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Week 6: 1st Assessment:

I. Fill in the Blanks with the correct answer:

__________________1. Several individual working together to accomplish something
this can be in workplace school or sports.
__________________2. Is an activity in which a group of individuals on the same team
together to accomplish their ultimate goal which is usually to
__________________3. Is a system of tournament were a team advance to the next
stage if he defeated the team ahead of them.
__________________4. Is a very cruel system of tournament since one loss the team
is out of the tournament.
__________________5. A system of tournament were all team entered play twice with
the other team.
__________________6. Is a system of tournament, in which a team is to be defeated
twice to be eliminated.
__________________7. Is a system of tournament were all team entered play against
each other.
Give at least (5) Five elements of Effective team work:
8. _____________________9. ____________________10.
11. ______________________12. ___________________
Give at least Five (5) Example of Team sports
13. ____________________13. ___________________14.
15. ______________________16. ___________________
17. What is the rule in breaking the tie in the round robin system of tournament?
18. What is the rule in breaking the triple tie in the round robin system of tournament?
19. What is the formula in making the schedule of game using the round robin system?
20. What is the formula in computing the quotient?
21. The man responsible for the development of volleyball
22. The name given to volleyball when it was first introduced
23. The kind of pass used when setting the
24. The kind of pass which is sometimes known as the dig or bump pass.
25. It is used in aggressive play against the opponents to keep them from returning the

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