41 0.7350 30 500
3x4 4 7 2.55 0.7 0.8 0.90 1.4 19 579 4.61 0.6290 39 500
3x6 6 7 3.12 0.7 0.8 0.90 1.4 20 680 3.08 0.5462 50 500
3 x 10 10 6 3.70 0.7 0.8 1.25 1.5 23 1,004 1.83 0.4498 67 500
3 x 16 16 6 4.67 0.7 0.8 1.25 1.6 24 1,217 1.15 0.3999 89 500
3 x 25 25 6 5.87 0.9 1.0 1.60 1.7 30 1,830 0.727 0.4098 115 500
3 x 35 35 6 6.92 0.9 1.0 1.60 1.8 32 2,230 0.524 0.3582 140 500
3 x 50 50 6 8.00 1.0 1.0 1.60 1.8 35 2,717 0.387 0.3366 170 500
3 x 70 70 12 9.70 1.1 1.0 1.60 1.9 39 3,577 0.268 0.3198 215 500
3 x 95 95 15 11.35 1.1 1.2 2.00 2.1 44 4,870 0.193 0.2778 265 500
3 x 120 120 18 12.90 1.2 1.2 2.00 2.2 48 5,816 0.153 0.2690 310 500
3 x 150 150 18 14.15 1.4 1.4 2.50 2.3 53 7,349 0.124 0.2829 355 500
3 x 185 185 30 16.00 1.6 1.4 2.50 2.4 59.0 8,827 0.0991 0.2880 410 250
3 x 240 240 34 18.35 1.7 1.4 2.50 2.6 64.0 10,916 0.0754 0.2673 490 250
3 x 300 300 34 20.50 1.8 1.6 2.50 2.7 70.0 13,137 0.0601 0.2541 565 200
3 x 400 400 53 23.35 2.0 1.6 2.50 2.9 77.0 16,121 0.0470 0.2500 655 200
Page 1 of 1 R = Packing in reel Revision : November 2012

Phelps Dodge International (Thailand) Limited.

Maneeya Center Building, 16th Floor, 518/5 Ploenchit Rd., Lumpinee, Pathumwan, Bangkok 10330 Telephone : (66 2) 680 5800 Fax : (66 2) 680 5896, 680 5898
Website :
© 2012 Phelps Dodge International (Thailand) Limited. All rights reserved.

- BS 7846
Circuit integrity
- BS 6387 Categories C, W, Z
Flame propagation
- BS 4066-3 Categories A, B, C
Acid gas emission
- BS 6425-2 (BS EN 50267-2-2)
Smoke emission
- BS 7622-2 (BS EN 50268-2)

Preferably used for installation into
conduit and open tray wiring which
provide flame retardant property and
long-term circuit integrity in a fire

Maximum conductor temperature
90ºC, Circuit voltage(U) does not Conductor : Compact or Round concentric lay stranded copper
exceed 1,200 volts. Fire Barrier : Mineral ceramic (Mica) fire resistant tape.
Insulation : Cross-linked polyethylene (XLPE ) : Red, Yellow, Blue, Black Colour.
AC TEST VOLTAGE : Filler : LSHF filler and/or Polypropylene (Nonhygroscopic material)
Binding Tape : Polyester tape and/or Spunbond tape.
3.5 kV
Bedding : Low smoke & halogen free compound (LSHF : ST8) : Black Colour.
Armour : Galvanised steel wire for multi core.
Binding Tape : Polyester tape and/or Spunbond tape.
Outer Sheath : Low smoke & halogen free compound (LSHF : ST8) : Orange Colour.
Other colours to special order.

Conductor Allowable
Nominal Nominal Maximum Minimum
Nominal Nominal Overall Cable Ampacities In
Armour Thickness Conductor Insulation Standard
SIZE Cross Minimum Thickness of Thickness of Diameter Weight Free Air at
Diameter Wire of Outer Resistance at Resistance packing
Section Number of insulation Bedding (Approx.) (Approx.) 40°C
(Approx.) Diameter Sheath 20°C at 20°C
Area Wires (ambient)

Core x mm² (mm²) mm (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (kg / km) (Ω / km) (MΩ / km) A (m/R)

4 x 1.5 1.5 7 1.56 0.6 0.8 0.90 1.3 17 461 12.1 0.7828 23 500
4 x 2.5 2.5 7 2.01 0.7 0.8 0.90 1.4 19 565 7.41 0.7350 30 500
4x4 4 7 2.55 0.7 0.8 0.90 1.4 20 669 4.61 0.6290 40 500
4x6 6 7 3.12 0.7 0.8 1.25 1.5 22 922 3.08 0.5462 51 500
4 x 10 10 6 3.70 0.7 0.8 1.25 1.5 24 1,181 1.83 0.4498 68 500
4 x 16 16 6 4.67 0.7 0.8 1.25 1.6 26 1,448 1.15 0.3999 90 500
4 x 25 25 6 5.87 0.9 1.0 1.60 1.7 32 2,194 0.727 0.4098 115 500
4 x 35 35 6 6.92 0.9 1.0 1.60 1.8 35 2,700 0.524 0.3582 145 500
4 x 50 50 6 8.00 1.0 1.0 1.60 1.9 38 3,335 0.387 0.3366 170 500
4 x 70 70 12 9.70 1.1 1.2 2.00 2.1 44 4,761 0.268 0.3198 220 500
4 x 95 95 15 11.35 1.1 1.2 2.00 2.2 48 6,013 0.193 0.2778 260 500
4 x 120 120 18 12.90 1.2 1.4 2.50 2.3 54 7,736 0.153 0.2690 305 500
4 x 150 150 18 14.15 1.4 1.4 2.50 2.4 58 9,139 0.124 0.2829 350 250
4 x 185 185 30 16.00 1.6 1.4 2.50 2.6 64.0 11,025 0.0991 0.2880 400 250
4 x 240 240 34 18.35 1.7 1.6 2.50 2.7 71.0 13,754 0.0754 0.2673 480 250
4 x 300 300 34 20.50 1.8 1.6 2.50 2.9 77.0 16,592 0.0601 0.2541 540 200
4 x 400 400 53 23.35 2.0 1.8 3.15 3.2 87.0 21,525 0.0470 0.2500 630 200
Page 1 of 1 R = Packing in reel Revision : November 2012

Phelps Dodge International (Thailand) Limited.

Maneeya Center Building, 16th Floor, 518/5 Ploenchit Rd., Lumpinee, Pathumwan, Bangkok 10330 Telephone : (66 2) 680 5800 Fax : (66 2) 680 5896, 680 5898
Website :
© 2012 Phelps Dodge International (Thailand) Limited. All rights reserved.

- BS 7211
Flame propagation
- BS 4066-3 Categories C IEEE 383
Acid gas emission
- BS 6425-2 (BS EN 50267-2-2)
Smoke emission
- BS 7622-2 (BS EN 50268-2)

Preferably used for installation into
conduit and open tray which provide
safety and flame retardant property
in a fire

Maximum conductor temperature CONSTRUCTION :
90ºC, Circuit voltage(U) does not
exceed 1,000 volts. Conductor : Compact or Round concentric lay stranded copper

Insulation : Low smoke & halogen free Cross-linked polyethylene.

Red Colour (Other colours to special order).
2.5 kV

Co nductor M axim um M inim um A llo w able

No m inal Ov er all Cable
Conducto r Insulation A m pacities In Standar d
SIZE Cr o ss M inim um Thick ne ss of Diam e ter W e ig ht
Diam eter Re sistance at Resistance at Fr ee A ir at pack ing
Se ction Num be r insulation (A ppr ox.) (A ppr ox.)
(A ppr o x.) 20°C 20°C 40°C (am bie nt)
A rea of W ir e s

Cor e x m m ² (m m ²) mm (m m ) (m m ) (k g / k m ) (Ω / k m ) (M Ω / k m ) A (m /R)

1 x 1.5 1.5 7 1.56 0.7 4 21 12.1 0.01 22 100/C

1 x 2.5 2.5 7 2.01 0.8 5 33 7.41 0.009 31 100/C
1x4 4 7 2.55 0.8 6 49 4.61 0.0077 42 100/C
1x6 6 7 3.12 0.8 6 70 3.08 0.0065 54 100/C
1 x 10 10 6 3.70 1.0 8 116 1.83 0.0065 76 300/R
1 x 16 16 6 4.65 1.0 8 162 1.15 0.005 100 300/R
1 x 25 25 6 5.84 1.2 10 254 0.727 0.005 140 300/R
1 x 35 35 6 6.89 1.2 11 344 0.524 0.0043 175 300/R
1 x 50 50 6 7.96 1.4 13 465 0.387 0.0043 215 300/R
1 x 70 70 12 9.65 1.4 14 666 0.268 0.0035 275 300/R
1 x 95 95 15 11.30 1.6 17 920 0.193 0.0035 345 300/R
1 x 120 120 18 12.85 1.6 18 1,148 0.153 0.0032 400 300/R
1 x 150 150 18 14.10 1.8 20 1,417 0.124 0.0032 460 300/R
1 x 185 185 30 15.95 2.0 22 1,775 0.0991 0.0032 535 300/R
1 x 240 240 34 18.35 2.2 25 2,324 0.0754 0.0032 640 300/R
1 x 300 300 34 20.40 2.4 27 2,906 0.0601 0.003 735 300/R
1 x 400 400 53 23.25 2.6 30 3,688 0.047 0.0028 855 300/R
1 x 500 500 53 26.50 2.8 34 4,719 0.0366 0.0028 995 300/R
1 x 630 630 53 29.95 2.8 38 6,026 0.0283 0.0025 1,150 300/R
C = Packing in coil, R = Packing in reel
Page 1 of 1 Revision : November 2012

Phelps Dodge International (Thailand) Limited.

Maneeya Center Building, 16th Floor, 518/5 Ploenchit Rd., Lumpinee, Pathumwan, Bangkok 10330 Telephone : (66 2) 680 5800 Fax : (66 2) 680 5896, 680 5898
Website :
© 2012 Phelps Dodge International (Thailand) Limited. All rights reserved.

- BS 6724
Flame propagation
- BS 4066-3 Categories A, B, C
Acid gas emission
- BS 6425-2 (BS EN 50267-2-2)
Smoke emission
- BS 7622-2 (BS EN 50268-2)

Preferably used for installation into
conduit and open tray which provide
safety and flame retardant property
in a fire

Maximum conductor temperature CONSTRUCTION :
90ºC, Circuit voltage(U) does not
exceed 1,200 volts. Conductor : Compact or Round concentric lay stranded copper
Insulation : Cross-linked polyethylene (XLPE ) : Red, Black Colour.
AC TEST VOLTAGE : Filler : LSHF filler and/or Polypropylene (Nonhygroscopic material)
3.5 kV Binding Tape : Polyester tape and/or Spunbond tape.
Bedding : Low smoke & halogen free compound (LSHF : ST8) : Black Colour.
Armour : Galvanised steel wire for multi core.
Binding Tape : Polyester tape and/or Spunbond tape.
Outer Sheath : Low smoke & halogen free compound (LSHF : ST8) : Orange Colour.
Other colours to special order.

C o nd uct o r A llo wab le

N o minal N o minal N o minal N o minal M aximum M inimum
Over all C ab le A mp acit ies
T hickness T hickness A r mo ur T hickness C o nd uct o r Insulat io n St and ar d
SIZ E D iamet er W eig ht In F r ee A ir
C r o ss M inimum of of W ir e o f Out er R esist ance R esist ance p acking
D iamet er ( A p p r o x.) ( A p p r o x.) at 4 0 °C
Sect io n N umb er insulat io n B ed d ing D iamet er Sheat h at 2 0 °C at 2 0 °C
( A p p r o x.) ( amb ient )
A r ea o f W ir es

C o r e x mm² ( mm²) mm ( mm) ( mm) ( mm) ( mm) ( mm) ( kg / km) ( Ω / km) ( M Ω / km) A ( m/ R )

2 x 1.5 1.5 7 1.56 0.6 0.8 0.90 1.3 13 292 12.1 0.9802 26 500
2 x 2.5 2.5 7 2.01 0.7 0.8 0.90 1.4 15 364 7.41 0.8785 34 500
2x4 4 7 2.55 0.7 0.8 0.90 1.4 16 425 4.61 0.7305 45 500
2x6 6 7 3.12 0.7 0.8 0.90 1.4 17 501 3.08 0.6208 58 500
2 x 10 10 6 3.70 0.7 0.8 0.90 1.5 19 650 1.83 0.4990 77 500
2 x 16 16 6 4.67 0.7 0.8 1.25 1.5 21 890 1.15 0.4382 100 500
2 x 25 25 6 5.87 0.9 0.8 1.25 1.6 25 1,210 0.727 0.4410 135 500
2 x 35 35 6 6.92 0.9 1.0 1.60 1.7 28 1,673 0.524 0.3818 165 500
2 x 50 50 6 8.00 1.0 1.0 1.60 1.8 31 2,038 0.387 0.3553 200 500
2 x 70 70 12 9.70 1.1 1.0 1.60 1.9 35 2,656 0.268 0.3351 250 500
2 x 95 95 15 11.35 1.1 1.2 2.00 2.0 40 3,652 0.193 0.2892 310 500
2 x 120 120 18 12.90 1.2 1.2 2.00 2.1 44 4,354 0.153 0.2788 360 500
2 x 150 150 18 14.15 1.4 1.2 2.00 2.2 47 5,099 0.124 0.2923 410 500
2 x 185 185 30 16.00 1.6 1.4 2.50 2.4 53 6,651 0.0991 0.2965 480 500
2 x 240 240 34 18.35 1.7 1.4 2.50 2.5 59 8,161 0.0754 0.2741 570 250
2 x 300 300 34 20.50 1.8 1.6 2.50 2.6 64 9,792 0.0601 0.2599 660 250
2 x 400 400 53 23.35 2.0 1.6 2.50 2.8 71 11,940 0.0470 0.2551 760 250
Page 1 of 1 R = Packing in reel Revision : November 2012

Phelps Dodge International (Thailand) Limited.

Maneeya Center Building, 16th Floor, 518/5 Ploenchit Rd., Lumpinee, Pathumwan, Bangkok 10330 Telephone : (66 2) 680 5800 Fax : (66 2) 680 5896, 680 5898
Website :
© 2012 Phelps Dodge International (Thailand) Limited. All rights reserved.

- BS 6724
Flame propagation
- BS 4066-3 Categories A, B, C
Acid gas emission
- BS 6425-2 (BS EN 50267-2-2)
Smoke emission
- BS 7622-2 (BS EN 50268-2)

Preferably used for installation into
conduit and open tray which provide
safety and flame retardant property
in a fire

Maximum conductor temperature
90ºC, Circuit voltage(U) does not CONSTRUCTION :
exceed 1,200 volts.
Conductor : Compact or Round concentric lay stranded copper
AC TEST VOLTAGE : Insulation : Cross-linked polyethylene (XLPE ) : Red, Yellow, Blue Colour.
3.5 kV Filler : LSHF filler and/or Polypropylene (Nonhygroscopic material)
Binding Tape : Polyester tape and/or Spunbond tape.
Bedding : Low smoke & halogen free compound (LSHF : ST8) : Black Colour.
Armour : Galvanised steel wire for multi core.
Binding Tape : Polyester tape and/or Spunbond tape.
Outer Sheath : Low smoke & halogen free compound (LSHF : ST8) : Orange Colour.
Other colours to special order.

C o nd uct o r A llo wab le

N o minal N o minal N o minal N o minal M aximum M inimum
Over all C ab le A mp acit ies
T hickness T hickness A r mo ur T hickness C o nd uct o r Insulat io n St and ar d
SIZ E D iamet er W eig ht In F r ee A ir
C r o ss M inimum of of W ir e o f Out er R esist ance R esist ance p acking
D iamet er ( A p p r o x.) ( A p p r o x.) at 4 0 °C
Sect io n N umb er insulat io n B ed d ing D iamet er Sheat h at 2 0 °C at 2 0 °C
( A p p r o x.) ( amb ient )
A r ea o f W ir es

C o r e x mm² ( mm²) mm ( mm) ( mm) ( mm) ( mm) ( mm) ( kg / km) ( Ω / km) ( M Ω / km) A ( m/ R )

3 x 1.5 1.5 7 1.56 0.6 0.8 0.90 1.3 14 325 12.1 0.9802 22 500
3 x 2.5 2.5 7 2.01 0.7 0.8 0.90 1.4 15 403 7.41 0.8785 30 500
3x4 4 7 2.55 0.7 0.8 0.90 1.4 16 485 4.61 0.7305 39 500
3x6 6 7 3.12 0.7 0.8 0.90 1.4 18 582 3.08 0.6208 50 500
3 x 10 10 6 3.70 0.7 0.8 1.25 1.5 20 889 1.83 0.4990 67 500
3 x 16 16 6 4.67 0.7 0.8 1.25 1.6 22 1,090 1.15 0.4382 89 500
3 x 25 25 6 5.87 0.9 1.0 1.60 1.7 27 1,674 0.727 0.4410 115 500
3 x 35 35 6 6.92 0.9 1.0 1.60 1.8 30 2,060 0.524 0.3818 140 500
3 x 50 50 6 8.00 1.0 1.0 1.60 1.8 33 2,545 0.387 0.3553 170 500
3 x 70 70 12 9.70 1.1 1.0 1.60 1.9 37 3,391 0.268 0.3351 215 500
3 x 95 95 15 11.35 1.1 1.2 2.00 2.1 42 4,657 0.193 0.2892 265 500
3 x 120 120 18 12.90 1.2 1.2 2.00 2.2 46 5,594 0.153 0.2788 310 500
3 x 150 150 18 14.15 1.4 1.4 2.50 2.3 51 7,113 0.124 0.2923 355 500
3 x 185 185 30 16.00 1.6 1.4 2.50 2.4 56 8,538 0.0991 0.2965 410 250
3 x 240 240 34 18.35 1.7 1.4 2.50 2.6 62 10,655 0.0754 0.2741 490 250
3 x 300 300 34 20.50 1.8 1.6 2.50 2.7 68 12,863 0.0601 0.2599 565 200
3 x 400 400 53 23.35 2.0 1.6 2.50 2.9 75 15,833 0.0470 0.2551 655 200
Page 1 of 1 R = Packing in reel Revision : November 2012

Phelps Dodge International (Thailand) Limited.

Maneeya Center Building, 16th Floor, 518/5 Ploenchit Rd., Lumpinee, Pathumwan, Bangkok 10330 Telephone : (66 2) 680 5800 Fax : (66 2) 680 5896, 680 5898
Website :
© 2012 Phelps Dodge International (Thailand) Limited. All rights reserved.

- BS 6724
Flame propagation
- BS 4066-3 Categories A, B, C
Acid gas emission
- BS 6425-2 (BS EN 50267-2-2)
Smoke emission
- BS 7622-2 (BS EN 50268-2)

Preferably used for installation into
conduit and open tray which provide
safety and flame retardant property
in a fire

Maximum conductor temperature
90ºC, Circuit voltage(U) does not CONSTRUCTION :
exceed 1,200 volts.
Conductor : Compact or Round concentric lay stranded copper
AC TEST VOLTAGE : Insulation : Cross-linked polyethylene (XLPE ) : Red, Yellow, Blue, Black Colour.
Filler : LSHF filler and/or Polypropylene (Nonhygroscopic material)
3.5 kV
Binding Tape : Polyester tape and/or Spunbond tape.
Bedding : Low smoke & halogen free compound (LSHF : ST8) : Black Colour.
Armour : Galvanised steel wire for multi core.
Binding Tape : Polyester tape and/or Spunbond tape.
Outer Sheath : Low smoke & halogen free compound (LSHF : ST8) : Orange Colour.
Other colours to special order.

Conductor Allowable
Nominal Nominal Maximum Minimum
Nominal Nominal Overall Cable Ampacities In
Armour Thickness Conductor Insulation Standard
SIZE Cross Minimum Thickness of Thickness of Diameter Weight Free Air at
Diameter Wire of Outer Resistance at Resistance at packing
Section Number of insulation Bedding (Approx.) (Approx.) 40°C
(Approx.) Diameter Sheath 20°C 20°C
Area Wires (ambient)

Core x mm² (mm²) mm (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (kg / km) (Ω / km) (MΩ / km) A (m/R)

4 x 1.5 1.5 7 1.56 0.6 0.8 0.90 1.3 14 361 12.1 0.9802 23 500
4 x 2.5 2.5 7 2.01 0.7 0.8 0.90 1.4 16 458 7.41 0.8785 30 500
4x4 4 7 2.55 0.7 0.8 0.90 1.4 17 557 4.61 0.7305 40 500
4x6 6 7 3.12 0.7 0.8 1.25 1.5 20 798 3.08 0.6208 51 500
4 x 10 10 6 3.70 0.7 0.8 1.25 1.5 22 1,040 1.83 0.4990 68 500
4 x 16 16 6 4.67 0.7 0.8 1.25 1.6 24 1,292 1.15 0.4382 90 500
4 x 25 25 6 5.87 0.9 1.0 1.60 1.7 29 2,010 0.727 0.4410 115 500
4 x 35 35 6 6.92 0.9 1.0 1.60 1.8 32 2,496 0.524 0.3818 145 500
4 x 50 50 6 8.00 1.0 1.0 1.60 1.9 35 3,128 0.387 0.3553 170 500
4 x 70 70 12 9.70 1.1 1.2 2.00 2.1 42 4,526 0.268 0.3351 220 500
4 x 95 95 15 11.35 1.1 1.2 2.00 2.2 46 5,762 0.193 0.2892 260 500
4 x 120 120 18 12.90 1.2 1.4 2.50 2.3 52 7,426 0.153 0.2788 305 500
4 x 150 150 18 14.15 1.4 1.4 2.50 2.4 56 8,818 0.124 0.2923 350 250
4 x 185 185 30 16.00 1.6 1.4 2.50 2.6 62 10,685 0.0991 0.2965 400 250
4 x 240 240 34 18.35 1.7 1.6 2.50 2.7 68 13,394 0.0754 0.2741 480 250
4 x 300 300 34 20.50 1.8 1.6 2.50 2.9 74 16,217 0.0601 0.2599 540 200
4 x 400 400 53 23.35 2.0 1.8 3.15 3.2 85 21,055 0.0470 0.2551 630 200
Page 1 of 1 R = Packing in reel Revision : March 2012

Phelps Dodge International (Thailand) Limited.

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