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Accepted Manuscript

Live forensics of software attacks on cyber physical systems

Ziad A. Al-Sharif, Mohammad I. Al-Saleh, Luay M. Alawneh, Yaser I. Jararweh,

Brij Gupta

PII: S0167-739X(17)33053-4
Reference: FUTURE 4346

To appear in: Future Generation Computer Systems

Received date : 31 December 2017

Revised date : 5 May 2018
Accepted date : 14 July 2018

Please cite this article as: Z.A. Al-Sharif, M.I. Al-Saleh, L.M. Alawneh, Y.I. Jararweh, B. Gupta,
Live forensics of software attacks on cyber physical systems, Future Generation Computer Systems

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Live Forensics of Software Attacks on Cyber Physical Systems

Ziad A. Al-Sharif* · Mohammad I. Al-Saleh · Luay M. Alawneh · Yaser
I. Jararweh · Brij Gupta

Received: date / Accepted: date

Abstract Increasingly, Cyber Physical Systems are expected 1 Introduction

to operate in different environments and interconnect with a
diverse set of systems, equipment, and networks. This open-
Cyber Physical Systems (CPS) can be defined as the
ness to heterogeneity, diversity, and complexity introduces a
new level of vulnerabilities, which adds to the consistent need result of integration between computations and physi-
for security including the digital forensics capabilities. Digi- cal processes, in which computations affect the physical
tal investigators utilize the information on the attacker’s com- processes and vice versa [1–3]. However, due to the re-
puter to find clues that may help in proving a case. One aspect
cent technological advances in computations and com-
is the digital evidence that can be extracted from the main
memory (RAM), which includes live information about run- munications, more of these CPS systems are connected
ning programs. A program’s states, represented by variables’ to the Internet and communicating with each other
values, vary in their scope and duration. This paper explores and with traditional computing machines [4]. These
RAM artifacts of Java programs. Because JVMs can run on
machines can be hijacked and compromised by per-
various platforms, we compare the same program on three
different implementations of JVM from forensic perspectives. petrators, who may intend to do harmful actions or
Our investigation model assumes no information is provided compromise the functionalities of these CPS systems.
by the underlying OS or JVM. Our results show that a pro- This mandates the need to elevate the security mea-
gram’s states can still be extracted even after the garbage
surements, including the Digital Forensics (DF) capa-
collector is explicitly invoked, the software is stopped, or the
JVM is terminated. This research helps investigators iden- bilities. Digital Investigators (DI) need to be able to
tify the software used to launch the attack and understand detect the perpetrator’s activities; including the abil-
its internal flows. Investigators can utilize this information to ity to find and identify any possible harmful or illegal
accuse the perpetrators and recover from attacks.
concession made on the system and to uncover the per-
Keywords Digital Forensics · Memory Forensics · Program’s
Though, often these perpetrators utilize computers
Execution Behavior · Execution State · Execution Path ·
Digital Evidence · Evidence Collection Process and software to execute or cover their attacks. Locat-
ing the presumed software on their machine’s hard disk
might not be a strong evidence about its actual usage.
Ziad A. Al-Sharif and Luay M. Alawneh
A definite evidence might be needed to prove that the
Software Engineering Department
Jordan University of Science and Technology perpetrator has actually used the software [5]. This ev-
Irbid, 22110, Jordan idence can be found in several places, one of which is
E-mail:, the Main Memory (RAM) of the used machine. RAM
Mohammad I. Al-Saleh and Yaser I. Jararweh encompasses vital information about the very recent
Computer Science Department states of a system such as its active processes and their
Jordan University of Science and Technology
execution states [6, 7].
Irbid, 22110, Jordan
E-mail:, A software current execution state resides in RAM.
Brij Gupta
However, often program’s execution states are formal-
National Institute of Technology ized by the execution paths of the encountered source
Kurukshetra, India code. Identifying this path can help in detecting the
E-mail: control-flow and data-flow of the presumed software and
2 Ziad A. Al-Sharif* et al.

then characterizing the possible values of various vari- Our results show that regardless of whether the pro-
ables that ought to be scattered over different RAM gram is running, the JVM is active or just stopped, the
pages. Obviously, the use of object oriented programs DI can employ knowledge from the presumed program’s
increases the complexity of execution states, evidenced source code such as static and instance level variables
in part by the difficulty of its software testing pro- and their potential values in order to confirm the ac-
cess [8]. Software variables of an OOP can be catego- tual usage of the software; based on identifying these
rized based on their scopes, access modifiers, and exe- values in corresponding RAM dumps. Hence, some val-
cution lifetimes. A variable’s scope and its access mod- ues of local variables are not expected to be success-
ifier determine the visibility of a variable and where fully located when their corresponding stack frames are
it can be accessed within the program’s source code. not active, though most of which are successfully iden-
Hence, a variable’s storage, which is defined by the tified. Additionally, values of static variables and lo-
memory type such as stack and heap, determines the cal variables of static methods are often found to have
duration in which its value is allocated and released [9]. longer duration in memory than the instance related
On the other hand, variables can be classified based values. Furthermore, in most cases, dynamically allo-
on whether they are allowed to be changed during ex- cated values are identified in RAM dumps even after
ecution and how these changes are visible within var- the Garbage Collector (GC) is explicitly invoked or
ious parts of the program’s source code. For example, even after the program is terminated. A comprehensive
in Java, the program do not change variables’ values comparison between our findings during various possi-
that are marked with f inal once they are assigned, ble scenarios and variable states are ascertained on all
such variables are often initialized with literal values. investigated platforms.
These literals might be unique to the executable pro- The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Sec-
gram and its execution state. Moreover, many other tion 2 presents a deeper look at CPS systems, in which
non-constant variables might be assigned with literal our research motivations are presented and the needed
values too. When these literals are unique to the pre- security measurements are highlighted. Section 3 re-
sumed program’s source code and some of its execu- views some of the background knowledge used in this
tion paths, then retaining these values in RAM can be paper. Section 4 presents our investigation model and
used to establish the Digital Evidences (DE), define the explains how it employs information available in the
actual software usage and assert its distinct execution program’s source code to confirm that the program is
path. actually used in the attack. Section 5 describes our
Common DF tools and techniques are not designed experiments whereas our results are presented in Sec-
and developed to stop an attack, but to identify the tion 6. Section 7 presents our related work. Finally, our
source of an incident, determine its type, preserve the planned future work is presented in Section 8 whereas
DE, and analyze the findings [10]. This paper focuses on Section 9 concludes our findings.
the Memory Forensics (MF) of the Java-based software
usage. It identifies various DE that would be employed
2 CPS Systems: New Usage & Security Needs
to confirm the software usage and its association with
the crime. The research methodology presented in this
The idea of Cyber Physical Processes (CPP) is not new.
paper is relying solely on mining the core dumps of
The term embedded systems is used, long before CPS,
the physical memory of the host machine and assuming
to describe engineered systems that combine physical
no information is available from the Operating System
parts of a system with a software that is built into it.
(OS) or the used Java Virtual Machine (JVM).
Recently, this term is modernized to include the ap-
In order to verify our approach, various experiments plications that are parts of aircrafts, autonomous cars,
and scenarios are established, for each of which a RAM home appliances, weapons, robots, and more [11]. Hence,
dump is created and analyzed. During the analysis pro- when such systems are closed boxes that do not expose
cess, various variables’ scopes and memory types are as- their computing capabilities to the outside world, they
sumed. Our experiments are designed to establish the are isolated and then protected from the perpetrators.
DE between source code related values that obtained
from the execution states of a running Java program
and compare these DE when the internal implementa- 2.1 Motivation
tion of the used JVM is different. JVMs that are run-
ning on all of MS Windows, Mac OS X, and Fedora Networking CPS systems is mandated by the new usage
Linux are investigated and the obtained DE are com- scenarios that are inspired by the various recent tech-
pared between similar scenarios. nological advances. For example, the ongoing increase
Live Forensics of Software Attacks on Cyber Physical Systems 3

in the number of physical things such as sensors, actua- which demands the evolving of security measurements
tors, smart phones, tablets, gaming consoles, traditional including the DF and MF capacities that would facili-
desktop and laptop computers, along with the explosive tate the ability to digitally detect and identify perpetra-
increase in the usage of online networking services and tors in order to apprehend them and stop their criminal
applications, all of this motivates the development and acts.
the use of new CPS systems [12]. This paper targets perpetrators who use software to
Therefore, this generates an emerging need to widen organize their attacks on various CPS systems. It tar-
the CPS definition to include into consideration the gets attackers who use software that are written in the
environment, which incorporates the different types of Java programming language that is famous in its de-
computing devices including the Internet of Things (IoT) sign goal of write-once, run-anywhere [36], which makes
[13], which will conclusively combine daily used things it one of the mostly used programming languages [37].
of computers, devices, appliances, and machines that Our goal is to forensically experiment with different im-
are connected to the Internet [14, 15]. The utilization of plementations of JVM and to compare the execution
these systems encouraged new services and applications footprints of the same program on different platforms,
and revolutionized our world in different fields through these comparisons are made from the MF perspective
their tight interactions and automated decisions. All and the DI point of view. Our aim is to investigate the
this is envisioned to be facilitated by the new genera- differences in program’s execution traces in RAM and
tion of the 5G technologies that will be able to expand its utilization in MF cases and the DE collection and
the interoperability between this diverse of devices and establishing process. Even though Java is the target of
applications [16–21]. our experimentation, we expect most of our findings to
Moreover, the movement from cloud based to fog be significantly pertinent to similar programming lan-
based computing or edge computing [22, 23], in which guages and execution environments.
the application logic including storages and analytics
are placed on the actual device instead of a centric
server. This serves better the heterogeneous commu- 3 Background
nication network, but opens the door for vulnerabilities
and endangers security [24, 25]. Though, CPS foren- A software process may employ various variables. In
sic studies can benefit from the diverse literature in OOP languages such as Java, these variables can be
the field of digital forensic science, which refers to the classified into class level and method level. Class level
mathematical, statistical, and computer science meth- variables can be further categorized into instance and
ods that are employed in order to collect, identify, ana- static. Most of the time, a variable’s type defines the
lyze, and interpret digital evidences [26]. Thus, digital duration of its value in RAM. For example, the values
forensics would ensure the ability to identify, collect, of static variables are allocated by the runtime system
and analyze malicious sources from involved nodes and before instances (objects) are created. These variables
infrastructures and help react to criminals’ attacks. might be initialized with default values whenever they
are not explicitly initialized by the programmer. How-
ever, unlike instance variables, the duration of static
2.2 Security Threat variables does not depend on the objects created from
that class. Furthermore, static values are shared by all
The technological advances will keep equipping our world objects. Instance variables’ duration in RAM is lim-
with new CPS systems that will keep formulating new ited to the exact object instantiated from that class;
usage scenarios. Therefore, such a large scale would each object has its own set of values. Moreover, local
make it nearly impossible to guarantee security for ev- variables (method level) are allocated on the stack and
ery single subsystem, unless new and innovative secu- their visibility is limited to the correspondent method
rity measurements are implemented [27–33]. or code block, in which they are initially defined.
For example, in this wide definition of CPS systems,
the security and privacy issues are not fully defined.
Additionally, issues relating to the confidentiality, in- 3.1 OS Support
tegrity, and availability are not fully described [34].
Nonetheless, this opens a considerable threat that would Typically, software processes are served by their host
shake the level of our trust and dependability on such OS, each of which provides services to the programs
systems [35]. Thus, prominence and superiority in such that it runs. For example, in a UNIX based system,
a future world that is filled with CPS systems will de- when the Kernel executes a C program, a special rou-
pend on the success on a variety of directions, one of tine, which is known as the startup routine, is automat-
4 Ziad A. Al-Sharif* et al.

ically invoked to set up the command line arguments

and the environments. Then, the main() function is in-
voked. Generally, the OS Kernel manages software pro-
cesses, each of which is provided a set of RAM pages.
When the executable starts, various sections are loaded
into these pages; the starts and ends of these sections
are independent of the RAM page limits [38].
During execution, different variables are stored in
RAM into various logically classified segments such as
heap and stack [39]. Program’s data that lives in heap
Fig. 1: Threat Model. A perpetrator uses software to or-
can be referenced outside the function scope. On the
ganize an attack that targets a CPS System. The DI job
other hand, stack is a memory segment allocated when
is to find the DE that would prove the software usage
the program starts. When the program’s execution stack
and its connection with the attack and the perpetrator.
and heap are not managed by the OS Kernel, they are
automatically managed by the host Virtual Machine
(VM) or the runtime system of the used language.

3.2 JVM Support

Java is a modern high level programming language that

is supported by its own machine, called the JVM virtual
machine. A Java program is loaded and executed by this
JVM, which is an abstract computing machine with
its own interpreter, instruction set and runtime system
that is called Java Runtime Environment (JRE). Sim-
ply, this JVM loads class files and executes their byte-
code, it automatically manages the required memory
areas of a running program internally and away from
the OS [40].
In particular, the execution stacks of a running Java
program are managed by the host JVM; not by the Fig. 2: Investigation Model: The perpetrator uses soft-
host OS. Hence, an execution stack consists of blocks ware during the offense. Step 1 : the investigator crates
called activation records or frames, each of which rep- a memory dump to preserve the system’s current state
resents a call to a function and provides a storage for before it is turned off. Step 2 : the investigator analyzes
its corresponding local and formal parameters’ values the source code of the presumed software and identi-
or their references. The duration (lifetime) of variables fies potential unique values related to specific execution
allocated on the stack is same as the scope in which paths. Finally, Step 3 : the investigator tries to locate
they are declared; mostly the method and its stack these values within the preserved RAM dumps.
frame [41, 42]. Additionally, the heap is a logical mem-
ory segment that is allocated when the process starts. It
provides dynamic memory allocation for variables and
their values as needed during execution. In Java, these triggered to release the unused memory to the JVM sys-
heap memory allocations and deallocations are auto- tem using special calls to the corresponding GC API.
matically managed by the JVM’s runtime system and However, the implementation of JVM’s execution en-
its GC. gine might vary based on the host platform and the
This JVM differentiates Java from other mainstream used system architecture [43].
OOP languages such as C++ or even C# in its under- This motivates us to investigate Java and find the
lying support and memory management, in which Java effects of platform specific JVM on the MF case and
programs are executed in a layer away from the OS, its impact on the collected DE that can be identified
whereas in C++, the programmer writes a dedicated in RAM to ensure the actual software usage on var-
code and uses system dependent OS APIs to pragmati- ious platforms. Thus, the Memory Investigators (MI)
cally manage these dynamically allocated variables and can utilize the memory of different variables’ values to
objects. However, in Java an explicit request can be collect DE about the actual software usage.
Live Forensics of Software Attacks on Cyber Physical Systems 5

4 Investigation Model

Our investigation model aims at identifying the soft-

ware that is used during the illegal attack on a CPS sys-
tem and to confirm its definite usage. Figure 1 shows a
threat model that would be assumed by the DI, in which
a software is allegedly used to organize the attack or to
hide the invasion by applying any of the anti-forensic
techniques [44–46].
The DI goal is to validate whether the subject soft-
ware has been used during this attack. This validation
can be reached by various means, one of which is to
search the contents of the RAM dump that is obtained
from the captured machine for objects, execution states,
or unique variables’ values that can be used to evidence
the actual usage of the presumed software; see Figure 2.
When the DI captures the perpetrator’s machine and in
order to preserve the evidence intact for further inves-
tigation, a memory dump is created; a bit-by-bit copy
for the complete RAM contents is saved to preserve
the live DE that resides in RAM. Then, the DI points
at the presumed software (or set of software) and as-
sumes its source code. The source code of these soft-
ware are analyzed and their potential usage scenarios
are defined. Then, possible execution paths and their
uniquely identified values are classified based on these Fig. 3: Investigation Activities, the analysis activities
various possible execution states; see Figure 3. used during our experimentation.
This investigation model builds on the base that a
variable scope affects its visibility within the program
source code and a variable storage affects its duration platforms and how these variations may affect the abil-
in RAM. Hence, during various execution states, differ- ity to locate the RAM related DE, which can be influ-
ent scopes and storages affect the survivability of a vari- enced by:
able’s value in RAM. Accordingly, locating these values
– Class usage; i.e. the class is being referenced versus
in RAM can be used to prove that the perpetrator has
when it is never referenced
actually used the presumed software.
– Class member visibility; i.e. the use of member ac-
cess modifiers commonly used in object oriented lan-
guages such as public, private, and protected
5 Experiments – Class member variable type; i.e. the class level ver-
sus instance level variables such as static versus non-
Our experimentations explore the possibility of locating static member variables
potential variables’ values, which are used within an – Class member method type; i.e. the use of local vari-
object oriented program that is written in Java. The ables in a class level method (static method) versus
fundamental information from the source code and its the use of local variables in an instance level method
object oriented principles are used to identify different – Method usage; i.e. the method is never active, cur-
execution states and potential values in the RAM dump rently active, or used to be active
of the used machine. These identified states can be used – Base class usage; i.e. the base class object is allo-
to evidence the software usage in a legal demonstration. cated versus when such an object is never allocated
– Derived class usage; i.e. the derived class object is
allocated versus when such an object is never allo-
5.1 Experimentation Objectives cated
– Base class method usage; i.e. the base class method
One of the objectives of our experimentations is to find is used from within a derived object versus when
the impact of various execution scenarios on different such a method is never used
6 Ziad A. Al-Sharif* et al.

– Derived class virtual method usage; i.e. the over- D: Instance base class level variables (object level
ridden virtual method is used versus when such a variables)
method is never used V10 : Public instance base class level variables
– Derived class new method usage; i.e. the newly in- V11 : Protected instance base class level variables
troduced derived class method is used versus when V12 : Private instance base class level variables
it is never used E: Locals of an active instance base class method
– Object usage; i.e. the created object is still refer- (object level methods)
enced and alive versus when it is not referenced any- V13 : Local variables in a public currently active
more and the GC is explicitly invoked instance base class method
– Program status; i.e. the used program is still run- V14 : Local variables in a protected currently ac-
ning versus when it is terminated or even the JVM tive instance base class method
is shutdown V15 : Local variables in a private currently active
instance base class method
The above considerations are used to investigate the
F: Locals of a never been active instance base class
duration of various variables’ values and their impact by
method (object level methods)
the used execution scenario, each of which are described
V16 : Local variables in a public but never active
in the following two subsections.
instance base class method
V17 : Local variables in a protected but never ac-
5.2 Investigated Variables tive instance base class method
V18 : Local variables in a private but never active
During our validation process, a set of experimental instance base class method
steps are designed with the aim at exposing the evi- G: Instance derived class level variables (object level
dence related to the execution state based on informa- variables)
tion and variables’ values from the program’s source V19 : Public instance derived class level variables
code. A total of 26 different variables’ types (V1 to V26 ) V20 : Protected instance derived class level vari-
are defined and experiments are established to inspect ables
the durations of their potential values in corresponding V21 : private instance derived class level variables
RAM dumps that are captured during various execu- H: Locals of an overridden virtual method (base
tion scenarios. These variables are categorized based on class methods)
their utilization and usage objectives into ten different V22 : Local variables in an overridden virtual method
types, each of which is marked with a letter f rom A to J that is never used
and described below: V23 : Local variables in an overridden base class
virtual method that its override is currently ac-
A: Static base class level variables (class level vari-
I: Locals of an overridden virtual method (derived
V1 : Public static base class level variables
class methods)
V2 : Protected static base class level variables
V24 : Local variables in an override of a derived
V3 : Private static base class level variables
class virtual method that is never used
B: Locals of an active static base class method (class
V25 : Local variables in an override of a derived
level methods)
class virtual method that is currently active
V4 : Local variables in a public currently active
J: Locals of a newly introduced method (derived
static base class method
class methods)
V5 : Local variables in a protected currently ac-
V26 : Local variables in new derived level class
tive static base class method
method that is currently active
V6 : Local variables in a private currently active
static base class method We start our experimentation steps by preparing a
C: Locals of a never been active static base class Java program and predefine a set of various execution
method (class level methods) states and paths that can be assumed during the exe-
V7 : Local variables in a public but never active cution of this subject program. These execution states
static base class method are used to identify the capturing points of the cor-
V8 : Local variables in a protected but never ac- responding RAM dumps, each of which are analyzed
tive static base class method and the results are compared to investigate the physi-
V9 : Local variables in a private but never active cal memory behavior of this Java program that runs on
static base class method each of MS Windows, Mac OS X, and Fedora Linux;
Live Forensics of Software Attacks on Cyber Physical Systems 7

the 64-bit version of these platforms is used during all

experiments. The aim is to forensically compare the re-
sults of different runs, each on one of the three plat-
forms. Additionally, we compare the forensic evidence
that is collected from the RAM of the used machine
and identify these values in various formats, including
the UTF8 and UTF16 character encoding format of
strings’ values, see Figure 3.

5.3 Investigated Execution Scenarios

Fig. 4: Experimentation Setup: the VMs are created us-
Because our investigation targets the Java program- ing Oracle’s VirtualBox. Three different platforms are
ming language and the implementation of its JVM and used, each of which has its platform dependent JVM
JRE on three different platforms, experiments are de- that is downloaded from Oracle.
signed to explore and compare the potential DE that
would be used to evidence the actual software usage
during various execution states (scenarios) on any of S14 : The new method of the derived class is re-
these platforms. These scenarios are designed to find turned; returned and currently inactive
the effects of different platforms on the MF and its DE S15 : A second instance of the derived class is allo-
that can be collected and identified from the RAM of cated but up-casted to a reference of the base class
the machine used during the attack. These scenarios are type
defined based on the potential usage of object oriented S16 : A virtual method of the derived class is being
programming features. During our validation process, called; called and currently active
each of these 21 different scenarios is designed to in- S17 : The virtual method of the derived class is re-
vestigate its impact on the duration of the assumed turned; returned and currently inactive
variable’s value in RAM and its association with the S18 : The second instance of the derived class is not
variable’s type, scope, and state. These scenarios are: referenced any more
S19 : All references are assigned null and the GC is
S1 : The program is currently running, but the in- invoked explicitly
vestigated class is never referenced S20 : All objects are out of scope and not accessible
S2 : A static variable of the base class is read; used any more
or referenced S21 : The program is stopped and the JVM is termi-
S3 : A static method is being used; called and cur- nated
rently active
S4 : The static method is returned; returned and cur- Additionally, all experiments assume no information
rently inactive is provided by the OS or the used JVM about the inves-
S5 : An instance reference of a base class is declared tigated process. The RAM dumps are created after each
but not allocated yet one of the above 21 scenarios (execution states); a dump
S6 : An instance reference of a derived class is de- is created for each state and on each one of the three
clared but not allocated yet platforms. The combined total is 63 distinct dumps,
S7 : An instance of the base class is allocated each of which is analyzed and searched for potential
S8 : An instance variable of the base class is read; values related to the same program’s source code; see
used or referenced Figure 3. The results of our findings are presented in
S9 : A method of the base class is being called; called Section 6.
and currently active
S10 : The method of the base class is returned; re-
5.4 Experimentation Setup
turned and currently inactive
S11 : An instance of the derived class is allocated and
The Oracle’s VirtualBox 1 is used during all experi-
assigned to a variable of the same type; derived class
ments. Figure 4 shows three different Virtual Machines
S12 : An instance variable of the derived class is used;
(VMs) that are prepared and hosted on a Fedora 26
used or referenced
(64-bit) machine. The details of these VMs are:
S13 : A new method of the derived class is being
called; called and currently active 1
Oracle VirtualBox,
8 Ziad A. Al-Sharif* et al.

Fig. 5: The used string literals. It shows the length of Fig. 6: The size of the striped down memory dumps.
these 26 (V1 to V26 ) potential string values that are used It shows the size of each memory dump during each
during our experimentation. execution scenario (Si ) on each of the three expected

VM1 : running Windows 10 Pro (64-bit)

VM2 : running Mac OS X 10.11.6 (El Capitan)
VM3 : running Fedora 26 (64-bit)

The RAM size for each of these VMs is kept to

the minimum recommended configuration for each plat-
form; based on its hardware specification. In particular,
a 2GB of RAM are allocated for MS Windows 10 Pro
and another 2GB of RAM memory is allocated for Mac
OS X 10.11.6. However, only 1GB of RAM memory is
allocated for Fedora 26 (64-bit). Additionally, the same
version of JVM (Java 1.8) is used on each of these three
platforms. Moreover, the 21 specific points, execution
states or scenarios explained above, are identified in ad-
vance to create the RAM dumps on each state. Hence, a
fresh machine start is ensured before each experiment. Fig. 7: Experimentation Time. It shows the total time
Additionally, in the used Java program, different strings in second that is spent during the searching process
and string literal values are used for each of the prede- for these 26 potential values within the corresponding
fined 26 variables (V1 to V26 ), Figure 5 shows the length preprocessed (striped down) memory dumps that was
of these strings, each of which is ensured to be unique captured during each of the 21 execution scenarios.
in its value in the original program’s source code.

program can be implemented by different tools, some of

5.5 Encoding of String Values: UTF8 vs. UTF16 which may utilize the grep command or simply looking
for a substring within the RAM dump as one string.
In Java, when a program’s source code is compiled, it However, the size of these dumps can be reduced us-
generates a binary format called bytecode, which is to ing the UNIX based strings 2 command, which can be
be interpreted by the JVM. Different platforms are sup- employed to preprocess the captured memory dumps.
ported by a compatible version of the JVM. However, This command can be used to extract printable strings
the memory dump is created for the complete RAM of and save them into a simple text file for further investi-
the host machine; physical machine, not for the pro- gation. Table 1 presents the sizes of these preprocessed
gram nor for the JVM. These dumps are exact copy memory dumps. This strings command is mainly used
of the physical RAM used by the host machine. Thus, to extract human readable text from the binary format
it represents the current system state. Searching these
dumps for string values related to the executable Java 2
GNU Binutils,
Live Forensics of Software Attacks on Cyber Physical Systems 9

Table 1: The size in MB for the striped down RAM dumps during the 21 different execution states for all of
Windows, Mac OS X, and Fedora Linux. (i) represents the striped down memory dumps using the UTF8 encoding
format, whereas the (ii) represents the size of the striped down memory dumps using the UTF16 encoding format.

Execution MS Windows 10 Pro. Mac OS X 10.11.6 Linux: Fedora 26

Scenarios (i) (ii) (i) (ii) (i) (ii)
S1 110.85 39.49 255.67 5.77 58.35 0.29
S2 111.67 39.22 252.18 7.44 58.04 0.31
S3 109.11 37.35 243.20 10.23 58.08 0.31
S4 111.22 37.81 241.00 10.29 58.06 0.31
S5 110.74 39.15 240.94 10.13 58.11 0.31
S6 111.38 38.87 240.78 10.16 58.32 0.31
S7 110.38 37.47 240.78 10.24 59.84 0.26
S8 114.25 36.42 240.43 10.23 60.88 0.25
S9 118.19 37.07 240.10 10.20 60.86 0.25
S10 120.50 37.33 242.33 10.25 60.87 0.25
S11 128.60 38.15 241.92 10.25 60.88 0.25
S12 127.64 34.52 242.07 10.29 60.97 0.26
S13 127.67 34.46 241.70 10.17 61.27 0.27
S14 126.02 34.54 240.26 10.11 61.53 0.28
S15 125.93 34.45 240.60 10.10 60.74 0.27
S16 125.88 34.42 240.64 10.15 60.89 0.28
S17 125.89 34.42 240.75 10.25 60.90 0.28
S18 125.89 34.40 240.75 10.29 60.90 0.28
S19 125.90 34.43 240.90 10.46 60.86 0.31
S20 125.91 34.53 240.54 10.48 60.86 0.31
S21 125.26 33.34 240.40 10.48 60.63 0.30

Algorithm 1 Find & Match: Evidence Identification our knowledge of the source code of the used program,
Takes a set of potential values from the assumed pro- we extracted all literal values from the source code of
gram states and tries to locate them within a set of the investigated program and formatted them in both
RAM dumps from the execution scenarios. UTF8 and UTF16. Then, both of these encoded literals
1: Input 1: V alSet: A set of potential variables’ values are located and their number of occurrences are identi-
2: Input 2: DumpSet: A Set of captured memory dumps fied in the target memory dump. Algorithm 1 is applied
3: Result: # Occurrences of (Vj ∈ V alSeti ) In Dumpi on the set of memory dumps presented in each column
4: for each Scenarioi do
5: for each Dumpi ∈ Scenarioi do of Table 1, in which a cell represents the size of the pre-
6: for each V alj ∈ V alSeti do processed RAM dump that is captured during scenario
7: . Find all occurrences of V alj in Dumpi (Si ) on one of the used platforms. Table 1 shows the
8: if V alj is found in Dumpj then sizes of these striped down memory dumps using UTF8
9: Add V alj to F ound V ars. In RAM Dumpi ;
10: end if and UTF16 from all three platforms. It is clear that the
11: end for use of this strings command reduced the search space
12: end for from 2GB to less than 130M B and 245M B on both
13: end for Windows and Mac OS X, respectively. It also reduced
the size of the memory dump from 1GB to less than
65M B on Linux machines. Figure 6 presents a compar-
of the RAM dump 3 . By default, this command looks ison for these striped down memory dumps during each
for sequences of at least 4 printable characters that are execution scenario (Si ) and for each of the investigated
terminated by a null character, other options can be platforms.
used to collect characters in other encoding formats.
For example, the “ − el” option can be used to extract Algorithm 1 employs a simple string search algo-
only strings that are encoded using the 16-bit little en- rithm to locate the potential variables’ values and their
dian (UTF16 or Unicode). number of occurrences during each scenario on a spe-
Thus, we applied this command on each memory cific platform. Timewise, this algorithm is used to spend
dump twice, once with the default settings and the more than one hour to locate the values and their occur-
other with the “ − el” option. Additionally, based on rences when it is applied on a set of raw RAM dumps;
the unprocessed memory dumps. Whereas, applying the
GNU Binary Utilities, same algorithm on the set of memory dumps that are
binutils/docs-2.29/binutils/strings.html preprocessed using the strings command drastically re-
10 Ziad A. Al-Sharif* et al.

duces the search time. Figure 7 presents a time based used on all platforms. Additionally, more occurrences
comparison that compares between the search time in are successfully identified using the UTF8 format than
seconds that is spent during identifying the DE in each it is successfully identified using the UTF16 format; this
of the investigated platforms. The longest time is a bit is true for all platforms as well. Moreover, each part of
more than 600 seconds that is needed to analyze the Figure 8 are labeled with a letter from A to J. The sub-
Mac OS X related RAM dumps (UTF8 based), which columns in each labeled major column are almost iden-
is the largest set of dumps in size. tical during the same execution state (S1 to S21 ), this
Additionally, even though all these literal values ap- is only valid within the same platform. This means, the
peared only once in the original program’s source code, member access modifiers (public, protected, and pri-
surprisingly enough, often their occurrences in the cor- vate) do not affect the frequency and the availability of
responding memory dump are identified on more than the occurrences for these values in RAM.
one location. In some scenarios, the number of occur-
rences reached 7 or 8 times; especially when they are
6.1 Literal Values in Source Code (UTF8)
located using the UTF8. However, the number of occur-
rences goes down dramatically when they are located
Java String type including string literals are objects
using the UTF16. More results are presented in Sec-
not arrays of bytes. Thus, objects are created in heap;
tion 6.
String instances and source code literals are no ex-
ception. In particular, Figures 8a, 8c, and 8e show the
6 Results heatmaps of our findings of the source code related val-
ues (UTF8) in the RAM of the Windows, Mac, and
All captured memory dumps are analyzed and a com- Linux machines, respectively. These heatmaps present
parison is made between the findings of Java based the number of occurrences for each literal value that are
source code related values from the program execution assigned to a variable in the source code; 26 unique val-
states in corresponding RAM dumps that are captured ues are used, each of which is assigned to one variable
during various scenarios. These findings are compared only (V1 to V26 ).
on each of the investigated platforms; same program Even though one unique value is used for each vari-
and execution scenario but different implementations able, unexpectedly, during various execution scenarios
of the JVM that are hosted on different platforms. or states (S1 to S21 ), these figures show that the same
In particular, a comparison is made, from the MF variable value, which only occurred once in the source
point of view, between the memory behavior of a Java code related variable, often has more occurrences than
program and how it differs in its memory footprint once in the captured RAM dumps of Windows, Mac,
when it runs on either of Windows, Mac OS X, and Fe- and Linux machines. Furthermore, the number of oc-
dora Linux. Figure 8 presents a combined heatmap for currences on the Windows machine are more than those
the collected DE of the same program on all platforms. occurrences on either of Mac or Linux machines. For
Parts of Figure 8 show the individual sub-heatmap for example, the maximum number of occurrences for vari-
the number of occurrences from each experiment, on ables in column A of Figure 8a of the Windows machine
each platform and for each execution state; including is 6 whereas the maximum number of occurrences from
the value of each variable in that state, its internal en- the same column on Mac (Figure 8c) or Linux (Fig-
coding format, and the number of occurrences of its ure 8e) is 4. Hence, this difference is almost repeated in
value in RAM. Heatmap colors go from the darkest all columns between the Windows machine on one side
green shade into a complete white; the darker shade and the Mac and Linux machines on the other side. Fur-
of green cells indicates an increase in the frequency of thermore, it is highly noticeable that the results from
the found values compared to the completely not found Mac and Linux machines are almost identical in the
values in the white cells. Figures 8a and 8b represent the number of occurrences for each of these variables (V1
occurrences of these values in the RAM of the Windows to V26 ) and during each of the corresponding states (S1
machine. Figures 8c and 8d represent the occurrences of to S21 ).
these values in the RAM of the Mac machine. Finally, Additionally, looking at parts of Figure 8 from the
Figures 8e and 8f represent the occurrences of these perspective of the MI, it is clear that in all used plat-
values in the RAM of the Fedora 26 Linux machine. forms the investigators have a good chance locating the
Furthermore, Figure 8 shows that the number of values of these literals that are obtained from the pro-
identified occurrences on the Windows machine is more gram source code in the execution states that are cap-
than in the Mac or Linux machines; taking into con- tured in corresponding RAM dumps, even after the GC
sideration that the same program and JVM version is is explicitly invoked, the program is terminated, or even
Live Forensics of Software Attacks on Cyber Physical Systems 11

(a) MS Windows 10 Pro: UTF8 (b) MS Windows 10 Pro: UTF16

(c) Mac OS X (El Capitan): UTF8 (d) Mac OS X (El Capitan): UTF16

(e) Fedora 26: UTF8 (f) Fedora 26: UTF16

Fig. 8: Experimentation results on all of Windows, Mac, and Fedora Linux; all experiments are performed using
the same program, same version of the JVM (64-bit of JVM 1.8), and the 64-bit of the host platform. Parts (a)
& (b) compares between UTF8 and UTF16 on Windows 10 Pro. Parts (c) & (d) compares between UTF8 and
UTF16 on Mac OS X 10.11.6. Finally, Parts (e) & (f) compares between UTF8 and UTF16 on Fedora 26 (Linux
64-bit). Shaded cells in all figures represent the heatmap for the number of occurrences on all platforms and in
both UTF8 and UTF16; the darker the shade the higher the frequency of the found object. It is clear that UTF8
is better than UTF16 and Windows is better than Linux from the MI point of view.
12 Ziad A. Al-Sharif* et al.

after the host JVM is shutdown. However, the number still occurrences for these values in RAM even after the
of occurrence might go down. For example, during our program is terminated (S21 ) and the JVM is shutdown.
experiments of the Windows machine, the number of However, local values of static methods, which are
occurrences went down from 7 or 6 when the JVM was not used, is never found in any of the execution states
running to 2 occurrences after the JVM is shutdown. that are captured from either Mac or Linux machines;
Thus, these occurrences can go down from 5 or 4 to 2 see column C of Figures 8d and 8f. On the contrary, on
on Mac and Linux. Though, it is still a good chance for the Windows machine, occurrences for local values of
the MI; remembering that each of these values occurred static methods that are never used appeared only once
only once in the original program source code. in RAM dumps after state S8 , which represents: an ob-
ject is allocated and an instance-based member variable
of that object is used (read). See column C of Figure 8b.
6.2 Literal Values During the Execution (UTF16) Remembering that these values belong to static meth-
ods and these methods are never used, not from the
In Java, the internal representation of the literal strings
class nor in the object, it is a valuable consideration for
used during the execution (program run) are based on
the MI on Windows machines.
the UTF16 encoding format. This means that identi-
Finally, the number of occurrences for these sub-
fying these values in RAM dumps that are captured
columns under the major columns that are labeled with
during the execution of the running program can help
A, B and C are almost identical for the same execu-
the investigator collect more links to evidence the actual
tion states. This means, once again, the member access
software usage by the perpetrator. Thus, the captured
modifier (public, protected, and private) does not affect
RAM dumps are preprocessed using the UNIX based
their number of occurrences.
strings command with the −el option to extract only
the UTF16 strings from the binary of the corresponding
RAMs. Then, literal values that are extracted from the 6.2.2 Instance Based Members (Super Class)
original program source code are located in these cor-
responding preprocessed RAM dumps and their num- This category represents instance based variables and
ber of occurrences are identified. The following three locals of instance methods. Looking at columns labeled
subsections present our results for all investigated vari- with D, E, and F of Figures 8b, 8d and 8f. These
ables’ values and during all of the execution scenarios; columns present occurrences of the variables’ values
on all of Windows, Mac, and Linux machines. that are related to the instance (object) that is cre-
ated from the base class. Figure 8b presents a heatmap
6.2.1 Class Based Members for the occurrences of the identified values in the RAM
dump of a Windows machine, whereas Figures 8d and 8f
This category represents class level static variables and present a heatmap for the number of occurrences for the
the locals of static methods. Looking at Figures 8b, 8d identified values in the RAM of both Mac and Linux
and 8f, each of which represents the heatmap with machines, respectively. Column D shows that occur-
the number of occurrences for the corresponding vari- rences start showing valuable identification in corre-
ables (columns), in each of the associated states (rows), sponding RAM dumps after state S7 on all of Win-
on all of Windows, Mac, and Linux machines; respec- dows, Mac, and Linux. Column D represents the class
tively. It is clear that columns labeled with A and B level instance variables in three access modifiers (V10 :
present better occurrences across all states except S1 public, V11 : protected, and V12 : private). However, col-
and S2 . Remembering that S1 represents the class is umn E shows the occurrences of local values in an active
not referenced yet whereas S2 represents the class is instance level method, whereas column F shows the oc-
referenced but the method is not used yet. This means, currences of these literal values of the local variables in
the values of static variables and those of local vari- a never active method. Column E starts showing valu-
ables of static methods will not be available in RAM able forensic usage after state S7 on Windows machines
until the class is used; referenced during the execution. and after state S9 on both Mac and Linux machines.
However, these values will remain in memory long after Column F starts showing valuable forensic usage after
their usage time. Additionally, the local references in state S7 on Windows machines, but its values are never
static methods will not be available in RAM until their found on both Mac and Linux machines.
corresponding method is used. Hence, these values will Interestingly enough, results from the execution foot-
stay in RAM for a longer duration than the time of print in the RAM of both Mac and Linux are different,
their method usage. Looking at column A and B of to some extent, from the corresponding execution foot-
Figures 8b, 8d, and 8f, it is clear to see that there are print of the Windows machine. In particular, column F
Live Forensics of Software Attacks on Cyber Physical Systems 13

(variables: V16 , V17 , and V18 ) that represent the values the RAM of the Windows machine. To find the literal
of local variables in methods that are never active dur- value of these variables on Windows, it is something
ing the program execution, shows that it is unlikely to strange to the behavior of the JVM on of a Windows
find these values in the RAM dumps of the host ma- machine after state S8 . Additionally, V25 and V26 are
chine when it is running on Mac or Linux machines, but found on Windows after state S8 too, but they are un-
it can be found on the corresponding Windows machine likely to be found on a Mac or Linux based machines
during the same states. Additionally, on both Mac and before states S16 and S13 , respectively.
Linux machines, the number of found occurrences in
the lower parts of columns D and E (S19 , S20 , &S21 ) are
better than those corresponding occurrences in states
7 Related Work
before them.
Many researchers are making use of existing forensic
6.2.3 Instance Based Members (Derived Class) research in related areas such as cloud forensics, mobile
forensics, virtualization forensics, and storage forensics
This category includes instance based members of a de- in order to facilitate the forensics of CPS Systems [22,
rived class including local variables of overridden vir- 23, 47]. Others, are focused on the forensics of a par-
tual methods and newly introduced methods. Looking ticular type of CPS systems. For example, Hahn et al.
at columns labeled with G, H, I, and J (V19 to V26 ) evaluated a smart grid security testbed, in which sev-
of Figure 8b. It shows that, on Windows, the investi- eral potential attack scenarios are assumed to explore
gator has a good chance locating variables’ values from the security of the CPS system [48]. Zonouz et al. in-
instances that are created from the derived class right troduced a Security-oriented Cyber-Physical State Es-
after state S8 , which represents an instance variable of timation (SCPSE) in order to detect the malicious ac-
the base class is used. However, this set of variables tivities within the CPS system [49]. Grispos et al. in-
belongs only to the derived class or to the newly intro- tegrates forensics principles, concepts, design and devel-
duced method in the derived class. Hence, on all three opment of the Medical Cyber-Physical Systems (MCPS)
platforms, the only variable that is unlikely to be found in one framework in order to strengthen the investi-
is V22 , which represents a local variable in an overrid- gation capabilities [50]. Eli Sohl et al. studied various
den virtual method that is never used. This is expected forensics tools and techniques that focus on the funda-
because the function is never used during any of the mentals of digital forensics in the electrical power grid.
execution states (S1 to S21 ); considering the dynamic They found that the security of industrial control sys-
binding. tems in the power grid appears to be much less mature
On the contrary, the same Java program behaves than that of the general-purpose computing [51]. Boyer
differently on both Mac and Linux machines. In partic- et al. shows that Supervisory Control And Data Acqui-
ular, variables V19 to V21 , which are derived class level sition (SCADA) system is one of the common monitor-
variables (public, protected, and private, respectively) ing and control systems that can be used in the power
are more likely to be found on UNIX based machines grid [52], it is also used in other industrial infrastruc-
after state S11 , see column G of Figures 8d and 8f. tures such as oil refineries, water treatment facilities,
Remember that S11 represents an instance of the de- and transportation systems. Parry et al. presented a
rived class is allocated. Surprisingly enough, Mac and high-speed network forensics tool specifically designed
Linux machines behave almost the same whereas both for capturing and replaying data traffic dedicated to-
of them behave completely different from the Windows ward special-purpose network interface card that can
machine. For example, the values of V23 and V24 are be found in CPS systems [53]. Taylor et al. reviewed
successfully found after state S8 on the Windows ma- some of the challenges and highlighted the security risks
chine whereas these same variables’ values are unlikely that are needed to be covered to increase the CPS secu-
to be found during any of the investigated execution rity [54]. Giraldo et al. provided a taxonomy that clas-
states (S1 to S21 ) on Mac nor Linux. These results are sifies all of CPS domains, attacks, defenses, research-
highly expected on Mac and Linux, because the values trends, network-security, security level implementation,
of V23 represent a variable in an overridden base class and computational strategies [55].
virtual method that its override is currently active, but On the other hand, many researchers find, in the
not the actual function that has the value. Additionally, RAM memory, a vital source of information that can
the value of V24 represents the value of a local variable be used in support for legal actions against criminals in
in a derived class virtual method that is never used. digital forensics cases [56–65]. For example, Shosha et
However, unexpectedly, these same values are found in al. developed a prototype to detect different malicious
14 Ziad A. Al-Sharif* et al.

programs that are regularly used by criminals. The pro- program’s execution traces are expected to behave dif-
posed approach depends on the deduction of evidences ferently on different platforms for other cross-platform
that are extracted based on traces related to the sus- languages as well. Additionally, Java is a strictly typed
pect program [66]. Ellick et al. introduced ForenScope language, however other languages support dynamic
a RAM forensics tool that permits users to investigate typing such as Visual Basic and the scripting languages
a machine using regular bash-shell. It allows users to such as Python, Icon/Unicon, Ruby and others. Thus,
disable anti-forensic tools and search for potential evi- for future research, it would be highly interesting to
dences. In order to maintain the RAM memory intact, compare our experimental results from this paper with
it is designed to work in the unused memory space of the results from similar experimentations that are based
the target machine [67]. Olajide et al. uses RAM dumps on these dynamically typed languages.
to extract user’s input information from Windows ap-
Additionally, our experimentations are conducted to
plications [68]. Johannes et al. proposed a technique
practically determine the digital forensics process and
to investigate firmware and its major components. He
the technical considerations in regards to the investiga-
proposed a new technique that improves forensics imag-
tions of the allegedly used software during the attack on
ing based on PCI introspection and page table map-
a CPS system. Locating the presumed software on the
ping [69]. Shashidhar et al. targeted the prefetch folder
perpetrator’s machine hard disk might not be a strong
and its potential value to the investigator. This prefetch
digital evidence to establish the actual software usage.
folder is used to speed up the startup time of a program
A definite legal evidence might be needed to prove that
on a Windows Machine [70].
the perpetrator has actually used the software. This pa-
However, this paper utilizes the OOP concepts and
per experimentally established that this evidence can
its potential source code usage in Java in order to iden-
be found in the RAM of the perpetrator’s machine.
tify and validate whether the presumed software is ac-
However, additional research is needed to address the
tually used during the attack on a CPS system.
scalability of these fundamental concepts. In particu-
lar, during our experimentations, we covered only 26
different types of variables that would cover the princi-
8 Discussions and Future Work ples of the Java based OOP variables and their usage
within 21 basic execution scenarios (states). However,
In this paper, in order to facilitate the ability to find in bigger programs, this number of variables’ values and
live evidence about the actual software usage that are potential execution states can easily become much big-
used to organize an attack on a CPS system, experimen- ger than our basic proof of concept used in this pa-
tally we established the approach of utilizing potential per. Thus, an issue with the performance can be easily
variables’ values from the program’s source code and raised in regards to various directions, each of which
their associations with various in RAM program execu- may open the opportunity to new research directions.
tion states to evidence the actual software usage. Based Some of these directions can be summarized at least in
on the possible data-flow and control-flow of the sub- threefold:
ject program, we investigate an object oriented program
First, in a large software, the potential variables’
that is written in Java and experiment with its MF on
values will reach a limit that would require improving
three different platforms; including Windows 10 Pro,
the searching algorithm by various means such as the
Mac OS X, and Fedora 26 (Linux 64-bit). Hence, the
employment of parallel algorithms or the utilization of
same program’s source code is used during all experi-
GPUs. Additionally, RAMs used in our daily used com-
ments, the only difference is the underneath JVM that
puters are getting larger and larger. This implies an is-
encapsulates these differences to accommodate the host
sue with the performance of the evidence identification
platform. Experimental results show that these differ-
algorithm is on the horizon [47].
ent implementations affect the RAM memory footprint
of the used program from the MF point of view. Second, the increase in the number of potential vari-
Nonetheless, theoretically the used programming lan- able states and their values will enlarge the number of
guage (Java) operates in a layer that is distant from the values that are needed to be identified. Additionally,
OS Kernel. Practically, this means that a specific mem- the increase in size of the RAM dumps and the number
ory area that is used to handle program’s execution and of these dumps can grow to become a big data problem,
its runtime storage (i.e. stack and heap) are kept away in which a huge number of potential variables’ values,
from the OS. The GC picks up the unused memory execution states, and memory dumps are needed to be
(garbage), but often this memory will not become im- investigated. Thus, in such a scenario, our approach
mediately available to the OS. Therefore, in RAM blind can benefit from the big data analytics and machine
Live Forensics of Software Attacks on Cyber Physical Systems 15

learning techniques to automatically identify and build comes to memory forensics, data persistence in memory
a legal decision about the actual software usage. is much longer than it is during the execution of the pro-
Third, utilizing various software test cases, whether gram that it takes different execution paths based on its
it is unit testing or system testing, in the process of control-flow and data-flow. Additionally, we found that
identifying the potential variables’ values and their exe- utilizing source code information can be valuable to the
cution states would be very interesting and highly chal- investigator. It helps establish the evidence that the
lenging to the memory investigator. However, a solution perpetrator has actually used the software to perform
can be envisioned by utilizing various machine learn- the crime or to cover the wrongdoing associated with
ing algorithms in order to automate the digital inves- the crime. Various variables’ values and string literals
tigation process. For examples, a research is needed to and non-literals related to the program execution are
investigate the possibility of training various machine successfully identified in RAM dups that are captured
learning algorithms based on these potential test sets during various scenarios and execution states. For ex-
(test suite) in order to automatically predict or identify ample, we found that variable values of static and non-
potential execution states that can be assumed to be static values of a Java program running on a Windows
used by the perpetrators during the attack. This would is better than the other two platforms (Linux and Mac).
advance and speed up the evidence identification pro- Additionally, values of instance variables are likely to
cess. be found on Windows more than on machines that are
Furthermore, our investigation process targets sim- running Mac or Linux.
ple variables’ values, it would be interesting to inves-
tigate similar scenarios for other complex data struc-
tures such as collections and generics. Additionally, it is
highly important to investigate various variables’ types
and their impacts on long running programs such as
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Ziad  A.  Al‐SSharif  is  currrently  an  asssistant  proffessor  at  Jorrdan  Universsity  of  Science  and  Tech
hnology,  Irbid, 
Jordan. He jjoined the Deepartment o of Software EEngineering in n February o
of 2010. Dr. A Al‐Sharif receeived his Ph.D
degree in Computer Science in Deceember of 200 09 from the  University of Idaho, USA A. He also recceived his MS. 
degree in Computer Science in Augu ust of 2005 ffrom New M Mexico State  University, U USA. His reseearch interests 
are in digitaal forensics, ssoftware enggineering, clo oud computin ng, and collab
borative virtu ual environmments. 

Mohammed d I. Al‐Saleh  is an associaate professor in the Com

mputer Sciencce Departmeent at Jordan n University o of 
Science andd Technologyy. He earned d his PhD in  2011 from TThe Universitty of New M Mexico (UNM) and his MSSc 
degree  from
m  New  Mexico  State  Un niversity  (NM
MSU)  in  2007
7.  His  researrch  interestss  include  diggital  forensiccs, 
cyber security, antivirus testing and evaluation, aand dynamicc information n flow trackin ng. 


Luay  Alawnneh  is  an  asssistant  profeessor  in  the  Departmentt  of  Software  Engineerin
ng  at  Jordan  University  o
Science andd Technologyy, Irbid, Jordaan. His reseaarch interestss are software engineering, softwaree maintenancce 
and evolutioon, big data  analytics, paarallel processsing and higgh performan nce computing systems.  Luay receiveed 
a  PhD  in  eelectrical  an
nd  computer  engineerin ng  from  Co
oncordia  Uniiversity.  In  addition  to  his  researcch 
achievemen nts, Luay possesses excellent industriaal experiencee gained from m prestigiouss North American firms.

Yaser Jararwweh received d his Ph.D. in
n Computer  Engineering  from Univerrsity of Arizon na in 2010. H
He is currenttly 
an associatee professor oof Computer Science at Jo ordan Univerrsity of Scien nce and Technology, Jordan. He has co o‐
authored  about  seventyy  technical  papers 
p in  esstablished  journals  and  cconferences  in  fields  related  to  clouud 
computing,  HPC,  SDN  aand  Big  Datta.  He  was  o one  of  the  TTPC  Co‐Chaiir,  IEEE  Glob
becom  2013  International 
Workshop o on Cloud Com mputing Systtems, and Neetworks, and d Application ns (CCSNA). H He is a steering committeee 
member forr CCSNA 2014 and CCSNA A 2015 with  ICC. He is the General Co o‐Chair in IEEEE Internatioonal Worksho op 
on  Softwaree  Defined  Syystems  SDS‐2014  and  SD DS  2015.  He  is  also  chaiiring  many  IEEE  events  ssuch  as  ICIC
SNAMS,  BD DSN,  IoTSMS  and  many  others. 
o Dr.  JJararweh  serrved  as  a  gu
uest  editor  ffor  many  speecial  issues  in 
different established jouurnals. Also, he is the steeering committee chair off the IBM Cloud Academyy Conference.  

B.  B.  Gupta  received  his 

h PhD  deggree  from  In ndian  Institu
ute  of  Techn
nology  Roorkkee,  India  inn  the  area  oof 
Informationn and Cyber SSecurity. He  spent more  than six months in Univeersity of Saskkatchewan (UofS), Canad da 
to completee a portion o of his researrch work. Dr. Gupta  has  excellent  academic  reco ord througho out his carrieer, 
was  amongg  the  collegee  toppers,  du
uring  Bachellor’s  degree  and  awardeed  merit  sch
holarship  forr  his  excellen
performance.  In  addition,  he  was  also  awarded  Fellowship  from  Ministry  of  Human  Resource  Development 
(MHRD),  Government  of  India to  carry  his  Doctoral  research  work.  He  has  published  more than  70  research 
papers (including 01 book and 08 chapters) in International Journals and Conferences of high repute including 
IEEE,  Elsevier,  ACM,  Springer,  Wiley  Inderscience,  etc.  He  has  visited  several  countries,  i.e.  Canada,  Japan, 
Malaysia, Hong‐Kong, etc to present his research work. His biography was selected and publishes in the 30th 
Edition  of  Marquis  Who's  Who  in  the  World,  2012.  He  is  also  working  principal  investigator  of  various  R&D 
projects. He is also serving as reviewer for Journals of IEEE, Springer, Wiley, Taylor & Francis, etc. Currently he 
is  guiding  08  students  for  their  Master’s  and  Doctoral  research  work  in  the  area  of  Information  and  Cyber 
Security. He also served as Organizing Chair of Special Session on Recent Advancements in Cyber Security (SS‐
CBS) in IEEE Global Conference on Consumer Electronics (GCCE), Japan in 2014 and 2015. 

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