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Renal Failure

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Effects of Correction of Metabolic Acidosis on

Blood Urea and Bone Metabolism in Patients
with Mild to Moderate Chronic Kidney Disease: A
Prospective Randomized Single Blind Controlled

Rajendra P. Mathur, Suresh C. Dash, Nandita Gupta, Sunil Prakash, Sanjeev

Saxena & Dipankar Bhowmik

To cite this article: Rajendra P. Mathur, Suresh C. Dash, Nandita Gupta, Sunil Prakash,
Sanjeev Saxena & Dipankar Bhowmik (2006) Effects of Correction of Metabolic Acidosis on
Blood Urea and Bone Metabolism in Patients with Mild to Moderate Chronic Kidney Disease:
A Prospective Randomized Single Blind Controlled Trial, Renal Failure, 28:1, 1-5, DOI:

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Published online: 07 Jul 2009.

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Renal Failure, 28:1–5, 2006
Copyright © Taylor & Francis Group, LLC
ISSN: 0886-022X print / 1525-6049 online
DOI: 10.1080/08860220500461187


Effects of Correction of Metabolic Acidosis on Blood Urea and Bone Metabolism

in Patients with Mild to Moderate Chronic Kidney Disease: A Prospective
Randomized Single Blind Controlled Trial

Rajendra P. Mathur, M.D. and Suresh C. Dash, M.D.

Correction of Metabolic Acidosis

Department of Nephrology, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, India

Nandita Gupta, M.D.

Department of Endocrinology, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, India

Sunil Prakash, M.D., Sanjeev Saxena, M.D., and Dipankar Bhowmik, M.D.
Department of Nephrology, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, India

Background. There are no controlled trials on the efficacy of
oral bicarbonate therapy in patients with mild to moderate chronic Uremic metabolic acidosis is the consequence of
kidney disease (CKD). This prospective randomized controlled decreased ammonia generation associated with a decreased
study was done to evaluate the effects of correction of metabolic functioning renal mass, besides renal bicarbonate wasting,
acidosis on renal functions and bone metabolism in this group defect in hydrogen ion secretion, and retention of organic
of patients. Patients and Methods. Forty patients were randomized acids.[1] This leads to several clinical complications. Meta-
to treatment with oral bicarbonate or placebo for a period of 3 months. bolic acidosis (MA) has been shown to be one of the trig-
Investigations at baseline included venous pH, bicarbonate, renal
gers of chronic inflammation resulting in catabolic and anti-
functions, serum iPTH, and bone radiology. The treatment group
(Group B) received daily oral sodium bicarbonate therapy at a dose of
anabolic effects.[2] Correction of acidosis decreases protein
1.2 mEq/kg of body weight. Their venous blood pH and bicarbonate degradation and amino acid metabolism with increases in
levels were estimated weekly to keep blood pH near 7.36 and bicar- serum albumin and prealbumin levels.[3–6] The other impor-
bonate at 22–26 mEq/L by adjusting the dose of sodium bicarbonate. tant consequence of MA is its role in divalent ion metabo-
At the end of 3 months, all the tests were repeated in both lism and pathogenesis of renal osteodystrophy.[7] However,
groups. Results. After oral bicarbonate therapy (OBT), there was a there are few intervention studies in this regard. Lefebvre
significant decline in the rise of blood urea level in Group B associated showed that optimal correction of acidosis changes progres-
with a sense of well-being in 50% patients. The rise in parathormone sion of dialysis osteodystrophy.[8] The recent NFK/DOQI
(PTH) was six times the baseline value in Group A and only 1.5 times clinical practice guidelines recommend that in CKD stages
baseline value in Group B, although not statistically significant. There 3, 4, and 5, the serum levels of total CO2 should be main-
was no significant change in total calcium, phosphorus, alkaline
tained at >22 mmol/L with the use of supplemental alkali
phosphatase, creatinine, total protein, or albumin levels. Conclusion.
Correction of metabolic acidosis in patients with moderate CKD atten-
salts if necessary;[9] there are no controlled trials on this
uates the rise in blood urea and PTH, which might prevent the delete- issue. Hence, we performed a prospective randomized sin-
rious long-term consequences of secondary hyperparathyroidism. gle blind controlled trial of the effect of correction of MA in
patients with moderate CKD.
Keywords chronic kidney disease, metabolic acidosis, oral
bicarbonate therapy

Address correspondence to Dr. S.C. Dash, Department of The present study was comprised of 40 patients with
Nephrology, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi - stable mild to moderate CKD with serum creatinine <5
110029, India; E-mail: mg/dL. Clinical examination, baseline hematological and

2 R. P. Mathur et al.

biochemical work-up (blood urea, creatinine, electrolytes, (OBT) in the form of sodium bicarbonate powder 1.2
calcium, phosphorus, alkaline phosphatase, serum pro- mEq/kg body weight in three divided doses. Their venous
teins), skeletal survey, and abdominal ultrasonography blood pH and bicarbonate levels were estimated every
were done for each patient. Venous blood pH and bicar- week to guide dose adjustment to achieve a serum bicar-
bonate levels were measured by the blood gas analyzer. bonate concentration of 22–26 mEq/L. Subsequently, the
Estimation of intact PTH in serum was done for all the same dose was continued for a period of 3 months, when
patients and 10 age- and sex-matched normal healthy vol- the venous blood pH, bicarbonate level, biochemical
unteers by Coat-A-Count Intact PTH IRMA-kit (Diagnos- profile including serum total proteins and albumin, serum
tic Products Corporation, Los Angeles, CA, USA). The intact PTH level, and skeletal survey were repeated. The
dietary intake of protein and calories for all the subjects in results were subjected to statistical analysis by paired t test.
both groups remained unchanged during the study period.
Drugs that could alter PTH activity (e.g., aluminium
hydroxide, calcium supplements, vitamin D analogues, RESULTS
Dilantin, H2 blockers, beta blockers) were stopped 2 weeks
prior to inclusion in the study. Also, none had any other The present study was conducted on 40 patients with
intercurrent illness or had undergone parathyroidectomy. mild to moderate stable chronic renal failure (CRF), divided
Written informed consent was obtained from each patient. into two equal groups. Group A (control group) had 20
The study was a prospective randomized single blind patients, 13 males and 7 females, mean age 43.5 ± 10.5 yr
controlled trial. The patients were randomly allocated to (range 25–68). Group B (test group) was comprised of 20
two groups: Group A (control group) included 20 patients patients, 12 males and 8 females, mean age 37.5 ± 17 yr
who received only placebo (containing glucose) for a (range 15–76). The results are summarized in Tables 1 and 2.
period of 3 months, however, the medications for associ- Three months of OBT was associated with significant cor-
ated conditions (e.g., hypertension, diabetes mellitus, etc.) rection of metabolic acidosis with increase in blood pH
were continued. Group B (test group) included 20 patients and serum bicarbonate levels in Group B. The dose of
who, after initial work-up, received oral base therapy sodium bicarbonate required to achieve the desired blood

Table 1
Clinical parameters

Control group Test group

Parameter Baseline After 3 months Baseline After 3 months p value

Weight (kg) 58.2 ± 1.5 59.4 ± 0.9 57.6 ± 0.8 58.4 ± 1.2 NS
SBP 132 ± 6 134 ± 4 136 ± 7 140 ± 4 NS
DBP 88 ± 4 86 ± 3 86 ± 5 88 ± 3 NS

SBP: systolic blood pressure; DBP: diastolic blood pressure.

Table 2
Biochemical parameters

Control group Test group

Parameter Baseline After 3 months Baseline After 3 months p value

pH 7.29 ± 0.05 7.27 ± 0.06 7.26 ± 0.05 7.37 ± 0.04 <0.001

HCO3 (mEq/L) 19.35 ± 3.74 17.89 ± 4.67 19.49 ± 5.51 22.93 ± 7.12 <0.05
PTH (pg/mL) 48.0 ± 61.6 147.3 ± 133 83.1 ± 76.9 121.5 ± 79.9 0.07
Ca (mg/dL) 8.83 ± 1.39 8.69 ± 1.06 9.05 ± 1.09 8.69 ± 1.22 NS
P (mg/mL) 4.43 ± 0.69 4.75 ± 0.89 4.49 ± 1.08 4.42 ± 0.87 NS
Alk Phos (IU) 177.9 ± 130.7 206 ± 149.2 210.6 ± 118.4 278.7 ± 374.9 NS
Blood urea (mg/dL) 71.5 ± 28.3 90.3 ± 26.1 64.1 ± 23.4 67.3 ± 23.5 <0.05
Serum creatinine (mg/dL) 3.09 ± 1.11 3.62 ± 1.18 2.71 ± 0.94 2.86 ± 1.21 NS
Total protein (g/dL) 6.63 ± 1.03 6.82 ± 1.08 7.60 ± 0.77 7.42 ± 0.74 NS
Serum albumin (g/dL) 3.64 ± 0.82 3.37 ± 0.92 4.29 ± 0.82 3.74 ± 0.74 NS
Correction of Metabolic Acidosis 3

pH and bicarbonate levels was 90–180 mEq/day. The at the end of the study period in the two groups did not
average time to achieve desired levels was 4 weeks. The show any significant difference; the rise of the PTH level
correction of metabolic acidosis was associated with atten- in Group A was about sixfold, while in group B, it was
uation of rise in blood urea in Group B as compared to only increased one and half times.
Group A. The mean blood urea value at the end of the Out of 40 cases of CRF in this study, 12 cases (30%)
study period was 90.25 ± 26.09 mg/dL in Group A and had radiological changes suggestive of ROD. There were
67.32 ± 23.51 mg/dL in Group B (p value <0.05; Figure four cases of renal osteodystrophy (ROD) in Group A, out
1). There was no significant difference in serum creatinine of which two patients had symptoms of bone and muscle
values in two groups. There was no significant change in pain but no evidence of proximal muscle weakness. The
serum total proteins and albumin levels in the two groups. symptoms and radiological changes were the same after
The correction of metabolic acidosis did not significantly the study period of 3 months. In Group B, there were eight
affect the levels of divalent ions (total calcium, inorganic cases with radiological evidence of ROD, of which three
phosphorus) and Ca × P product. Serum alkaline phos- had symptoms of bone and muscle pain; one patient also
phatase levels remained within the normal range in Group had proximal myopathy. There was symptomatic improve-
A and were mildly elevated in Group B, the difference was ment in all the cases after OBT, but no significant radio-
not statistically significant (p value >0.05) logical change was observed.
The mean intact serum PTH level in 10 healthy volun- There were important clinical effects of correction of
teers was 49.20 ± 19.16 pg/mL (range 10–74.0 pg/mL). metabolic acidosis in Group B. A sense of well-being was
The intact serum PTH level was 48.00 ± 61.63 pg/mL in felt in half of the cases, with significant relief in bone and
Group A at the beginning of the study and 147.33 ± 133.00 muscle ache in the three patients with ROD. One patient
pg/mL at the end of the study (Figure 2). However, in with proximal myopathy had partial improvement in his
Group B, the mean intact serum PTH level was higher clinical condition. In three cases, there was difficulty in
than normal (83.06 ± 76.88 pg/mL) to begin with and was controlling blood pressures, and the dose of antihyperten-
121.46 ± 79.90 pg/mL at the end of the study period (Fig- sive had to be increased. Two cases of diabetic nephropa-
ure 2). Thus, there was a significant rise (p value <0.05) in thy had weight gain and edema requiring an increase in the
PTH from the baseline value in both the groups at the end dose of diuretic.
of the study period. Although comparison of PTH values

CRF is a catabolic illness, and the waste products
70 from endogenous protein catabolism can contribute to the
60 uremic syndrome. Our data showed that the rise in mean

After 3 months blood urea level at the end of the study period was signifi-
30 cantly lower in Group B, although there was no significant
20 difference in the rise of serum creatinine levels in the two
10 groups. As there was no change in dietary intake in the
Control Test
two groups, this difference in the rise of BUN was proba-
bly the result of correction of metabolic acidosis leading to
Figure 1. Mean blood urea levels. decreased rate of catabolism of proteins or increased pro-
tein synthesis. It is possible that a lack of a significant
increase of blood urea or the correction of metabolic aci-
dosis might have contributed to the sense of well-being
observed in 50% of cases in Group B. A similar observa-
tion was made by Papadoyannakis[10] in a small group of
PTH (ng/mL)

Baseline six nondialyzed patients showing significant decrease of
After 3 months BUN of 36% during sodium bicarbonate supplementation
(9.3 ± 0.6 days) as compared to the period of sodium chlo-
ride supplementation (9.8 ± 0.8 days). However, as the
duration of the study was short and the number of patients
Control Test very small, the results may have been skewed. In our
study, although the intake of sodium was higher in the
Figure 2. Mean intact PTH levels. study population (the placebo contained only glucose), we
4 R. P. Mathur et al.

do not think that this made any difference in the outcome OBT might promote further increases in PTH secretion
of the study. Blood pressures in both groups remained and worsening of parathyroid bone disease.
steady throughout the study period. Out of 40 cases of CRF in the present study, 12 had
Renal osteodystrophy is the consequence of an radiological changes suggestive of ROD. Malluche et
interplay of several factors, including hypocalcemia, al.[21] demonstrated by bone biopsies evidence of parathy-
hyperphosphatasemia, secondary hyperparathyroidism, roid activity even at a very early stage of chronic renal
and exposure to toxins including aluminium and amyloid. failure. In all three symptomatic cases in Group B, correc-
MA associated with CKD has been implicated as an addi- tion of metabolic acidosis was associated with symptom-
tional factor contributing to the pathogenesis of ROD.[11] atic improvement of muscle and bone pain. However, no
Krieger et al. showed a direct suppressive effect of MA on significant radiological improvement was noticed in the
osteoblast-induced collagen synthesis.[12] Studies have eight cases with ROD at the end of the short study period
shown that MA stimulates osteoclastic function leading to of 3 months. A mild rise in the serum alkaline phosphatase
enhanced bone resorption.[12–13] MA also increases PTH level in Group B was not significantly different from the
secretion and enhances its biologic action, thereby indi- normal level observed in Group A.
rectly stimulating osteoclastic activity.[14] In fact, PTH The current guidelines recommend the correction of
levels have been shown to increase in response to MA metabolic acidosis in patients with CKD,[9,22] although no
even in patients with normal renal function.[15] The present study has been conducted in mild to moderate CRF to
study revealed normal total serum calcium and phosphorus examine the effects of correction of metabolic acidosis.
levels in mild to moderate CRF. Pitts et al.[16] also demon- Hence, the results of the present study are important. How-
strated normal blood levels of ionized calcium and phos- ever, the long-term consequences of correction of metabolic
phorus levels in patients with mild to moderate CRF. acidosis in CRF are not known. On one hand, correction of
Evidence of metabolic acidosis was observed in both metabolic acidosis might prevent the deleterious long-term
groups of patients at the beginning of study, which consequences like ROD associated with the body’s com-
improved significantly with oral bicarbonate therapy. pensatory mechanism to combat acidosis; while, on the
There was no significant difference in the levels of total other hand, the alkali therapy, by reducing ionized calcium
Ca, P, Ca X P product, serum alkaline phosphatase, total levels, might aggravate the preexisting hyperparathyroid
protein, and albumin levels at the onset of the study, and it state associated with CRF. The present study seems to
was not observed after 3 months of oral base therapy. refute this later fact, as the serum calcium level showed no
Caruana[17] and Van Stone et al.[18] had similar observa- change, and the rise of PTH was attenuated.
tions in patients of CRF on maintenance hemodialysis.
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