Website Assignment R

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Website Assignment

An e-Portfolio/website is:
➢ An opportunity to effectively represent yourself and your education.
➢ A place to collect and save coursework.
➢ A chance to showcase accomplishments and schoolwork to family and friends.
➢ A tool for creating digital resumes to send to employers.
➢ A web portal for accessing your work.
➢ An electronic resource you can use to apply for transfer and financial aid.
➢ A chance to reflect on your education.
➢ A record of your skills, achievements and learning.

1. Create an account on

Weebly is a free, online tool we can use to build our e-Portfolios.
1. You need to provide Weebly with your full name, email address and a password to
create an account.
2. You will need to Add Site – select “I just need a website”
3. Choose a theme for your site and select Start Editing
4. Next you need to Select your domain name.
o Select the URL of your site carefully. We recommend that you use "First Name
Last Name Website" for your site name (e.g. AdamSmithWebsite).
OR if you are concerned about privacy use your Brightspace ID but be sure to
put your name on the first page of the website.
o Click Search
o Select Choose under Subdomain – this is free. Do not pay for an account.
5. Change the title for your site from My Site to First Name Last Name’s Website.

2. Learn how to use Weebly.

1. Watch the step by step instructions posted at this link:
2. There are many more tutorials available online.

3. Click Pages (8 points)

1. Create a new page called “My Home” – use a standard page with a header. (2 points)
2. Delete ALL the pages included with the template – Select the page then choose “Delete”.
(2 points)
3. Click the + and add the following four (4) Standard pages without a header. (4 points)
1. Career Goals
2. Future Goals
3. Digital Divide
4. E-Waste

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4. Post an introduction on the Home page of your website. (12 points)
1. Post an introduction of yourself. Use the skills you viewed in the tutorial above to
build an awesome homepage. (4 points)
2. Include a Contact Form element on this page. (2 points)
3. Use at least three (3) additional different creative elements from the menu on
the left to build your homepage – for example an image, a map, a slideshow.
NOTE: Text elements/boxes do NOT count as a creative element. (6 points – 2
points each)

5. Career Goals (12 points)

1. Create a document in Microsoft Word that briefly describes your career goal(s). Name
and save the document as Career Goals. (4 points)
2. Upload the Career Goals document to this page in Weebly. The document should show
on the screen (Scribd Document element) and as a downloadable link (File element).
Scroll down to the Media section found on the left of the screen in Weebly:
A. Drag the Scribd Document icon to the right side of the screen. This uploads
the document and displays it on the screen. NOTE: If the Word document
does not upload, save it as a PDF file and try again. (4 points)
B. Drag the File icon to the right side of the screen. This creates a
downloadable link, so you have access to the actual file. (4 points)

**You must have the document on the screen AND as a downloadable link on this page.

6. Future Goals (16 points)

1. Make this page a subpage of the Career Goals page. (4 points)
2. Use a text box to list future educational OR career goals. (4 points)
3. Include a location map of the college you are/will attend to complete your education.
If your future goals are to obtain a job include a location map for a company where you
plan to work. (2 points)
4. Include a YouTube video of the college or company. (2 points)
5. Include a slideshow with at least four images from the college or company
(products, college/company logo, etc.) (4 points)

7. Digital Divide (12 points)

6. The digital divide refers to the unequal access to the Internet to access
information and communication technologies.
7. Use a textbox to explain, in 2-3 sentences, how the digital divide in the U.S.
compares to the global digital divide. (2 points)
8. Use another text box to explain, in a paragraph, the impact of the digital divide on
Baltimore County public schools during the coronavirus pandemic. Your response
should be a minimum of 50 words. (6 points)
9. Include an image that pertains to the digital divide. (2 points)
10. Post a link to a website that discusses or provides solutions to address the digital
divide. (2 points)

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8. E-waste (14 points)
1. Use a text box to define e-waste. (2 points)
2. Use another textbox to explain how e-waste or technology recycling programs can help close
the digital divide. (2 points)
3. Use another textbox to list and describe one e-waste recycling program in Baltimore County
or in Maryland. (2 points)
4. Use another textbox to list and explain one environmental and one health implication of e-
waste. (2 points)
5. Post a YouTube video that explains or explores e-waste. (2 points)
6. Use a text box to provide a 3-4 sentence summary of the video. (2 points)
7. Post a link to a website that discusses or provides solutions to address an aspect of e-
waste. (2 points)

9. Publish your site URL (2 points)

Publish your site and create your URL if you did not do so in step 1. (2 points)

10. Submit your URL

Send your site URL to your instructor through the Brightspace assignment tool.

*** Refer to the Grading Rubric on the next page. ***

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Grading of Project

Site Setup 8 points

- My Home page created with header 2 points
- 4 additional pages created without header - Career Goals, Future 4 points
Goals, Digital Divide, E-Waste (1 point per page)
- All template pages deleted 2 points
Homepage 12 points
1 Introduction of yourself 4 points
2 Contact form 2 points
3 Three additional creative elements (2 points each) 6 points
Career Goals 12 points
1 MS Word Document created with Career Goals 4 points
2 Document uploaded as File 4 points
3 Document uploaded as Scribd document 4 points
Future Goals 16 points
1 Created as a subpage of Career Goals 4 points
2 Textbox with future educational or career goals 4 points
3 Location map of future school or future workplace 2 points
4 YouTube video of future school or future workplace 2 points
5 Slideshow of four images (1 per image) 4 points
Digital Divide 12 points
1 Compare U.S. vs global digital divide? 2 points
2 Impact of digital divide on BCPS 6 points
3 Image added for digital divide 2 points
4 Link added for digital divide 2 point
E-Waste 14 points
1 Define e-waste 2 points
2 Can e-waste help close the digital divide? 2 points
3 List and describe one e-waste recycle program in Balt Co or MD 2 points
4 List and explain 1 environmental and 1 health implication of e- 2 points
5 YouTube video posted for e-waste 2 points
6 Summary of YouTube video 2 points
7 Link added for e-waste 2 points
Website 2 points
URL created correctly, and site published 2 points

Points will be deducted for lack of thoughtful content, design, and/or spelling and grammatical

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