Asme Ix-2010 QW182

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Licensed to ALSTOM POWER Under License number (ASME 2010 008) until (31.03.2012) © BSI aula SECTION 1x (a) Plate-to-Shape (1) The mockup for pate-to-shape shall be cut tans- versely to provide te approximately equal test specimens rot to exceed approximately 2 i. (50 mm) in length. The text specimen that conains the start and sop ofthe we shall be fracture tested in accordance with QW=182. A cat ‘end of oa ofthe remaining test specimens shall be macro- ‘examined ia accordance with QW-184, (b) Ppe-to-Shape (1) The mockup for pipe-o-shape shall be cut tans= versely to provide two quarter sections approximately ‘opposite to each other. The test specimen that contains the start and stop of the weld shall be fracture tested in secordance with QW-182. A.cutend ofthe other quarter section shall be macro-examined in accordance with {QW-184, When qualifying pipesnshape in the SF poste ton. the fracture specimen shall be removed ftom the lower 90 des section of the mockup. QW.82 Fracture Tests ‘The stem ofthe 4 in. (100 mm) performance specimen ‘center section in gure QW-162.4() o¢ the stom of the _quaner section in figure QW-4624(¢), as applicable, shall be laa laterally in such a way that te rot of the weld {sin tension, The load shall be seadily increased uni the fen fractures or bends Nat upos self "Pir the specimen facture, the fried race shall show no evidence of cracks cr incomplete root fasion, and the cam of the lengths of inclusions and porosity visible ‘om the fractured surface shall not exceed % io. (10 sm) fn igure QW-462 4b) oF 10% othe quarter section in figure QW-462.440). ‘One face ofeach cross section ofthe five test specimens fn figure QW=i62.4(a) or four test spocimens in igure (QW =162 A), as applicable stl he smoothed and etched with a suitable echant (see QW=470) wo give a clear define ‘onto the weld metal and hea affected reve. The examina tion of the cross section shall inclade only one side of the test specimen atthe area where the plate oF pipe is divided ino sections Le. adjacent faces atthe cut shall, tot be tned. onder to pass the tes. (a) visual examination ofthe eros sections of the weld metal and heataffected zone shall show complste fon snd freedom from cracks (b) ere shal be not more than in (3 mm) difference fn the length ofthe legs of the illet QW-184— Macro-Examination — Performance ‘Specimens ‘The cut end of one of the end plate sections. approxi= rately | in. 25 mm) long. in figure QW-462.4b) or the 44 (ns32 ‘cat end of one of the pipe quarter sections in figure ‘QW-462.4(), as applicable, shall be smoothed and etched witha suitable etchan (see QW-170) 0 give a clear dfini- tion of the weld metal and heat affected zone. In order to pass the test (a) Visual examination of the cross section ofthe weld metal and heataffected zone shall show complete fusion and freedom from cracks, except thal linear indications at the root not exceeding Sein. (0.8 mm) shal be acceptable (0) the weld shall not have a concavity or convexity greater than Yin (1.$ mam) () there shall be not noxe than gn. ram) dference in the Jeng ofthe legs of the fillet QW-I8S Diffusion Welding — Procedure snd Performance Qualification Specimens QWAABEL The tet block shal bea minimum of 8 in % in, 200 men % 200 mm) and of a thickness such that there are atleast 50 interface planes being welded. QW-185.2 A minimum of tree tension tet specimens in aecordance with the requirements of SA-370 shall be taken perpendicular to the interface planes and thre parle lel to the interface planes. The tension test rexsls shall ‘comply with QW-15. QW-185.3. Microstructural evaluation shall be cone duced in aceondance with the requitements of ASTM E3 ‘on a minimum of three cross-sections, one each fom the twp, center, and bottoen one-third ofthe test coupon. The samples shal be polished, etcbed, and shall be fee from ‘racks and shall show no incomplete hond or poroity on ‘or adjacent t the bond lines. Size of each sample shall be that which can be mounted and polished te allow exarina- tion with an optical microscope at SOX to 100% ‘magnification. QW.190_ OTHER TESTS AND EXAMINATIONS. QW-191 Volumetric NDE wat QW-191.1.1 Method. The radiographic examination in QW-142 for welders and in QW-143 for welding opera- tors shall meet the requirements of Amicle 2, Section V, ‘except a follows: (a) averten radiographic examination procedure is not required. Demonsiation of density and image quality reqitemeets oa production or technique radiographs ball be considered satisfactory evidence of compliance with Aaiele 2 of Section V (b) final acceptance of radiographs shall be based on the ability wo sce the prescribed image and the specified hole of a holetype image quality indicator (IQD or the designated wire of a wire-type 1OL. The acceptance stan dards of QW-191.1.2 shall be me. 0) Qo

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