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Avise tunnel revisited

A. Da Via,
Tomo, Milan, Italy

A. Mahtab, G. Carrieri, P.Grasso

Geodata SpA, Turin, Italy

Politecnico of Turin, Italy

ABSTRACT: A comparison between the choice of "a pilot bore plus enlargement and a full face bore" using
TBM was discussed previously by the authors for the case of the 3 km-long, twin-bore Avise tunnel. The Avise
tunnel is now revisited for information on the performance of the TBM reaming machine from 4.5 m pilot hole
to 11.4 m fmal (right) bore compared with the drill and blast excavation of part of the left bore and drill and blast
enlargement of the remainder of the left bore.

1. IN1RODUCTION 1.2 Geologic Setting

1.1 Project Description The Avise tunnel traverses the S. Bemardo formation,
mainly consituted by intensely fractured and faulted
The Avise Tunnel is one of the 10 tunnels along the gneiss and micaschist with intercalations of chlorite
section of the Italian motorway AS that connects the and phyllite. Except for the portal sections, which are
town of Aosta (100 km N of Turin) to the French constituted by detritus or moraines under a cover upto
border through the Monte Bianco Tunnel. The twin­ 40m, the 2.7 km long section through rock is under a
bore Avise tunnel is 3 km long and lies under a cover cover of 180-330m.
of 40 to 330m. The two bores are separated by 1Om, The principal source of the geological information
each has a diameter of 11.4 and will house 2 traffic is the 4.5m diameter pilot bore. This information was
lanes. coupled with some seismic measurements in the field
The construction of Avise tunnel was begun in late and mechanical property tests in the laboratory. For
1989 and is expected to be completed in early 1994. example, the geomechanical properties of the gneiss
The owner of the motorway is RAV of Rome; the were obtained from one series of tests as follows:
Contractor is a consortium of Tomo (Milan) and Density: 2.7 kg/cm3
Fioroni (Perugia), assisted by Geodata as engineering Unconfined compressive strength Co: 80MPa
consultant, Murer Italia as tunnel boring contractor, Brazilian tensile strength: 9 MPa
and Consonda as consolidation contractor. Youngs modulus: 10-17 GPa
The tunnel provides an interesting opportunity to Comp. wave velocity: 4452 m/s
compare the following situations (see Fig. 1.1) which A longitudinal section through the tunnel is given
are discussed in Sec. 2: in Fig. 1.2. The most significant and, by experience,
(1) pilot bore plus TBM enlargement (TBE) vs. drill the most critical geologic feature encountered during
and blastexcavation (DBExc) of theentire section excavation was the Vertosan fault. The fault is located
(without a pilot bore), about half way through the tunnel and is associated
(2) TBE vs. drill and blast enlargement (DBEnl) after with a 60m wide fault zone. The negative influence of
a pilot bore, and tre Vertosan fault on rock quality and advance rate (by
(3) the expected vs. actual performance of the TBE. TBM or drill and blast excavation) is discussed in
The third situation, the performance of TBE, is a Sec.2.
follow-up on the previous article about Avise tunnel The RMR and classification system of Bieniawski
(Da Via et al., 1992) and has provided the title of this (1979) is used for comparing the advance rate between
paper. the various excavation schemes. For convenience,
Artificial Artificial
tunnel Detritic material tunnel



c___..,.,. Tunnel boring enlargement (TBE) 0=11.4m

Artificial Artificial
tunnel Detritic material VERTOSAN FAULT tunnel

Fig. 1.1 Plan view of 2 bores of Avise Tunnel showin the excavation scheme:
1 Left pilot bore, 1.5km, from Aosta (AO) toward Monte Bianco (M.B.); 2 Right pilot bore, 2.7km AO toward M.B.; 3 TBE, 2.7km M.B. to AO; 4 D&B
from M.B. to AO



Monte Bianco Aosta �




os 10 15 20 25


0 Gneiss-micaschist 1<::::;:1 Morainic I Detritic material 0 Principal joints

D GranitiC gneiss 1111!1 Vertosan fault zone

Fig. 1. 2 Longitudinal geologic section along A vise tunnel

Bieniawski' s classes IV and V were further subdivided Depending on the number of shifts, the advance rate
into classes IVa, IVb and Va, Vb. It is noted that other generally ranged between 5 and 45rnlday, see Fig. 2.4.
classification schemes, such as the Q-system of Barton
et al. (1973), may be equally applicable.

Longitudinal section
of round

The originally planned scheme was to make a pilot

hole of diameter 4.5m with a TBM at the center of the
: I
right and left bores (11.4m diameter) of Avise
f il-----.-f-----;lI
tunnel.The pilot holes were to be subsequently enlarged I · I·
. I E .f � Headi
by a reaming machine. However, due to the problems I . � 11· r---
associated with the Vertosan fault, the methodology
j / �
. ·----1....-----"'-==
actually used evolved differently for the two bores:
the TBM pilot bore and TBM enlargement (TBE) was
used for the right bore (Fig. 2.1) whereas drill-and­
blast excavation (DBExc) was used for the (Monte
Bianco) half of the left bore (Fig. 2.2) and TBM pilot
2.2 Sequence by Drill & Blast Excavation
bore plus drill-and-blast enlargement (DBEnl) was
When required, the pilot hole was reinforced with
used for the other half (adjacent to Aosta portal). A
l.5m long, 22m diameter, fiber-glass bolts. The bolted
cross-section of the two bores is shown in Fig. 2.3.
section comprised 266m out of a t otal length of 2676m,
with an average frequency of 1.2 bolts/m. Another
300m of the pilot bore in very poor rock was supported
by steel ribs with a frequency of 3.7 steel arches/m.
The excavation cycle for the pil ot hole is given in
Table 2.1.

2.1.2 TBM enlargement ofpilot hole (TBE)

The right bore of the tunnel was enlarged from the

4.5m diameter pilot hole to the 11.4m diameter full
.. bore for the entire (2,676m) rock mass horizon. The
enlargement was made using a WIRTH TBS Ill
machine. Generally, the entire length of the bore is
supported with:

(b) •resin-grouted fiber-glass bolts, 4.5m long, 25mm

diameter, spaced at l .8m
Fig. 2.1 Excavation by TBM •a 150mmx1500mm, 5mm diameter wire mesh bolted
(a) Pilot bore to the periphery of the bore; and
(b) Enlargement by reaming machine (TBE) •a steel-fiber reinforced, lOcm thick layer of shotcrete.
The rock mass was divided into 3 support classes.
2.1 Right Bore
or sections: A, B, and C, with slightly different pre­
2.1.1 Pilot bore reinforcement design used for each section. In some
portions of the bore, both steel b olts and steel arches
A 4.5m diameter TBM (WIRTH TBS Ill 450) was were required for support.The fmal lining was provided
used to bore·the pilot hole in the center of the right bore by 30cm thick concrete, that was cast in place. The
proceeding from Aosta (AO) portal toward Monte TBE cycle is shown in Table 2.2.
Bianco (M.B.) portal. A major portion of the rock
(70%) was given class Ill while the rest of the rock
horizon was associated with the subdivided class
intervals IVa (12.4%), IVb (16.0%), and V( l .6%).
Table 2.1 Right bore, TBM pilot hole excavation

Work phase Equipment used Personnel

Excavation 1 wirth TBS m 4.50m diameter, 1 operator, 4 workers

and support drilling machine I

Mucking 2 electric locomotives 3 workers, 1 assistant

with 5 wagons

Table 2.2 Right bore, TBE cycle

Work phase Equipment used Personnel

Excavation 1 wirth TBE IV 450/1140 H 2 operators, 8 workers I

and support
1 operator, 5 workers
Install service lines 1 roller
in invert and complete I
Mucking 2 electric locomotives 2 locomotive operators I
with 5 wagons 4 workers, 1 assistant i

Table 2.3 Type of support used in the DBExc sec tion of left bore

Rock class %of Tvoe of SUDDOrt :

(Bieniawski) excavated length Bolt pattern Shotcrete Steel ribs I


Ill 54.3 1.5m x 1.5m 10cm no i


IVa 29.1 l.Om x 1.5m 15cm no

IVb 13.1 l.Om x l.Om 15cm no
Va 3.5 -
20cm yes
Table 2.4 Left bore, drill & blast excavation cycle for the heading

Work phase Equipment used Duration (h) Personnel

Drill & blast 1 jumbo drill (3 arms) 2 2 operators, 4 workers

1 assistant

Mucking 1 shovel, 4 dump trucks 2 1 operator, 4 drivers

Scaling 1 hammer 1 1 operator, 1 assistent

Shotcrete 1 shotcrete machine 1 1 operator, 2 or 3 drivers I

2 or 3 cement trucks 1 assistant I

Support 1 j urn bo drill 2 2 operators 4 workers I

1 assistant
bore= 16m2



TBE bore=86m2

2.3 Cross-section of Avise tunnel showing the drill-and-blast excavation (Left Bore) and TBE (Right Bore)

2.2 Left Bore in Table 2.3.

The left bore of the tunnel had been explored by a 4.5m 3. COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS
diameter pilot hole for about half of its length (see Fig.
1.1) from AO portal to the Vertosan fault This section 3.1 TBE v�rsus DBExc
was enlarged using drill and blast excavation (DBEnl)
As mentionedearlier,the approximately 1340m section
advancing both from the Vertosan fault and AOportal.
of the tunnel between the M.B. portal and V ertosan
The remaining section was excavated by drill and
fault was excavated usign TBE (in the right bore) and
blast (DBExc) proceeding from M.B. Portal toVertosan
DBExc (in the left bore). The daily advance rates for
the two operations are given in Figs. 3.1 and 3.2,
respectively. The advance as function of rock class is
2.2.1. Drill & blast excavation (DBExc) given in Table 3 .1 for this (M.B.) section of the tunnel.
The TBE advance from M.B. portal to Vertosan
Drill and blast excavation (DBExc) was used to fault(1336m) was made in 181 days using 1 shift for
excavate 13 43 m of the left bore at an average advance 62 days, 2 shifts for 20 days, and 3 shifts for 99 days.
rate of 5.4m/day. Controlled excavation was made to The average advance of7.3 8m/d was influenced by
avoid any damage to the rock around the right bore. organizational factors (machine operation, services,
Two-step excavation was used (with heading and personnel). Almost 50% of the total period was used
benching, see Fig. 2.2), limiting the advance per for bringing the job site operations to an optimum
blasting round to 2.0m for controlling the peak particle level. Note, however, that the average rate achieved
velocity. The support provided was a function of the here falls within the range of experience of large
rock class as shown in Table 2.3. The bolts are 24mm TBM's (Kovari et al., 1993).
diameter, 4.5m, injection-grouted steel or friction The DBExc advance in the 1343m of the M.B.
bolts. The final lining of cast concrete varied in section reached an average of 5.4 m/d over a period of
thickness from 50cm to 60cm. The DBExc cycle is 249 days. The lower advance (compared to TBE)
given in Table 2.4. reflects the effect of controlled blasting to minimize
the damage to the already excavated right bore, that
was separated by a lOm-wide pillar. It can be assumed
2.2.2 Pilot lwle and drill & blast enlargement(DBEnl)
that, in the absence of controlled blasting, the advance
As shown in Fig. 1.1, the 4.5m diameter pilot hole was rate will increase, but with the probable increase of
made at the center of the left bore from AO portal to overbreak of the tunnel section by a % that is
the Vertosan fault for about 1340m. The rock mass significantly more than the present 3.5 to 4%.
classification and support requirements were similar
to those observed in the parallel pilot hole in the right
bore. The DBEnl was made from two faces (Fig. 1.1)
with support provided in a manner similar to that given
! I !
i I
; ---

i !
I i

i i

i I I

! I

E.30 -





11 I I
Ill 11 il 11 I 111••1 lit 11 Ill 11


Time (excluding holidays)

Fig. 2.4 Daily advance of the 4.5m diameter TBM in the pilot hole for the entire length of the right

Table 3.1 Rock class and advance rates in the section of Avise tunnel from M.B. portal to Vertosan
fault using DBExc (left bore) and TBE (right bore).

Rock DBExc, Left Bore TBE, right bore

Class %of Advance rate %o f Advance rate
excav. length m/d Excav. length m/shift I

Ill 54.3 5.9 85.7 3.9

IVa 29. 1 5.4 7.0 3.2

IVb 13. 1 3.8 7.3 1.6

Va 3.5 2.7 0 -

Table 3.2 Reduction in advance rate as a function of decreasing rock quality, assuming 100%
advance for class lli.

Rock Reduction %in advance rate

Class DBEnl TBE

Ill 0 0

IVa 9 19

IVb 30 62

Va 55 88
Advance rate, mid Advance rate, mid
.. w ..
0 0\ 0 u; � � l5 � I> "' � 0 "' 0 u; � � l5 "' I> "' �
..... .
- · 10102192 07/01192
....... �
iv ...... 21/01192
0 0
e:. 04102/92
- e:.
09/03192 -
P' 18102/92
0.. P'
< 26103192 0..
P' < 03/03192
::l P'
() ::l
(1) 09/04192 ()
(1) 24/03/92

....... ......
28104192 07/04192
(1) @ 24/04192
0 13/05/92 .trl
.td ...,
=- g.
(1) 20/07192
0.. 3/06192 -i
::i 2 03/08192
..... . g 3'
(IQ 3
(1) ('!) 09/07192
>< - "(;' 11/09192
() ('!)
2. 23107192 g. 26/09192
P' c

9- a.
:::l 12/10192
a. a.
::l 28108/92 ......
0 tE
...... 9-
::l :::r 18101/93
(1) Q:
� ;:l.

� a. (IQ 13/02193
Q) ::r
0" ..... <
/92 (/l
0 -
'U'i I 0" - 26102193
@ 0
14/10192 @
28/10/92 06/05/93
-T I

b;J 11/11/92
---= I I I I 20/05193

0 I I I I I I I I
§. I I I I I I I I I 17106/93
0 12/01/93
I I I I I I I I I 02/07/93
..., 26101/93
8 I I I I I I 19/07193
09/02193 02108193
ilf? I I I I I I I I
3.2 TEE versus DBEnl TBErequires a stable pilot hole and good anchoring
capacity of the ground. In poor ground (rock class V),
The comparison between the enlargement of the pilot the grippers may not be properly anchored. As a result,
hole by the reaming machine (TBE) and by the the pistons, instead of pulling the head forward, can
conventional means (DBEnl) refers to the AO-section pull the ground into the pilot hole
of the tunnel, from Vertosan fault to AO portal.
The TBE advance in the AO-section averaged
13.2m/d, over a period of 85 days and peaked at 4. CONCLUSION

25.50m/d (Fig. 3.1). The DBEnl advance (with once

The experience from Avise shows that for a rock mass
face from AO) averaged at 7.7 m/d- about 30% more
of class IVa or better, TBE performs better than
than the advance of DBExc. However, the DBEnl
conventional excavation. The existence of a major
advance using two faces (one from AO and the other
fault zone (e.g. the 60m wide Vertosan fault zone of
from Vertosan fault - Fig. 1.1) averaged at 13.2 m/d­
class V), even though predicted by the pilot bore, can
the same as for TBE in this section.
cause delays of 25 to 50% in excavating a tunnel of 3
The two techniques (TBE and DBEnl) respond
km length. The suggestion that emerges is that it may
differently to the rock mass characteristics. The
be more appropriate to select the enlargement option
production data (Table 3. 2) demonstrate that
(mechanical or conventional) after completion of the
conventional excavation responds better to marked
pilot hole.
variations in the rock mass characteristics.

3.3 Expected vs. Actual Performance ofTBE

The authors wish to express their gratitude for the

As expected the peak performance of the TBE accurs
helpful suggestions given by Dr. G. Metelli of Tomo.
in a narrow range of rock characteristics. Experience
with the machine, that is, anticipating and minimizing
the causes of interruption of the TBE (Fig. 3.3) is REFERENCES
necessary for achieving high advance rates. One of the
main causes of interruption (24%) was the blockage of Barton, N., Lien, R. and Lunde, J. 1974. Engineering
the open, star-shaped head. The head was closed, half classification of rock masses for the design of
way through the right bore, to overcome the problem. tunnel support Rock Mechanics 6: 183-236.
Another major source of interruption (23%) was the BieniawSki, Z.T. 1979. The geomechanics classfication
accumulated dust in the pilot bore. in rock engineering. Proc. Fourth ISRM Congr.,
TBE is significantly superior to conventional Montreaux, Balkema 2: 41-48.
excavation with regard to preserving the quality of Da Via, A., Grasso, P., Mahtab, A. and Pelizza, S.
rock. For istance, the rock classes after TBE remain 1992. When do a pilot bore plus enlargement equal
essentially the same as those obtained from the pilot a full-face bore? Proc. of ITA '92 Congr., Towards
hole. In contrast, the rock classes after conventional New Worlds in Tunneling, Acapuco, Mexico, 1:
excavation are considerably downgraded (see Table 125-132.
2.4). Kovari, K., Fechtig, R. and Amstad, Ch. 1993.
Experience with large diameter tunnel boring
machines in Switzerland. Proc. ITA Congr., Options
for tunnelling, Amsterdam: 485-496.

Fig. 3.3 Causes of interruption of the TBE

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