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Nama : Naris Wari Maswiayah Qonita

NIM : P27820720076
Prodi : Pend. Profesi Ners Jenjang Sarjana
Terapan Semester 3
Dosen : Nurul Arifah, S.Pd.,S.Kep.,Ns.,M.Tefl., M. Kep.
Matkul : Bahasa Inggis 2

Complete the dialogue with the correct words beneath!

Nurse : …… Mr. John, how (1) does it (Parkinson’s Disease) (2) affects

Mr. John : The (3) walking is the worst. It’s difficult to start (4) moving and
I’m so slow. All I can do is shuffle to start with and then my steps (5)
getting shorter and I get faster, can’t (6) stop , and I likely fall over. I
(7) have really lost my confidence.

Nurse : Do you have any other movement problem?

Mr. John : I get that freezing where I can’t move. It’s hard (8) to do some things
because my arms are so stiff.

Nurse : What things (9) are particularly difficult for you?

Mr. John : It (10) is mainly things like turning over in bed, reaching out for a
cup, getting up out of chair and turning round once I’m up ……

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