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Assignment to make a schedule of services and registration for

patients in the hospital

Kelompok 1 Reg B
1. Adinda Putri Saraswati ( P27820720048 )
2. Faisal Zainuddin Zaki ( P27820720063 )
3. Ika Maulidia ( P27820720066 )
4. Susmita Ayu Fernanda ( P27820720087 )
5. Naris Wari Maswaiyah Qonita ( P27820720076 )

1. Ika Maulidia ( Nurse )

2. Adinda Putri ( Doctor )
3. Susmita Ayu ( Patient )
4. Faisal Zainuddin ( Husband )
5. Qonita ( Receptionist )

In the morning at the Ceritas Hospital came a patient named Mrs. Susmita with her
husband Mr. Faisal wants to check his health condition at the Poli. Mrs. Susmita is
from a village area and this is the first time she has come for treatment, so Mrs.
Susmita and her husband are confused about the registration process

Husband : Excuse me sus, good morning
Nurse : Good morning. Yes sir, first of all, I’m Nurse Ika who is on duty
today at this hospital. Can i help you ?
Husband : My wife want to see a doctor and make a treatment consultation
Nurse : I’m not sure about that, but I will try to talk to the doctor. Sorry Ms,
before you meet the doctor you can fill out the registration form first at
the receptionist
Husband : I’m sorry sus, I don’t know how to registration
Nurse : Is this your first time coming for treatment?
Husband : Yes, this is the first time
Patient : Can you hurry up a little bit nurse?, I don't think I can stand for too
Nurse : Wait a minute, ma'am, here I will take you to counter one for
Husband : Yes nurse, thank you.
Nurse : Sir, here is the registration counter. Later, the receptionist will
explain the requirements needed.
Husband : Yes, thank you nurse for the instructions

After being escorted by the nurse to counter one, the husband immediately
approached the receptionist to registration

Nurse : This is the registration counter. You can fill out the form here.
Meanwhile I will see a doctor.
Patient : Thank you sus.
Husband : Excuse me sus
Receptionist : Yes sir, my name is Qonita. Iam the reseptionist at this hospital. Can I
help you?
Husband : My wife want to fill out the registration form to meet the doctor.
Receptionist : Of course, I will help you to fill out the registration form
Husband : Yes thank you sus.
Receptionist : Ok sir. Is there a referral letter?
Husband : Sorry, which one, nurse?
Receptionist : Where did your wife check before?
Husband : At our village Health Center
Patient : Sir, what the doctor gave me at the Health Center is in my bag
Receptionist : Excuse me, what is your name?
Patient : yes nurse, my name is Susmita Ayu
Receptionist : Ok Ms. May I know your address ?
Patient : At Mawar street number 12, Madiun
Receptionist : And sir, do you have a family relationship with Mrs. Susmita ?
Husband : Yes, she is my wife. My name is Mr. Faisal
Receptionist : If i may know, what is you date of birth and where were you born ?
Patient : 20 June 1995 in Madiun, East Java
Receptionist : Well, that means your age is 26 years, right ?
Patient : Yes nurse
Receptionist : What are you doing now Mrs.Susmita ?
Patient : Iam work in paper factory, sus
Receptionist : Excuse me, for the current marital status, are you married ?
Patient : Yes of course sus
Receptionist : Do you have health or general insurance ?
Husband : Yes, there is a nurse, I use Healthy Indonesia Card (KIS)
Receptionist : Do you have a history of drug allergies ?
Husband : She has an allergies to certain drug
Receptionist : And why you visiting this hospital ?
Patient : Because I got a refferal from the Village Health Center to be advised
to go to the hospital
Receptionist : What is your wife's complaint?
Patient : I am weak, dizzy, sometimes my neck hurts.
Receptionist : Ok Ms thank you for your explanation. Then you go to the Interna
Poly. I'll give you a queue number, I'll deliver the file and status book
Husband : Excuse me, Nurse, where is the Interna Poly ?
Receptionist : You just walk straight, close from here next to the Neurology Poly.
There is an inscription on the door of the Internal Poly.
Husband : Yes, thank you nurse
Receptionist : If you still don’t understand, let me take you to the room.
Husband : Thank you for your attention sus.
Receptionist : You're welcome, sir.

After finding the Interna Poly, the patient's husband immediately handed over the
queue number to the nurse at the Interna Poly

Husband : Excuse me, is this the Interna Poly?

Nurse : Yes sir, can I help you ?
Husband : This is my wife's queue number.
Nurse : Yes sir. Please sit down while waiting for the status book to arrive.
After a few minutes later the locker officer came to deliver the patient status book and
soon Mrs. Ika's queue number was called and entered the nurse's examination room.

Husband : Good morning, excuse me nurse

Nurse : Yes, please have a seat sir, ma'am. With Mrs. Susmita?
Patient : That's right
Nurse : What's the complaint?
Patient : I feel weak, dizzy and sometimes also feel my neck hurts.
Nurse : Since when did you feel that?
Patient : It's been one week nurse.
Nurse : Next, I will check blood pressure
Patient : Is the blood pressure normal?
Nurse : Your blood pressure is high

After completing the general examination, Mrs. Susmita was called into the doctor's

Nurse : Mrs. Susmita

Patient : Yes, sir
Nurse : Here ma'am, I'll take you to the doctor's room. Please come in,
Patient : Yes, nurse, thank you
Nurse : Please sit down, ma’am and sir.
Husband : Good morning, Doctor
Doctor : Nurse, which status book?
Nurse : This is doc
Doctor : How are you feeling today?
Patient : I feel dizzy doctor, weak too.
Doctor : Any other complaints?
Patient : Sometimes I feel tight, my neck also hurts, Doc.
Doctor : Since when did you experience it?
Patient : Since one week ago, doc.
Doctor : Why did you just check today?
Husband : My wife is afraid to go to the hospital because she will have an
injection. But I was worried so I was forced to come for a check up and
this is also my first time for treatment.
Doctor : Why are you afraid, I don't bite, mom?
Patient : No doctor
Doctor : So, from the results of the examination, you have hypertension or
high blood pressure
Patient : Is it that bad, doc?
Doctor : This is just acute hypertension. So don't worry, ma'am.
Husband : So how about the doctor?
Doctor : So, hypertension is (while explaining about anemia) the patient's
lifestyle and the patient's family history.
Patient : Yes doc
Doctor : Nurse, can I get a prescription for the medicine?
Nurse : This is doc.
Doctor : Okay ma'am. I will prescribe medicine for you, there is already
aspirin for headache, Vitamin D and because mother is afraid of
needles so I give Vitamin 12 as well, which is only capsules because
she is still acutely hypertension. There are already drinking rules listed
on the medicine, don't forget to eat the food I told you earlier. Then if
the medicine has run out and there are still symptoms, check again.
Patient : Yes, thank you very much doctor.
Doctor : This is the prescription for the medicine, you can redeem the
medicine at the Pharmacy section.
Husband : Where's the pharmacy next?
Nurse : Near the emergency room, sir.
Husband : The one in front, right, nurse?
Nurse : Yes sir, if you are still confused, let me take you to the pharmacy
section in front
Husband : Yes, thank you nurse, we will excuse doc
Patient : Excuse me doc.
Doctor : Yes sir, ma'am, be careful and get well soon
Nurse : Come on, sir. I'll take you out.

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