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• GASTROINTESTINAL ABDOMEN the Abdomen of the patient is globular which is normal.

patient experienced constipation, irregular defecation on an alternate basis.

In GENITOURINARY GENITAL Positive Goodell’s sign wherein the cervix softens in consistency in
preparation for childbirth. Chadwick’s sign means Bluish-purple coloration of the vaginal mucosa
and cervix, and Hegar’s sign this is softening of the lower uterine segment just above the cervix. So this
three signs are indication of pregnancy which is normal.

Next is for URINARY During her first and third trimesters, the patient stated that she had
frequent urination. Urinating more frequently than normal is common during pregnancy Since it is
one of the common early pregnancy symptom. The color of the urine is light yellow in moderate
amounts which is also normal.

• PERIPHERAL/VASCULAR The patient’s is 87 bpm from the normal rate of 60-100 bpm. Which is
within normal range.

• MUSCULOSKELETAL Patient is ambulatory with a wide stance when walking. So this

isnormal for patient miranda since she is pregnant. Her arms were able to move
through active Range of motion and extend them in front and to the side. Which is also normal.

• NEUROLOGIC No neurological impairment it means that there are no  disorders that affect
the brain as well as the nerves found throughout the human body and the spinal cord. 

• PSYCHIATRIC During interaction, the patient is conscious and coherent, but she only answers
the questions she is comfortable with. The patient also paces inside the ward and appears withdrawn.

ability to think clearly

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