Software Requirements: Name of Component Specification

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E-learning comprises all forms of electronically supported learning and teaching. The information and
communication systems, whether networked learning or not, serve as specific media to implement the
learning process. The term will still most likely be utilized to reference out-of-classroom and in
classroom educational experiences via technology, even as advances continue with regard to devices and
curriculum-learning is essentially the computer and network-enabled transfer of skills and knowledge. E-
learning applications and processes include online learning, computer-based learning, virtual education
opportunities and digital collaboration. Content is delivered via the Internet, audio or video tape, satellite
TV, and CD-ROM. It can be self-paced or instructor-led and includes media in the form of text, image,
animation, streaming video and audio.
Software Requirements
Name of component Specification

Operating System Windows, Linux

Language Java SE / EE

Database ORACLE Server

Browser Any of Mozilla, Opera, Chrome etc

Web Server Tomcat 9

Software Development Kit Java JDK 9.0 or Above

Scripting Language Enable JSP & Java Script

Database JDBC Driver Type- 4 / Thin driver

Architecture MVC (Model View Controller)

IDE Eclipse Photon

Editor Sublime

Hardware Requirements
Name of component Specification

Processor Pentium Dual-Core CPU or Above

RAM 2 GB Or more

Hard disc 20 GB or more

Monitor 15” color monitor or advance

Keyboard Any Keyboard

Mouse Any mouse

Printer In case of printing reports

Drawback of Existing System

 As Current System is Window base So It’s Very Difficult.

 Time-consuming Problem.
 Only One Person is work at a time.
 Difficult to Work For E-Learning Time Duration.

Need for new System

 To E-learning Process Work Is Fast.

 Reduce the Time Period for E-learning.
 Paper work to be Remove.
 Information stored in the database, which provides data security.

Implementation Methodology

Model View Controller or MVC as it is popularly called, is a software design pattern for developing web
applications. A Model View Controller pattern is made up of the following three parts: Model - The
lowest level of the pattern which is responsible for maintaining data. View - This is responsible for
displaying all or a portion of the data to the user. Controller - Software Code that controls the interactions
between the Model and View.

MVC is popular as it isolates the application logic from the user interface layer and supports separation of
concerns. Here the Controller receives all requests for the application and then works with the Model to
prepare any data needed by the View. The View then uses the data prepared by the Controller to generate
a final presentable response. The MVC abstraction can be graphically represented as follows.

The main objective of E-Learning project is to provide the student community with a chance to learn
using the all-pervading internet. We aimed to develop this system using the latest web technologies so as
to make it platform independent. Till now learning has been always instructional in design and
implementation. Instructional design anticipates and plans for student experiences in a static environment
where teacher feedback and clarification may be delayed.


E-Learning exploits interactive technologies and communication systems to improve the learning
experience. It has the potential to transform the way we teach and learn across the board. It can raise
standards, and widen participation in lifelong learning. It cannot replace teachers and lecturers, but
alongside existing methods it can enhance the quality and reach of their teaching, and reduce the time
spent on administration. It can enable every learner to achieve his or her potential, and help to build an
educational workforce empowered to change. It makes possible a truly ambitious education system for a
future learning society.

Student have the following facilities

● Student can perform several operations on the system like registration, login. He or she can also
edit his or her profile.
● The existing students are giving his/her user id & password to access their accounts. If they are
successfully login then they can edit or update their accounts to avail the service, then they have
to login their account.
● The student can also edit his/her personal profile in the system but first he/she have to login in
the system.
● An invalid password is entered. The student can re-enter a password or terminate the use case.
● The system informs the student that the username is invalid. The student can re-enter the
username or terminate the use case.
● Student enables to see lectures and download the study materials of the course.
● Student enables to send queries to their faculties and view answers to their queries.

Teacher have the following facilities

● Teacher can perform several operations on the system like registration, login. He or she can also
edit his or her profile.
● The existing teachers are giving his/her user id & password to access their accounts. If they are
successfully login then they can edit or update their accounts to avail the service, then they have
to login their account.
● The teachers can also edit his/her personal profile in the system but first he/she have to login in
the system.
● An invalid password is entered. The teacher can re-enter a password or terminate the use case.
● The system informs the teacher that the username is invalid. The teacher can re-enter the
username or terminate the use case.
● Teacher enables to upload the lectures and study materials. Teacher will enable the faculties to
view queries of the students and post answers for the same

Admin have the following operational powers

● It provides the capability for the admin to verify different procedures. Admin can perform
various types of operations like edit, update, delete, sending the mail etc.
● Admin perform the main activity like store the information of the students and teachers, sending
the mail to both student and teacher, etc.
● The admin maintains the information of both students and teachers in the database whenever
he/she fill up the form.
● Administrator can add, delete and block the faculty accounts.
● Administrator can view the feedback received from the students.
● Administrator enables to display notices and other messages on the website

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