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Nowadays the rate of crimes here in the Philippines are getting

higher. There are numbers of unsolved mysteries, murders and crimes that
some authorities disregarded and that is the reason why I pursue this
course. It maybe a mere imagination to change the world but I want to
make a difference. Why I want to become a criminologist is that the work I
do can bring criminals to justice and make our communities safer and also
to deal with the aftermath of the crime, working with convicted criminals
who seek rehabilitation so that they can make a positive contribution to our
society. This course can help me to discover my hidden talent and discover
different skills that I possess. Before I choose this course and follow the
dream of mine, I make a researched about it. And I am gleefully to discover
that the course I wanted can bring me so much advantages. In this course
there a lot of skills that someday I can master, such as deep understanding
of human behavioral patterns, skills in Math, computer science, statistics
and even biology. My written skills will also enhance as most of the time
criminologist will be making reports and even enhance my communication
skills, improves my analytical skills since this is very critical as
criminologists, may not have all the information at hand but they should be
able to find where it is through research.

There are lot of factors as I observed why people commit crimes. The
number one reason is poverty, there are numbers of individual that wants
easy money and make crimes as there way of living. Second, parental
neglect, the number of juvenile delinquents in the Philippines increased
from 10,388 in 2017 to 11,228 last 2019, with physical injury the most
committed crime by minors according to the research of Lolita Lachica, a
journalist of CAN Insider. Some have mental illness, anger, peer pressure,
drugs, politics, religion, the society, unemployment, unfair judicial system
and alot more reasons.

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