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28 MATHEMATICS is not parallel to any of the co-ordinate planes. The section shown is of triangular appearance because the parts of the plane below the floor and behind the walls have not been shown. Suppose the plane cuts the axes at the points A, B, and C, as shown. These three points completely determine a unique plane. By trial and error, we can determine that the points (6, 0, 0), (0,3, 0), and (0, 0, 2) satisfy the linear equation rt 2y+32=6 We state without further demonstration that any point on the plane containing A, B, and C satisfies the last equation and that any point whose co-ordinates satisfy the equation will lie on the plane. Our purpose in the last few paragraphs has been to build an intuitive basis for the statement that every equation of the form ax + by +ez=d in three-space is represented by a plane. The statement can be justi- fied by rigorous mathematical development, but we choose here to rely upon intuition. n-SPACE AND HYPERPLANES The linear equation in four variables: wat gy += 12 is satisfied by the point (1, 5, 0, 2), by (0, 0, 0, 4), and by an un- limited number of other points. Each point has four co-ordinates (written in alphabetical order) and is a point in four-space. Inas- much as we are limited to three-dimensional pereeption, the notion of four-space is purely a matter of terminology; we agree to call (1, 5, 0, 2) the co-ordinates of a point in four-space. Again, inas- much as the last equation is linear, like that of a plane but with more than three variables, we agree to call the expression the equa tion of a hyperplane. Although we are limited to three-space in geometrical con- structions, there is no such limit on mathematical analysis. We may speak of six-space, 150-space, or n-space, where n is any positive integer, and we may treat equations in n variables. It should be understood that the inability to graph equations in four or more variables in no way reflects upon the realism of such equations. Con- sider Table 1-1. Suppose we wish to mix ingredients A, B, C, and D Google suyens ee nicuaan LINEAR EQUATIONS 20 TABLE 1-1 ‘Number of Units Weight Ingredient of Ingredient per Unit A w 2 B 3 c u 1 D z 6 in amounts such that the total weight of the mixture will be 1,000 pounds. The weight of w units of A, at two pounds per unit, is 2w pounds. Similar expressions hold for the weights of the other in- gredients. The total weight is Qw + 3x + y + 62 for any combination of ingredients, and the condition for the total weight is 2w + 32 + y + 62 = 1,000 If we decided to use only ingredients A and B in the mixture, the weight condition would be 2Qw + 3x = 1,000 Both of the last two equations describe a simple real-life situation. The fact that one is called a straight line and can be graphed, whereas the other is called a hyperplane and cannot be graphed, has no bearing on the question of realism. To summarize the last two sections, we state that a linear equation in two-space is a straight line. In three-space a linear equation is a plane. A linear equation in n-space, where n exceeds 3, is called a hyperplane. ARBITRARY VARIABLE TERMINOLOGY The number of points on a straight line is without limit, For example, the equation 2r+y=10 is satisfied by (0, 10), (1,8), (—3, 16), and so on. For any arbitrarily stated value of z, the corresponding value of y is 10—2z. We shall have occasion to state this last remark as follows: The general solution of the equation oogle i 30 MATHEMATICS Qe+y=10 is x arbitrary y= 10-22 Of course, we could have stated the general solution with y arbi- trary; thus: y arbitrary 10-y poo 2 The term general solution is contrasted with » specific solution. Thus, (2, 6) is the specific solution when x is 2 (or when y is 6), whereas the general solution tells us how one variable is computed for any (every) stated value of the other variable. If asingle linear equation has n variables, the general solution will have n — 1 variables arbitrary. For example: Qe + By + 4s = 12 has three variables. We know that if specific values are assigned to two of the variables, we can compute the proper value of the third variable so that the equation will be satisfied. If values are assigned arbitrarily to x and y, then 2 must be assigned the value 12 — 2x — 3y a if the equation is to be satisfied. Henee, we may write the general solution as =, y arbitrary po a2 3y 4 Obviously, the solution could be written with z and z arbitrary, or with y and z arbitrary. We shall make extensive use of arbitrary variable terminology in coming chapters. Problem Set 6 Mark (T) for true or (F) for false: (_) Two planes may intersect at a single point. () 2+y=7 isa plane in three-space. () e+y+2 is a plane in three-space, (_ ) In four-space, z= 10 would be called » hyperplane. Semnam uu. 12, 13. 14. 15. 16. 1. 18. 19. LINEAR EQUATIONS 31 ) In three-space, z = 0 is the equation of the y axis. ) In three-space, y = 0 is the equation of the =, z plane. ) The plane 3x + 2y = 6 will never intersect the 2 axis. ) The plane + — 3z = 7 is perpendicular to the 2, z plane. ) In two-space, y = 0 is the equation of the y axis. ) In three-space, every linear equation in three variables is a plane. (_ ) It is not possible to graph a hyperplane. (_ ) Equations of hyperplanes have no applicability to real-world situstions, ‘Make a three-dimensional sketch showing the points: a) (5,0,0) b) (2,7, 4) ¢) (—3,0,2) Given that x + 32 = 6 is the equation of a plane in three-space, re- write the equation, including the missing variable y. Make graphs showing illustrative segments of each of the following planes: a) z=10 dy oz d2t+y=5 e) r+2z faty+z2=3 Weight per Number of Unit Cost per Unit Ingredimt —— Unila” —(Pownda) (Dollars) A wo 1 90.50 B z 3 0.30 c v 2 1.20 D z 4 0.80 a) A mixture is to be made with total weight five hundred pounds. ‘Write the equation whose solutions are the permissible numbers of units of each ingredient in tho mixture. b) A mixture is to be made costing $310. Write the equation whose solutions are the permissible numbers of units of each ingredient in the mixture. Write in two different forms the general solution of 3x + 2y = 6 ‘Write in threo different forms the general solution of Qn + 3y — 22 = 18 ‘What is meant by the statement that 3x — 4 y= 6 has an unlimited number of specific solutions? Google it Systems of Linear Equations ‘Tse VARIABLES encountered ina problem may have to fulfill more than one condition. In a produetion problem, for example, the numbers of units of various products made will be restricted by conditions such as time available for produetion and money available for the purchase of raw materials, When each of the conditions can be expressed in the form of a linear equation, the mathematical description of the problem is a system of linear equations. The procedures for solving such systems are the subject matter of this chapter. NUMBER OF SOLUTIONS POSSIBLE A solution of a system of linear equations is a set of values for the variables which simultaneously satisfy all equations of the system. Geometrically, a set of values for the variables is repre- sented by a point, and a set satisfying all the equations is a point which lies on the graphs of all the equations; that is, a solution set is a point of intersection of all the graphs. We shall appeal to the geometry of intersections of lines and planes to illustrate that the number of solutions of a linear system is either zero, one, or un- limited. Intersections of Straight Lines Linear equations in two-space are straight lines. The parts of Figure 2-1 show the intersection possibilities for such lines. If a system has two equations in two variables, the corresponding lines either intersect in a single point, or they are parallel and have no intersection point, as shown in Figures 2-1A and 2-1B. The three lines representing a system of three equations in two variables may intersect in a single point, as in Figure 2-1C, or there may be no point which lies on all three lines, as in Figures 2-1D and 2-1E. The 32 Google sick 5

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