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Easter Bread Made The Old-Fashioned Way:

In A Brick Oven on Falcone Avenue

By Maria Cascario
Lent is a spiritual
season for many people
and comes with customs
and traditions. One
tradition, at least in
Roseto, is having
“Easter Bread” not just
on Easter Sunday, but
throughout Lent.
Anthony L. Ruggiero, a
very busy plumber-
electrician by trade, has
taken the tradition of
making Easter Bread to
a whole different level.
Anthony, who has a
detached building at his
home on Falcone
Avenue, likes to do
“canning” in his spare
time and uses this
building for his pastime.
He began about fifteen
years ago and he gives
his customers and
friends the “fruits of his Maria Cascario/The PRESS
labors.” Left to right: Mike D’Amato, Greg Sebastionelli, and Anthony Ruggiero,
Twelve years ago, he prepare a pizza to be made in the brick oven.
began making the sweet gather to assist in the the dough and “After the went home with a pizza
Portland Borough raisin bread, using small
commercial ovens.
bread-making and to get
together to have a good
8 o’clock Mass, we form
it,” he said. “By four or
and two loaves of bread!
Anthony’s wife, Linda,
Council To Host Initially, he
“maybe a hundred”
made time. On any Sunday in
Lent, fifteen to twenty
five o’clock it’s ready to
bake. We make between
and daughters
Graceanne and Megan,
loaves and now it’s guys are helping seventy and eighty joined us for dessert
“Business Summit” between 800 to 1000
loaves! All his
Anthony and helping
themselves to the
loaves just on Sunday.”
The Sunday I was
The Borough of invitation to state and customers and friends “goodies” which include there, the guys made sticky buns. All in all, it
Portland is hosting a local representatives, are happy to receive the Brick Oven Pizza. The French Toast, frittatas, was a fun-filled,
business summit to investors, grant writers, bread. Brick Oven was put in leg of lamb, pizzas of all food-filled day for
discuss economic devel- realtors, and friends of A few years ago, a this past summer by types including white everyone.
opment in these difficult Portland, including group of Anthony’s Greg Sebastionelli and pizza with fresh ricotta Greg said, “This is a
times. There are many neighbors: Mt. Bethel, friends decided to join Anthony. cheese and caramelized great hobby and the
small towns in the same Delaware Water Gap him. Every Tuesday and On Sunday mornings at onions. I sampled just benefits are ‘All You
shape as Portland: and Columbia. Portland Friday during Lent, they 4:30, Anthony makes about everything and Can Eat.”
business closures and Borough Council,
empty store fronts. As
a community, what can
Council President Bob
Cartwright, and Mayor Delaware River Chosen as River of The Year
you do? Who can help? Lance Prator are all un-dammed river east of river and its conserva-
Where do you start? working together to the Mississippi. This tion needs. Lower
Portland Borough bring the town back to river provides drinking Mount Bethel Township
Council would like to life and be the best it can water to 15 million is one of the SB-COG
invite you to come to a be. This invitation people, including 5 municipalities; it has
“Business Summit” includes a special million in Pennsylvania. many miles of Delaware
meeting on April 27th, invitation to our local Downstream, it has the River frontage. The
at the Pensyl Social Hall colleges and universi- largest freshwater port Lower Mount Bethel
on State Street. ties to consider taking in the world. Upstream, Township Supervisors
The goal of the meet- Portland as a class in part of the SB-COG designated a scenic
ing is to sort through the project. area, this river is the by-way, in part to
negative issues plaguing For more information centerpiece of the Dela- preserve the beauty of
small communities like on the meeting contact ware Water Gap this watershed and in
Portland and how do Nancy Knott, Coordina- National Recreation part to attract some
they overcome these tor, at naknott Area (DWGNRA). It is visitors to enjoy its
issues. or 579- steeped in history from beauty.
They are extending the 242-4338. The Delaware River was chosen as 2011 RIver of Indian settlements, On April 25th, begin-
The Year. agriculture and village ning at 7pm, at the
The Slate Belt Council Pennsylvania’s 2011 life that many people Lower Mt. Bethel
of Governments (SB- “River of the Year.” want to experience. Township Centerfield
COG) wish to recognize This is a big deal for Millions of people visit School, on Route 611
a special water resource the Slate Belt since most the DWGNRA each North of Martins Creek,
in the region. People of of the streams feed year. By the way, a goal consultants will present
the Commonwealth of directly into the Dela- of the “River of the the final Scenic By-way
Pennsylvania chose The ware River. The Dela- Year” designation is to Plan.
Delaware River as ware River is the longest raise awareness of the
The Slate Belt Young Easter Coloring wonderful day, Lauren. Bangor Public Library
at Heart Club will be Contest! Make sure to We would like to wish will hold their Annual
sponsoring a trip to fill out the form and Marlena Phelps Avery Spring Book Sale at the
Washington, DC, on color your picture on a very Happy Belated Bee Hive Community
Monday, June 20th. page 17, and bring it in Birthday. She celebrated Center, 197 Pennsylva-
They will be viewing to The PRESS, 1 on April 11th. We hope nia Avenue, Bangor, on Here is a list of the new
the World War II Broadway, before you had a great day! Friday, April 29th, noon Harris, Charlaine, A
books added to the bone to pick; Jones,
Museums, Korean War, Friday, April 15th. Family Game Night to 6pm; Saturday, April collection of the Bangor
Vietnam, Iwo Jima, etc. Winners will receive art will be held on April 30th, 10am to 4pm; and Star, Satan’s sisters;
Public Library during McCall Smith, Alexan-
Please call Mary Lou supplies from The 15th, 6:30pm, at the Sunday, May 1st, from the week March 24
DeRea-Lohman at PRESS, and Easter East Bangor United 1pm to 4pm. This event der, The Saturday big
through 30, 2011. tent wedding party;
610-863-4846, or Goodies from Choco- Methodist Community will feature thousands Adult fiction: Binchy,
Minnie Thomas at lates on Broadway. Church. Bring your of like-new and gently Michaels, Fern,
Maeve, Minding Betrayal; Tolkien,
610-863-6589 for more Everyone who enters favorite Board Game used books for adults Frankie; Childs, Laura,
information. gets s ticket for a free and a snack to share. and children. A variety Simon, The king of
Scones & bones; diamonds.
Boy Scout Troop 38 treat at Chocolates on Enjoy fun and fellow- of topics will be avail- Deutermann, Peter,
of Bangor will be Broadway! ship with family and old able to interest every Adult non-fiction:
Pacific glory; Graham, Lucci, Susan, All my
holding a Car Wash on We would like to wish and new friends. The book lover from Fiction Heather, Phantom evil;
Saturday, April 23rd, Sarah Loren a very church is located at 136 to Non-Fiction. Selec- life.
from 9am to 3pm at Happy Birthday. Sarah W. Central Ave. (Rt. tions can be made form
Capitol Ace Hardware, will be celebrating on 512), East Bangor. Call hard copies and paper-
Capital Plaza, Blue April 15th. Have a 610-588-4453 or visit backs and all books are
Valley Drive. All fantastic day, Sarah! organized according to
donations will fund We would like to wish The Charles Nelson genres. All proceeds
summer camp for the Lauren Krapf a very Lobb American directly benefit the
boy scouts. Happy Birthday, who Legion Post 502 in Pen Bangor Public Library.
This is your last will also be celebrating Argyl will be holding a For additional informa-
chance to enter the on April 15th. Have a Memorial Benefit tion contact Karen
Drawing on Sunday, Brewer at 610-588-
April 17th, from 1pm to 8615, or Janet Miller at
5pm. The event will 610-588-3434.
include a Meat Raffle We love hearing from
and Ham Drawing. you! Please send your
Tickets are $1 each or 6 birthdays, anniversaries
for $5, and can be and tidbits of
purchased by calling the information to:
legion at 610-863-4451 The PRESS
or at the door. Refresh- 1 Broadway,
ments will be served. Bangor, PA 18013
The Friends of the
Bingo to Benefit Distinguished Knights of Columbus
Dobermans Rescue
A Bingo Fundraiser Steve Rowe, a senior at April Schedule
will be held on Satur- Bangor High School is
day, April 16th, at The The Slate Belt Area 26th at 7:30pm. The
running this bingo as his Fourth Degree meeting
Bangor VFW Hall, Graduation Project. Knights of Columbus
located at 202 Veterans Council #3862 April will be on April 23rd.
There will be refresh- All meetings will be
Road, Bangor. Doors ments and prizes for all schedule has been
open at 3pm, Bingo will announced. held at the Bangor
ages and interests. Council Home.
begin at 5pm. The event For more information, On Saturday, April
is to benefit Distin- 23rd, the Knights of If you are interested in
call 610-597-9820 or joining or learning more
guished Dobermans email dobermanbingo Columbus will have
Rescue. their Annual Easter Egg about the Knights of Columbus, Ladies Aux-
Hunt at 2pm at the
Council home. The iliary and Squires
event will be held rain (Junior Knights of
Grow Pumpkins for or shine. Columbus), call 610-
Bangor’s 2011 Octoberfest The Knights of Colum-
bus will hold their regu-
863-9883 or visit their
webpage at
The Bangor Borough to include a pumpkin lar meeting on April
Recreation Advisory patch.
Board announces the Watch for future dates
dates for the 2011 Octo- and events throughout
berfest will be October this year, sponsored by
15th and 16th. the Recreation Board.
A new contest has been If you are interested in
added for this year. volunteering for any of
The Largest Pumpkin the events please
Contest (judged by contact the Bangor
circumference and not Borough Recreation
weight) will end with Advisory Board at
cash prizes. So when bangorparkboard@gmai
you start your gardens or call 610-588-
this season, don't forget 6894.
Northampton Federation of Women’s Clubs
Holds Spring Festival of Arts
The Northampton faces were donated. The chairman of the nomi- Bangor. Knitted Scarf:
County Federation of children draw their face nating committee. The Sybil Marsh, Nazareth;
Women’s Clubs Spring before and after the committee will present a Deanna Keyser, Bangor;
meeting and Festival of operation. Lauri slate of officers for the and Katherine Mickel,
the Arts was held at Catena, National Direc- 2012-2014 term at the Bethlehem. Scrapbook
Moravian Hall Square tor of U. S. chapters of annual meeting and Page: Kay Stampone,
with a theme of Opera- Operation Smile, was Festival of the Arts in Pen Argyl. Fruited
tion Smile and Library the main speaker. March, 2012. The Coffeecake: Pauline
Support. Catena took the above Woman’s Club of Pen Fox, Bangor.
Members of the five items plus donations of Argyl, who will be Candy: Peggy Golden.
clubs in the county made quilts, smile bags, soap, celebrating its 90th year, Member Photography,
and donated 91 (ninety washcloths, tooth- will host this event. Natural History: Marian
one) small gowns for brushes and toothpaste Christine Ippoliti, Smith.
Operation Smile, a non- for the children with her chairman of Northamp- Student Photography,
profit group that to Norfolk, VA where ton County Arts Partner- Division 3 and 4:
provides surgery for Operation Smile has ship Committee, Hannah Cyphers, Faith
cleft palate and other their headquarters. announced the winners Christian School.
facial deformities for Vivian Dawe of the of the Arts Festival: Tea Student Art:
children. In addition, 60 Woman’s Club of Pen Cup Floral- Marian Watercolor-oil-pastel:
muslin dolls without Argyl, was elected Smith, Nazareth; Vivian Priscilla Marin, Bangor
Dawe, Pen Argyl. Washington Elementary
Quilted Wall Hanging: School; Oil Pastel:
Debbie Ruthrauff, Beth- Braeden Keith, Bangor,
lehem; Eleanor Waters, DeFranco Elementary
Bangor; and Marianne School; Collage: Ashley
Prestifilippo, Nazareth. Davis. Faith Christian
Holiday Card: Marian School.
Smith; Peggy Golden, The Bangor Women’s
Bangor. Beaded Watch- Club sponsored the
band: Carol Akam, student art winners.
Yeakel Inducted Into
International Honor Society
at Penn State Berks
Emilie Yeakel was
inducted into the Inter-
national Honor Society
of Psychology on March
20th, at the Inn at Read-
Emilie is a student at
Penn State University,
Berks Campus, and has
mainted a GPA of 3.78
since starting college in
August, 2008. She has
made the Deans List
every semester.
Some of her interests include; Public Relations
Chairperson Berks THON 2011; Overall Funds
Charipeson for Berks THON 2012 - this organization
Matthew and Casey Gaugler of Bangor are pleased raises money for the Four DIamonds Fund at
to announce the birth of their son, Landon Matthew. Hershey Medical Center, benefitting families
Landon was born November 10, 2010 at St. Luke’s affected by pediatric cancer; 2011 Penn State
Hospital, Bethlehem. He weighed 9 pounds, 5 IFC/Panhellenic Dance Marathon - this year, Berks
ounces and was 19 ½ inches long. THON organization raised $27,000 more than last
Proud grandparents are Frank and Pam Brunner of year, rounding our the year having raised
Easton, and Gary and Pam Gaugler of Bethlehem. $48,876.96.
Landon is welcomed with love by his great She is also Yoga and Meditation Society President
grandparents Nancy and Bill Benner, Faye Gaugler for 2010-2011.
and Dolores Smith. She will be completing a 300 hour internship this
summer, working with juveline sex offenders at
Reading Specialist in Reading. Emilie recently found
out that she is a Lion Ambassador for Penn State
Berks Campus. One day, she hopes to earn a Ph.D. in
Clinical Psychology and hopes to work with United
States Veterans.
She is the daughter of Roberta Yeakel and the late
Clayton Yeakel of Portland, and the granddaughter of
Joyce Kamp of Mt. Bethel.

Joe DeFranco holds his first grandchild, Mia

Grace Berdela, daughter of Glenn and Julia
Berdela Jr. Mia was born on February 11th,
weighed seven pounds, five ounces, and
was 19.5 inches long. Photo by Sarah
Loren/The PRESS.
Prince Of Peace Holy Week Services St. Peter’s
Prince of Peace
Lutheran Church, John-
their Palm Sunday Wor- of the Palms and Holy
Communion. An Easter
ELC April
St. John ELC Hosts sonville, will be holding
ship Service, which will
include the Procession Egg Hunt for Sunday
School will be held
Holy Week Services East B.U.M.s Plan Volunteer following the second
St. Peter’s Evangelical
Lutheran Church, 1422
St. John Evangelical tion of the Lord’s On Thursday, April Church Road, Pen
Lutheran Church, 12 N. Supper will be held. On
Work Day In East Bangor 21st, Maundy Thursday Argyl, has announced
Westbrooke Avenue, Good Friday, April On May 7th, the East about four hours to help and Holy Communion their April events.
Pen Argyl, has 22nd, the Service of B.U.M.s (East Bangor some people in the Slate will be held at 7pm. On St. Peter’s Easter Egg
announced their services Light and Darkness will United Methodist’s), are Belt area, give them a April 22nd, Good Friday Hunt will be held on
for Holy Week. be held with the reading holding a morning of call or email them. service will be held at Saturday, April 16th, at
On Maundy Thursday, of the Passion according helping neighbors. You won’t need to join 7pm. The Easter Vigil 11am. Please call the
April 21st, an informal to St. John. They will be doing yard anything, just let them will be held at the church office at 610-
spoken service with a Easter Sunday work and light mainte- know if you want to do 5:30pm service on 863-6859 to register.
celebration of the Lord’s worship, April 24th, will nance for people who something nice for Saturday, April 23rd. Sacrement of Holy
Supper will be held at be held at 10am, with could use an extra hand. people in need. April 24th, Easter Communion will be
1pm. Sunday School begin- If you’re a man who Also, if you know of Sunday Services will be celebrated at the 5pm
At 7:30pm, a Celebra- ning at 8:45am. would like to donate anyone who could use held at 6:30am, 8pm, Saturday Night Alive
some extra manpower and 10:30am, with Holy Service on Saturday,
for a morning, contact Communion at all April 16th.
them. services. Easter Break- Holy Communion will
The event will be held fast will follow the be celebrated on Palm
from 8am through noo, 6:30am service. Sunday, April 17th, at
when hamburgers and The church will be 8am and 10:15am.
hot dogs will be served offering a babysitting Confirmation class wil
at the East Bangor class on Saturday, May meet at noon, and a
United Methodist 14th, from 9am to 3pm. Seder Meal will be held
Church. The class will be at 5pm.
If you are interested, conducted by Chris
please call 610-599- Trigg, Red Cross
9913 or email Insturctor. The cost is $25, and
includes a book and
certificate upon comple-
tion of the course. The
minimum age is 11, and
students need to bring a
doll and a lunch, and
there will be a video,
and CPR training.
For more information
or to register, call Caro-
lyn Leidy at 610-588-
7592 before Thursday,
May 5th.
·Sponsored a FBI waste collection (which
Senior ESYA Hosts Annual Golf SBCOG offered class for local has the greatest poten-
police officers to learn tial benefit), road salt,
Spelling Bee Outing at Shawnee Inn Continued from page 1 about a data base system crushed stone for roads,
for sharing data on the line painting, and street
Are you aged 55 or
older? Are you excep-
and Golf Resort The SB-COG Board of “bad people;” sweeping.
tional at spelling? The East Stroudsburg golfer, and includes a Directors bit the bullet ·Assisted Bangor to There are many more
Would you like to be Youth Association Golf cart and green fees, 18 regarding their budget help 10 families to SB-COG activities in
part of a fun, educa- Outing will be held on holes, prizes, special for 2011 with shared repair substandard hous- the works.
tional, community ev- Saturday, May 7th, at buffet dinner, and bever- sacrifice. However, ing conditions However, they do not
ent? Shawnee Inn and Golf ages. Entry deadline is they are continuing to be ·Informed local forget their marching
Monroe County’s 6th Resort. April 29th. effective in the mission- municipalities about an orders - that is - they are
Annual Senior Spelling The event begins with Send names and to enhance communica- electricity purchasing not to create another
Bee will be held on a 1pm shotgun start, and addresses, along with a tion and cooperation plan that could save up layer of government,
Thursday, April 21st, is a 4 person scramble check, payable to between the ten local to 30% of government their goal is to enhance
from 1pm to 3pm, at event. Prizes will be ESYA, to East Strouds- governments, two building energy costs the working of existing
Eastern Monroe Publis awarded to the lowest burg Youth Association, school districts and with ·They are updating governments and to
Library, in the Edinger teams and a buffet Attention Frank Nico- the County Council their internet web site save the taxpayer
Community Room, dinner will follow the letti, 178 North Court- representative. and are helping the money.
1002 North Ninth outing. land Street, East Following are a few of Borough of Portland to The SB-COG includes
Street, Stourdsburg. The event benefits the Stroudsburg, PA SB-COG accomplish- create their first web the Boroughs of Wind
The County Level East Stroudsburg Youth 18301. ments: site; Gap, Pen Argyl, Roseto,
Spelling Bee winner Association, and the For more information, ·Sponsored a great E- ·Assisted in forming a Bangor, East Bangor,
will receive $100 and many activities they please call Frank at cycling event, the next regional recreation com- and Portland; the Town-
the runner-up will support during the year. 570-424-1339 or 570- one will be Saturday, mittee that provides new ships of Plainfield,
receive $50. Entry fee is $70 per 421-1412. June 4th, in Washington recreational activities Washington, Upper
If you are interested in Elementary School for adults, senior Mount Bethel, and
entering, please call the Parking Lot from 9am to citizens, and some Lower Mount Bethel,
Monroe County Aging Noon; young people; the Pen Argyl Area
Office at 570-420-3725. ·Provided leaf vacuum ·They are providing School District, the
The event is sponsored machines to municipali- assistance for two or Bangor Area School
by the Library, Retired ties for curb-side leaf more municipalities to District and Monroe and
Senior Volunteer pickup where appropri- request bids on solid Northampton Counties.
Program, and Monroe ate – they will do this
County Area Agency on again in the autumn of
Aging. 2011;
East Bangor UMC Holy Week Services 74th Annual Second Ward Easter Egg Hunt
Palm Sunday Service will begin at 9am The event is open to children up to age 12
The East Bangor School children will no Sunday School. The 74th Annual invited. Special prizes
United Methodist Com- sing. The Holy Thurs- The church is located at Second Ward Easter are awarded in each age
munity Church will day service at 7pm on 136 W. Central Ave. Egg Hunt will be group.
celebrate Palm Sunday April 21st will include (Route 512), East Saturday, April 23rd, Anyone who wishes to
at the 9:15am worship communion. Easter Bangor. 1pm. donate colored hard
service on April 17th. Sunday service on April Call 610-588-4453 or The Hunt will be at the boiled eggs should
Palms will be distrib- 24th will begin at visittheir website home of Michael and deliver them to Heard’s
uted and the Sunday 9:15am. There will be Karyn Christenson, Meat Market by Friday,
Blue Ridge Ave., April 22nd.
Bangor. The Easter Chick will
Children up to and make his appearance
including age 12 are arriving on the fire truck

to delight everyone.
The event is
co-sponsored by Second
Ward Fire Company
and the Ladies
They would like to
thank Michael and
Karyn Christenson for
the use of their yard.
Pocono Slate
Belt Winter
Dear Editor:
Trapshoot Thank you to Bangor Businesses -
The Greater Lehigh Valley Chamber of
Final Scores Commerce Small Business Council held their
Pocono Slate Belt annual fundraising “SnowBall” in February.
Winter TrapShoot 15 of Each municipality of the Borough Business
15 scores have been Revitalization Program was asked to donate prizes
announced. for a silent auction.
1st Place: Winner The following Bangor businesses donated prizes
Ackermanville Gun for a “Bangor Basket”: Bangor General Store,
Shop 230-3487, Bob Bono Pizza, Bray’s Newstand, Bangor Coins and
Hunt, 47; Bernie Collectibles, Broadway Pub, Capozzolo Slate,
Raybould, 47; Pete Chocolates on Broadway, Connections Boutique,
Gheller, 46; Willie “D” Eunikue Fashion, Heard’s Meat Market, Renee’s
45; Butch Shoemaker, Café, Steckel’s Jewelry, Sabatini’s. The total value
45; Kenny Reynolds 45. of the Basket was $367.50.
2nd Place: Hartzell’s The BBRP Design Committee, Chairperson
Auction 230-3471, Bonnie J. LaBar, wishes to thank these Borough
Blue Mountain Community Library recently businesses for their wonderful generosity.
Brian Snyder, 48; Pete sponsored an evening with new author
Ducharme, 46; Jim Everyone working together will truly make this
Eileen Clymer Schwab. The event was held revitalization program a great success.
Malachowski, 46; John at Grace United Methodist Church in Pen
Van Blarcom, 45; Dave Argyl. Ms. Schwab spoke to a group of
Brader, 45; Herb Rutt, Thank you,
nineteen and answered questions about her Bonnie J. LaBar
45; Jay Dennis, 45. first novel, “Promise Bridge,” the inspiring
3rd Place: 229-3427, story of the unlikely friendship between a
Ken Parks Sr., 47, Matt plantation mistress and a slave girl during
Meehan, 46; Chuck the period just before the Civil War. The
Sliker, 46; Elmer author grew up in Phillipsburg, NJ and now
Favaro, 45; Joe Meehan lives in Tatamy with her husband and four
45. children. The Library hopes to continue with
4th Place: Mountain events such as this in the future. The Blue
Men 218-3266, Frank Mountain Community Library is located at
Kelly, 46; Sam Goll, 46; 216 S. Robinson Ave. in Pen Argyl.
Rich Curcio, 43, Bill
Lewis, 42, Gary
Meckes, 41; Gary Stiff,
41, Trevo Sopko, 41.
5th Place: Cherry
Valley 197-3176,
Charlie Schaller, 46;
Frank Scagliotta 40;
Frank Herting, 38; Rich
Gould, 37; Dennis
Collins, 36; Bob Touw,
6th Place: Roseto Rod
and Gun Club 206-2904,
Tom DeRenzis 47;
Adam Reiger 47;
George Stevenson, 43;
John DePalma Sr. 41,
Lou Policelli 28.
Prep for Prom with Tanning, Cuts, and Colors at Philly’s
By Sarah Loren “I provide all phases of
Prep for prom at style for men and
Philly’s Hair Design, women,” Philly said.
where you’ll find pre- Philly provides each of
prom services in abun- her customers with
dance. one-on-one service.
Philly’s Hair Design, Customers will also find
425 North Lehigh hair and tanning prod- Janice Cesare, Owner/Stylist; Stacie Siegel, Owner/Stylist;
Avenue, Wind Gap, is ucts for sale. Jodi Holden, Stylist.
the one-stop-shop for Walk-ins are welcome
pre-prom services. With Philly Clause, owner of Philly’s Hair Design at Philly’s, but appoint- Dance the Night Away with
28 years experience in ments are appreciated.
hair design, owner and colors, Philly’s also also get that just- Philly’s Hair Design Affordable Gowns and Updos
Philly Clause will offers perms and bleach- walked-off-the-beach opens at 10am, Tuesday By Sarah Loren Avanti Hair Studio will
provide customers with ing. glow, as tanning is also through Saturday. For Within minutes of each enhance the beauty of
everything they need to But hair isn’t the only offered. Add a little glitz more information, call other, prom-goers will your dress with a
look and feel good. priority at Philly’s Hair by getting your ears 610-863-9033, or see find affordable dresses complete prom makeo-
Along with haircuts Design. Customers can pierced there, as well. their ad below. and long-lasting updos. ever. From nails to hair,
Located on South Broad- Avanti has it all, includ-
way in Wind Gap, ing over 30 years experi-
Anderson’s Tuxes Include Convenience and Personal Attention Coveted Closet Consign- ence with updos. Styles
By Sarah Loren right in and make their ments and Avanti Hair include the latest trends.
Convenience, quality, decisions without an Studio have everything “You can dance the
and personal attention is appointment. ladies need. night away without
what guys will find Once there, guys will At Coveted Closet, worrying about your hair,
when they head to find basic and luxury ladies will find a wide because I guarantee it
Anderson’s Formalwear tuxedo and suit rental variety of gowns and will last,” owner Stacie
dresses at an affordable Siegel said.
for their head-to-toe packages, with upgrades price. Although custom- Stop by Coveted Closet
prom packages. available. There’s also a ers will pay little and call Avanti; dresses
Located at 490 East full line of new compared to the original and appointments are
Main Street in Pen colors—vests, ties, cost, every dress looks going fast! For more infor-
Argyl, Anderson’s etc.—to choose from. brand new, and they’re all mation, call 610-863-8111,
Formalwear has been Anderson’s Formal- in style, right now. or 610-863-0228, or see
providing the commu- wear is open seven days Just two blocks away, the ad on this page.
nity with great products owner Joann Anderson town?” a week through April.
and prices for 11 years. said. Not only is Anderson’s For more information
“My prices are very “Why drive an hour Formalwear conve- and discounts, call 610-
competitive, if not away when you can find niently located, but 863-8106, or see
cheaper than others,” the best right here in customers can walk Anderson’s ad, right.

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LEASE PER MO X 42 MOS Auto, 4Cyl, Pwr Str/Brks/Wind/Lks, Ac, a/b, $2000 Due at Signing. (Excludes Tax, Title,
Am/Fm/Cd, MSRP:$25,835, Vin#BW508284. MV Fees, $625 Bank Fee, Destination +


Auto, 4Cyl, Pwr Str/Brks/Wind/Lks, Ac, Lease incl. 250 Lease Cash. 36 mo closed
a/b, Am/Fm/Cd, Sunrf, MSRP:$37,525,
Vin#BA076529. Lease incl. $750^ Lease SUN
end lease w/10kmi/yr;¢20 thereafter. Additional Options) $0 Sec. Deposit
Loyalty. ROOF

New 2011 VW
2011 Audi
A6 CC Sport
prestige $ 249

quattro CD PLAYER!
LEASE PER MO X 42 MOS Man Trans, 4Cyl, Pwr Str/Brks/Wind/Lks, Ac, $2000 Due at Signing. (Excludes Tax, Title,

a/b, Cd, MSRP:$29,375, Vin#BE715460.

Auto, 6Cyl, Pwr Str/Brks/Wind/Lks, Ac a/b,
Cd, Audi Side Assist, Cold Weather Pkg,
18” Sport Pkg, MSRP: $56,425, Vin# SPORT
Lease incl. $1750 Lease Bonus, $500 Re-
gional Bonus. 36 mo closed end lease
MV Fees, $625 Bank Fee, Destination +
BN054465. Lease incl. $1500^ Customer
PACKAGE w/10kmi/yr;¢20 thereafter. Additional Options) $0 Sec. Deposit

Audi Newton
34 Hampton House Rd (Route 206) • Newton
Volkswagen of Newton
34 Hampton House Rd (Route 206) • Newton
973.383.2626 • 973.383.2626 •
Prices & pymnts excl lic, reg, taxes, doc, etch & fees. Not resp for typos or omissions. All prices incl all applicable manufacturer factory rebates. Pics are illustra- Prices and payments exclude taxes, title, MV Fees, $625 Bank Fee, destination and additional options. Subject to credit approval.
tive only. Any single offer cannot be combined w/any other offer. All manufacturer rebates & incentives to dlr. All vehicles sold cosmetically as is. Vehicles sub- Not resp. for typographical errors or omissions. All prices incl. all applicable rebates. Vehicles sold cosmetically as is. Pictures for il-
ject to availability. See dlr for details. ^^We’ll make your last 3 pymnts on your new vehicles that you purch or lease. Up to $1500. Must finance new vehicle lustration purposes only. May not be combined with any other offers. All rebates and incentives to dlr. ^^We’ll make your last 3 pay-
thru dlr. Must also trade-in vehicle. *With service visit. Excl oil changes. Ask for details.‡$250 bonus after purch when you refer a friend or family mem- ments on your new vehicles that you purchase or lease. Up to $1500. Must finance new vehicle through dealer. Must also trade-in
ber.**$5000 Value w/every new vehicle purch or lease includes: Est. Oil Changes $1200 (3/yr at $80 each = $240 x 5yrs). Est. Car Washes $500 (5/yr vehicle. *With service visit. Excludes oil changes. Ask for details.‡$250 bonus after purchase when you refer a friend or family mem-
at $20 each = $100 x 5yrs). Est. Last 3 pymnts on new purch or lease $1500. Est. Referral Program $500 (2 people/yr at $250 each). Est. Loaner Cars ber.**$5000 Value with every new vehicle purchase or lease includes: Est. Oil Changes $1200 (3/yr at $80 each = $240 x 5yrs).
$1300 ($60 each. Loaner. Depending on length of car loan).††Leases based on 42 mos with 10 kmi/yr; ¢25 thereafter to qual buyers thru Audi financial. Est. Car Washes $500 (5/yr at $20 each = $100 x 5yrs). Est. Last 3 pymnts on new purchase or lease $1500. Est. Referral Pro-
Lessee resp for excess wear & tear. (‘11 Audi A4 premium - $3500 Cap Cost Reduction, $299 1st mo pymnt, $695 Bank Fee, $300 Sec Dep = $4794 Ttl gram $500 (2 people/yr at $250 each). Est. Loaner Cars $1300 ($60 each. Loaner. Depending on length of car loan) ††Lessee
due at Signing. Ttl Pymnts $12,558. Ttl Cost $16,753. Residual $18,925.40), (‘11 Audi Q5 premium - $3500 Cap Cost Reduction, $369 1st mo pymnt, resp. for excess wear and tear. Ttl Pymnts/Ttl Cost/Purchase Option at Lease End (New ’11 VW Jetta SE - $5031/$8656/$11,571),
$695 Bank Fee, $375 Sec Dep = $4939 Ttl due at Signing. Ttl Pymnts $15,498. Ttl Cost $19,693. Residual $19,137), (‘11 Audi A6 prestige - $3500 (New ’11 Tiguan S - $8964/$11,589/$14,467.60), (New ’11 Volkswagen CC Sport - $8964/$11,589/$15,569) See dlr for
Cap Cost Reduction, $549 1st mo pymnt, $695 Bank Fee, $550 Sec Dep = $5294 Ttl due at Signing. Ttl Pymnts $23,058. Ttl Cost $27,253. Residual complete details. Exp. 4/30/11
$25,391.25) ^Must currently have ’01 or newer Audi in household. See dlr for details. Must be Tier 0 and 750+ Credit score. See dlr for details. Exp. 4/30/11
ESU and
Local History
The History Depart-
ment of East Strouds-
burg University and the
Monroe County Histori-
cal Association are
pleased to announce a
Local History Confer-
ence at the Warren and
Sandra Hoeffner
Science and Technology
Center at East Strouds-
burg University on
Friday, April 22nd, from
8:45am until 3pm.
The presentations will
be divided into three
sessions. The first
session will run from
9am until 10:30am and
will feature four differ-
ent seminars with a Civil
War theme.
The second session will
run from 10:30am until
noon with four unique
presentations relating to
Monroe County’s
The third session will
be held from 1pm to
3pm and will be a panel
discussion on the history
of Tock’s Island. Lunch
is on your own. Local
citizens and profession-
als will comprise the
This conference is free
and open to the public.
Registration is not
required. For a detailed
schedule of events,
including speakers and
titles of the presenta-
tions, please visit the
Monroe County Histori-
cal Association website
at Monroe
For additional informa-
tion, contact Dr. Martin
Wilson at 570-422-
sent to the Senate. of our legal system system of the frivolous
Currently, Pennsylva- through frivolous lawsuits which are
nia remains one of eight lawsuits is making that delaying justice for
states along with the task more difficult. those who truly deserve
District of Columbia to Our goal with these it.
maintain a full “joint reforms is not to deny These reforms are
liability” law, penaliz- anyone with a legiti- necessary to restore
ing parties in a lawsuit mate claim the right to fairness, common sense
As a way to encourage that may have had little seek compensation. and personal responsi-
job creation in Pennsyl- to do with injury or Rather, we are attempt- bility to our legal
vania by curbing damages sustained in ing to rid our legal system.
frivolous lawsuits, Rep. someone’s civil case.
Curt Schroder (R- Lawsuit abuse reform
Chester County) has can, and will, signifi-
introduced House Bill cantly reduce the cost of
1, also known as “The doing business within
Fair Share Act.” the Commonwealth.
It is one of the most A state’s civil liability
significant “new job” laws are heavily consid-
creation bills to pass the ered by business
state House this decade executives who seek to
and will change the make expansion and
state’s civil liability relocation decisions and
laws. can be critical in
The bill is expected to bringing new economic
pass out of the House growth to our district.
this week and then be Unfortunately, the abuse
Blue Ridge Hook & Ladder Co. Auxiliary Flea Market
The Blue Ridge Hook and Ladder Company Auxiliary is holding a flea market
and bake sale on Saturday, May 14th, from 9am to 3pm. Tables are availble. The
cost is $15. For more information or to reserve a table, please call Brenda at 610-

North Bangor Fire Co. Auxiliary Upcoming Events

North Bangor Volunteer Fire Company Auxiliary will be holding a Hoagie Sale
until May 5th. Hoagies, $5 each, can be picked up between 6pm and 7pm at the
firehouse on May 19th. To order, call Mel at 610-739-5467. Anyone who ordered
Peanut Butter Eggs can pick them up on April 16th, from 9am to noon at the
firehouse. On Saturday, May 14th, the Auxiliary will be holding their Mother’s
Day Dinner from 4pm to 8pm. The cost is $8 for adults, $4 for children six to 12,
and under six eat free. Dinner will include a choice of ham or turkey, mashed
potatoes, stuffing and gravy, green beans or corn, salad, and rolls.
On Saturday, June 11th, the Auxiliary will be holding a Father’s Day Dinner.
The dinner will be held from 4pm to 8pm, and the cost is $8 for adults, $4 for
children six to 12, and children under six eat free. The meal includes BBQ pork
ribs or BBQ chicken, baked potato, string beans, salad, and rolls.
In July, the Fire Company and Auxiliary will be holding their Annual Topless
Car Wash and Vendor Day.

Plainfield Twp. Vol. Fire Company Announces April Events

The annual Easter Egg Hunt will be held on Sunday, April 17th, starting at 2pm
at the main station located at 6480 Sullivan Trail. Age groups will be the follow-
ing: two years and under, three years to four years, five years to seven years and
eight years to ten years. Pre-registration is not required.
Tommy Zito “The Piano Man” will be back for another great evening of enter-
tainment on Friday April 22nd. Tickets are available for purchase. Visit their
website click on “Application” and fill out the ticket
request form or call 610-863-3302 to reserve tickets.
Bangor Class of ‘86 Presents Bangor Woman’s Club
Gary R. Moffett Scholarship To Host Card Party
Bangor High School demonstrate financial A Card Party will be Door Prizes, Raffles,
Class of 1986 is proud to need. Scholarship held on April 28, Cake, Coffee, and Tea.
announce the Gary R. applications are 12:30pm to 4pm at For more information
Moffett Scholarship in available are the school Prince of Peace and reservations, call
memory of deceased office. Lutheran Church, Lake Dottie 610-588-1262.
classmates and friends is The recipient will be Minsi Dr., Johnsonville.
Admission is $5 per
available again this year. announced prior to the
person. Slate Belt
The scholarship is in commencement ser-
the amount of at least vices. The Card Party will
$500 and is available to Gary was Class benefit the Bangor Area ‘60’s
any graduating senior of Treasurer throughout his Woman’s Club
Bangor High School for high school years. Scholarship Fund. Dinner Dance
the class of 2011. Scholarship applications There will be Cards,
The individual are available at Bangor Table Games, Board Meeting
applying must be able to Senior High School. Games, Table Prizes,
A meeting for a 60’s
Dinner Dance will be
held at the Roseto
American Legion on
Tuesday, April 26th, at
Graduates of the 60’s
from Bangor, Pius X,
and Pen Argyl High
Schools are all welcome
to attend the meeting.
For further informa-
tion, please call Mike
Ninno at 610-704-1939.
For Sale: Hoover Falir Power margin - 20 1/4” wide by 15” Comes with oars, two fishing
Nozzle, small vacuum cleaner: high, with matte in black frame rod holders, seat and foot
$10; New Fieldcrest Bath Rug, - 31” wide by 21 1/2” high. pump. Asking $275. Call 610-
purple, still in bag, 9’ x 6’: $15; $950. Call 610-588-7747 after 381-7286. (1/4) Rabbit with Cage: House
New Burgundy Rug, 3’ x 5’: $5. 5pm. (2/4) 14’ Grumman Boat:
Shorlander trailer. 25 hp rabbit with cage, very sweet, all
Call 610-863-4734. (3/4) 2003 Kawasaki KLX 125L: In vet services and care done at
Loft style Bunk Bed: includes Ventfree Gas Heater: 30,000 Mercury OB motor, fish finder. great shape, well maintained Creature Comfort. Asking $50,
2 twin mattresses, desk, For Sale: Solid wood, 7- BTU; propane, LP gas, $200. Like new. Oars. $3000. Call and runs strong. Comes with OBO. Call 610-599-0536. (3/4)
ladder, shelves. $200. drawer desk w/ matching top Call 610-863-9351. (1/4) 610-863-5016. (2/4) extras. $1,100 OBO. Call 610-
Woman’s black leather biker hutch: $100; 3 black powder 657-7054. (1/4)
jacket, size 10, $75. Call 570- Four Steps, light weight, pet
revolvers: $100 - $150; Double Bed: Brass Suzuki 100cc Enduro, $350. stairs - weight 3 lbs., burgundy
242-6614. (4/4) Steamer trunk w/ drop front: headboard, like new, best Call 570-982-3555. (4/4) 1980 Vega Travel Trailer: 29 color; paid $90, will sell for $60,
$100. Call 610-588-3031. (3/4) offer. Call 610-863-8276. (1/4) ft., sleeps 4, bathroom with brand new, never used. Call
Humidifier: Honeywell, Auto, 2000 Harley Davidson: Dyna shower and sink, gas/elec.
3 gal. per day, $40; Sled: 610-863-9444. (1/4)
PVC Pipe Fittings: many For Sale: Sirius Satelite Wide Glide, like new, 671 refrig., gas stove, oven,
Rocket plane, 4 ft., good sizes. Cast iron baseboard & Radio: works, asking $35; original miles, one owner, furnace, and hot water heater. Four Female Pet Rats: comes
condition, $10. Call 570-992- pipe. $1200 OBO. Call 610- Med. folding table, asking $10. $10,000. Call 484-515-2093. FM/AM cassette stereo system. with cage, water bottle, feeding
8831. (4/4) 759-3293. (3/4) Call 570-420-1620 after (4/4) $500. Call 610-588-5147. (1/4) dish, house for cage; very
7:30pm. (1/4) friendly, free to good home. Call
Ceramic Hobby: 3 large kilns, Indoor/Outdoor Bar w/ 2 2008 Yamaha Scooter: like
numerous molds, work table 484-707-4006. (1/4)
Chairs: tile top & 2 glass Moving Sale: John Deere new condition, cheap running,
with fiberglass trough. Call shelves: $100. Call Ken: 610- Tractor, 2 years old; $1,200. Call 610-863-9228.
570-982-3555. (4/4) 216-8849. (3/4) appliances, contents of house; (4/4)
all items mint condition. Call for
Girls Clothes: Sizes 2, 3, 4, Dining Room Set: Fruitwood complete listings. 610-248- New Helmet: Harley Davidson
and 5; $1-$3. Boys Jeans, Italian Provencial DIning 9314. (1/4) BL. Half face shield. $150. Call 1971 International Dump Truck:
sizes 9R and 9S, $3. Call 610- Room, new cushions, good 610-863-9051. (3/4) Low mileage! Single axel, 2-spd
729-7295. (4/4) rear, 10 yd. dump, 478 gas motor.
condition, two arm chairs, four
side chairs, large china break- 2007 Black Hybrid Motor- New air brakes. Only 68k and runs
great! Model# 2120A. Service
Honda Generator: EG5000 front, $1,500. Call 570-897- cycle: 80 mpg. Exc. cond. 250 manual incl. $3500. Call 908-619-
model, 5ooo watts, used once, 7838. (2/4) CC, street legal. $700 (orig. 2559. (3/4)
$1,300; Trek Mountain Bike, $1500). Call 610-704-5669.
7000 model, alum. frame, Free: Large semi-circular bar (3/4) 1999 A4 Audi: 135k miles, runs
mens, like new, paid $750, sell top. Call 570-897-7838. (2/4) smooth, leather seats, well kept
for $400; Snapper self- Lawn Mowers: 5.5 Snapper & River Rider by Sevylor: brand car. Must see yourself. Call Russ
propelled mower, $100. Call Tenor Saxophone: Yamaha 4.5 Craftsman, both mulchers. new boat, hold 3 ppl. Comes w/ between 12:30 and 7:30pm at
610-217-0772. (4/4) Always kept inside. Call 610- oars, 2 rod holders & seat. 484-894-8093. (2/4)
52, used by professional,
excellent condition, includes 588-7804. (3/4) Asking $275. Call 610-573-
For Sale: desk, hutch, printer hard case, gig bag, $950. Call 2005 Dodge Caravan: one owner,
7889. (3/4) approx. 75k miles, good condition,
table w/ chair: $120; 8’ 570-897-7335. (2/4) Farmall “H” Tractor: new $9,000, price negotiable. Call 610-
Beringer Pool Table w/ acces- paint, runs exc. Best Offer. Call Travel Trailer: Gulfstream 30’. 739-1236. (2/4)
sory kit: $1200. Call 610-863- Slate Quoit Boards: League 610-588-7545. (3/4) Sleeps 8, exc. cond., very
4166. (3/4) Quoits, $150. Call 610-863- clean, non-smoking. Great 1999 Mazda Ranger - By Ford: 5
4193. (2/4) Allis Chalmer “WD” Tractor value at $16,990. Email spd., with cap, runs great, looks
Golf Clubs: left handed. King Tires: tires like new, w/ snow or call great, sale, $4,895. Call 610-837-
Cobra driver: $50; Master Grip Maple Dining Room Set: 6 3786. (1/4)
plow. Runs exc. 1 owner. Best 570-656-4402. (3/4)
square driver: $40 OBO. Call chairs, 2 extra boards, $85; offer. Call 610-588-7545. (3/4)
610-588-7782. (3/4) 1995 Ford Thunderbird: 6 cyl.,
double head board, maple 2006 Honda Rancher 350: 127k miles, 22k on AAMCO rebuilt
frame, $30; Armoire, Chiffer-
Handguns: Sig Sauer 226 in obe, two night stands, $125 or Cub Cadet: 22 hp., 44” cut, ATV, 4x4, 110 miles, good trans., driven daily, 25mpg,
9mm with 2 clips, $550; Glock Armoire alone, $95. Call 610- mulcher, Kohler V-twin. Model # condition, has winch; originally $1,600, OBO. Call 610-588-5147.
23 in .40 cal. with 5 clips and 2 863-4003. (2/4) GT 2544. Less than 18 hrs. $5,000, asking $3,500. Call (1/4)
610-704-5669. (2/4)
holsters, $475; Sig Sauer 220 $3200. Call 570-992-5210. (3/4)
in .45 with 2 clips, $525; Smith 30’ Aluminum Extension 2010 Kymco Quannon 150
and Wesson 629 classic DX in Ladder: American made, Simplicity: 15 hp., Kohler Motorcycle: $2,400, OBO. Call
44 mag., 8 3/8 barrel, with hardly used, heavy duty. Call engine, grass catcher, hydro- 610-588-7124, ask for Jeff.
Leupold 2 scope, $800. All 570-897-0531. (2/4) state, 44” cut. $1200. Call 570- (2/4)
prices firm, must be 992-5210. (3/4)
transferred by PA Dealer. Fee Weight Equipment: bench, 2005 Traxter 650: yellow,
extra. Call 610-217-0772. (4/4) Lat. pull down machine with Older Model Sears Craftsman 1,800 miles, good condition,
seated bench press and leg Mower: 38.5” cut, 12 hp. engine garage kept, $4,190 or best
Playstation Games: Harry attachment; Leg Press/Hack w/ grass catcher. $150 OBO. offer. Call 610-588-9452. (1/4)
Potter, PS3; 4 Harry Potter for Squat machine; Universal Call between 8am & 4pm: 610-
PS2; 5 PS2 Baseball; 2 PS2 Peck Deck Machine; Dumbell 588-3050. (3/4) 2004 Harley Glide: adult
Nascar; PS2 Spiderman; PS2 set, 10 lbs to 11 lbs; Olympic owned, 6,500 miles, lots of
X-Men; PS2 Wolverine; PS2 plates, assorted weight, 920 Gas Lawn Mowers: $50 each, extras, looks and runs great.
Crash Nitro; PS2 Spyro; 3 PS2 lbs total; Standard plates, asst. call 610-863-5506. (1/4) Great deal under blue book
Spongebob; PS2 Evolution; weights, 340 lbs. total. Call value, $8,300. Call 908-319-
PS2 Splashdown; PS2 Over 610-703-6348. (2/4)
The Hedge; PS2 Nicktoons Leaf Shredder-Chipper: Chips 8447. (1/4)
Volcano Island; PS2 Cabela’s Antique Reproduction Rock- branches, up to 3 inches; 5HP,
Deer Hunter 2005; PS2 ing Horse: $75; restored never used, $250, cash. Call For Sale: Brand new River
610-599-9082. (1/4) Rider, 3 person raft by Seylor.
Curious George; PS2 The antique children’s school
Incredibles; PS2 Happy Feet; desks, $25 each; concrete
PS2 The SImpsons Road lawn jockey with light, $30;
Rage; 1 DVD, Music Jesse small child’s bookcase with
McCartney, Up CLose with a glass doors, $30. Call 610-
bonus DVD. 30 in all, Just 599-1142. (2/4)
$300. Will sell separately.
Cash only. Call 610-360-4647. Maytag Dishwasher:
(4/4) interchangeable door panels,
black and bisque; control
Boys Saddle Shoes: white panel is bisque. Great
and navy, Willits Footwear, condtion, $185. Call 908-496-
size 6.5, never worn, Brand 4656. (2/4)
new, $35. Paid $45. Great for
Easter. Call 610-588-6991. View of the Water Gap and
(4/4) Columbia Glass Works -
River Delaware: original
Dishes: for display or use. Aquatint by William Strickland
Beautiful patterns. Must sell; after William Birch, Philadel-
no room. $50. Call 610-588- phia, ca. 1815. Plate with
4279. (3/4)
customers can be sure was grown safely. nity to welcome anyone
that everything they “We use an Integrated to swing by and check
purchase is fresh and Pest Management us out.”
straight from the farm. System,” Denise said. Baarda Farms is open
From germinating and IPM is an effective and seven days a week, from
transporting seedlings, environmentally sensi- 9am to 5pm. For more
By Sarah Loren to delivering fresh fruits tive approach to pest information, call 570-
From fresh-from-the- and vegetables to area management. Using 897-0135, or visit
farm produce and eggs, senior citizen homes, IMP, Baarda Farms
to beautiful flowers and Baarda Farms does it all, assures its customers
gifts, Baarda Farms has from beginning to end. that they won’t be
it all, including a beauti- The farm is also strictly consuming toxic and
ful view. guided by regulations harmful chemicals.
Located at 1566 River and laws set forth by the Along with healthy and
Road, Baarda Farms is Department of Agricul- fresh produce, custom-
what many have called ture. Denise, John, ers will also find a few
the “best kept secret” of Marianne and Nathan laughs at Baarda Farms.
Mt. Bethel. Family continue their education “Customers will
owned and operated for in these laws every day, always find a story or
more than 20 years, so customers can be sure two to have a chuckle
Baarda Farms provides that everything they put with,” Denise said. “We
customers with quality on their kitchen tables would like the opportu-
produce and other prod-
ucts, as they take care
of, and pride in their eggs come from corn- Depression, they helped
farm. fed and un-caged chick- feed local families with
“By taking care of our ens, which also provide vegetables they grew in
farm, we’re taking care the main source of fertil- their greenhouses.
of our customers,” said izer for the farm. Her grandparents also
co-owner Marianne Baarda Farms is also had a love for flowers, a
Gould. home to Denise’s passion that was passed
Baarda Farms is owned Designs, a full-service along to Denise.
and operated by John florist and country gift As fate would have it,
and Denise Baarda, shop. Denise grew up and
along with Denise’s “It took a long time to married John, a potato
parents, Nathan and get the farm up and farmer from Holland.
Marianne. John and running to what it is Combined, the Baarda
Denise’s children, Jacob today,” Denise said. Farms family has
and Sabrina, also help But farming and floris- generations of farming
run the family farm. try come naturally for experience.
At the farm, customers the Goulds and Baardas, “Farm-fresh produce is
will find all types of as they all come from healthier,” Denise said.
seasonal fruits and farming backgrounds. “A lot of produce is
vegetables, eggs year Marianne’s grandpar- questionable on how
round, honey, apple ents traveled to America and when it was picked,
cider and apple cider from Italy, bringing with depending on its
vinegar in the fall, herbs, them tomato and pepper source.”
and much more. The seeds. During the Great At Baarda Farms,

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