Electronics - Discussion Guide - Akshat. Disha

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Submitted by

- Disha Jindal (043) (Brand Comm.)

- Akshat Rai Angurala (008 )(Public Relations)


Purpose of Research:

With the extensive growth of electronics as a consumer consumption category, what is essential to
understand as to what are the drivers of consumer’s adoption of smart watches? Although being a
promising technology, it is crucial to understand the potential adopter’s decision of purchasing or not
purchasing. Thus this survey intends to assess the attitude/response of the Indian Millennial towards
advanced technology like smart watches.

Topic to Explore:

 Viability of the models or mindfulness sources with respect to the brand and item.

 Buyer’s view of adequacy of item.

 Understanding the gaps between the requirements and availability of the item in the market.
 Understanding what the consumer wants

 Assessment of the post-buy conduct of target customers.

 Crevices with respect to utilization.

 Answers for potential pitfalls with respect to the brand business/correspondence technique and
the item highlights if appropriate.

Target Audience:

The ones who want to keep themselves updated with the latest technology, the millennial, are the ones
that the organization wants to cater to. We specifically want to cater to the Indian techno savy people,
because today they have become an essential buyer of the product.

Medium of Data collection:

The primary research will be done by an in-depth interview to have a clear logically, motinally and
physical response of the consumer.

Facilitator/ Moderator:

The process of the research study would be monitored and controlled by Disha Jindal and Akshat Rai
Angurala, two marketing students studying at SIMC Pune under the guidance and counsel of Mr.
Sabyasachi Das Gupta, consumer behavior faculty at SIMC.

Participant Consent:

Participants will sign a consent form to participate in the personal interview. One copy of the informed
consent form will be given to participants and a second copy should be kept by the research study
facilitator. Participants will be informed if any audio-taping will be used for data collection.


Introduction: I need to thank you for setting aside the opportunity to meet with me today. My
name is Disha Jindal and I, along with my partner, Akshat Rai Angurala, want to
converse with you about what influences you to purchase a product like Smart

We, at Symbiosis Institute of Media and Communication, have been given a

project to understand the consumer behavior analysis of products. In particular,
as one of the segments of our general program assessment we are surveying the
purchase behavior of consumers while buying a smart watch.

The meeting ought to take not as much as 10 minutes. I will tape the session
since I would prefer not to miss any of your remarks. Also to inform, I will take a
few notes amid the session. Since we're on tape, please make sure to talk up so
we don't miss your remarks.

All of your reactions will be kept classified. Our meeting reactions may be shared
with our research colleagues and we will guarantee that any data we incorporate
into our report does not distinguish you as the respondent.

It is important to note that you don't need to discuss anything you would prefer
not to and you may end the meeting whenever.

Are there any inquiries regarding what I have quite recently clarified?

Interviewee :__________
Witness: _____________

Questions being 1. Tell me about yourself? Your gender? Your occupation? Age?
catered to: 2. Level of the study?
3. What is your income per month?
4. Have you heard of smart watches before?
5. Do you know where you can buy Smart Watch?
6. Have you bought Smart Watch before?
*If yes then what are the features that you like the most in smartwatches
7. Will you consider buying a Smart Watch in the future?
8. What is (are) your purpose(s) for buying a Smart Watch?
9. Which functions of Smart Watch attracts you most?
10. What is/are your consideration(s) when purchasing a watch?
11. How much do you think Smart Watch worth?
12. Do you think that the choices of Smart Watch in this market are enough?

Closing: Is there much else you might want to include? Any suggestions where we must

We'll be analyzing the data that you and others gave me and presenting a draft
answer to the association in one month. I'll be glad to send you a copy to survey
around then, on the off chance that you are intrigued.

Much thanks to you for your time.

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