Smartphones Are Changing The Human Race in Significant Ways

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Smartphones are changing the human race in significant


(Font: Times New Roman; size: 18; bold; centered)

Group: 1
Student name & ID: 1. Bùi Trương Minh Anh-018H0003
2. Đỗ Minh Anh-018H0004
3. Trần Đỗ Mai Thy-019H0221
Course: Writing 4 (001153)
Lecturer: Lê Ngọc Quỳnh Như

Submission date: May…., 2021


(Alphabetical order) Peer TOTAL TOTAL

Oral Part Report
(20%) (70%)
(10%) (In numbers) (In words)

1 Bùi Trương Minh Anh


2 Đỗ Minh Anh


3 Trần Đỗ Mai Thy


Examiner 1’s signature & full name Examiner 2’s signature & full name

This paper investigates that smartphone is an indispensable thing for fairly human life in
recent years, contrary to popular belief. The paper provides the figures to prove that
smartphones have become popular nowadays. Moreover, smart attributes and applications
for the most part make smartphones essentially become a part of people’s life and easy to
basically find information anytime and anywhere. Based on the sort of specific evidence
of smartphones’ advantages in the research papers can bring all the essences of smart
gadgets to sort of human lives in a big way. The paper concludes why this intelligent
device changing humans in a significant way, or so they for all intents and purposes

Writing4_Finalpaper_Student’s name_Student ID 1
Did you know that there was around 70% of users worldwide use smartphones in the
first 6 months of 2020? Everyone's entertainment needs have also become a matter of
concern, so smartphones are impacting day-to-day life in some significant ways. The
smartphone has truly become a special ability to every single person, and it is regarded as
an indispensable thing for human life in recent years. With smart features and
applications, integrated gadgets seem to be all in a compact phone, smartphones have
become the trends of today's society general and youthful individuals. It is true that the
advent of smartphones has brought people a series of new possibilities, as you know if
you have smartphones on your hands, you will get news, information, any kind of data,
anytime, anywhere. In this article, we will provide you with important smartphone
statistics on key aspects of smartphone users such as the number of people who own
smartphones, the time spends on smartphone devices, etc. Besides that, we will also point
out the causes why smartphones are changing humans in a significant way.

First, we will learn about the development and use of smartphones usage. When
talking about mobile usage statistics, we absolutely cannot ignore its dominance of it.
According to Statista, an estimated 3.6 billion smartphone users worldwide and a global
population of 7.8 billion in 2020, it shows that smartphone penetration is estimated at
46.45%, 12.95% higher than in 2016. Meanwhile, in Vietnam in particular, according to
data Google released from Vietnamese Consumer Online Behavior Research, the
proportion of Vietnamese people using smartphones nearly doubled compared to 2013,
specifically, increasing from 20% last year to 36%. Due to the quick access and easy
receptive to new technology, the young group of 16-24 years old owns the most
smartphone, 58%, double the figure of 27% last year. It is also the largest group of online
users (86%). Next is the age group 25-34 with 45% using smartphones, and 31% of
people aged 35-44. Thereby, it can be seen that not only Vietnam but all over the world
are very open and quickly embracing new technologies of the intelligent device when the
number of people using them increases continuously year by year. The next aspect of
smartphones' influence is the time humans spend on them. In Vietnam, according to

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Q&Me’s research on phone application trends in Vietnam 2019 just announced, the
average Vietnamese spends 4 hours a day on smartphones. Of which about 30% of users
spend more than 5 hours per day. Vietnamese users also use social networking and texting
on their smartphones more than using laptops or tablets. Up to 90% of messages are
exchanged on applications such as email, Facebook via smartphones. Through the data, it
can be seen that the influence of smartphones on people's daily life is increasingly
popular. Next will be the significant uses of smartphones for humans.

Smartphones now provide individuals with diverse uses, such as training, entertainment,
help for a range of career opportunities, or even health surveillance. Firstly, internet use
has become a part of any student's life and a means to look for knowledge wherever and
when necessary. These days, mobile telephones have become routine, and the number of
mobile users who use the Internet overruns fixed-lined internet users (Manoj Kumar,
2011). Smartphones' increasing demand, internet access, and mobile high-speed browsing
are ready to provide an additional platform for offering services to education. Parents also
use instructional apps for young children such as Youtube's training services, using
technologies of augmented reality (AR) on smartphones in order to see objects or animals
via mobile cameras to support children's brain development. Today, students learn and
work entirely on smartphones and it almost becomes an essential complement for any
student. Learning is a process and a part of our everyday life. Modern technology has
simplified learning from all over the world through online learning and smartphone
learning. Students use smartphones, for example, for sharing multimedia lessons with
classroom peers. It made studying more comfortable and enjoyable. Today, students learn
and work entirely on smartphones and it almost becomes an essential complement for any
student. “A survey conducted by CourseSmart, the world’s largest provider of eTextbooks
and digital course materials, found that college students can not go long without checking
their digital devices, including smartphones, laptops and more” (CourseSmart, 2011).
Besides, having a smartphone to self-study will help you become an independent and
highly autonomous person. “Self-management of learning is defined as the extent to
which an individual feels he or she is self-disciplined and can engage in autonomous
learning” (Wang, Wu, & Wang, 2009). Secondly, with modern mobile apps, smartphones
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will be your own health monitoring and health monitoring medicines, using software and
applications. It is difficult to imagine that you will follow every day on only one
smartphone in your pocket, watch the number of calories you loaded or used, check your
weight and height, and even be your personal trainer with workouts that are divided to
suit you every day with the app. During the last Covid-19 outbreak, the use of
smartphones via the Bluzone application, which is headed by Viet Nam's Ministry of
Information, Communications, and the Ministry of Health, has been very useful and
successful. If you have direct contact with people with COVID-19, Bluezone will warn
you to reduce the transmission of the virus to the population people and when an illness
occurs, you will know whether you have a bad encounter with this case or not only by
visiting Bluezone. Thirdly, whenever you think of a communication system, which is
often used as an entertainment source, the smartphone name pops into your head first. The
meteoric growth of websites such as Facebook and Twitter has caused social media in
pure numbers over the last decade. Along with YouTube, Instagram, WhatsApp, and
Pinterest, they are the biggest players in the social media business. In such a wired planet,
it is not possible to not be influenced in one direction or another by the social media
craze. Now that almost everyone has a smartphone available, you can keep linked to
billions at any time. As we all know entertainment will bring high efficiency in work and
study. “Obviously, entertainment is a cultural domain of great significance in modern
life” (Stromberg G., 2009). Finally, research shows that about 15% of the world's existing
population has a certain kind of disability and the number of elders is rising every day (S.
Verstockt, D. Decoo, D. Van Nieuwenhuyse, F. De Pauw, and R. Van de Walle, 2009).
Such examples include smartphone applications such as text to voice, GPS, and
networking sites that can allow this community of people to be quickly incorporated into
society. The target audience can effectively share their needs with these resources and
many other functions, get help from others and stay linked to society. Smartphone has
also allowed us to stay linked to our friends and family all the time even in today's busy
world. The Internet is still linked by a smartphone which offers an excellent means of
continuous contact for people who want to be extremely secure for children who go to
school or out of school. The classic cell phones did this for a long time but the
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smartphone uses the same which has easy communications and knows the location of
children (Time Pike University of Playmouth, 2011).

In a nutshell, smartphones can bring all the essences of technology to human lives. As a
result, all over the world are generous, swift to receive new advances of smartphones and
the number of all generation users increases continuously by period.

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Word Count:

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