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ParkCitiesNeighhors ON THE COVER

Park Cities mom Janine of all trades


My daughter wanted little more in life

than for the real Cinderella to attend her
fourth birthday party. Thankfully I know
Cinderella, and as it turns out, she 'was
available that very day.
She came to the party and held up well
under the intense scrutiny of tiny guests
questioning her authenticity. She was asked
about her castle, the step-sisters, Prince
Charming and her current mode of trans-
portation. When you are the real thing, you
have nothing to hide.
Which is why Janine Evans has to be
careful - she will have trouble explaining
to local princesses why Cinderella is some-
times seen exiting her home on Stanford
and driving away in her Mercedes station
Before marrying her husband, Will, and
becoming mom to Matthew, 7, and Walker,
4, Evans attended college on a ballet schol-
arship and danced in Doritos commercials.
Besides being a princess, she is Cher, a
leading supplier of knock-off designer sun-
glasses, interior decorator and community
I have seen Evans - as Cher - make a
grand entrance through a cloud of smoke
singing "If You Believe" with neighborhood
fans screaming and dancing. Even the most
REAL MOM: Janine Evans relaxes in her University Park home with her sons Matthew. left. and Walker, right.
uptight partygoers can't keep themselves
fromjumping on stage andjoiningin. It just
comes naturally to this karaoke queen for You can find her almost anytime in the
hire. design district or zooming in and out of
In the past she has donated her celebrity homes with fabric samples, but not on
karaoke services - complete with sound Thesdaynight. That's when she sings in re-
system, song choices and charm - to the tirement homes with the Junior League.
UP Elementary auction, as well as the Brad- She has also served on the University
field Elementary auction. She has also been Park Preschool Association board as the
known to donate a princess party or two. membership chairwoman and programs
lf you haven't run into her dressed as a chairwoman and is currently the co-chair-
famous princess or pop-rock diva, you may woman of couple's parties, And she has
have seen her selling knock-off accessories served on the carnival committee and the
(legal ones) out of her trunk in the carpool auction solicitation committee at UP Ele-
line. Ladies in the Park Cities know that mentary.
Evans is the "go-to mom" for the best de- Her magical gifts give new life to our
signer replica eyewear in Dallas. community, but none is as special to me as
During lunch one day last spring, I lis- the one she gave my child: a little bit longer
tened as a friend asked Evans if she had a to believe in fantasy.
certain style of sunglasses "in stock." Insult- My oldest daughter, suspicious that the
ed that a customer would question her abil- Cinderella from her sister's party was actu-
ity to secure merchandise, she immediately ally Matthews mom in disguise, confront-
dialed her cell phone and rattled off a series ed Evans in the school yard, Evans, know-
of numbers. A few seconds later she slapped ingthat her cover had been blown, glanced
her cell phone closed and tossed it in her to the left and to the right to make sure no IT TAKES A VILLAGE: Janine Evans as
bag like a gun into a holster and said, one would hear her stunning confession Cher, left. poses with members of the
"They'll be here Friday." and revealed thetruth that onlymy daugh- I GOT YOU, BABE: Janine Evans sings 1970s hit group and backup singers for
All other endeavors take a back seat to ter knows. The Park Cities mom thing? It's with friend and guest Michelle Fehlman the evening, the Village People. Laurie
at one of her karaoke parties Petri ca. Carrie Green and Lauren
her true passion, interior decorating. She an undercover role to protect her true
benefiting University Park Elementary. Arthur.
owns Bracken Interiors and is responsible identity, Cinderella.
for the fresh new looks in many of the finest to Park Cities Neighbors. If you krww of an out- mail Merritt at MerrittChril,·tfnePatterscm
homes and businesses in Dallas. Merritt Patterson is afrequent contributor standing preschool association. or PTA mom; e-

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