Equações Diferenciais Zill 3rd Edition Solutions Manual

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1 Introduction to Differential Equations Exercises 1.1 1. Second-order; linear. 2. Third-order; nonlinear because of (dy/dx)* 3. First-order; nonlinear because of yy/. 4, First-order; linear 5. Fourth-order; linear. 6. Second-order; nonlinear because of siny 7. Second-order; nonlinear because of (d?u/d2?)”. 8. Second-order; nonlinear because of 1/r?. 9. Third-order; linear. 10, First-order; nonlinear because of 9”. 11. From y =e"? we obtain y/ = —}e-*/2, ‘Then 2y' + y = ~e72/2 + e #2 = 12, From y = 8 we obtain of = 0, so that y/ + 4y = 0 + 4(8) = 32. 13. From y = e% + 10e* we obtain dy/dx = 3¢%* + 20e°7. Then # ~ y= (Be + 2067") — 2 (2 + 1027") = e¥, 14. From y = 3 - ee we obtain dy/dt = 24e-%, 50 that dy —208 G 4 204 = 0 g + 20y = 2e 20(= 15. From y = Stan Sz we obtain y’ = 25sec*5z. Then of = 25sec? 5x = 25 (14 tan? 52) = 25+ (Stan Sz}? = 35 + 97. 16. From y = (V+ c1)” we obtain y’ = 2(/% + c1) /2v@, 20 that = en (ray =f 17. seoy- tues Lasse! we obtain f = Fear + being ~ 10e°*. Then yYrys 1 ( cos + going — 10-*} + (fsinz ~ Jeone + we™*) = sins, 2 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. Exercises 1.1 First write the differential equation in the form 2zy + (22+ 2y) y’ = 0. Implicitly differentiating Py + y? = q we obtain 2ry + (29+ 2y) y' = 0. Fust write the differential equation in the form y’ = —2y/x. From y = ~1/2? we obtain y’ = 227%, 80 that —2y/x = 20% = y, From y = 2 +1 we obtain y’ = 1, so that (u’}® tay’ =ltiaey. implicitly differentiating y? = ¢ (« + ja) we obtain 9 = ¢1/2y. Then 2 2 az, 2ay' ty(y'P = + = wy ¥ ayy s, ifx>o Writing y = z[z| as y = 3 = we see that |y] = 2”, -00 < 1 < on, and -2?, ifg<0 le Vorawle BFPO since ya PB 2° ais apparent that 9” VW) ifx Se — dX Then = Q—X)(1-2). 2 2 Differentiating y = e dt+ce"* we obtain yao — are? f ef dt —2ete" =1~ are? f edt — 220 * Substituting into the differential equation, we have yi + 2ay = 1-220 f fat —2ox0™ + axe of dt + 2evee First write the differential equation in the form y! = . Then o(z + y)? = 2e%/* iraplies axes jation ei ase: co: = 75 and implicit differentiation gives 2oi(x + y)(1 + y') = we {e+y) z +7. Solving 28. 29, 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. Exercises 1.1 for y/ we obtain Bes) — 2 From y = cie#® + cge~4? we obtain y = 3cpe3* — 4eze™4* and y/! = Sere®* + 16cye~4*, so that gy +y/— dy =0. From y = ¢%* cos 2x we obtain y’ = 3e* cos 2x — 2e%* sin 2z and y” = Se** cos 2x — 12e** gin 22, 50 that o/' — 6y + 1dy = 0. in OY — 9¢2t PY 24 dee? ay dy 22 wet cs = From y ~ €* +204 we obtain = — Se +200 and Fy = Be +dee™ co that TAG) +4y = 0. From y = cosh + sinh x we oblain y’ = sinh + cosh and y” = coshz + sinha = y. From y = ¢1 cos 5a we obtain y/ = —Se; sin 5x and y” = —25e; cos 5c, so that 4’ + 25y = 0. 1 From y = In| + ci] + 02 we obtain yf = ———— andy” , 80 that y+ (y')? = =-1 (e+e)? 1+ sing In(seez + tanz) and From y = —coszIn(secx + tan) we obtain y = y! =tenz + cosz|n(secx + tanz). Then y” + y = tanec. dy Fr = 1 ye obtain y! = —e2-? and y! = 2,275, so that ot 4 2% — OM Y = Cy + C22" v 9) and y 2: a “mt de . . 1 From y = x cos(Inz) we obtain y’ = - sin(Inz)+cos(Inz) and y” = > » cos(in 2) — ;sin(inz), s0 that 2?y"” — xy’ + 2y = 0. From y = 2? +2? Ing we obtain y/ = 32 + 2xIn2 and y" =5+2Inz so that 2?y” Bey! + dy 0. From y = ¢; sin 32 + cg cos 3x + 4e* we obtain y/ = 3¢, cos 8x — 3cg sin 32 + 4e?, y” = —9ey sin 32 — Yen cos 32 + 4e*, and y" = —27e1 cos 3x + 27ep sin 3x + 4€, so thet a — y" + Oy! — 9y = 0. From y = 2%¢* we obtain y/ = 272" + Ize*, y/ = that. 9” ~ 32 + 3y/—-y = 0. 7 + dne*2e*, and 4” ~ 27e* + Gre” + 6e*, 50 From y = ar pete we obtain y! =o) +e) In 2+ 8x, y” = cia! +8, andy" = —cyz7?, so that dy 3 ag oe ty 12: vapt + 22’ 2 vy 0, 2, r<0 —2r, 2<0 + = " btain y= that cry’ — 2y = 0. Rom y ( Pet we obtain y= [FOP FST so chat af = 2y 0 2<0 . ,_f% red yr f% <0 From y=} ig ag we obtain = jue 59 00th WTO og, 3 43. 45. 47. 50. 51. Exercises 1.4 From y = ex +c? we obtain yf = ¢ so that zy + (y/)? = er +? = y. From y = kz? we obtain y' = 2ke so that cy’ + (y’)* = y implies that 22k(1+ 4k) = 0. Then & = —1/4 produces a singular solution, |. From y = cx+ V1+¢ we obtain y = cso that ry! + 1+ (y)? = y. From 2? +4? = 1 we obtain iv v xt yf =-2/y. Then fory #0, zy’ tit (y?=— + v yr is implied by z? + y? = 1 together with y 40. =y. The condition -1 <2 <1 By inspection, y = —1 is o singular solution. Note that this is the “solution” obtained by computing the limit as c approaches infinily of the one-parameter family of solutions. Vi-g, -2<2<0 . The function y = { is not continuous at x = 0 {the left hand limit is 2 -VE-#, 0S e<2 and the right hand limit is —2,) and hence y/ does not exist at = 0. From y = e™ we obtain y/ = me™ and y” = m*e™*. Then y” — 5y’ + Gy = 0 implies me™ — 5me™ + Ge = (m — 2)(m ~ 3)e™ = 0 Since e”® > 0 for all x, m = 2 and m=3. Thus y =e?” and y = e™ are solutions. . From y = e™ we obtain y/ = me™ and y” = m@e™. Then y” -+ 10y’ 4+ 25y = 0 implies me" + 10me™ + 25€"* = (m+ 5)°e™* Since e™ > 0 for all z, m= 5. Thus, y = ¢* is a solution. . Using y’ = ma"! and y” = m(m—1)s™~? and substituting into the differential equation we obtain an(m — 1)2™ — 2 = (m? —m —1)27* = 0. Solving m? — m— 1 = 0 we obtain m= (14 V5) /2. Thus, two solutions of the differential equation on the interval 0 < 2 < 00 are y = a('+V5)/2 and ya rll Vb)/2, Using y’ = ma"! and y"” = m(m—1)z"~? and substituting into the differential equation we obtain zy" + Gry! + 4y = [m(m ~ 1) + 6m + 4Je™, The right side will be zero provided m satisfies m(m—1)+6m+4=m?+5m+4 = (m+ 4i(m+i)=0. Thus, m= —4,—1 and two solutions of the differential equation on the interval 0 < z < 00 are yor! and yoo. It is easily shown that y) = 22 and yp = 24 are solutions. If ys — e141 + cove = C12? + cox then YA = 2cpz+ 3eqz? and yf = 2qy + Gegx so that xy — dry} + 6ys = 0. Hence ciyn, coyz, and y+ yn are solutions. Exercises 1.2 52. It is easily shown that y= 2 and yo = 2? are solutions. If y = cry, = 2cpr + 2c, then y/ = 2c) 80 wo that zy’ + SO = 2ere 4 Qct £ y for ey £0 and co #1. fy = coya = (c2/2)a? then y! = —ear “we so that zy! + 22 =A Bey tea Foie y ley sy tye = ~22/2 + 22 + 2 then OF y =—2+2so0 that a/+"— ane 244. Thus, none of e141, cay2, and yi + ye are solutions. 83. (a) y=0 io) no real solution (c) y=lory 1 Exercises 1.2 1, The sum of the forces acting on the body is mg ~ kv where & is a constant of proportionality, and the minus sign indicates that the resistance acts in a direction opposite to the motion. From du ik Newton's second law we have mg—ku= m2 or 4 a=s. di 2. From Newton’s second law we obtain ne = —h? + mg. 3. (a) From g = k/R? we find k = 9R®. b) Using a= 2 and part (a) we abtein @ ae ae dvdr gR? _ de _ (e) Part (b) becomes SF — 8 =O ory ~ Fe = 4. (a) The sum of the forces acting on the satellite is ma — ku, so by Newton's second law, @ ot dr gk? a ma— ky =m. From Problem 3, a = 2. Thus, using y= Fm ES — kv = my or @r kde ae end 2 . dr ; dv ik a (b) Letting R = r and anu the equation is part (b) becomes E + minh which is the equation is Problem 1 5. Since i= # and vet + aa. E(t) we obtain uf + Ri= E(t). 1 6. By Kirchoff’s second law we obtain ra + 59= BO. 2 7. The differential equation is a = "8 Jagh. Using Ag = (3) = a Ay = 10? = 100, and g = 32 this becomes dh A808 aa arya 7 Of. ad “6000 ~~ 750 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. . The differential equation is 2 = — Se Y2gh. Using Ay = x( . + . «dh 2 . The differential equation is & = — te agh. We have Ay =r (s 3) -n and g = 32. To find Ay we solve x? + (5 — h}? = 25 where a represents the Exercises 1.2 it ~ 576 + Aw = (2)? = 4, a and g = 32 this becomes ah 0.64 /576 pe _0.6(8) ge _ dt ar Gah = — Frere VR = me 0.6A9 7 radius of the circular area of the surface of the water whose depth is h. From = V10h — fh? we obtain Ay = 7(10h ~ 4”). Thus ah 0.6n/144 _ a ae "aon — Ry YO = ~a9RTOT Ry Y= ~SavRTO DD” The differential equation is A’(é) = KA(E) where k > 0. The differential equation is 2'(t) = r — kx(t) where k > 0. Equating Newton's law with the net forces in the 2- and y-directions gives nit = Oand 2, ae From Newton’s second law in the x-direction we have 2 mek _ _keosG = ti = | in vdt = ~mg, respectively. In the y-direction we have 2, uy idy mar = Mg — ksin@ = ~mg— ko Ge = mg ~ f The differential equation is x(t} = k(a~x)(8—2) where a and @ are the given amounts of chemicals A and B, respectively, and k > 0. To better understand the problem extend the line L down to the x-axis. Then we Ll see from the figure that ¢ — 28, tang = 7, and 2 = tan G - 9) = cot@. Now % yO ae 3 , hy 2ton@ _t e__2(de/du) de)? <= = tang = ® og ® = 2ae/dy) de 3 tang = tam 20 = ag = yo” Te (aayage oe (Ge) HY Exercises 1.2 16. We have from Archimedes’ principle upward foree of water on barrel = weight of water displaced = (62.4) x (volume of water displaced) = (62.4)4(s/2)7y = 15.6ns?y. Tt then follows from Newton’s second law that wey = —15.6n8¢y or o, 9 = 82 and w is the weight of the barrel in pounds. 17. By combining Newton's second law of motion with his law of gravitation, we obtain 15.608? 9 = 0, wh ap Y= 8, where & M ae = he, where M is the mass of the earth and ky is a constant of proportionality. Dividing by m gives ey 2 . where & = kM. The constant k is gf?, where Ris the radius of the earth. This follows from the fact that on the surface of the earth y = R so that «me =mg, kM = gf, or k = gR?. If t = 0 is the time at which bumout occurs, then y(0) = R + yg, where ¥a is the distance from the earth’s surface to the rocket at the time of burnout, and y‘(0) = Vg is the corresponding velocity at that time 18. Substituting into the differential equation we obtain —(mg — at)g = (mo — att +(-a) or (mo — at) = ab — mog + agt. 19. By the Pythagorean Theorem. the slope of the tangent line is y 20. (a) We have Mp = far and M = Sone, Then Mp 0% and Mm mm/s mM Pm ho = hE = &r @r mM Pr kM 2 (b) From F = ma =m‘ and part (a) we have my = korn or Sy = “pyr = wir where w? = we . _ dA 21. The differential equation is > = A(M ~ A). 22. The differential equation is “ =hi(M — A) — kA Chapter 1 Review Exercises Chapter 1 Review Exercises 1, First-order; ordinary; nonlinear because of y?. 2. Third-order; ordinary; nonlinear because of sin xy. 3. Second-order; partial. 4. Second-order; ordinary; linear. 5. From y = 2+ tan we obtain yf = 1+sec? x, and y” =2sec? xtanz. Using 1+tan® x = sec? x we have y! + 22y=2+27 +y’. 6. From y = cy cos(ln z) + cpsin(lnz) we obtain y’ = Slee cos(Inz) —¢sin(Inz)] and y= 3 [er cos(In2) + egsin{in.z) + ¢9 cos(hn 2) — e; sin(In 2} so that x4y" + ay +y=0. 7. From y = cre™ + c2e7* +cge* +3 we obtain y! = cpe* — oye"? + Qege™, yy!” = cre™ + ege® + dege™, and y’” = cye? — cpe"? + 8cge”* so that y” ~ 2y" — y’ + 2y = 6. 8. From y = sin 2z + cosh 2z we obtain y{) = 16 sin 2x + 16 cosh 2z so that y*) — 16y = 0, 9 y=2? 10, y= Li. y= ja? 12. y=2 13. y-e?, y=0 a. y= Vi 15, yssinz, y=cosz, y=0 16. y=" 17. For all values of y, y? — 2y > ~1. Avoiding left— and right-hand derivatives, we then raust have s?—g—1>-1. Thatis,e lL. 18. If |x| < 2 and |y| > 2, then (dy/dz)? < 0 and the differential equation has no real solutions, This is also true for |x| > 2 and |y| < 2. 19. The differential equation is a 2 yan. We have Ap = ; To find Ay we note that the radius Tr 5 2h 4ah: r corresponding to A,, satisfies R730 Thus r = S and Ay = a Then dh 1/4 wYIgh He ~~ Tane/B V8" = — Teens? 1 pmg—urpmg or ® 6 6 (1~ vy). ey 20. From Newton's second law we obtain m— 7 dt 8 2 First-Order Differential Equations Exercises 2.1 of 2 1. For f(x,y) = 92/3 we have ay wl ‘Thus the differential equation will have a unique solution in any rectangular region of the plane where y ¥ 0. 2. For f(x,y) = Fy we have oe Ve in any region where x > 0 and y > 0 or where @ <0 and y < 0. of 1 ay region where z #0 : of 4. For flay) = 2+ y we how 3° = 1 Thus the diferentiel equation wilt have @ unique solution in ‘Thus the differential equation will have a unique solution 3. For f(y) = © we have ‘Thus the differential equation will have a unique solution in any the entire plane. on? 5. For f(x,y) = = a Thus the differential equation will have a unique solution in any region where y < —2, -22 oe OF _ —8n%y? . . , 8. For fle.) = 7 Ti we hove 5) = Ga Thus the diferentiel equation will have a unique solution in any region where y # —1 7. Por fey) = nave Of 2278 rus the differential equation will h i . Por f(a y) = ty we have 52 = 228 Thus ferential equation will have a unique Ye ose Oy a+ yy? 4 ma solution in any region not containing (0,0). . z 8. 2; 8. For f(ey) = ee we have a = wy ‘Thus the differential equation will have 6 unique solution in any region where y < x or where y > x 9. For f(x,y) = 2° cosy we have of = —a?siny. Thus the differential equation will have a unique solution in the entire plane, 10. For f(x,y) = (@ — Le*/®-Y we have Z = e#/—))_ Thus the differential equation will have a unique solution in any region where x # 3. 11. Two solutions are y = () and y = 29 12. Two solutions are y= 0 and y = x?, (Also, any constant multiple of x? is a solution.) 13. The solution is y = 0, which is unique by Theorem 2.1 Exercises 2.1 14, A function satisfying the differential equation and the initial condition is y = 1. Although f(z,y) = ly — 1] is continuous, Af /y is not continuous at y = 1, so Theorem 2.1 does not apply. 45. For y — oz we have y! = ¢, from which we see that y = cr is a solution of zy/ = y for all values of c. All of these solutions setisfy the initial condition y{0) = 0. The piecewise defined function is not a solution since it is not differentiable at x = 0. 16. (a) Since 1+? and its partial derivative with respect to y are continuous everywhere in the plane, the differential equation has a unique solution through every point in the plane. (b) Since (tans) =sec*x =1+tan?z and tan0 = 0, y = tang satisfies the differential equation and the initial condition. (c) Since -2 < 2/2 < 2 and tanz is undefined for ¢ = 1/2, y = tanz is not a solution on the interval -2 = —3 + 3x ln|z| + cae. 1 11. From y2dy = (3 +2) dr we obtain iA z 12. From (+) dy = sin dz we obtain In|y| + y? = —cosr +e. 18. From e“¥dy = ede we obtain 3e—™ + 2e 14. From vets = « + ee) dx we obtain ye¥ — e¥ +e % + ee =e 18. From raw Toga de we obtain In|2 + 9] =In|4+2%| +e or 249? =e (440%). 16. mn (noni Tepe we obtain 2 ty = tam ate. —hn|rtijte. 17. From dy dy = 2 de we obtain y? 2 y 1 _ dL» 1 1, 1 . a ayy +l = aye =-i4e. 18. From 1% qa ae we obtain 3Y y+ln[y+1] greg ytiniy+1] pte 1 ? 3 I 19. From (e243) dy = 2? In cde we obtain tv +iniel = Friel ~gete 1 da we obtain 1 1 2 20. From Bae Y = Gea bi Wea aa t® 21. From ~ = kdr we obtain $ = cel”, 1 22. a= = kdt we obtain In|Q — 70| = kt+c or Q—70= c1e**. 23. From 5— 1 iP (st z 3) dP = di we obtain In |P|-In [1 —P| = deo that ln = i _ aie =cre!. Solving for P we have P= oC 11 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. From 30. From 3L. 32. 33. 34, 35. 36. Exercises 2.2 From ¥ aN = (er ~1) dt we obtein In|] = tet? — et? —t+e From oy = 5 = ts or sin ydy ~~ cos ada = —}(1 + cos22}de we obtain -coay nde ante or 4cosy = 2x4 sin2r +e1 From dydy = dr = —tan3r see? Bard we obtain y? = ~7 sear te. From envy Sind 4, 28innoose (c? — yer?) dy = —2sine de we obtain ew COST cost tye tte Y= 2esete. From tany dy = rcosz de we obtain In|secy| = xsinz + cosx +c, ew ae? . aol 2 re ty = oy ar we obtain — (e% 1) = (7 41)? +0 @ry @an « y= 5 ) y Fa a2 aya dy — ———___,, dx we obtain (1 + y =(14+2' + acta goons (urs) (42) ¥ _ Loo _ fife 1 Prom gt = paper oe (SE Grip) Y= (Fag tro) & we obtain Iny ++ = 1 aH Inf +2|~ 5 inl —2i +e From dy = (r= 1) ewe obi ae 4rte. 5 yo? tly > laa --4) From Loja am = oF (-, 5) ly ( Fea) de we obtain 5 y—BSinly—3)—a—Sknie+4lte or 44) = cet, From way = jas or (1+ SA) (04 8) ae we obtain +2inly—1[=2+5ha[x— 3) Wa = em yt2laly-i=x p-8\re or Cae sae 1 _ L eet yee . Brom psarg cay reoty MY nt ae oF oy dy = ce? yay = sin ed we obtain coty = — cost +e. ay. . , From secyS? +sin xeosy — cos-rsiny = sin xcosy-+coszsiny we find secy dy = 2siny coer 1 Se dy = ese 2y dy = cost dx. Then = In|ose2y — cot 2y| = sinz +e. 2ainycosy 2 12 Exercises 2.2 1 1 e 1 “tas 39, From 35 dy = oy ea Ot = zag py tt we obtain — = tan te +o, AQ. To integrate dz/{z + \/Z) make the substitution uw? = z. Then 2udu = dz and dr 2u du 2du lerae stews | peg tne pe= 2m (Ve +1) +e 1 Thus, from ge ay geet we obtain 2a (Vo+1) =2In(VE+1) +c or Vi+1=e1 (ve+1). sins 41, From dy =" dy we obtain — In(1 + cosz) = In(1 +e) +e or a T+oose * ~ ewe YT hey (14 e%)(1 4 cosz) =e. Using y(0) = 0 we find c, = 4. The solution of the initial-value problem is (1+ e*}(1 + cosa) = 4. 1 9 dx we obtain -2 42. From ——, dy = ——"_ a + (au 7 14 (28) Fran"! 2y Fiona? te or tan! 2y+tan7' 2? =o. Using y(1} = 0 we find c, = 1/4. The solution of the initial-value problem is tan“! 2y + tan7!2? = 3 43. From dy = 4xdn we obtain yy? +1 = 2x? +4. Using y(0) = 1 we find ¢ = V2. The V+ solution of the initial-value problem is yy? +1 = 2x2 + v2. 44, From iy = (1 ~ Bdt we obtain In|yj = t — ae toory=cel"/2, Using yl) = 3 we find c= 3e-¥/2, The solution of the initial-value problem is y = 3e'-@/2-1/2 = ge~t-"/2 45. From aaye = ddy we obtain tan“!x = dy + ¢. Using 2(n/4) = 1 we find ¢ = —3n/4. The solution of the initial-value problem is tan7! 2: = 4y — = or = tan (# - oY. 1 1 af t 46. Brom op dy = ay die oc 5 (A yl Jaya (Ay) a we ora c-l 41 av. 48. 4g. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. Exercises 2.2 Infy— 1) — In fy +1] = in fe ~ 1|— Iles sear Ty tot te Using y(2) = 2 we finde = 0. ye _2-l yt ztl ‘The solution of the initial-value problem is ory. 1 z ao. . 1 ] From fay = “3 de = (

- By inspection a singular solution is y = 1 By inspection a singular solution is y = 0. The singular solution y = 1 satisfies the initial-value problem. ‘ ; , ay 1 gte-l * ti bk btait = de. Then ——— = and y — ——____.. Setti Separating variables we obtain uP ir, en, ya z+e y pie ‘ing . . = 101 x= and y = 1.01 we obtain ¢ = —100. The solution is y = = 00 . . , dy -1 ede. 1 1o(y—1) = Seporoting variables we obtain 7 app ggg = d% Then 10tan'10(y — 1) = x +6 ond 1 ate . ae t xz yait pp tans. Setting x = 0 and y = 1 we obtain c = 0. The solution is y = 1+ 7p tan ag - dy Wy -11 fi 4 in ———_ = da, Inj = . = Separating variables we obtain Gaiy oot dz, Then 5in Toy 9 ate. Setting s=0 14 Exercises 2.3 and y = 1 we obtain c= 5In1 = 0. The solution is omnf ea = 1 or nem = dz. Thus tan tu =24coru=tan(t+c), and s+y41=tan(z +c) or y = tan(e+e) ~ 2-1. BY. Let w= rt+y tl so that dufdx = 1+dy/x. Then a 2 du 58. Let u= 2+ y so that du/ds = 1+ dy/de. Then 7 — or udu = dr. Tims 5 =2+e or? = 22 +e, and (ce +y)* = 224+. d 59. Let u = x+y so that du/de = 14 dy/dr Then = — 1 = tan?u or cos@udu = dz. ‘Thus ix i 1 gut gsingu =a + ¢ or Qu + sin2u— 4a + cr, and Ae ty) +sn2(z+y) = 40 4c or Qy + sin 2(z + y) = 2e +4 60. Let 4-y 60 that du/dx = 14 dy/de. Then @ — 1 = sinw or —4 . Leb u=z+y 80 = . Then 1 = y uw & lysine du = de or (seo?u—tanusecu) du = dz. Thus dt = dz. Multiplying sinu by (1 —sinu)/( —sinu) we here ~—S™ tanu secu = x4 or tan(x +y)—sec(x ty) = rte. di L GL. Let u = y— 20 +380 that dufds = dy/de — 2. Then yt 2— 24 Valor du = de. Thus Qu ateand 29> wF3—7H+e. a 62. Let u = y—ac+5 0 that dufds = dy/de — 1. Then +1 = 146% or e-Ydu = de. Thus =etcand eH arte, Exercises 2.3, 1. Since f(ts, ty) = (t2)° + 2(tz)(ty)? A - fo 1 f(x,y), the function is homogeneous of degree 3. ie 2. Since f(tz, ty) = Vie 1 ty (4tz + 3ty) = #°/? F(x, y), the function is homogeneous of degree 3/2. _ G2) (ty) = (ea)? (ty)? 3. Since f(tz, ty) = = t?f(2,y), the function is homegeneous of degree 2. (ta + 8ty)? 4. Since f(tz,ty) = + —____ = 1 /(2,y), the function is homogeneous of degree —1. (ey)? + yitz}4 + (yt t 5. Since f(4x,1y) = cos £2 4 1" cos © for eny 1, the function is not homogeneous ye ty) = vty ty ly 7, LOB z zr zt+y 6. Since f(tz,ty) = sin = f(z,y), the function is homogeneous of degree 0. Exercises 2.3 7. Since f(tz, ty) nd? + In? — 2(int + Iny) = f(x,y), the function is homogeneous of degree 0. 3inte 3inty 8. Since f(tz, ty) = # ane 7 any n, the function is net homogeneous. 1 9. Since f(tz, ty) = (ee Fr 1 i) “2p f(x,y), the function is homogeneous of degree —2. 10. Since f(tz,ty) = (ta + ty + 1)? 4 "(a +9 + 1)? for any 2, the function is not homogeneous. 11. Letting y = uz we have {z—uz) de +2z(udz+adu) = de +2du=0 Ft duno £ In[z| +u=e zln|z|+y = ca. 12. Letting y= uz we have (a+ ue) de + xludr + rdu) = (+ 2ujde+2du=0 Sy du 1+ 2u =0 Info} +5 mt +2u| =e 2 (422) ec a) a? 4 dey = cy. 18. Letting x = vy we have vy(udy + y dv) + (y — 2vy) dy = 0 vydu + (v® — 2v +1) dy =0 vdv dy e-ty inv 1|-—4 empl =e 16 14. Letting x = vy we have 15. Letting y = ux we have 16. Letting y = ux we have +iny=e tly (2—y)ln|z - 9] - y= oe — y). uludy + ydv) — vy +y) dy =0 ydu—(v+2)dy=0 dy dy e+2 oy Inv +2| —Infyl = 0 z In|= +2) —In|yl—e y | lul a+ 2y=ay. (v2? + un?) de — 2? (ude + ou) wd —2du=0 dc du zw? Injzl += = Injl+ 2 = ¥ yln [al +2 = cy. (Wx? + uz”) do + 2"(ude + zdu) =0 (u? + 2u) dz + cdu=0 az du atwusy? 1 1 Info| + 5In[uf — 5 Inu +2] =e Exercises 2.3 Exercises 2.3 3 woe (£+2) eG sty = e(y + 22). 17. Letting y = uz we have (uz — x) da - {ux + 2)(ude + edu) =0 {u? +1) de + olu+ Ydu=0 dx uti 5 wei 1 2 =1 to jal + 5 In (¥ +1) +tan"lu=e e y Ing? (+1) +2u0t£aa z z mn(e? +9?) +2tent 2 =o. 18. Letting y = uz we have (2+ 3uc) de — (30 + uz)(ude + xdu) = 0 (u? = 1) dr +a(u+3)du=0 de ut3 Tuner? Inf2|-+2ln|u— 1) Inju+t}=e atu 1)? util “E-yea(te) (y—2P = ey +2). =e 18 Exercises 2.3 19. Letting y = ur we have —uedr+ (r+ fur)udr+rdu)=0 (e+ afu)du+ 0 de =0 (w9?+2) dus =o w © —2u-¥/? + In ul + in|z] =e ely te y(In [y| — ¢)? = de. lnly/z| + In ja] 20. Letting y = ur we have (us +e wi?) dz — a(ude + du) a¥l+wde—2?du=0 0 de dug z View In|z| — In let isnt | =e utyVltv=azr gt yy+e2 sor? 21. Letting 2 = vy we have ay (udy +y dv) ~ avy" + y") dy = 0 Py de — (ot +1) dy =0 2? dy wey 0 Fimo? 4a) -mniel =e (+ ye =e Exercises 2.3 22. Letting y — ux we have (24 + ute?) de — 20%ur(u de +x du) = 0 (w?-17' de — 20udu=0 dz udu _4 2 way (¢ - 2) inf] +27 = (y? ~ 27) 3. Letting y = uz we have (2? 42") de — ux"(ude + rdu) =0 dz~ urdu =0 dz = -udu=0 z 1 Inlel— jvm 2in|z| — (y/t}®=c. 4, Letting y = ux we have (u3o4 + 23 + wad) de — ue (ude + edu) = 0 (14u*) dz—wrdu=0 a zc w+] du=d Injz|-u+tan"tuse =e Infz| - z + tant 20 Exercises 2.3 25. Letting x = vy we have ulvdy + ydv) — (vy +4ye™*) dy = 0 ydv — 4e-*" dy = 0 Ady dy - 2 =0 yu 1 ge" ~ Aina =e el — Biniyl = a. 26. Letting y = uz we have (2%e + u22) dz — ua*{(ude +2 du) =0 eo “dz—urdu=0 a 3 ~ ue" du =0 2 In|r|— ue" +e" =e glalel — (y—a)eM/? = cx. 27. Letting y = uz we have (ux + zcotu) de —2(udc+azdu) =0 cotuds —rdu=0 ® _ sonudu <0 2 In|z| + Infcosa] = zoos” =e, z 28, Letting y — uz we have uclnude — 2(ude-+2du) twlnu—u)dr—azdu=0 dz du = ulu-u Exercises 2.3 In{z{ -la|Inv—1J= z inw-1 7 rae (nt—1) = Iny=ee+Ing+1 ys cel tae, 29. Letting y = uz we have (2? + ua? — wx?) det ux"(ude+2du) =0 (44) de +rudu=0 dx | udu =-0 ce «@tl In[z] +u—Infut1|=e utl = eye" Y oi = ere z yn ert? — x, 30. Letting y = us we have (2? + un? + 3u?2") de — (2? + 2s?) (ude + du) = 0 (1+u?) dz —2(1 + 2u)du = 0 dz lt+u ele en in |x| — tan“! u — In (1+?) = 6 £ “1 7 eae i+u pa v +2) cyeten we, 22 Exercises 2,3 31. Letting y = ux we have (0? — ute?) de + wa%(ude + edu) =0 dz +wiodu =0 fa SF ewdusd z 1 ln |x| + = na fe| + 50 327 In|z|+ 4° = 1 Using y(1) = 2 we find c; = 8. The solution of the initial-value problem is 327 in |2| + y3 = 823. 32, Letting y = ux we have (2? + 2u22?) dz — ur"(ude + zdu) = 0 (+0?) dz—urdu=0 ta|z|—in(1 +n?) =e 2 =c it ate, (y? +27). Using y(—1) = 1 we find ¢, = 1/2. The solution of the initial-value problem is 2x4 = y? + 2?. 33. Letting y = ut we have (3uz? + wx?) dx — 20°(wdx + du) = 0 (u? +) de - 22 du = Exercises 2.3 Using y(1) = —2 we find c; = 1/4, ‘The solution of the initial-value problem is 4z(y + x)? 34, Letting z = vy we have oy ludy + y dv) — (o2y? + ony vty? +8) dy 0 yde — fet +1dy=0 inf Ya? +2 |—Inlyl = 2 aay 2 tag vo \ rtytty say? * Using 4{0) = 1 we find c; = 1. The solution of the initial-value problem is z + yo +yay’. 35, Letting y = ur we have (x + use") de — 2e*(udz + du) = 0 dx — xe“ du =0 ted 0 z In|zj — et € tae Using y(1) = 0 we find ¢= -1, The solution of the initial-value problem is In fz| ele 36. Letting 2 = vy we have yludy + ydv) + (ycosy — vy) dy =0 ydu + cosvdy = 0 secudy + @ =0 y In|seov + tanv| + In |y| =e (~F+s°5) ¥ [sec= + tan= } =o. y uv 24 Exercises 2.3 Using 4(0) = 2 we find ¢ = 2. The solution of the initial-value problem is y (se ; +tan 37, Letting y = ux we have (u?x? + 3x”) de — (407 + ue?) (ude + der) = 0 —udz —x(4+ 4) du~0 dz Stu + z du=0 nl +4injul+usc “ cut = ce 4 yf = orden? Using y(1) = 1 we find c) =e. The solution of the initial-value problem is y4 = 23e!~¥/* 38, Letting y = ux we have (ux8 + 2uz’) dz — 2x (ude + edu) =0 wdr ~ edu = de 2du _ ze wo Using y(1) = V2 we find ¢, = e!/?, The sclution of the initial-value problem is 2 — e-@/#741/2, 39. Letting y = uz we have (c~ uc -w?2) de + (2+ Vir} (ude + ede) G dc+a(1+ Vu) du=0 #4 (+ Va) au=o 2 2 Ing tat oh =c 82°/8In x + 8xh/2y + Dy? = e292, Exercises 2.3 Using y(1) = 1 we find c= 5. The solution of the initial-value problem is 309? ina + 3ally + 2y9* = 52, (Note: Since the solution involves Y= , x 2 0 and we do not need an absolute value s 40. Letting x = vy we have y(vdy + ydv) + oy(Invy ~ ny — 1) dy = 0 ydvtulnvdy =0 de dy _ vine!) y In [la [vf + tn y| = yin zr Using y(1) =e we find cy =—e, The solution of the initial-value problem is yin 41. Letting z = vy we have alwdy + ydv) + (vy? + vy? +9") dy ydv + (v +1)? dy =0 dv ay wripty = 1 at niga etl niul=e ¥ 4s in|yj=e. gig tPll=e Using y(0) = 1 we find c= —1. The solution of the initial-value problem is (c+y)lofuf=y-@+y) or (2+y)Inlyl= 26 Exercises 2.3 12, Letting y = uz we have (vez viz)’ de ~ x(udz +2du) = 0 (142Vu) de ~2du=0 a _ z l+2vu du z wi- {Sa fu = t, du = 2t dt] -(a dem tm Fiat +2146 = fF Iinf2y2] +e z (t+2/2) = cee oe 8 (Ye+2f) ~ eV, Using y(1) = 0 we find ¢ = 1. The solution of the initial-value problem is 22 (fe+ ayy) - aver, 3. Letting « = vy we have (out Ya? ov?) ay - yludty + yar) = 0 Vinwdy ~ ydv =0 Info| +2VT=0 In|y|+2Vi—z/y =. Using y(1/2) = 1 we find c= V2 . The solution of the initial-value problem is Infy| + 2y1 —2/y = V2. . Exercises 2.3 44, Letting y = uz we have aude + xdu) — (un+ 2coshujdz =0 zdu—coshudz ~0 sechudu—“ =0 z van‘ (sinh u) In |z| =e tan“! (sinn a) —In|el =e. z Using y(1) = 0 we find c= 0. The solution of the initial-value problem is tan“? (sinh % ) = Ia. 45. From z = vy we obtain de = udy + ydv and the differential equation becomes Moy, y}(v dy + yde) + N(vy,y) dy = 0. Using M(vy,y) = y*M(w, 1) and N(vy,y) = yN(v, 1) and simplifying we have 7 M(v, l(vdy + ydv} + oy N(w, 1) dy =0 foM(v, 1) + N(v, 1)] dy + yMf(v, dv = 0 dy M(o,1) do yt oMw)+Ned) ” 46. From x = rcos@ and y = rsin@ we obtain dx = cos@dr ~ rsin@d0 and dy = sin @dr + 7 cos 008. Using M(x,y) = M(rcos0,7sin8) = r"M(cos@, sind) N(z,y) — N(r-cos4, 7 sin 6) = r".N(cos 8, sin 8) the differential equation becomes 7M (cos 8, sin 8){oos Odr — r sin Bd8) +r” N(cos 8, sin 8)(sin dr + 7 cos 648) = 0. Simplifying we have [M(cos8, sin ®) cos @ + N(cos 6, sin 9) sin] dr ~ [rM (cos 6, sin 8) sin 8 — r:V(cos 6, sin 8) cos6}-d8 = 0 dr M{(cos®,sin@)sin0 — rN (0038, sin 8} cosd Tr M(cos0, sin) cos0+ (eos 0,8ind)sind © ~° 28 Exercises 2.4 47, Using M(z,y) =y"M (2x) and N(a,y) =y"M G . 1) we obtain 48. 1. Let M =2z-land N= Sy s0 that M,= x 2 wim (Et) ae mv (Zaye =0 v y y yo ‘2 ‘ac .\ dy M(—1)+N[~ 1] 5 =0 G )e G jz «goa “(5): If we let u = yf, then by homogeneity f(x,y) = 21°F (, x) ”f(1,u). Using the chain rule for partial derivatives, we obtain M169) yy MOI OH gp yyy) = 27 EL ( ~S) ean oe Gu myer? 24) fu) + ne" f(1,u) end OfGy) _ nOf(Lu) Ou _ nOF(L¥) Q) oy au By ou Ma) Then 28h gy = yg AR + nape) yar 2D =ne"f(1ju) = nef (a, 4) =nf(x,y). Exercises 2.4 = Na, From f, = 22-1 we obtain f = 27-2 +h(y), hi(y) = 3y + 7, and Aly) = 3 + 7y. The solution is x natay +Ty= 2. Let M=2x+y and N= z jz BI. For y+ 2 (0-2) 2x (2 = 2)y = er for 2 < 2 < 00. If y(3) = 6 then c= 2 and y=". 52. For y + (cotz)y = G an integrating factor is ef #47 — ging go that Lttans) y] = 0 end ys eoser for —n <2 <0. If y(—a/2) = 1 then c= —1 and y= — sex. dx 1 a 1 e oF sian ‘ is ef(/vay — fy) = =1j48 58. For Fo + =a = | an integrating factor ise y so that lyr] = y and 2 = 5y-+ 5 for 8 7 54. For y! + (sec? x) y= sec? an integrating factor is ef O°" »)4 _ tans 50 that 1 O3. Hf y(0) = 0 then c) = —1/2 and for continuity we must have cp = }e® — } so that “leon O< 2 <3; g(eo-1)e™, a >s. 56. For y! +y = f(z) an integrating factor is e* so that 2_feta, OSreh tm a -f +e, 2>1 - If p(0) = 1 then cy = 0 and for continuity we must have cy = 2e so that 1 O

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