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1. Fixed Asset
2. Resources
3. Management

1. Fixed Asset
 Facilities Management are primarily are the physical factors of business, the physicality. The
tangible assets.
 The things you can hold which gives value to your organization. When you talk of value, it gives
us income.
 Ex. Cellphone, it gives us learning.

2. Resources
 It is also about human resource, and that includes the facilities.
 You have to appreciate or accept the fact that facilities are part of what you call resource.
o These resources are subject to depreciation.

3. Management
 You take care of your facilities, for them not to easily depreciate.
 Once the facilities reach the “tander” (old) stage, it will decline.
o The older it gets, the more maintenance it requires.
o More Maintenance = More Expenses
o You have to take care of it, before it reaches to that point. That is the principle of
 Physical Assets are only goods as people handling that.
o You CANNOT disregard people.
o The management of your physical resources will entirely depend on how good your
people are.
 The usage of every materials depends on the one who is using it.
o The skills and experience in handling it.

Facilit – ies

 Facilit -> Facilitate

 Ies -> Utilities

How do you facilitate the utilities?


Age -> experience (XP)

Ment -> a process of gaining experience and skills.

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