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Compiled By: Ripperjack

January, 20 2009

Las Weapons
Name Class Range ROF Damage Pen. Clip Reload Spcl Wt Cost Avail
Fury Pistol 20m S/2/5 1d10+2 E 0 30 Full Reliable 1.5kg 100 Scarce
Hellgun Basic 110m S/3/- 1d10+4 E 3 40 3 Full None 6kg* 180 Rare
p Pistol 35m S/-/- 1d10+3 E 3 20 2 Full None 4kg*
g 140 Rare
Las Carbine Basic 60m S/2/- 1d10+2 E 0 40 Full Reliable 3kg 75 Common
Las Gun Basic 100m S/3/- 1d10+3 E 0 60 Full Reliable 4kg 75 Common
Las Pistol Pistol 30m S/-/- 1d10+2 E 0 30 Full Reliable 1.5kg 50 Common
Laslock Basic 70m S/-/- 1d10+4 E 0 1 Full Unreliable 4kg 40 Plentiful
Long Las Basic 150m S/-/- 1d10+3 E 1 40 Full Accurate,Reliable 4.5kg 100 Scarce
Mark III Basic 100m S/3/- 1d10+3 E 0 60 Full Reliable 4kg 75 Average
Mark IV Pistol 40m S/2/- 1d10+3 E 0 15 Full Reliable 1.75kg 150 Rare
MP Lascannon Heavy 300m S/-/- 5d10+10 E 10 5 2 Full None 55kg 5000 V Rare
Multilaser Heavy 250m -/-/10
/ /10 3d10+3 E 4 60 3 Full None 50kg 2000 V Rare
Roth Pattern Basic 120m S/2/- 1d10+2 E 0 60 Full Reliable 4kg 175 Rare
Twin Lasgun Basic 100m S/2/- 1d10+4 E 0 18 Full Tearing, Unreliable 7kg 220 Rare
* Not including power backpack

Solid Projectile Weapons

Name Class Range ROF Damage Pen. Clip Reload Spcl Wt Cost Avail
Alcher Mark IV Basic 60m S/-/10 1d10+3 I 0 40 Full None 3.5kg 95 Average
Assult Cannon Heavy 120m -/-/10 3d10+5 I 5 200 2 Full Tearing, Unreliable 60kg 7000 V Rare
Autocannon Heavy 300m S/2/5 4d10+5 I 4 20 2 Full None 55kg 1000 V Rare
Autogun Basic 90m S/3/10 1d10+3 I 0 30 Full None 3.5kg 100 Average
Autopistol Pistol 30m S/-/6 1d10+2 I 0 18 Full None 2.5kg 75 Common
Dorcas Pattern Pistol 30m S/3/- 1d10+4 I 0 9 Half None 1.5kg 150 Rare
Hand Cannon Pistol 35m S/-/- 1d10+4 I 2 5 2 Full None 3kg 65 Average
Heavy Stubber Heavy 120m -/-/10 1d10+4 I 3 200 2 Full None 35kg 750 Scarce
Hunting Rifle Basic 150m S/-/- 1d10+4 I 0 5 Full Accurate 5kg 100 Scarce
Orthlak Mark IV Pistol 30m S/3/- 1d10+3 I 0 12 Full None 2.5kg 75 Scarce
Shotgun - Combat Basic 30m S/3/- 1d10+4 I 0 18 Full Scatter 6.5kg 150 Scarce
Shotgun - Pump Action Basic 30m S/-/- 1d10+4 I 0 8 2 Full Scatter 5kg 75 Average
Shotgun - Two Barrel Basic 30m S/2/- 1d10+4 I 0 2 2 Full Scatter, Reliable 5kg 60 Common
Stub Automatic Pistol 30m S/3/- 1d10+3 I 0 9 Full None 1.5kg 50 Plentiful
Stub Revolver Pistol 30 S/-/- 1d10+3 I 0 6 2 Full Reliable 1kg 40 Plentiful

Bolt Weapons
Name Class Range ROF Damage Pen. Clip Reload Spcl Wt Cost Avail
Astartes Bolt Pistol Pistol 35m S/2/- 2d10 X 4 8 Full None 5kg - V Rare
Astartes Boltgun Basic 100m S/2/6 2d10 X 4 * Full None 14kg - V Rare
Astartes Heavy Bolter Heavy 140m -/-/10 2d10+5 X 5 400 2 Full None 60kg - V Rare
Astartes Storm Bolter Basic 100m 2/4/8 2d10 X 4 60 2 Full None 25kg - V Rare
Bolt Pistol Pistol 30m S/2/- 1d10+5 X 4 8 Full None 3.5kg 250 Rare
Boltgun Basic 90m S/2/- 1d10+5 X 4 24 Full None 7kg 500 V Rare
Garm Pattern Bolter Pistol 30m S/2/- 1d10+5 X 4 8 Full None 4.5kg 350 Rare
Heavy Bolter Heavy 120m -/-/10 2d10 X 5 60 2 Full None 40kg 2000 V Rare
Military Grade Bolt Pistol Pistol 30m S/2/4 1d10+7 X 4 12 Full None 12kg 1000 V Rare
Military Grade Bolter Basic 90m S/3/6 1d10+7 X 4 24 Full None 9kg 1000 V Rare
P Heavy
H 140m
140 -/-/10
/ /10 2d10+5
2d10 5 X 5 400 2F
Fullll Holy
H l 60kg
60k - VR
Scourge Boltgun Basic 90m S/2/- 1d10+5 X 4 24 Full Reliable 10kg 650 V Rare
Storm Bolter Basic 90m -/4/8 1d10+5 X 4 60 Full None 12kg 750 V Rare
* Clip capacity varies ** See the Psycannon bolts description in the Inquisitor's Handbook

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Flame & Plasma Weapons
Name Class Range ROF Damage Pen. Clip Reload Spcl Wt Cost Avail
Flamer Basic 20m S/-/- 1d10+4 E 3 3 2 Full Flame 6kg 300 Scarce
Hand Flamer Pistol 10m S/-/- 1d10+4 E 2 2 2 Full Flame 3.5kg 200 Rare
Heavy Flamer Heavy 30m S/-/- 2d10+4 E 4 10 2 Full Flame 45kg 1000 Rare
Incinerator Heavy 30m S/-/- 2d10+4 E 4 10 2 Full Flame, Holy 45kg - V Rare
Mark III Sunfury Basic 80m S/2/- 1d10+10 E 7 10 2 Full Overheats, Recharge 12kg 3000 V Rare
Military Grade Plasma Pistol Heavy 30m S/2/- 2d10+2 E 6 10 4 Full Recharge, Overheats 4kg 6000 V Rare
Military Grade Plasma Rifle Heavy 90m S/2/4 2d10+4 E 6 20 8 Full Recharge, Overheats 11kg 5000 V Rare
Plasma Blaster Basic 60m S/-/- 2d10+6 E 6 6 2 Full Overheats, Recharge, Unreliable 20kg 7500 V Rare
Plasma Cannon Heavy 120m S/-/- 2d10+10 E 8 16 5 Full Overheats, Recharge, Unreliable 38kg 8500 V Rare
* Maximal 4d10+10 E 8 Blast (3) in addition
Plasma Gun Basic 90m S/2/- 1d10+6 E 6 20 8 Full Recharge, Overheats 11kg 3000 V Rare
Plasma Pistol Pistol 30m S/-/- 1d10+6 E 6 10 4 Full Recharge, Overheats 2.5kg 7500 V Rare
Voss Pattern Flamer Basic 20m S/-/- 1d10+5 E 2 3 2 Full Flame, Toxic 6kg 400 V Rare

Melta Weapons
Name Class Range ROF Damage Pen. Clip Reload Spcl Wt Cost Avail
Inferno Pistol Pistol 10m S/-/- 2d10+4 E 12 3 Full None 2.5kg 7500 V Rare
Meltagun Basic 20m S/-/- 2d10+4 E 12 5 2 Full None 8kg 4000 V Rare
Multi Melta Heavy 60m S/-/- 4d10+12 E 12 10 2 Full Blast (1) 55kg 8500 V Rare
Thermal Lance Heavy 10m S/-/- 2d10+4 E 12 2 2 Full None 14kg 3000 Rare
Ultimo Basic 40m S/-/-
S/ / 2d10+2
2d10 2E 8 5 2 Full None 10kg 2500 V Rare

Shuriken Weapons
Name Class Range ROF Damage Pen. Clip Reload Spcl Wt Cost Avail
Shuriken Catapult Basic 75m -/10/20 1d10 R 4 80 Full Tearing 4kg 500 Common
Shuriken Pistol Pistol 2m -/5/10 1d10 R 4 40 Full Tearing 2kg 250 Common

Pulse Weapons
Name Class Range ROF Damage Pen. Clip Reload Spcl Wt Cost Avail
P l C Carbine
bi Basic
B i 75m
75 S/3/6 2d10 E 3 30 Full
F ll Reliable
R li bl 3kg
3k 400 Average
Pulse Pistol Pistol 30m S/2/- 2d10 E 3 20 Full Reliable 3kg 400 Average
Pulse Rifle Basic 125m S/2/- 2d10 E 3 30 Full Reliable 3.5kg 400 Average

Rail Weapons
Name Class Range ROF Damage Pen. Clip Reload Spcl Wt Cost Avail
Rail Rifle Basic 150m S/-/- 2d10+3 R 6 10 Full Accurate 14.5kg 950 Rare

Vehicle Weapons
Name Class Range ROF Damage Pen. Clip Reload Spcl Wt Cost Avail
Demolisher Cannon Heavy (SP) 100m S/-/- 7d10 R 10 1 2 Full Blast (10) - - -
Mega Battle Cannon Heavy (SP) 700m S/-/- 5d10 R 10 1 2 Full Blast (10) - - -

Primitive Weapons
Name Class Range ROF Damage Pen. Clip Reload Spcl Wt Cost Avail
Bolas Thrown 10m S/-/- - 0 1 - Primitive, Snare, Inaccurate 1.5kg 10 Average
Bow Basic 30m S/-/- 1d10 R 0 1 Half Primitive, Reliable 2kg 10 Common
Crossbow Basic 30m S/-/- 1d10 R 0 1 2 Full Primitive 3kg
g 10 Common
Flintlock Pistol Pistol 15m S/-/- 1d10+2 I 0 1 3 Full Primitive, Unreliable, Inaccurate 4kg 10 Common
Hand Bow Pistol 15m S/-/- 1d10 R 0 1 Full Primitive 1 kf 200 Rare
Musket Basic 30m S/-/- 1d10+2 I 0 1 5 Full Primitive, Unreliable, Inaccurate 7kg 30 Common
Sling Basic 15m S/-/- 1d10-2 I 0 1 Full Primitive .5kg 10 Plentiful

Grenade Launchers
Name Class Range ROF Damage Pen. Clip Reload Spcl Wt Cost Avail
Aux GL Basic 45m S/-/- * * 1 Full * +2.5kg 250 Rare
Cyclone Missile Launcher Heavy 120m S/-/-
S/ / * * 6 2 Full * 75kg 5000 V Rare
Disposable Missile Launcher Heavy 175m S/-/- * * 1 - * 30kg 800 Rare
Grenade Launcher Basic 60m S/-/- * * 6 Full * 9kg 500 Scarce
Missile Launcher Heavy 250m S/-/- * * 1 Full * 35kg 3000 Rare
RPG Launcher Heavy 120m S/-/- * * 1 Full * 15kg 1200 Rare
*Damage, Armor Piercing and Special Qualities are determined by the ammunition fired.

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Exotic Weapons
Name Class Range ROF Damage Pen. Clip Reload Spcl Wt Cost Avail
Needle Pistol Pistol 30m S/-/- 1d10 R 0 6 Full Accurate, Toxic 1.5kg 1250 V Rare
Needle Rifle Basic 180m S/-/- 1d10 R 0 6 2 Full Accurate, Toxic 2kg 1000 V Rare
Web Pistol Pistol 30m S/-/- 0 1 Full Snare 3.5kg 1200 Rare
Webber Basic 50m S/-/- 0 1 Full Blast (5), Snare 8kg 1800 Rare

Melee - Primitive (Add SB to Damage)

Name Class Range Damage Pen. Spcl Wt Cost Avail
Axe Melee 1d10+1 R 0 Primitive, Unbalanced 4kg 20 Average
Brass Knuckles Melee 1d5-1 I 0 Primitive .5kg 5 Plentiful
Club Melee 1d10 I 0 Primitive 2kg 5 Abundant
Combat Knife Melee 1d5+3 R 0 Primitive .8kg 40 Average
Flail Melee 1d10+2 I 0 Fleible, Primitive 4kg 20 Scarce
Great Weapon (Two Hands) Melee 2d10 R 2 Primitive, Unwieldly 7kg 70 Scarce
Guard Shield Melee 1d5 I 0 Defensive, Primitive 3.5kg 100 Scarce
Hammer Melee 1d10+1 I 0 Primitive, Unbalanced 4kg 10 Common
Improvised Melee 1d10-2 I 0 Primitive, Unbalanced - - -
Knife Melee,Thrown 3m 1d5 R 0 Primitive .5kg 5 Abundant
Raptor Blade Melee 1d10+1 R 2 +5WS,Balanced 2.5kg 850 Scarce
Raptor Claw Melee 1d5+1 2 +5WS 2.5kg 650 Scarce
Shield Melee 1d5 R 0 Primitive, Defensive 3kg 25 Average
Spear (Two Hands) Melee Thrown
Melee, 10m 1d10 R 0 Primitive 3kg 15 Common
Staff (Two Hands) Melee 1d10 I 0 Balanced, Primitive 3kg 10 Plentiful
Sword Melee 1d10 R 0 Balanced, Primitive 3kg 15 Common
Throwing Star Thrown 5m 1d5 R 0 Primitive .5kg 5 Plentiful
Trophy Knife Melee 1d5+1 R 1 Balanced, Primitive .3kg 700 V Rare

Melee - Chain Weapons (Add SB to Damage)

Name Class Range Damage Pen. Spcl Wt Cost Avail
Chain Axe Melee 1d10+4 R 2 Tearing, Unwieldy, Heavy 13kg 450 V Rare
Chain Fistt
Ch i Fi Melee
M l 2d10 E* 10 Power
P Field,
Fi ld TTearing,
i Unwieldy
U i ld 80kg
80k 5000 VR
Chain sword Melee 1d10+2 R 2 Balanced, Tearing 6kg 275 Rare
Eviscerator Melee 2d10+4 R 4 Tearing, Unwieldy, Heavy 22kg 1100 V Rare
Frost Blade Melee 1d10+6 R 5 Balanced, Tearing 6kg 20000 V Rare
* Chain Fist Adds 2xSB to the damage dealt

Melee - Power Weapons (Add SB to Damage)

Name Class Range Damage Pen. Spcl Wt Cost Avail
Crozius Arcanum Melee 1d10+3 E 6 Power Field, Unbalanced 15kg 5000 V Rare
Lightning Claw Exotic 1d10+6 R 6 Power Field, Balanced, Tearing 70kg 5000 V Rare
Power Blade Melee 1d10+3 E 6 Power Field 1.5kg 1750 V Rare
Power Fist Melee 2d10 E* 8 Power Field, Unwieldy 12kg 3100 V Rare
Power Long Sword** Melee 1d10+6 E 6 Power Field 4.5kg 3500 V Rare
Power Stake Melee 1d10+5 E 6 Power Field 2kg 2250 V Rare
Power Sword Melee 1d10+5 E 6 Balanced, Power Field 3.5kg 2500 V Rare
* Power Fist adds 2xSB to the damage dealt **Requires two hands to use

Melee - Shock Weapons

p (Add
( SB to Damage)
g )
Name Class Range Damage Pen. Spcl Wt Cost Avail
Elecro Flail (Two Hands) Melee 1d10+2 I 0 Flexible, Shocking 4.5kg 375 Rare
Shock Maul Melee 1d10 I 0 Shocking 2.5kg 150 Scarce

Melee - Miscellaneous Weapons (Add SB to Damage)

Name Class Range Damage Pen. Spcl Wt Cost Avail
Phase Sword Melee 1d10+5 E 10 Power Field, Phase, Balanced 2kg NA Unique

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Orky Weapons - Ranged
Name Class Range ROF Damage Pen. Clip Reload Spcl Wt Cost Avail
Big Shoota Basic 120m -/-/10 2d10 I 4 75 2 Full Reliable, Inaccurate 25kg 25 Teef Scarce
Burna Basic 20m S/-/- 1d10+4 E 3 3 2 Full Flame 8kg 50 Teef Rare
** Melty Bitz Melee 1d10+4 R 6 Power Field, Unbalanced 8kg 50 Teef Rare
Deff Gun Heavy 240m -/1d5/2d10 2d10+6 I 5 200 2 Full None 50kg 100 Teef Rare
Grott Blasta Pistol 30m S/-/- 1d10 I 0 10 Half Unreliable, Primitive 2kg 2 Teef Common
Grotzooka Basic 60m -/2/- 1d10+5 I 2 12 Full Unreliable, Primitive, Blast (2) 10kg 20 Teef Scarce
Ripper Gun Basic 30m S/-/3 2D10 I 0 60 Full Scatter, Inaccurate, Reliable 30kg 300 Rare
Slugga Pistol 30m S/2/- 1d10+3 I 2 10 Half Reliable, Inaccurate 4kg 5 Teef Plentiful
** Punchy Bitz Melee 1d10 R Primitive 4kg 5 Teef Common
Shoota Basic 60m S/3/- 1d10+5 I 2 40 Full Reliable, Inaccurate 10kg 15 Teef Common
Snazzgun Basic 90m S/2/6 1d10+8 1d10 60 Full Inaccurate, Unstable 12kg 75 Teef Rare

Orky Weapons - Melee (Add SB to Damage)

Name Class Range Damage Pen. Spcl Wt Cost Avail
Pokkin Stikk Melee 1d10 R 0 Primitive 1kg 2 Teef Plentiful
Grabba Stikk Melee 2m 1d10 I 0 Primitive, Balanced, Two Handed 3kg 5 Teef Scarce
Grot Prod Melee 2m 1d10 I 0 Shocking, Two Handed 3kg 10 Teef Rare
Choppa Melee 1d10+1 R 0 Primitive 3kg 5 Teef Plentiful
Uge Choppa Melee 2d10+2 R 2 Primitive, Unwieldy 10kg 15 Teef Uncommon
Chain Choppa Melee 1d10+4 R 2 Tearing 6kg 40 Teef Scarce
Power Klaw Melee 1d10+5
1d10 5E 6 Power Field,
Field Unwieldy,
Unwieldy Heavy 8kg 150 Teef V Rare

Tyranid Weapons - Ranged

Name Class Range ROF Damage Pen. Clip Reload Spcl Wt Cost Avail
Venom Cannon Heavy SBx10 S/-/- 7d10+SB 7 - - Blast (5), Toxic (7) - - -
Flesh Borer Basic SBx5 S/-/- 1d10+SB+2 R 5 - - Tearing - - -
Death Splitter Basic SBx10 S/-/- 1d10+SB+2 E 5 - - Scatter - - -
Spine Fists Basic SBx10 S/-/- 1d10+SB+2 I 0 - - Scatter, Twin Linked, Toxic - - -
Barbed Strangler Heavy SBx10 S/-/- 6d10+SB R 8 - - Blast (10) - - -
D Basic
B i SBx5
SB 5 S/2/-
S/2/ 1d10+SB 0 - - Toxic
T i - - -

Tyranid Weapons - Melee (Add SB to Damage)

Name Class Range Damage Pen. Spcl Wt Cost Avail
Bone Sword Melee 2d10 R 2 Permanent Catalyst - - -
Lash Whip Melee 1d10+2 I Flexible, Snare - - -

Tau Weapons - Ranged

Name Class Range ROF Damage Pen. Clip Reload Spcl Wt Cost Avail
Kroot Gun Heavy 180m S/3/- 2d10+6 E 5 12 2 Full None 35kg 500 Rare
Kroot Hunting Rifle Basic 150m S/-/- 1d10+5 E 4 5 Full Accurate 7.5kg 350 Scarce
** Close Combat Blade Melee 1d10 R Balanced, Primitive 5kg 100 Common
Kroot Rifle Basic 100m S/-/- 1d10+5 E 2 5 Full None 5kg 100 Common

Name Class Range Damage Pen Special Wt Cost Availability
Blind Thrown SBx3 - 0 Smoke .5kg 25 Scarce
Fire Bomb Thrown SBx3 1d10+3 E 6 Blast (3) .5kg 5 Plentiful
Frag Thrown SBx3 2d10 X 0 Blast (4) .5kg 10 Common
Frag Missile - - 2d10+4 X 4 Blast (6) .5kg 75 Average
Hallucinogen Thrown SBx3 Special 0 .5kg 40 Scarce
Inferno/Thermal Thrown SBx3 1d10+3 E 6 Blast (2) .6kg 60 Rare
Krak Thrown SBx3 2d10+4 X 6 .5kg 50 Rare
Krak Missile - - 4d10+10 X 10 Blast (1) 1.5kg 150 Average
Mark III FG Thrown SBx3 2d10 X 0 Blast (5) .8kg 10 Scarce
Photon Flash Thrown SBx3 Special 0 .5kg 60 Scarce
Stun Thrown SBx3 Special 0 Blast (3) .2kg
2kg 40 Scarce

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Ammunitions Cost/
Name Round Availability
Arrows 1/20 Common
Bolt Shells 16/1 Rare
Bullets 1/20 Plentiful
Cannister (Basic) 50/1 Rare
Cannister (Heavy) 100/1 Rare
Cannister (Pistol) 25/1 Rare
Chargepack - Basic 15/Clip Common
Chargepack - Heavy 30/Clip Rare
Chargepack - Pistol 10/Clip Common
Dumdums 5/6 Scarce
Exotic 20/1 Very Rare
Fuel - Basic 10/Clip Scarce
Fuel - Pistol 8/Clip Scarce
Hellfire Rounds 100/1 Very Rare
Holy Stakes 100/1 Very Rare
Hot Shot Charge 15/1 Scarce
Inferno Shells 18/1 Rare
Kraken Pattern Penetrator Round 32/1 Very Rare
Man Stopper Bullets 5/6 Scarce
Melta Cannister - Basic 15/Clip Rare
Melta Cannister - Pistol p
20/Clip Very
y Rare
Metal Storm Frag Shells 30/1 Very Rare
Plasma Flask - Basic 18/Clip Rare
Plasma Flask - Pistol 24/Clip Rare
Psycannon Bolts 100/1 Very Rare
Shells 1/20 Common
Shot 1/20 Common

Weapon Upgrades
Name Wt Cost Avail
Blasta 2kg 50 Teef Very Rare
Combi-Weapon Spcl 200 Scarce
Compact x1/2 50 Average
Exterminator +1kg 35 Common
Extra Grip x1/3 25 Plentiful
Fire Selector +.5kg 25 Scarce
M40 Targeting System 1kg 1,000 Very Rare
Melee Attachment +2kg 25 Plentiful
M 0 40 Scarce
More Dakka +50% 50 Teef Rare
Overcharge Pack +5kg 15 Common
Power Bayonet 3kg 2,000 Very Rare
Red Dot Laser Sight +.5kg 50 Scarce
Shootier 1kg 50 Teef Rare
Silencer +.5kg 10 Plentiful
Suspensor Unit 5kg 1,000 Very Rare
Targeter 2.5kg 250 Scarce
Telescopic Sight +1kg 35 Average
Underslung Grenade Launcher 1kg 200 Scarce

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