Esen Module, Gec

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GEC1E- ESEN Situation Receiving Attending Remembering Response

I will be I will wait I will confirm I will pay I will go
MODULE 1 ifit is a fire
shocked by calmly if the attention to the outside the
the sudden sound waning and building if the
Course Packet 1
sound continues observe the surroundings
surrounding are clear
Pre Assessment I will stop I will take
I will wait for I will I will use the
the professor whatever I comprehend noteof the information I
Situation 1 to turn on her
am doing
the given
know and the
when the details that
mic professor information by myprofessor professor’s
1. 4 starts the professor will explanation to
speaking. mention.
2. 3 the topic.
I will wait I will raise my I will ask I will keep in I will
for my name hand before questions with mind the tasks perform
3. 1 to be called. the tasks
the leader regards to my that was given assigned to
announce my task to clarify to me. meone-by-
4. 2
tasks things one.

Situation 2
1. 4
1. Which stages of the listening process should come in the same order all the
time? Why?
2. 1
Follow, because if the listener didn’t get the message
3. 2 clearly the following steps would be disrupted leading to
misunderstanding between the listener and the speaker. That is
4. 3 why it is very important to stay focus when someone is speaking.
Aside from receiving, Paying attention and understanding can’t also
Situation 3 be interchanged because you cannot comprehend with the
1. 5 message you receive if you didn’t fully grasp the idea that has given
to you, therefore you have to pay attention to what the speaker is
2. 4 saying so you could have a better understanding to the discussion.

3. 1 2. What stages of the listening process can be interchanged? Why?

4. 3 In the process of listening, responding and remembering

these two can be interchange because first responding isn’t always
5. 2 needed when it comes to communication, rather it can be said as
indicator whether the listening is effective. On the other hand,
remembering could be done after responding because it’s only a
process of organizing the gathered ideas mentally that can be retrieved
if needed.
ENHANCEMENT ACTIVITY Being able to respond to a command or a question greatly shows that as a
listener you successfully completed or applied the listening process to
1. UNDERSTANDING yourself thus making it important in the process of listening.
1. Listening to a typhoon warning from the weather bureau
Step 1: I was surprised when my phone suddenly rang
Step 2: I stopped for a moment to check if that is really an alert warning
GENERALIZATION Step 3: I will confirm what’s really happening on my surroundings.
Stage 4: I will bear in mind the details about the typhoon
Stage 1. Receiving Stage 5: I will take precautions to avoid damages from the typhoon
- One of the essential steps in the process of listening is Receiving. It
is known as the physiological process and plays an important role 2. Participating in an online meeting on a group project
in making effective communication, 'receiving' allows the speaker
to have the opportunity to be aware of their surroundings. On the Stage 1: I will wait for our leader to open his/her microphone
listening process 'receiving' cannot be removed because it might Stage 2: I will pay attention to what the leader is planning or talking about
disrupt the following steps of the listening process. If the listener Stage 3: I will ask questions about the project and for more clarity
didn't receive the message clearly misunderstandings are to be Stage 4: I will take note all the important details about the our project
Stage 5: I will do my task as a group member and do things that I’m assigned
to do.
Stage 2. Attending
- It is important in the process because it is where the listener filters COURSE PACKET DISCUSSION
out the unnecessary sounds and intentionally focus or identifies
the sound that listener heard.
Stephen R. Covey quoted that “The biggest communication problem is we do
not listen to understand, we listen to reply”. In our society, it seems that we
Stage 3. Understanding
unconsciously normalize or allow people to always say something about
- Understanding is one of the critical steps in listening process
someone without even knowing that person’s background, purpose or
because it is where the listener determines and interprets the perspective. That’s why I believe that not all people are worthy to argue with
context as well as the meaning behind the words or sound that the
because at times they tend to talk without the purpose of understanding and
listener hears. learning from other people, basically they don’t try to put an effort on
understanding what you are trying to convey leading to non-sensible
Stage 4. Remembering arguments, some people are just really not open minded and we should
- Remembering plays a significant role in the listening process change their mindset so that we all could converse with one another while
because it acts as an indicator if the listening is effective, here we being able to connect, correct, accept and educate ourselves so that our
can identify if the listener were able to get the key points that we society would also be open about variety of discussions and also people
are trying to imply. wouldn’t have to feel the fear of being judge by sharing opinions on a
Stage 4. Responding specific topics.

1. C
2. A
3. A
4. B
5. A
6. B
7. D
8. B
9. A
10. D

Name of Student:____________Victoria D. Abriol__________________________

Program: __BS Psychology________________________
Year Level: ___First Year____ Section : ______GEC 1-E______
Faculty: __________________________________________________________
Schedule: 4:30-6:00PM WEDNESDAY AND FRIDAY
Course Packet: 1 Code: LM-ESEN0113-01 Title: Stages of the Listening Process

How do you feel about the topic or concept presented?

 I completely get it.
o I’m struggling
o I’ve almost got it
o I’m lost.
In what particular portion of this course packet, you feel that you are struggling or lost?
- None
Did you raise your concern to your instructor?
o Yes r
 No
If No, state your reason?
- I didn’t raise any questions because I get all the ideas and main points of the topic.
To further improve this course packet, what part do you think should be enhanced?
- On the lectures
How do you want it to be enhanced?
- By providing more examples on the lectures because it allows the student to imagine and understand more about the topic

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