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Ella Marie Balane

Week 3: Why you will fail to have a great career?

A successful career is believed to be the mark of a successful person. They are successful
because they are self-assured and capable of leading both themselves and others. I believe that
if you possess these qualities, you will have a successful career.
To have a successful career, you must be committed to your objectives and willing to
work hard to achieve them. As Larry Smith stated, we are expected to work hard in order to
have a successful career, thus if we are willing to work, we must devote more time and effort in
order to maximize our chances. (1) We should know our goals, according to blogger Astrid
Baumgardner, because it is the place to start establishing career success with yourself. (2)
Knowing your strengths is also a good place to start because you will know what you can do and
what you can do better. You will be able to live your passions every day as a result of this. (3)
Doing what you love is the best gift you can give to yourself; doing what you love and trying to
do it will not lead to failure. Failure, on the other hand, is not a bad thing; individuals should be
open-minded and always look for the positive. (4) Focus on your strongest skill sets, recognize
your strengths, and work to improve them. 5) Knows how much money you'll need; money will
come into play when you take your first step; consider how much money you'll need in the
(6) Have a strategy; you must have a concrete plan that outlines what job you desire, how you'll
get it, what to avoid, and so on. (7) Be adaptable, try new things, and don't get too fixated on a
single goal. (8) Be kind to yourself; help yourself since no one else can help you as well as you
can help yourself. That is why I disagree with the statement "Those attempting to have good
careers will fail." I believe you will fail if you are scared to follow your passion as well as analyse
what career you desire. Whatever others may say, simply do it and don't listen to the opinions
of people who don't even have an authority to make decisions in your life.
To sum up, the important here is that you must have all the strength that you can have
as having career needs a lot of courage. Convince yourself to pursue your passion. Explore
things that can help you achieve more. I will leave a quote by Peter Drucker saying “The best
way to predict the future is to create it.”

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