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DISCUSS WITH YOUR TEACHER: What would be the situation in which you
would use each of the expressions below in the classroom? Take notes if you
want. Add any other useful expression(s) you can think of.

How do you say _________ in English?

What’s the English word for ________?

What’s this in English?

How do you spell it/that/_______?

What’s the meaning of __________?

What does ___________ mean?

How do you pronounce this/that word?

What’s the pronunciation of this/that word?

Sorry, I don’t understand.

I don’t know.

Can you repeat that, please?

Excuse me?

Sorry, what did you say?





Discuss these questions with your teacher:

1.)What comes to your mind when you hear the word “INTERNET”?

2.)Do you like surfing the internet?

3.)How much time do you spend on the internet per week?

4.)What do you usually use the internet for: studying? shopping? paying
bills? booking tickets? reading the news? watching videos? getting
in touch with friends/family? Any other reason?

5.)Do you believe that the internet will make us less social? Why?

6.)Can you think of anything in your everyday life that you simply
couldn’t do without the internet?

ONLINE: What do you like most? Rank these (use numbers 1-8) and
share your rankings with your teacher.

___ e-mail

___ shopping ___ finding out information

___ social networking ___ chat

(Facebook, etc.)
___ looking at videos
___ reading news
___ games
ADDICTED: Are you dependent on the internet? Complete this table and
share your ideas with your teacher.

How often do you… Answer Is this a problem?

check your e-mail before doing other


really want to get online?

say “just a few more minutes” when


lie about how long you spend online?

choose the Net to going out with


feel much happier after logging on?

feel angry when internet is not


You are going to read a text about Internet Addiction. But some of the
words have been taken out of the text. While reading, try to complete it
with words from the boxes below:


resembling – impatient – called – reported – concluded – addicted –

negatively – changing


telltale – instead – compared – quizzed – complain – interaction - absorbed


Internet Addiction – A Growing Problem

The New York Times has _______________ on a problem that many of us
have but are not aware of – Internet addiction. According to reporter Tara
Parker-Pope, millions of us are _______________ to being online. She says this
is a growing problem that is making us more forgetful and _______________. Ms
Parker-Pope writes about various reports highlighting how technology is
_______________ people. In one, she quotes cyber-psychologist Dr. Elias
Aboujaode who says: “More and more, life is _______________ the chat room.”
He said we are living in “virtual lifestyles” which is _______________ affecting
our real-life relationships. Nicki Dowling, a clinical psychologist from Melbourne
University in Australia, _______________in a recent study that ten per cent of
young people had what she _______________ “Internet dependence”.

Tara Parker-Pope _______________ experts in this field on what the

signs are of being _______________ absorbed in technology. She came up with
seven indicators of “tech overload”. The first is whether you check your e-mail
before doing other things. Another _______________ sign is if you always
anticipate and look forward to your next online visit – a _______________ sign
of dependence and addiction. The third point is if you say, "just a few more
minutes" when someone wants you. Parker-Pope found your _______________
with others also says a lot about how important the Internet is
_______________ with family and friends; do you lie about how much time you
spend online or choose to surf the Net _______________ of go out with others?
Other giveaways include the “online lift” that stops you being unhappy, and when
others _______________ about you always being online.

Now listen to your teacher reading the text and check your answers.

VOCABULARY: circle any words you do not understand. Use a dictionary

and/or talk to your teacher to find out their meanings.

MEMORY TEST: Look at the words below. Try to recall how they were used
in the text:
aware experts

millions tech

impatient sure

quotes minutes

chat surf

virtual complain


1.) What did you think when you read the headline?

2.) Did you like reading this article?

3.) Do you think you are addicted to the internet?

4.)Is internet addiction such a bad thing?

5.) Why are so many people addicted to the internet?

6.) How might the internet affect our real-life relationships?

7.) Do you think the internet affects your relatioships with others?

8.) What would life be like without the internet?

9.) Should children be given Internet addiction lessons in school?

10.) Do you have any other addictions?

11.) How can you use the Internet to help you improve your English

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