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LECTURE 7 : Hypothesis Testing(Continued) Levels & P-values

Hi there,

This is your pal Scooby

Following are my notes for the lecture. These are my handwritten detailed notes. I felt that Prof. R
taught a lot more in the videos than he wrote in the slides. I tried to make them without any
mistakes and cover most of the video material.

But as Beyonce has rightly said : 'To err is human'

I however DO NOT TAKE any responsibilty if you fail your exams following my notes. So please
check the actual lecture slides and videos if you suspect something is wrong.

Also tell me about it at :

The notes DO NOT CONTAIN solutions to any homework problems.Only the problems and
exercises solved in the videos are included in these notes.

Here's a motivational quote

'A brave worrior dosen't fear anything, and so dosen't a fool'

~ Asgardian proverb

Here's a cute photo I googled

I hope these notes will help you too

Let's get started

Lec*J : Hybot?uesfs Tes (ConLtrured) : terrels & ?-val,r.rer 7,L
F BernorrlLl F:cpevirrr ent re,calt l"rgP.rth"sts *estn2- *t*h- qn €xornple
T$s 3t*vt X1,X11X3 - - :. -.xn "'.'Ber(pl &vsome unknoNNr, p e (o,r)
Tirs* -the hgpothests
I/z \CS Hr z \, *{/z
Xo : P =
Ni{h osyrnplokc Jeuel cr e (o, t)
Ao w€, etqn* sotvi4g *h,e pvolcteha,
uJe knorc p, : Rn is o good es*imabo,r,
* f so I ryroke r,r,y {est std\sdc hrith n
lT.. Xr, -p -llnrs nxll help rne tn <alcu[akry {he
p(t-p) PnJoaUitibtes ve.l,rted to Jm in - q
lnonc*. tts a qood tdea. to
wr,oke it a *est stattst(o
3o vyry test stahshc is
T^ Jn X" -f
tt- p)

Nour erprtit,.l, hoto to knorre, {orwar"d p"m h,evz, h{e cleciclenl W

^!e, expLol^ecl
C t"vitt corutrns't tlae {"e 1 eYror ie f r^}ttl alLor,ri it fro lce nnaxtrnat! d,
3*P o(y te) I d, fglt g € Oo
' 1e *he * **n
be, smc.ltQrrtfram or e.qr*al to a( (te\^et)
$rre,rttnot, forc off g et Oo
ftx oux prololevu" r,^hat hg..Aa Oo and Or
we know g ts zlutvater$ to p heve Or
)to: g€Oo heve.wgharne ?=t/z o \
Hr .. e€ Or he.r€ hle hale, p*t/z J,
oo O (or'L)
3o o,ru. job rcas *o {-r.a Fe ( q = 1)
ylma^qSt *leZWt,
fub,",.1 erv# +*
au" p € Oo *hen, {rra,cl llae
a.nA STLPY^e,rnuvr4/
an"d ensure ,6rrqt o\tevL su.pi"emum ts 8mol,[ar than 4
9t e,1uot *o x .

But ctue b ff: wqy hypothe.ri,s i^ {re;lcytdted W"? Oo 1+setf ts just a

Strnq,tetow ttlz\ . 3o tltis r,ytakes ourc 1ob easy.h)e1ust neeA +o f-tt*U-

vrt (v= r) au-d eyrsuxetha*, Frr(V=t ) < o(

Now obserq,re oreFty r"rhat hle do with +1,1*. tnel*c.U\ inr" {he,ncxL
we rnrere *o nsure
e, accoydirtg +o our pt4ocedure fLd {he ta[on:ing c"ndehon
hrtcls uHnr'ch iA
Fr (V=1) < a
Sorne one con be stnovt and 8W , Oku dun4 tdcrrrJ rnokethu prolc"brut<l
Fp (V= 1) equcL {o zero irzr--tlaat way i.K atra:ays o" . But {hrr' i
%aitr ia
fite Se-fltng e\,13l/y ctttrntnal {ree . we corut do lirat . hJ e ru declded +t"ri* tre
ru.axtvr.urn lotevance +,,. !+F" et^rdr ts oc And hre hohc sqy *lnot 4 harne ou
bu{ert oc acovditlg {o rs\Xjch a +^r€^k qy +ytae eyrcrr I
r,oout d" nkp. .I
!^.hO:}" f',r, advavttoqe of +1^^a totavon@ iur^.e J no1td ,tike et*d{yt*
iy suptt,rnum, . f n:ailt,
eu? B (V= r) : d,

lw )ttz cv+reunt axr,'.r,vtpte is a t;n{e+ow rutnlce-v y= t/t

Pt (V= 11 = d,
Now r.t you revnevnbe+ r6e s+o.,&ed oll {lu3 drsclgsiotzt iw ea*dtu- lerturl vtli+t4,
o. rnurrtberr C tvt ,rnruind & vrrc said *lae {euel or r,..rttt dectdetne C . Let6'see hour

{vstty hle *eQ, hut furnr-hm V ,qI hre knorc ik avr" ihdfcollol<, Jl

As g+atecl aarr,treN
rP dt T^ >c 1
1t\m p(t- p) \

fl'thi' a-Y pre,ratsn ir 4$ th;g u\F^cl idn ra

-tryue q -_ I .FaLEe V=o

Nottl {i.rr's C rpitl loe de-c-tded bg oL . tnle haw estctbtished thot we want
Pv,\ V= 1) = x : Lclg subs+t+ube V $"rn o.borne

P,.(o Jn-n -.5

ll ,5(r-.5) l'"i 1-

Now hre knoro 4(a) = I -+ A oc.uys j so np r,^nile ol.cove sdake,rilcf,tYaA

fn -"5
f'^( r' \ J.r(r-.8) 7c o{

dnd tln-is is a str,uiUax axpression, -lhat v.,re sarnr rcl.tile co,lcu\attn <on$dence intawalo

P,. (* \8!.= \ , ts equivalent {o P (lzt , c)

|r's1r-'s) r "\/ esymptottc-a\l ravhere. 71 ev N(o,t)

{ertce hav.e tr(rZl >c) = d,

ttettce c tL bA d4 " { 1*aruite 1q, *z /
\ Vz
hte qot +he" val,ue o| c .l,€Is \r*.+ it back fo V
-1ry, 1*,
v I 1 rr'i J.=(,-.8)

{ence $tyno }uare, a s(rrngle proc,e,duve

Ptu6 ir,r, *lac datq, yot,t to*"d ,iw 1lae -(otto*tnn el\>vr,*;on

pu6-,5y I , 1ry,

V tt^r'* cornes {rue , Y= 1 ', ?dp& flo : Crvtrr, ttnfarr

tJ thj* cnrn(A {afse : V= O t Foil{o reject Ho I Ci'"*"{ P"
ccr.ltei un{air

> ]t-i.IL revtsit Guy coivr losg exarnple (te Exompte 2)

t0e had Xn = l3/ZO * .42
Ne ho.d r\ = Gd
t1d hle did exacflg {he colcqlaton 'lrha* t.,e hyitl do here
\c*s soy \^'e Nont a test Ul Lewl Dl = 57. orc 'o5
\de need lo 6,^d \ry" = i.o2r = l,q6
JF eo*tie,Y I^1'e colcllatle

X" -'5 - -5
$o "42
/ .Y7
t-..s )

S,eedtex- h)€ gard that -'77 (r^rc did nd toke. rnod -then) tsa posstb\e
reaLi5atoYL '$
I.ol'Trnis ts ---> v = o
le ['to ccrnnoL bz rejecte-d,
{.rr noL uutUke{ -thocf cotvt is Joit

;.cts rno1re sr to *he net.r)s orr /oufube Q<ampte

fNews on Yotltube
Lets recsll {.,e pvob\ern : Suvwy wos cond^ucUed 6m6ng- 4qYt v'ondorn Arnexicorns.
hern:s '$/rsn"t y outrrLe . Can vue concl,{.de o.f
827. soid *tn.g golr qtleusb sqryle
mOSt j rd orC Arneric.orr, 9e,t ok\eoSt Ssrne ne\ds o71 Youlr'rbe?
hle soid Xr, X*.. ..Xvr ru Berrp) \ = 441)" is fltre,.
p^ = Xn = .zL (qiuen)
'iEe be like
hylrothess wtll
Ho : P 7r'ZZ : Sta+usquo l T* is de{tnitity a tuco s.Aed,
Ir : p(o.zi :llAYenluivYorelaiwu J terb as ve,suLK wtII prefer+
* ttn. *r,oo ,<*
LetS onCe qgo.rh rnsrrftC, O , Oo, Ot
@ '.PorameYev set (o, I )
Oo : [.ta, r) 0 .39 I
O' : (o, 'b\) Or o"
Nowr hle rno\re on *o -the *est J hee y€rrnember ouy heun\shc rnelhoc{

'(ni.' hqs noihing {o do with the $rtowing^ discnsston hut rt l.e(

us decide the sign v
q ot(f ineluali!
Bo A tr* {ne tttourt tesb
Jn f"-P c

fnu nexb nafuyal questtcrn is honr \^)ill c be decided, ? {n" onsh}er is si.rnple
-*devaXe 0 ynax\mum q of evror' Amort3sb, otl tn'e'
Jow eqyr, I
.""1. {ound.Uy.
posstbte rrreruee + tpfr P, :51 ,O"- $nd *he
maxivnurn/supre^,r*"'.?*t b i+ 'eXuo!'{o o( ' (osynnptodco$r)
qt Jn r"-r < c


d(P) *xo(e

?" = Xn here'
h"g o< (p) =o(
Oo a.s s+qted e^Yter i s f.ez, t)
ss-n os {he +est is
FYnt noG- -tln^t c is o. c6v\s+ant , ie iG dedded os
hlt t^:{,'\
a."ia.n . A\lhorgh \^'e putt tts {+Yed &o uo'f,"n
$;J tt -llte.xflrd c r.^stti be sarnQ f"" *t[ o[tlnern-
Col,,urlaEe, ot(p) +" i.fl.*r.t pt

'rJn bv dt
No*p Xn -P * .d) , y \^jhehi:, f "..' ,iltort)
p(t - p) h+o
Pr(tffi. c) = o( (asYwtPtt'ttcat|)
{his orteo ts olso D{
rneans by symmetry
F(z <c) =, O(
Arca: x

8o .=-1* ? 1,_0.
c -c
$o hle con soy gy d.t o{ c =
luanlite 1,_*
X. -p of, avtCI. (t-x; is{o't?'re .,.W
r', (" <-1 o(
By sy rnm.ehy
ptt -p) ) d i*s(o.h-
-C=to< =+ C=-1*
.sdoro not'e 'tl"re orgunnenh ca'ne$ul.! (f{rs a l^lfle cern$,tsing )
tnlhen slte makir,ng {he test hre s qy
Corrrpufe li1- Y* - P colnpore t+ 1D -\*, {ort a
Srnen /ewl oc (sa1 s%)
t- P P)
C{ trua reject H. it vr,oL trute {riU+t reJec't Ho
+ 3"fto"" A halre doh" rrke the yorrlube crne vr-=4971 fn : ZL ,ro\tll
qbte {o eomPute t|re 'test now ? t'6 .\
,ZZ -P
lne onsh}crt rs NO. un[esS f sp..i{y *Y p , f- awr s+qck with tne
y1sy6e.ri c oL c-0lcxtrt[CIn,

So {:he pofrat is untess T h^ve spec$e,d p Ibn mY lEsf sTNtsTtc

t r^covtt be qb\e l" P.ttr* the &st so I r,.+t\t to specifr P
f-f i sarl p = .1 f rsay p= .5 q A scl p=')E
JE, E -'4 < - 1.<q5. Iw X-.r J[. Xn-'lE 4 - I.6\5
t l)(. q) .u (- 5) lGTs)(-z 5)
r*itl be wty {est w{[ be ,y +u.t \^]Lll be r.y tesb

tt i sa.1 p = p" qnd t

r^rlr,eye. po is o fixed no br".: o
jn Xn -Po
p" (r
no6 +hcrt \^re catcu\".1tng the +ytr I' error wt^,rch is
x" -P' -1 r.nis is+,Jprotoaniny $ our +est ft{et+tna \
PPI 5 <-1. I unclev {he recr\ p vsti*'-intlnis co'se berorr-gs*o Oo
be couse+his s\Fe I errcrr rn;hich is b7 sta{d1g
assurnpng {h&t tto Ls. trua
-> drirne tlne potr* l'rorrre
Xr r Xz Xg, -. . . Xn qtt corre -tr*t q Ber (p)
h5e qve inley€sled in- *tb. I errcrr so we <rssurne p € 9o t* p>"33
We creota atest tndiiicluatty os fo\lovos
v JJ
\ lx
ly"(r- p"1
under- {he assumgtton that Xi ^' Ber rarc c^olo.tcG 'the fli'*tg
r^"b abiUty
5, x-" -po
PP ( -1 c(
g"(r- po)
Av*rarirng +gF" I evtzrr
-2 Nor^r reo.d {his oo*S\y
A worrb *o clroose po guch +hqt rrir|'rer, P Valu'el fcntr '33 10 I
Iffie supre,mum d +h" aborrs frubabll.t! fs x and odl tlne others orte
leu -tl.,orn or %.^ot to ot .

+ T wsnk +o e.hoose po such 'thAt,

a*p n'p' [m n -& . -k] ', I i:?
Peo, L Jpo11=6 n-+6 "(

.liryr\s out po at boundY ie po: .bZ t..xtt pr,ne *he, su?

+ q ycu can rernernber *he cbo\ e hot .t about Po..b"iy- fn1 b"unbryf,
p# o?3 r and av^e, convtnced by t+ do not reod theftttonrtq axlumdnk.
fi" nok a Port { }}ra {eehrre '

No6 tho& Xr , Xr , Xe -- -- - -.Xn -" Ber (p)

ln K-r ,-ro--* i(o,t )

Jpttr- pt h*co

rGj ust c-otulolB,

PP -l* laJprr1-
Po(r -Po)

{* a. -['*.d Po ; po - 3{"8(-p,)
tg a conslqnt ,t"( c"tt it:b
Fp ll." <bl = F? x"-E PI E < .rfr (u- r)
F -h," p) p(t - p) 1 JEU-pj I

Ftnaug p" conttnuad...

rce needlo skdy tlrrr
r( z ( Jfr (b-v)
- P) ) a( rm rn (to- p) t/-
{uwdtorr, -f* p7. "Lb
r^r-rtf hobe +0 betiere ct *fu's P*ul-t *he {u"ehon Jod< -tike thn
td yr*

li(b -P {* b = .5

P --'33 =!
Nor^: Yotr h^oy sqy us{y drd trx- choose b -- s & believe
. me t{ va'ltd $x
o*hec te's too . -tk"," graph *el.ts us =ttP ts ochie.rred
o* p ='33

So the s,.P is 0
jfr (b - "gr)
.tt ( .6y)
hie neonf +h& sup *o be q,

fi' (u o(
J.s3 (. <z) 1
{ln (u - '33) a Ga:)1-571

b -QqI Qzg) (-€t) + .33


fubdt'fuHnn b baeV

3il 'gb q'.

(t-P,) t33) (.et)
fi P,
We delrr) see po = 'bZ is -1he srLtttorr-

-lii* is buu zna 4 {h.- f*f

r* conlivuriqgfie teefure : h)e satcl rare rr,rrs* Choose boundoly volue poLl,r,tS &," P"
*hrs was the resubt, 6yheru the O \^ms porhtton 'irrto trr:o piece .

But wfnat qbout & like {his

O =(o,t) o
S .€.-r-
Oo= [.Er,6l t--l
Or= -oo r (o,.F)u(.6,1)
{}tis cqse hle hque 1o
ftna ae {fe ! errr {* botd" boundavy part6

lnd comp.tre tt at both poin6 tlre pttrtt at r^shtch *gpe 1 evrar {s

0ornrqst should be chosen as po

> Btarttln wifltu a differevd s{aUsttcat +,est

lvr, qU {^e examples vrrc sto.rted hlt+h a stotstica'. test
Tn =tn xn -.{, nnd nre had Tn7 cor -fh < o" c lfnl > e etc
C heve {= E[xi] ra 1xi)

+V,e reoson \do.s simgte r^,c Proce ed +o ona\yse o. test us\rtE \F" I error
{1ilzeruor ts a ?"$o.biu
I tetr, (+=t1 V ee o.
We hod to eatc;,rtaka the s,^p ond h^.t tt {o oc NDT6

And fr"{rabitider calartafed wtth dishtbu}tqna

r^she IAS\/tV )au
. nle dont knom -l}te d(stribuksn ,rl X" (nok r,eot\y)
. But r^,e .do knovo 'the dt'sH.buttcrn q
m L3 *_!-.tr_ ,iltort;
c ^1@
I{ s,ppose th, C-oee J't Xr - Ber( P) 1[ sho.uteo hrith a. diffe,rnent
-for. so*e coilstav\t \
fr^riucalcurake q ( E, < A) a,slvnp+o+tcalty

t,r"U notd vescale pp x'-P <J,.I-P \

(- Y 1"l.x-3
g P"I fm
)= \ JF(r-p) Jflr+)/
NoN t. eon caLculate. Pr&abiti+F accoro\ivr.g +o Cl.(- & ac.alt
fi .Jprr-p)
-lJ = C (a neuc c"rn-storutJ

f* A does not nndterr t e $xm { stu+ts+ic h,e +ol<e

FT,rfroducl'taru to g vatuu
Ho i,r atroaSs greffered as !l,o l€tqtesto stofus luo
vue d[scussed, enrt\isr, rdlecl1ry
qnd Ht ts the scierrlt$c enquiry {'lnaL a r€seorc}rer is pr-rraue ' So qi one Ir
qbte {p rejee+ l\o , -tlds *eoi.6 {nere ts a, scier,.d$tt c,ttscoverg.

Noto suppoSe o,
veseavchev catteils doto" and ra]ith {rue daka condLrc}g o *est- at Jen:I
d,.Sn/.'(=1y) . Now t* h-oppens +l^.cttloe. {est re.jecUed Ho ofi leve\ 57., Sorneone
twteresbed in +he resear chzr& pavdcul,arc work calta l'uttn up qnr{ so)3 \^rhof
if y* b*irrqdtrrsn *lne -\eve\ 5 Z'/" , u'rou\d Ko s{ttl be ve'jeated? Hot^: obouf
a iewL { !'/. " !{e see+hat Jhere/s notluiq Speual' qbout ti",e \er.d 57. .t{6prremer"
to ansrng -lhe questicrns asked. )dex one nritt kurre.*o nepeo& tae teEt,otoi^ ,^'1*14
Z'/, l-ernet or r, l'/. -Ierne[

LstS See anofl^ey {ssue .lctnat can occuY . Suppose r"re, oLee tgr,r a *est as belcru.r

t\,-"ll t r* > \v, 3

and 4 h.anne. dofi^ sucln rhafi vny test sko.-tilshc Tn = 1.qB +hqt acdcl.dafed{bmdalt
Norn J tesb +hjs Srl, fevel x: 57. lntra 1.46
9=lL t l"qB)t.Q6f = I --+ Qejec]Hoiescied*'$c d\scouerttr

Tru = l.qB and lvr= l,ozs = 1.q6 "ane. ff I j"t1 p$Iish o. Pofelc s"fr"f
+hC -there \oas a sc-rent$'c dtsco*lrt at 97. lernel orrd do not teLL th-e- readex
about jlte ctogeness o{ Tn and Qg" , a ra.atw reado-*c 14^i6lLt hrlie,v',e wz-
{o'nrer^ev i{ { per{ovm I test u.ri+h the a4 = \"/o 1*, = 1.o,
z 2,05
frais.frne I--[tt.qA]t.o5] - O \"nc,4-t^t4o reiec] Ho
Who tls to sqq C dtdutt tureok mu daba itrct to reiect Ho qt 5% ler,rel
who is to sojl T ,"rttt re,1ieet rto otriin it t *so*pl" (cotrect vlernr srbsevva+ron^)
hcouldWt .i* be nlce reported rnsteod gl arceptry or rejea+in1 cb cer+crin lerel
.,{ T
sag(sZ) , a rurrnbuc ylLV .AlL ocfi )LVt xlhm*h,rtd -folr o.ll, iernets ot au,e?ilow
or rejecttr4
P- Val,rre aefivu#
Tne,losymptotLc) p varue
{ a" *esh Vo. ts "{,lne qrnallest (o,srlnptottc) ,tzwl o]
ralhrch, 'ln reje*s Ho .ft'in vandonn" arnd elependa crrr sannpte .

Be4oxe cakr,t\altovrs )ttr

see soma J.e"tu,.e^ p -value
,?voJ.up.lirrcs oy1, o.zs Acale i [ke X .lies betwee.n O eyLd t p value olso liq bw 081
AF & can, \oe consrdevpd a perou,*0,Ae eon be p val.ue eouidered o. percenlage.
. Pvalue is a chaviackevts+tc o{-data i.rlllecLed L fus\ : Eech sampte +hat rye colleck
and -tlne, test rare declde hxtt gr,e out a. pvatue speci$ctothaY*t,st & dota,
ft mey so happam, tltat pvatle changes &, a nero sampla ) gonle +e*
t+ may atso horcun, that pvalle changer fox. t me-D ttrst ) sama samf'l"e
Y- to
'Qolden. rr^lg : the
de{tni+ton o{- Pvalrre i}g -{rlre,smollest (aa6tnph.ittc) ),,Q}rd- ok
As pot
rthieh V* rc.jactS Ho .Acor6ing{ote forrnc\isnmorcttmlerre,L e6 incve.o&s ,*lne more.
\^J{. cr,}€ {otevatlg +U+E f zrrcf ;o *l,re mov€ E tnri,tt Ue rejerrlrtrn6- ua ( thcreolr*
&trniUnvtr4 os o( goesip zero,hle sqy hlg will yrewy reject Ho. (d[scussedeortli'ert)
.8o t^re c-an, vdsuoJ.iT;- th^r ju a. sarnp\e and u V ,lhe.leret oa
caw go Jvann, o 't! 1
t*w Twtute,st

o p-voJue
-***> d. Ax{s
Itere fu{he l,tere-ftx{.re
{rxedsorny'eSQ t**.d somple
)to r,uitl ru h*tt d$^tay
As ookeeps on, W wjedced
never be ncreasIvrg
rejected f"*,O
tohrqvds I ) ++\?*e, vstt\
CgrY\ a x garnfi , obow hlhr& Ho
wtllbe rcjecbeA
9" botornr unYhi ch Ho rnxtt be acepVeA Ytence
Tutrs crrihlc-al, laotl'rfi 'r'r the p vahe

r$o ,nakrruil.ttr-. +rt gorne oe lne QororN RuLE is

p -vaLre < oc # Ho r;e rejecbed bt: v" at ,*d"f,rtic h*el a,
' '',ti'I,e prnotler *he more c"n$dernilgL one col1, vy--je;r:h Ho
+r^e. p-value

[o occordi4g -{o +he gotden rute a+qst ot'ang le,uel obouns p vo&te '^}c t^}ill rejacL
Xo because p value u ++\z gvrrollelt voh^a,ltrr/eX cf \^fiicll" U nE..t H" . ry
le.\ret abore gvalue wttl" de{i"nibe} rejeok Ro
So .f* suppose *he v^lxe conres out *o be L"/"
%. P
Ilo u,rill Ue ruje$nA al ong lewL aloorne 17. ie L7",SZ ,1o'/" ,2oZ
No'^': Jo" * *o'ff;';. :;[ff
^ffitr J::..] ie .ooz.,,, .o!",,, os7.
8o rnr- halne ,rnr-rrh rnong conJtderrce in vejecri4g H,
le r^re crre nnuch rvlrhe con$aenf tot -+t^,e nl,,r,) d.<*covvry
F Ercevcise : K{SS
f,+nottg at the endol
y4^-l€cfur€ ,nre ore oJcte{o sfudgtlte prololemposed tn tJr.L.Le(sgo
XtrX.r *-.*-,Xn iigBertp) ; vl =t2'4 ;5("='645
> k ts rrrite *he sta+tsdcal rnodeL (f , t Pe3eeO )
Xt {s pernor,,rtli so tqt<e^r on$ *trro valler o e/e I ,

Trre paramef,eY set O {s (orl) , g i" P

Tne modet t"s
( to,r j , { Ber(g) 3p e co,u )
> Letg -fovntu\ata +)r\!- h*614^QJ,,^A
)to ., ? + !/t : S*o*us 1*o (tikea-fatvcoin) 'fJ Tnere ts no P.ete(:"<.e
]o .ry|
>lr : p * Lb ; Screntr{+c drscor,rerg sideo{ O ,hence i(d o"+u}o sided.
) Norn.r r,...le wr,ake or-ur tesd slaltshc ( fiyCeaytiev)
Tn Xn-'5 alh I{^ -.s
.5(r-.5) I
= l 8, '^i+|,l-ttis C cora"farrru
fat+, {uvtc+toz V

> te.E+ V at lewL oc

te *j** uvher,r, Exp,rne*ion irnude

v L t {lnlIn-.SI irdicotur JL(.) rg'{rrre

> PLu6 irn" llne wuube.ra +r. &= 57,

X" = . 645 y"= lL4
nryr= L,qL
v = lt t a fiffi \.a+s -,51 > t.q6 1

= ltt t -(cruce hre rejeck

a*, tercL 57,

6 raYE realizak* g+avdald gaul,'siorn' ACo't1

Norn h6ethai Z.zzq ls ^d *t"2.'rne-oa,0.
*L^)qy forn
fl, ts rnovre than rrtondord cteviattons
4r,rhounh oux test r.ejects it it
dosev(t te\L us *nffry
tnz slyetfiL wi+fi-
uyiu.fn"' +f"e vejer+tcn- Ot K" happeru . So v.r< cofculate p volue
fo coJcr.rto.Le tt,
\^!e ask +he ques{torr, . qL^err r,rq daba & tna txt
, n:hat ds the
smoltegb tewt d oc *rnat c. un $^d ftr nnaich m;i*est r"ritl
rej<,k lto
Tru-s ts e4uival8rn"t fo^ askin6 \^lhD,t {s svvrotlest {ewt o}ot 'thot witl ryrne I = i'
V ts aya iytdtcotor funchoil" So V= r^shen -{he axp'rness'ton tnside the indfcakor
is true . Ao lets sotf lrhat p vdue ts de,nfiad ot
Norac hle kvtour

Xn - "5 td)r,il(o,r) un'dert ?=L/t-

,5(t-,b ) ' wt@
&uf.p,osu voe cc\culaVe {he goneral" f.bob*t^hd-
P ( ,m lI'" -'sl > zo) t* some vutmbetr zo

Nour oyrEr^Rn ttr,is elu\! , {ot

luesttrnru cot
my co\te.fq clatou arld 'ttAb eax'lr'e,l(
\arhat vttrwrber shoutd Zo be just *o lto (fe {tip tvte tnqualr{)

2o 2fi \fn -.51 em16-.51>:L. v

-Iyue I (R1ect Ftd
.5 -Tru e j. (Rq{ectHo)
t.o Z,zzl Tv^ug l" (eejectRo)

2.0 3.22-q I rru €. I [Rejec+ H")

-Tyue I (Rejcct'Ro)
5.o z. 22^q

3'20 2.221 Tvtte I (Rgec+ u"1

L,zzq h.z\q fie a+rrus1rw:/'d, caxt-

Ya. 3"22q Fatse o ( 6itt" iectu")
O ( F^iL+o rejectRo)
3.r V"2_L9 FaLge
O Cn^l1to pgiecrRo)
{,o b "L2,q Fafse

& the value $ strlis+tc *ha*r,,re cottecfed {rorn o,rrt da}a G tlla Zo t"*
\ lhich '^)€ t"rttl i.^d the ct{l+tcal ahd{ne prohatxlf+y o.ssocial'ed'+o
+hcLt rzalue is *l,ra gvalue

P (rrnt[,-.51 >z.zLq)_ dp=pvdue

thjs ts eluuv oJu,\k b.6. C.LT fu L*WptotrcatlT)

f Itzt > z.zzt) =(r-A(z.zzt))*"eooor2

-l-rre P volue d k d^ exomple ts " oolz ot ,LZ 7.
+sa.[ a]corne t{u3 ternel ow tln-is P cr<lrcrrtox som ptu r"'itt ?e.ject t{o
7. 15
F Exestcise : Coorieg
Sfuderuts ove qsked{ocounttr.o"l' chocototB chips trn- 5z coticie's '1i.'c5 $undl}^*{p
eoch cookie f","]-la;l? ckr-ips oia o stondartd aevio*tcn { 4'31 ' Corztpo'JY ctain,x
$.of *herrc ore, olteost zo ckuips percookie ' Exptore

Ao occordilS -lo lilae d^ta r^)e ho$e

rn* 32, Xn = \4.17
Ne neect {o nnoke soma cleustsrTa frrc na odotl.r,{
Xi l5 N (.,r1, o-a)
we nrttt use the arguvvrefis used pru-vfotrs$ Attl,,orXlr, v,re t<nowt +hal, ffru^ian
Lokes r,te2,o^,ttw value P( X < o) witt be .tu$tvtitesnna\! small"
Ne o*aunLe c2 = 4S7z
Ju,the cqse.N)bo {?us assurvrp}to?l con c\o ouY job, Sodorl*.tooYr! if i6 a"n,aP?roxirna}ioo
Muo a perJorm {he test ^Le,(s {ovrn *he lrXFothe,srs
Ho ; r7r2-o 'H'fiil1-"HJ[s]f.J*;t#trr1f;]arar*r+
I Jnis ts tne c.lairn (studend,). a+itrhe scientiJrc avtluir*
Hr : { < ao
{nis is a *wo sided regt : As ve,gu[6 witt pr"e{cx, ?\Y 4 Yi& a-berrdomark
{vJs ts a ,;; ;;pt. +cst
' c*t*''
tr H;l#t\i^l,T;l-pte
) 3o .l,etg rrtoLe 1'1ag . -r.r.
houo rnrc (on+aed' lasurstic '
We purst tA'61 Jo"ttt
Tvte etn4uirY ts ttl ri
't1 < Lo .')
f,o i satl $eF radaen X,' + Uw(ert(r'r,r) 1 Zo ? Xn
4nen rcjec*Ho
w{ruicln' t'uill be
\< t
Tr,js tat\s r,lr tte Uyn + ttoe'rluatrtg re\a+tw {o
LeX ranak e 'lhe test
Bziec+ uYheYt Xn -{

JGre, +hat due *o r^8. assurrap+ton, 'llaat Xi ^9 Ji( t 12) , x-n rs ilse$
,[ knovo {laab eurn d is itseLf o*"
A 6um 6aussians tr.l ^* ftar,rssiora,
\^r{+t^ n
Moon [[vr] = Etx"l = E
l(xr+Xr+ Xa-.'-.xn)
n l @'l={
Vox (Kn) = J Volc (XrtXe+-..Xn) n Van (Xr ) g 2"

nz t* n,

n l.t
,ri to,f ; {'lrs 'ts wob oatt^PhttcattX-
n/n" Irc trre jor art2 Yl,
) 3o I
proc*A {ovutard
Rejeck tnYherr- -m -I" -{ < c : c ts Xek '\o lce decided

\b. I eYYaT

-P"lLI :a I"-'{t'
{ ,4eo o

ierf \>tzo
/t"p _o{
IL r J

Md rnre lqnorO the supv",emurn rartlt be ochielrrgd ak tcourn)avj caae


P J-n X"-2o qC d"

1=% 4.2-7

BuJo* o5t1g ivt f' o'nd w t^lt 4tq\r? ye* to decide c

We kvtorac uvtde,q 1= 2-0 la -xn-30^ N(o,r)

1.tnrs ovtor"ritl be J-*

1.t^is ohea ts x
qcc.ordir,ra to
\" ey d+ q[ Euavr&ile-* Bt ,d^rnetry ,{.
above el,Iaton c=9r-0. _ln
)n t Jt'"^l+ fuue, {he \est

V I 4,37
nnxide Qx\Aio^trus

Jri .Xn *ro. ,%qin, -1B1,. 1\'77-2-o = - 6,7'7 4+"is does yr#
4,2't olota- 4'21
dook J.r,ke a ptatrsibte
r^eafrgatt n o[ nar.uur'avr,
\Ne he strict Orrrd uSe {ee g {l,tat r".re
t'i n,{t
€, valeytHu Co.f\ Jorrtqrtated
t* x--57 qr( = 1.ou - 1'645

te rre'ject Ho
) Hora: aboub p vaLrte for cosLtr,g
A good vute oJ, +turnfo is jus* to subskfufc, *lne, value 4\akeA s[altskc
in ptoce
ts "rji (o, t)
PV alue tr ( Y. I - 6J7 )
fn'-" coy!,\es ou+ to be :aevo(o) ravhen ptuqged in orn[tvre cqlcula]cr

p Lxercise: Macl,ti^,e k-o.rnin6- predic( breasb carwzt

ft*. pos ir,w ,'ffi ffi'"*,fr;:-?ffiilffi;:ii,"H,l
-*tU J:J:Hr*
u-surgerX- when there
^:Y: L{or need'
AtAt hove"+o uvrdevgo ^o
(as per{lne q.res-kon)+[4@ S+o{e 4 1tn" axt penchrrno'vk'rs Q57"
Rioh+ notA
:tS;'"t **rrs {h^t crJrc. o{rerared u\ron ctssurvtivg' +ne4 &v€ cancevcrrtA
hr*J'.lcs -thnt needed no suYqely
ott atl"
olre o.t^aty'1r.*A^
',narne rec,'uced {'t^a ra,6'
t l.aer^l rrtachrne \eoxvtivg. mettnoct cfatrras 3"t. ry( *r"ue pcsi]ir,re va,6.
po",.i** rnuhlle s\.[L keepi^g*rn] sarne
c[ fotse ",6"-,]e^4v
.l thr4rrohltwv
eK jorntulrate
> e,^onoutrovtre, q,ffi
t>urgotu6 , Nt *ffi"^fil. T'"fu'"? T [',ffiY il"'ff ":ffifr k
X, xt, Xa - -" ''X^ '^'" BoY(P) -!4U algorit?r;"a'
posili.e ra\ir $^'t't"
g ; true propor*t* "k fo.\se o7t aq7}ce^rr*3** LA1
ol{hern so xn = ::.*=
tro*x*t{he }dLa[o,rrlhrn,r, c\abau.toscntterred
:'urger$ 'px zoa & '6q36
2q7 =
-Fnu allovittr, *Jr.r^ended'
wa {or,r,^''rta}e
+t QhoUaeur
Ho P
, + +l^e al'b slahrs llo
1v^is rb tha stakz
: Jr,,ris r.s +ho daj; 4h.suevtltst + *t okXmillnr,
Hr P
Oo = ?7'15
A t,+i.It vtjwv rnYl'r'e'n'
CIr = ? <'q5
YtN! w\t*) "rvye'

oJhev e'xampte we dtd' iw B,e:.nrufft

> Srr& wVe. r.,vvl A

{ I Jt1

.l{nis 'is
'+1'^L 6L+

t Jptr-pr

JIp J7
[rt P (c d- (.ffy1W;c^lt )
? b'Q5 t- p) t p( 1

We kala o nr Sy tg atta.i ned. qt \c -'Q5

-ltw vafue .4 c{a
1" i*r like
- {ho fanevr)ar,r,a o,xamVle

t c-oyt ralttite the ,gf*{i* reXtaw

R : f" - ,QS -1"

t%eE' rr)
J'qs(r-.qs] I
> l-rB cal.e"talf

fi ["
{lffi . qsr,F . OS
= - 20.55q

is tloV u l€afiz.o*fuv! ** moL vouiable'

-La ,55q Plau'ribfe "1|
<{or X t ,i(o,t)
4+^e, pvahe .F (A <-e'o'55q) {e

.}to tnw he- wjo^ufuA, rnrt{|" c" -lrb 4 o* !'aerwe


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