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Letter of Transmittal


MacNeil Road, Cantt- Karachi

April 15, 2021

Dear Council Members:

Perfect Pitch Ltd requests this report. A letter to Creative Chaos dated March 10 explains how proper
communication with the customer works and what wonders it can bring to increase its sales. Since
communication is the key in sales, we are sure that your employees will know about it after attending
our workshop sessions.

In consideration of the events as mentioned earlier, we would like to conduct a 2 days' workshop in
the office of Creative Chaos from 10 am to 4 pm, these sessions will cover basic skills o analyzing
the needs of the customer, pitching the product correctly, and then there will be activities and
feedback by the employees themselves.

This workshop will be designed to:

 Understand the basics of analyzing what the customer is looking for when he/she does not
say it
 Create a sound knowledge for the sales team to communicate and pitch the products after
analyzing the customer needs

By the end of these sessions, the employees will understand and use the right words just at the right
time to please the customer. Perfect Pitch Ltd. would be more than happy to discuss these sessions'
results with you after the session.


Ali Khan Sherwani

Senior Marketing Manager

Ali Khan Sherwani 26440


Executive Summary
Perfect Pitch Ltd. intends to provide the best sales and communication grooming to the employees of
various organizations to understand and serve their employees in a better way.

 The prior mentioned proposal will work by:

 Understanding the employee's current mind level
 Conducting an interactive workshop so that no one is left with any doubts.
 Engaging the employees in various situation-based activities where they would have to
analyze a customer's needs and pitch a product,
 helping the employees who could not achieve their sales targets.
 Evaluating their performances after the session is done

We further explain in our proposal how do we plan to achieve these goals and what you should
expect at the end of the session.

Ali Khan Sherwani 26440




Ali Khan Sherwani 26440


Perfect Pitch Ltd. was found in 1999, and since then, it has continued to provide its customers with
the best sales advice and staff training services to increase sales. Our organization's primary purpose
is to provide our customers with the best sales and employees' understanding.

We have been gaining customer's confidence over the past 22 years and have grown to be a larger
team of 300 employees mastering the art of psychology, sales or public speaking. Our customers
have always been satisfied with the results they got.

The main problem lies in the understanding and usage of words. At times, the salesperson does not
understand and asks the customer to elaborate his/her demands, which many customers do not like;
hence, they refuse to buy the product.

To deliver our best service, make the employees understand the customer needs and then frame such
sentences that will positively impact their mind.

We are specialized in rendering sales grooming and advisory services to various organizations and
have worked in this field for 22 years now with more than 100 companies. We offer a two-day
workshop in your organization that covers all the basics and essentials of communicating with the
customers and pitching the products to feel the desire to purchase them.

Our two-day workshop, 10 am to 4 pm, includes an explanation by our company representative to the
attendees about the concept and then asking the attendee's questions to analyze their understanding
capability, then situation-based practice sales will be performed with the employees that are found to
be weak, and at the end, the feedback and queries will be entertained. However, this session will be
recorded from our lot and uploaded in a Google Drive link accessible to the employees after the
session is complete. They can even refer to us at our official email for any other queries till two
months from the session day.

Ali Khan Sherwani 26440


Duration of the workshop: 2 days

Starting Date: 20th April 2021

Ending Date: 21st April 2021

Day 1:
 Basic communication rules
 Understanding and analyzing techniques
 Mind mapping what to pitch while analyzing

Day 2:
 How to pitch the product
 Practicing the learned topics through situation-based sales activity
 Feedback and queries of the attendees

Ali Khan Sherwani 26440

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