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Thank you for opportunity given to me, so today I will present my research proposal with
the tittle Enriching Students’ Vocabulary Through Vocabulary Card ( Research on Tenth Grade
of SMA Negeri 1 Botumoito )

In learning English, there is one of the most important components that students must have
to improve their English language skills. This component is vocabulary,

because if students are still lacking in their vocabulary mastery, the mastery of all the four skills
in learning English will also be lacking.

Since vocabulary is one part that is very necessary of the English teaching learning process,
the vocabulary taught in the classroom should be sufficient to prevent issues with students'
vocabulary mastery.

But in fact, several students in Tenth Grade of SMAN 1 Botumoito still face many
problems of mastery vocabulary.

The first problem is that the students have difficulty to understanding English Language
because lack of vocabulary. Second, students troubled to understand the meanings of new
words. Third, Students were bored and unmotivated to learn English.

Considering the importance of vocabulary in learning English, students must be able to enrich
their vocabulary. In this case, teachers as educators can use effective approaches, methods and
techniques in the classroom that can improve students' abilities and enrich students' vocabulary.
In teaching vocabulary, the teacher can be used the instructional media to motivated and attract
students' attention to learn English.

One of suitable media that can enrich student’s vocabulary is vocabulary card.

It can provide students all about of new vocabulary and is a fun instrument with lots of colorful
cards, because on the each side is written the word to be learned with the different color. The
vocabulary card will be colorful, funny, creative media to memorize the each word.

.Research Question
This research focus on answering the question of the research which is can teaching
vocabulary through vocabulary card enrich the students’ English Vocabulary of SMA Negeri 1

1.3.Research Purposes

To analyze the impact of the vocabulary card in enrich student’s vocabulary.

1.4. Object of the Research

The research objective is to enrich students’ vocabulary through vocabulary card

Literature review

Definition of Terms


According to Hatch and Brown (1995 : 1) as cited in Rohmatillah (2014), “vocabulary as

a list or set of words for a particular language or a list or set of words that individual speakers of
language might use”.

Vocabulary Card

According to Muttahidah (2011) A vocabulary card is a piece of paper with the content of
a target language word on one side and the context of the word in the learner's first language on
the other.

Research methodology

3.1. Method of Research

This research method is research in the form of quantitative. Researcher use this method
to be able to measure the vocabulary card in enriching students’ vocabulary.

3.2. Research Design

This study is classified as experimental research. Experimental research involves

applying one or more specific conditions to one or more experimental groups in order to know
the possibility of influencing causes and effects (Suryabrata, 2003 cited in Imam Muhyiddin, I.
M,2019). In this research, researcher use one class pre-test and post-test design. Design this
research is divided into three stages of pre-test, treatment, and post- test. The pre-test was to find
out the students’ preliminary ability and the post-test was used to see how far the increase of the
students' vocabulary mastery after the treatments. In treatment, the researcher applying the
vocabulary card to enrich students’ vocabulary.

3.6. Technique of Collecting Data

Technique of collecting data in this research using the quantitative data. The quantitative
data uses pre-test and post- test. The pre-test was done before implementing vocabulary card. It
is so to measure students’ vocabulary achievement at first. Meanwhile, the post-test is
implemented after using vocabulary card.

In this research, the test was done in form of multiple choices.

that's presentation from me,I think that’s all, I returned it to the moderator.

Question answer

1. Mengapa kamu memilih topik ini

Because based on the phenomena that I have encountered that the several students in
Tenth Grade of SMAN 1 Botumoito still face many problems of mastery vocabulary. The
first problem is that the students have difficulty to understanding English Language
because lack of vocabulary. Second, students troubled to understand the meanings of new
words. Third, Students were bored and unmotivated to learn English. So for the teacher
must use effective approaches, methods and techniques in the classroom that can improve
students' abilities and enrich students' vocabulary. And one of the media is a vocabulary
card. Therefore, this research was conducted to find out whether teaching vocabulary by
appplying vocabulary card in the classroom can enrich students’ vocabulary or not. So I
chose the title is Enriching Students’ Vocabulary Through Vocabulary Card ( Research
on Tenth Grade of SMA Negeri 1 Botumoito ).

2. Mengapa memilih vocabulary card

Why I choose the vocabulary card because It can provide students all about of new
vocabulary and is a fun instrument with lots of colorful cards, because on the each side is
written the word to be learned with the different color. The vocabulary card will be
colorful, funny, creative media to memorize the each word.

3. Mengapa memilih ekperimental research

based on the knowledge I get about experimental research, experimental research is a
quantitative research method used to determine the effect of the independent variable
(treatment) on the dependent variable (outcome) in controlled conditions. In this case,
this method fits into my research topic, because in this study I wanted to find out the
effect of vocabulary cards on students' vocabulary. So I choose use the experimental
reseach in this research.

4. Apa manfaat penelitian

The finding (result) of this research are expected neficial can be be for 3 (three) groups
are :
- The english teacher
The findings of this study are expected to improve teachers' knowledge of how to
teach English vocabulary. By using vocabulary cards, the teacher hopes to create an
engaging teaching and learning process and to solve the problem of students'
difficulties to understanding English Language because lack of vocabulary.
- The students
This study is intended to motivate students to master the English language; students
will feel relaxed and enjoy themselves while learning English, and they will be able
to solve their problems with understanding the meaning of words in sentences
because the teacher employs appropriate teaching techniques. As a result, the students
will communicate using the vocabulary they have mastered.
- The other researcher
This study is intended to provide new insight to future researchers in order to improve
their analysis of teaching and learning events, as well as to solve the vocabulary
problems of students and teachers who face similar challenges.
- The school
it is expected that the knowledge obtained from the results will be useful in achieving
success in the teaching-learning phase, thus improving the efficiency of the teaching-
learning process. The study's findings are also expected to increase students'
performance in English lessons.
5. Mengapa memilih quantitative research
because based on the purpose of quantitative research is to determine the relationship
between variables in a population. So in this case in accordance with the topic of my
research, which is to know whether there is a relationship or influence of the vocabulary
card with the students vocabulary at tenth grade of sman 1 botumoito.

6. Dampak penelitian terhadap masyarakat

For the community, the results of this study can provide additional knowledge and
broader insights, especially in using learning media that are more attractive to enrich
students' vocabulary.

7. Mengapa memilih sekolah tersebut

because in this school some students, especially those in tenth grade, still have problems
understanding the meaning of each word in English because they lack vocabulary.
besides that this school is also strategically located so that it makes it easier to carry out

the average ability of students is good so they can

8. Mengapa kamu memilih penelitian ini, padahal banyak yang sudah meneliti tentang ini
yes it is true that many have done about this research, as you said before, but I found the
2 previous studies which had the same topic, but it is different from the research that I am
going to do, because the two previous studies used classroom action research, while I
used experimental research and also in this location, no one has researched about this
topic in this year, even if someone did a similar research at this location, the research was
conducted in the previous year,and of course the results of the research will be different.
9. Apa perbedaan kuatitatif dan ekperimental.
Quantitative method is the one of the methods used in the research that have purpose is to
determine the relationship between variables in a population. While the experimental
reseach is one of the type quantitave research. There are two type design of quatitaive
research, deskriptive and eksperimental. Descriptive quantitative studies take
measurements only once. This means that the relationship between the variables under
investigation only takes place once. Meanwhile, experimental studies carry out
measurements between variables before and after to see the cause-and-effect relationship
of the phenomenon of the study.

10. Perbedaan ekperiment and classroom

Based on the purpose, car and experimenters have different purpose, the purpose of CAR
is to solve problem findings in learning. Problem solving in CAR is in the form of using a
model in subjects that are considered to have problems. Meanwhile, experimental
research aims at testing or assessing the effectiveness of a model on certain variables.

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