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準 2 級 確認プリント<1>

No.1 注意すべき時制 時・条件を表す副詞節 現在完了形 過去完了形 
(1) I won’t go out, if it (      ) tomorrow.
1) will snow
2) will have snow
3) snows
4) snowed

(2)Don’t touch that chair. It (       ) just fifteen minutes ago.

1) was painted
2) have painted
3) has been painted
4) have been having

(3) I broke the PC I (      ) the other day.

1) had bought
2) have been buying
3) bought
4) have bought

No.2 注意すべき助動詞 
(1)My new car broke down yesterday. I ( ) a different model.
1) would have bought
2) should have bought
3) should be bought
4) will buy
(2) Hey, the door is open. Someone (      ) the room.
1) enter
2) have entered
3) must have entered
4) will enter
(3) This book looks very familiar. I (   )it before.
1) would have read
2) may have read
3) will be reading
4) have been reading
(4) Yoshio was playing with his friends all day yesterday. He ( ) reading the book.
1) will be finishing
2) will finish
3) can’t have finished
4) have been finished
No.3 仮定法 仮定法過去
(1) If I ( ) not busy, I would visit Japan.
1) was
2) were
3) am
4) could

(2) I ( ) with you tomorrow.

1) hope I would go
2) would go
3) wish I could go
4) would not have been

No.4 仮定法 仮定法過去完了
(1) If we had bought this car a month ago, we ( ) driving to your city.
1) could have gone
2) could go
3) can go
4) have been

(2) I ( ) you five years ago.

1) wish I had met
2) would have met
3) could meet
4) wish I met

No.5 注意すべき不定詞・動名詞・分詞 
(1) He saw a plane ( ) into the mountain.
1) have crashed
2) will crash
3) crash
4) have been crashing

(2) My boss made me ( ) until late at night.

1) working
2) worked
3) have worked
4) work
No.6 使役動詞
(3) I don’t ( ) like playing tennis today.
1) felt
2) feel
3) have felt
4) feeling

(4) I saw my father ( ) late at night.

1) working
2) have been working
3) worked
4) have worked

(5) I had my hair (   ) yesterday.

1) being cut
2) cut
3) have cut
4) cutting

No.7 注意すべき関係代名詞 

(1) Yoko is a student ( ) father is a high school teacher.

1) who
2) whose
3) what
4) when

(2) I couldn’t understand ( ) he said in the meeting.

1) what
2) that
3) who
4) whose

(3) Mr. Yamamoto is not ( ).

1) who he used to be
2) who he was
3)who he used to be
4)what he used to be
No.8 注意すべき関係副詞

(1) This is the apartment ( ) my father lived many years ago.

1) what
2) where
3) when
4) who

(2) I remember the time ( ) I met you for the first time.
1) where
2) who
3) how
4) when

(3) That is the reason ( ) he likes you.

1) what
2) why
3) when
4) how

(4) This is ( ) he learned Japanese.

1) when
2) why
3) how
4) what

(5) You may give it to ( ) you like.

1) whoever
2) who
3) which
4) wherever

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