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Aim High 2 Unit 5 Test A

1 Complete the sentences with a word from the box.
woodland oilfield landmark headquarters charity shop boardroom 
earthquake housekeeper lighthouses skyline

1 The Eiffel Tower dominates the Paris skyline.

2 The Empire State Building is a familiar landmark in New York.
3 Lighthouses warn ships about dangerous rocks near the coast.
4 A new oilfield has been found near the coast of Brazil.
5 Vodaphone’s UK headquarters are in Newbury.
6 Some ancient woodland caught fire last weekend, destroying thousands of trees.
7 The earthquake in Samoa registered seven on the Richter scale.
8 Most of the company’s meetings happen in the boardroom.
9 We have a housekeeper who cleans and takes care of our home.
10 We emptied the wardrobe and took all the old clothes to the harity shop.

Marks: __ /10

2 Complete the text.

Felicity’s boss paid her on Friday. First of all, she paid her rent to her 1__land______
lord. Then she went 2__window______ shopping, planning what to buy. After that,
she went into a department 3_store_______ to buy a coat. The coats were on a
_clothes_______ rail in the women’s department. She looked at the 5___price_____
tags, but they were all too expensive. So she went to the 6__food______ counter to
buy something to eat for dinner. It was closed. Next, she went to the 7_news_______
agent’s to buy a magazine, but there were too many people queuing 8___up_____ at
the 9_cash_______ till. Finally, she went to the corner 10___shop_____ to buy some
bread. It was shut!
Marks: __ /10

Aim High 2 Unit 5 Test A 1

3 Read the text and choose the correct answers.
The Sydney Opera House
Australia’s Sydney Opera House was designed by Danish architect Jørn Utzon, after
his design beat 232 other entries in a competition in 1955. Construction began in
1959, and Utzon moved to Sydney four years later. There were three construction
stages: first the base, then the roof and then the interiors. The roof was the most
complicated, because it is made of several different-sized shells. Utzon was one of the
first people to use computers to design this stage. The Opera House opened on
October 20, 1973, ten years after the government’s completion date. The building
contains the Concert Hall, which is the home of the Sydney Symphony Orchestra, and
the Opera Theatre, which is the home of Opera Australia and the Australian Ballet.
Utzon died on November 29, 2008.

1 Utzon’s design was the best of . . . entries in the competition.

a  232 b 233 c 234
2 Construction of the Opera House began . . . years after the competition.
a two b three c four
3 They used computers in the . . . stage of the building.
a first b second c third
4 The government wanted the building to be finished by . . .
a 1963. b 1973. c 1983.
5 . . . usually perform in the Concert Hall.
a Singers b Dancers c Musicians
Marks: __ /5

4 Read the text again and answer the questions with a complete sentence.
1 Where was Jørn Utzon from?
_____ He was from Denmark._____________________________
2 In which year did Utzon move to Australia?
_______ He moved to Australia in 1963.___________________
3 Why was the roof so complicated?
_____ It was complicated because of the different-sized shells. _________
4 What performances can you see in the Opera Theatre?
________________ You can see opera and ballet.__________________
5 When did Utzon die?
______ He died on 29th November, 2008._____________

Marks: __ /15

Aim High 2 Unit 5 Test A 2

5 Choose the correct answers.
Kate and her family 1________ in Kenya 2________ six months now, and life is still
quite difficult. Before they moved, Kate’s husband 3________ to Nairobi to find a
house and a school for the children. He 4________ a house immediately, but there
________ many schools to choose from. The children 6________ school last
September, but they don’t like it very much. They 7________ happier in their old
school. Also, the house 8________ running water 9________ August! However, the
people are very kind, and they 10________ a lot of new friends.

1 a lived b have lived c has lived

2 a for b since c ago
3 a has flown b have flown c flew
4 a has rented b have rented c rented
5 a haven’t been b weren’t c wasn’t
6 a started b have started c has started
7 a have been b were c was
8 a didn’t have b hasn’t had c haven’t had
9 a for b ago c since
10 a has made b have made c made
Marks: __ /10

6 Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first sentence.
Use the word in brackets.
1 We moved here in 2005. (lived)
We ______ have lived here since__________________ 2005.
2 I can’t find my mobile phone. (lost)
______ I’ve lost__________________ my mobile phone.
3 I have no experience of skiing. (never)
I’ve _____ never been skiing___________________.
4 My parents aren’t here. They’re at the supermarket. (to)
My parents ____ have gone to____________________ the supermarket.
5 My brother bought his car two months ago. (for)
My brother _____ has had his car for___________________ two months.
6 When did your sister get married? (long)
How ____ long has your sister been____________________ married?
7 Have you ridden a horse before? (ever)
_____ Have you ever ridden___________________ a horse?
8 The last time we saw Ryan was at one o’clock. (since)
We _______ haven’t seen Ryan since_________________ one o’clock.
9 Josh went to the gym earlier, but he’s come back home now. (has)
Josh ______ has been to__________________ the gym.
10 I met Sarah six years ago. (known)
I ______ have known Sarah for__________________ six years.
Marks: __ /10

Aim High 2 Unit 5 Test A 3

Language skills
7 Complete the dialogue.
Teacher Charlotte, where’s Lily?
Charlotte She’s 1_gone_______ home, Mrs Jones.
Teacher Why did she 2__go______ home?
Charlotte She said her arm 3___was_____ hurting.
Teacher How 4_did_______ she hurt her arm?
Charlotte She 5__fall______ over.
Teacher __Have______ you spoken to her 7_when_______ she left school?
Charlotte Yes, I called her mobile. She was with her mother. They
were going to hospital. Lily thinks she 8_has_______ broken a bone.
Teacher __When______ did you speak to her?
Charlotte About an hour 10_ago_______. I’m going to call her again after school.

Marks: __ /10

8 Complete the mini-dialogues.

Dialogue 1
A Where have you been?
B 1______ I’ve been to the library__________________________
I’ve borrowed two books.

Dialogue 2
A Stuart isn’t here. 2____ Where has he gone__________________?
B He’s gone home.

Dialogue 3
A 3__________ Where has he gone?_________________________?
B No, I haven’t. I’ve never been outside my home country.

Dialogue 4
A 4_______ How long has your grandmother lived with you____?
B My grandmother has lived with us for five years.

Dialogue 5
A 5_______ Have you known Maya for a long time____________?
B Yes. I’ve known Maya since I was three.
Marks: __ /10

Aim High 2 Unit 5 Test A 4

9 Write an informal thank-you letter to a friend or a family member who you
stayed with last summer. Write about 130 words. Organize your writing into
three paragraphs:
• Say thank you. Say what you enjoyed most about the summer.
• Say what you’ve done since the summer.
• Say thank you again.
Marks: __ /20

TOTAL: __ /100

Dear Valio,

Please accept my best thanks for the gift you sent for my birthday. It
was such a pleasant surprise to come home and find a package waiting
for me at my door. And what a beautiful shoes! I have been wearing it
every day. My friends are very jealous of how fashionable I look now.

Again, thank you so much. You always know how to put a smile on
my face.


Aim High 2 Unit 5 Test A 5

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