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Q1. ‘Grow more trees to reduce pollution.

’ Write an article in 150-200 words on the topic given

above for your school magazine.
Q2. India is a land of diversity. One way in which it makes us feel proud of it is the number
of festivals we enjoy. Write an article in 150-200 words on ‘Festivals of India’. You are
Q3. Our performance in the Tokyo Olympics has told us that we do not pay enough attention to
athletics and outdoor games. It is time we revised our attitude. Sports should be an important part
of school’s daily routine. Write an article in 150-200 words in ‘Importance of Outdoor Games’. You
are Sreeja/Thomas.
Q4. By 2050, India will be amongst the countries which will face acute water shortage. You are
highly alarmed and terrified of the future world without water. So, write an article on “Save water-
are we doing enough?” for the local daily in 150-200 words.
Q5. Recent floods in many metropolitan cities of the country during the monsoon season laid bare
the hollowness of the claims of the civic authorities of their preparedness. The poor had to bear
the brunt of the problem while no one was ever held accountable. Write an article in 150 – 200
words on the common man’s woes during the monsoons and the need for accountability of the
officials concerned. You are Sumit/Smita Verma.
Q.6 Last week as you were coming back from school you happened to see a huge plastic bag full of
leftovers of food being flung into the middle of the road from a speeding car. You wondered how people can
be so devoid of civic sense. Write an article in 125-150 words on why we lack civic sense and how civic
sense can be inculcated in children at a very young age. You are Shiva/Shamini.

Q7. You are Varshini. This year your school arranged a special cultural programme on the theme ‘Service
and Sacrifice’ in commemoration of the International Year of Volunteers. Write an article about this cultural
programme for your school magazine in about 200 words.

Q8. Write an article in 200 words on the following topic to be published in your school magazine. You are
Mumtaz/Mohd. Azam of XII Std., Bharathiya Vidya Bhavan, Delhi. Recently you read in the newspaper an
incident in which the children tried to imitate the stunts shown on television and embraced death. You have
decided to write an article on the hazards of television watching for kids and how the parents could guide
them to watch the programmes in an effective way.

Q9. Write an article in 200 words on ‘The Role of Youth in National Development’ to be published in your
school magazine. You are Mumtaz/Mohd. Azam of XII Std., Bharathiya Vidya Bhavan, Delhi.

Q10.Write an article in 200 words on ‘The increasing crime rate in today’s society and ways to curb it’.

Q11. Owning a car has become a status symbol these days. However, increase in the number of cars has
added to various types of pollution and other problems. Write an article in not more than 200 words
highlighting the urgent need for reducing these man-made problems, giving suitable suggestions. You are

Q12. You are Abhishek / Anubha studying in Plato Public School, New Delhi. While commuting for your
school everyday you find many of your school boys and girls taking free lift from the passing cars, which
you don’t like. Write an article in about 200 words on ‘The Evils of Hitch-hiking for publication in your school
Q11. You are Saurabh /Surabhi. Your school has been invited to participate in an inter-school on-the-spot
writing competition, organised by the Lions Club of your area. Based on your past performance in such
competitions you once again get selected for this proposed competition. The organisers of this competition
have given only one topic to write about: My Dreams of the Next Millennium. Write an article in about 200
words on this topic.

Q12. Write an article for your school magazine justifying the need of education for girls in the country for
national development. (word limit: 200 words)

Q13. Kavita had a discussion with her friend on Information Technology. After getting from her a lot of
ideas, she decides to write an article on Information Technology for her school magazine in about 200
words. Imagine you are Kavita. Write the article.

Q14. With the onset of monsoons, mosquitoes have also arrived. As Ajay Arora of class XII, write an article
for the school bulletin about the mosquito menace and the ways to get rid of it in not more than 200 words.

Q15. Recently you were deputed by your school along with a few other students of class XII for
participation in the national exhibition on ‘Environmental Protection’ held at IIT, Powai, Mumbai. Write an
article on the exhibition and highlight the need for preserving our environment. The article is for your school
magazine. (Word limit: 200 words)

Q16. You have been awarded a prize for doing the best social service under ‘Each one, teach one’ project.
Write an article for a monthly magazine in not more than 200 words on ‘The Role of Students in Removing

Q17. Write an article to be published in your school bulletin on how the cable T.V. is both a boon and a
bane. Your article should not exceed 200 words.
Q18.Write an article for your school magazine in not more than 200 words on the following: Value
Education – a Remedy for Social Evils.
Q19. Write an article in not more than 200 words on the following:
Poverty is the Cause of all Social Evils.
Q20. Gayatri Model Sr. Secondary School, Ganga Nagar, celebrated its Annual Day on 14th March. The
school magazine incharge, Mrs. Katyal asks Jyoti, a student of Class XII to write a detailed description of
the event for the school magazine. Write the same in not more than 200 words.

Q21. You are Rani/Raghav. You are very much concerned about the changing attitude of politicians who
are using religion for political gains. Write an article in about 200 words for publication in a local daily
suggesting these people to separate religion from politics and work for the betterment of the society.

Q22. You are Rani/Raghav. Many organisations have come forward with the idea of ‘Education for All’. In
spite of their best efforts it is still a dream. Write an article in about 200 words for publication in a local daily
giving suggestions to make it a reality as education is the only way to progress.

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