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Virtual Learning through PhET Interactive Simulation: A Proactive Approach in Improving

Students’ Academic Achievement in Science

Joel D. Potane, PhD1, Rodolfo R. Bayeta, Jr 2

Senior Education Program Specialist,
Planning Officer III,
Division of Cagayan de Oro City

This study aimed to explore a teaching approach that would enhance academic
achievement of students in science. An offline mode virtual learning environment through PhET
interactive simulations was employed in the randomly selected pilot DepEd Computerization
Program (DCP) recipient rural & urban schools in the Division of Cagayan de Oro City for SY
2016-2017. It was descriptive in nature involving both qualitative and quantitative analyses. The
instruments used in the study were the PhET software in partnership with the University of
Colorado-Physics Department, strategic intervention materials, achievement test which was
administered pretest-posttest and in-depth interview which was employed to determine the
learning experience of the students. Findings revealed that the students achieved satisfactory
academic achievement after exposure to virtual learning. There was statistically significant
difference on the academic achievement level of students in the pretest-posttest both urban and
rural schools. It was disclosed that there was no statistically significant difference when compared
the posttest scores of both rural and urban schools. Virtual learning as a tool in improving
knowledge and skills motivates students to learn. Students’ have enjoyed the virtual world through
PhET learning experience. The researchers recommend science teachers may use this teaching
approach to enhance conceptual understanding, process and technology skills among students.
Keywords: virtual learning environment, academic achievement, & science learning

The Department of Education (DepEd) is geared toward the transformation of education
through computerization program as stipulated in DepEd Order No.78, s.2010. This program
aimed to provide appropriate technologies in public schools that would enhance the teaching-
learning process and meet the challenges of the 21st century. This would respond the gap on
computer backlog by providing the public schools with hardware and software, and training on
simple trouble shooting. Deped Computerization Program (DCP) created opportunities by
providing 5,409 public secondary schools with at least one computer laboratory each. This was
realized by the combined efforts of other government agencies and the private sectors.
Specifically, the DCP aimed to provide computer laboratory packages to secondary schools,
provide e-classroom to elementary schools, provide laptop units for mobile teachers, integrate
ICT in the school system, raise the ICT literacy of learners, pupils, students, teachers and school
heads and reduce the computer backlog in public schools.
Information and Communications Technology (ICT) now is widely used by learners and
educators globally. According to the European Commission (2005), various countries around the
globe have established organizations for the promotion of ICTs. Internationally, the United Nations
actively promotes ICTs for Development (ICT4D) as a means of bridging the digital divide.

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Today’s students & young workers are digital natives raised in MTV, video games, e-mail
and web and instant messaging. Digital natives have developed cognitive thinking patterns that
differ from previous generations (Prensky, 2001). As a result, the challenge facing educational
designers is to recognize these cognitive differences and to develop learning offerings that are
appropriate to their cognitive learning patterns.
Globally, many schools are now exploring the effectiveness of virtual learning in their
classroom environments. BECTA ICT Research (2014) disclosed that virtual learning
environment allows teachers to create curriculum content, access resources, plan their lessons,
set and mark assignments and manage lessons both offline and online. The students can do set
work according to their individual abilities and needs, and can access the network from home. In
this context, the students develop independent learning skills and have more control over how
and when they work. In addition, students find the work easier and quicker to do, despite the fact
it is the same work they previously did with pen and paper (Watts & Lloyd, 2000; Wilson &
Whitelock, 2007).
Similarly, Gibbs (2000) claimed that virtual learning improved motivation and engagement
which led to the development of higher level learning styles. The use of virtual learning in teaching
like computer simulation activities are now evident in schools. As stressed by Strogatz (2007),
computer simulation is a computer program that attempts to simulate an abstract model of a
particular system. It is also a software program that imitates the workings of a computer network
and has become a useful part of mathematical modeling of many natural systems in physics.
Computer simulation can be effective in developing content knowledge and process skills
as well as in promoting more complicated goals such as inquiry and conceptual change (Bell and
Smetana, 2008). It also enhances inquiry-based learning because in this approach students
actively discover information by allowing scientific discovery within realistic setting (de Jong,
2006). It is an educational tool which offers students the unique opportunity of experiencing and
exploring broader environments, objects, and phenomena within the walls of the classroom
wherein students can observe and manipulate normally inaccessible objects, variables, and
processes in real-time (Strangman et al., 2009).
The utilization of computer simulation as a tool in solving problems in the different fields
of education are now globally used. The inadequacy of laboratory apparatus, misconceptions and
low mastery of learning competencies in Physics subject as revealed in the National Achievement
Test (NAT) were among of these problems (Potane, 2013). The trends and patterns of Science
MPS in the National Achievement Test (NAT) of the Public Secondary Schools in the Division of
Cagayan de Oro City are decreasing from the school year 2008-2009 up-to- the school year 2014-
2015. The data for five (5) consecutive years (Planning and Research Section, 2016) are as
follows: SY 2010-2011 (45.50), SY 2011-2012 (40.31), SY 2012-2013 (40.31), SY 2013-2014
(40.80) and SY 2014-2015 (39.77). The data suggest that Science MPS in the national
assessment are still low based on the national passing (75%). The city division encountered these
problems and faces the challenge of DepEd to improve the quality of teaching-learning processes.
The action-researchers were concerned about the improvement of the students’ academic
achievement in Science, thus, information was gathered by collecting the data through NAT
Results, specifically the least mastered competencies in science.
In secondary schools of the Division of Cagayan de Oro City, it was observed that there
was limited laboratory equipment used in the class and students were not able to complete the

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task in their Science activities due to unavailability of resources. In addition, students have the
low level of proficiency in the knowledge and skills in Science based on the results of the national
assessment due to lack of motivation and interest. However, there were secondary schools which
are recipients of DepEd Computerization Program (DCP), thus to meet the students' needs, the
researchers need to focus instructions on improving the academic achievement level of the
students through integrating intervention strategy, and design an innovation to improve the level
of proficiency in the knowledge and skills in Science. This study was conducted to determine the
effectiveness of virtual learning environment on students’ academic achievement in science.
The study is anchored on constructivist theory, Jerome Bruner’s theory, which claimed
that learners construct new ideas or concepts based on the existing knowledge. Learning is an
active process wherein facets of the process include selection and transformation of information,
decision making, generating hypotheses, and making meaning from information and experiences.
Bruner (1966) proposed three modes of representation of knowledge: enactive representation
(action-based), iconic representation (image-based), and symbolic representation (language-
based). The modes of representation of knowledge are integrated and only loosely sequential as
they translate into each other. Symbolic representation remains the ultimate mode for it is clearly
the most mysterious of the three. Bruner recommended using a combination of concrete, pictorial
then symbolic activities that would lead to more effective learning.
The current study used the virtual learning through PhET interactive simulation free
software. PhET stands for Physics Educational Technology (PhET), which was developed by the
Physics Education Research (PER) group from University of Colorado, United States of America.
PhET simulation provides interactive, fun, meaningful, very informative research-based computer
simulations of physical phenomena for free. It contained major topics in Earth Science, Biology,
Chemistry, Physics, and Mathematics. PhET was carefully designed and tested to support
students visually comprehend concepts. It animated what is invisible to the human eye through
the use of graphics and intuitive controls such as click-and-drag manipulation, sliders, and radio
buttons. In addition, the simulation offers measuring devices including ammeter and voltmeter.
As students manipulate interactive tools, animated responses appear illustrating cause-and-effect
relationships as well as multiple linked representations. The simulation was found effective
especially when it was integrated with guided inquiry activities which encourage students to
construct their own understanding.
The kind of teaching approach employed in the study is through Physics Educational
Technology (PhET) software with built-in interactive simulations in Earth Science, Biology,
Chemistry, Physics, and Mathematics. The least mastered learning competencies in Science
were the focus of this study. Improving the said competencies among students by exploring the
use of virtual approach in teaching in the DCP recipient schools both urban and rural schools are
the main reasons of conducting this study.
The level of students’ proficiency and learning experience in Science after being exposed
to OMVLE would be the indicators of the effectiveness of virtual learning. The study investigated
the effects of offline mode virtual learning environment on students’ proficiency in Science in the
pilot schools of the Division of Cagayan de Oro City during the school year 2016-2017.
Specifically, the study aimed to answer the following problems: (1) What is the academic
achievement level of students in an offline mode virtual learning environment during pretest and
posttest; (2) Do the respondents’ pretest and posttest scores differ significantly; & (3) What are
students’ learning experiences when exposed to an offline mode virtual learning environment?

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This study utilized the non-experimental pretest-posttest design. There were nine (9) DCP
recipient secondary schools both rural and urban under batch 27 in the Division of Cagayan de
Oro City for SY 2016-2017. Moreover, stratified sampling technique was employed in selecting
the two (2) pilot DCP recipient secondary schools. School A represented the urban (U) school,
while School B represented the rural (R) school. The aforesaid schools belong to the top most
priority schools as revealed in the pareto analysis with Mean Percentage Score (MPS) of 36%
(School A-urban) and 43. 68% (School B-rural) in science for school Year 2014-2015.
There was one (1) group of randomly selected intact classes of Grade 10 students per
pilot school which served as the participants of the study. Forty (40) student-participants were
being involved. The aforesaid recipient schools were given fifty (50) computer sets through DepEd
Computerization Program (DCP). The aforesaid group of intact classes in Grade 10 was involved
in the study in order to test the effects of virtual learning when least mastered competencies in
science were delivered with the aid of PhET interactive simulations software to the proficiency in
the knowledge and skills among Grade 10 students.
The instruments used in the study were the free PhET interactive software, strategic
intervention materials which contained guide card, activity cards, assessment cards, enrichment
card and reference card. Also, the achievement test which was administered pretest-posttest and
in-depth interview which was employed to determine the learning experience of the students.
The contents of strategic intervention material were based on the Learning Competencies
in the K-12 Curriculum Guide as prescribed by the Department of Education. The concepts were
relevant to real life situations so that students could connect the ideas learned to the environment.
The material contained activity cards which highlighted the brief introduction, objectives,
materials, procedures, and student notes on what they learned in a certain topic. With the notes
in every activity, the teacher knew about the students’ learning experience. The intervention
materials for PhET simulation contained worksheets with proper guidelines on the conduct of the
different science topics. Furthermore, answer keys to the questions and information in each topic
were included.
The pretest-posttest was 30-item pencil and paper researcher made test. The tests were
designed to measure the proficiency of Grade 10 students in the least mastered competencies in
Science. The comprehension and readability levels in each item were given full consideration.
The test was tried out to a group of 30 students and data were subjected to Kuder-Richardson 21
for its reliability coefficient which resulted to 0.831.
Moreover, the strategic intervention material was validated by the experts and the bases
for validation were the content and content accuracy, clarity, and appropriateness. The evaluation
tool used to validate the IMs was adapted from the R&D evaluation tool of Ejem (2012).The panel
of experts strongly agreed (over all x̅=3.68) that the features of the strategic intervention materials,
such as content and content accuracy, clarity, and appropriateness were satisfied very
The data in the pretest-posttest were analyzed and interpreted using frequency and
percentages, while z-test at p = 0.05 level of significance were used to determine the significant
difference in the achievement test scores of the students. Furthermore, daily observations and
interview to the students were documented and recorded.
In every correct answer in the achievement test was given one (1) point, thus, the perfect
score was 30 because the total number of items in the achievement test was 30. A range was
adapted from Alcuizar (2012) to assign the equivalent achievement levels to the scores obtained
by the students: 25-30(Outstanding), 19-24 (Very Satisfactory), 13-18 (Satisfactory), 7-12
(Unsatisfactory), and 0-6 (Failed /Needs Improvement).

Results and Discussion

Academic Achievement Level of Students in an Offline Mode Virtual Learning Environment

(OMVLE) through PhET Interactive Simulations
The data in table 1 show the academic achievement level of students in both urban and
rural PhET groups before an intervention. The data showed that students have low level of
academic achievement prior the implementation of the intervention.
Table 1 Academic Achievement Level of Students in the Pretest both the Urban and Rural PhET
Urban PhET Group Pretest Rural PhET Group Pretest
Achievement Level f % Achievement Level f %
Failed 3 7.5 Failed 2 5
Unsatisfactory 17 42.5 Unsatisfactory 15 37.5
Satisfactory 20 50 Satisfactory 22 55
Very Satisfactory 0 0 Very Satisfactory 1 2.5
Outstanding 0 0 Outstanding 0 0
Total 40 100 Total 40 100

It revealed that the pretest scores of students both in the urban and rural PhET groups
were closely similar. It implies that they have the same level of understanding on the science
concepts and principles before the treatment regardless of communities, and the fact also that
they were heterogeneously distributed upon enrolment. There were students both in the urban
and rural who were moderately proficient, slightly proficient and not proficient at all in the
knowledge and skills in science concepts particularly in electricity topics which include ohm's law,
resistance in wires, simple circuit, measuring current and voltage, series connection, parallel
connection, combine series-parallel and many others. It was noticed that no one from the students
in both communities achieved an outstanding rating in the pretest.
As shown in Table 2, students from the urban and rural PhET groups have both
unsatisfactory achievement levels prior the intervention. Only a difference of 0.87 in favor of the
rural group. They were slightly proficient in the knowledge and skills in science concepts and
principles. The data also show that pretest scores of students from the urban and rural groups
were heterogeneously distributed.
Table 2 Mean, Standard Deviation and the Academic Achievement Level of Students in both
Urban and Rural PhET Groups

Urban Group Achievement Rural Group Achievement Overall

Level Level
Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD
Pretest 11.13 2.90 Unsatisfactory 12.00 3.43 Unsatisfactory 11.56 3.19
Posttest 16.38 5.12 Satisfactory 17.43 4.84 Satisfactory 16.9 4.97

As gleaned in Table 2, the students in both PhET groups achieved higher scores in the
posttest than in the pretest. It implies that students gained better understanding after they were
exposed to PhET interactive computer simulation. It was evident that students exposed to PhET
apps have satisfactory achievement level. Students became moderately proficient in the
knowledge and skills in science particularly in electricity topics through an offline mode virtual
learning environment with the aid of PhET interactive simulations founded by the physics experts
of the University of Colorado. The said software was installed in the individual computer in the e-
classroom so that everyone could do the simulations even without internet connection. Students
could do and finish their laboratory tasks based on their own pacing and availability.
This study disclosed the potential of PhET interactive simulation as one of the alternative
teaching approaches in facilitating teaching-learning experience in science. It directly provides
visual comprehension of the science concepts. It is supported by the study of Huppert et al. (2010)
which showed that computer simulations boosted students' academic achievement and their
mastery of science process skills in relation to their cognitive stages than students not using
computers at all.
The data in Table 3 show that students in both urban and rural PhET groups achieved an
outstanding and very satisfactory achievement levels after the intervention. It was noted that
nobody got the highest achievement level prior the intervention. The aforesaid data suggest that
when students were exposed to the virtual environment with guided learning worksheets, which
are carefully developed and validated, it would yield better academic achievement in science.

Table 3 Academic Achievement Level of students in Electricity both in the Urban and Rural
PhET Groups

Urban Group Posttest Rural Group Posttest

Achievement Level f % Achievement Level f %
Failed 0 0 Failed 0 0
Unsatisfactory 4 10 Unsatisfactory 2 5
Satisfactory 24 60 Satisfactory 26 65
Very Satisfactory 5 12.5 Very Satisfactory 3 7.5
Outstanding 7 17.5 Outstanding 9 22.5
Total 40 100 Total 40 100

The result further implies that students exposed to PhET were very highly and highly
proficient in the knowledge and skills in electricity. The PhET interactive computer simulation
enhanced better understanding of the concepts in electricity through manipulating different
variables found in the computer simulation. The learning experiences of the students were really
up-to-the molecular level where learners were able to see the flow of electrons flowing in the
entire circuit. The result affirms the study of Bell and Smetana (2008) that computer simulation
can be effective in developing content knowledge and process skills as well as in promoting more
complicated goals such as inquiry and conceptual change. It also enhances inquiry-based
learning because in this approach students actively discover information by allowing scientific
discovery within the realistic setting (de Jong, 2006).
The positive result of this study supported Perkins, et al.,(2008) who studied that circuit
construction kit or CCK provides animation of the electrons flow through the circuit elements and
the ability to continuously adjust the resistance of any component (including the light bulbs) or the
voltage of the battery. Students would be able to observe the effect on the motion of electrons,
the brightness of the bulbs, and the measured voltage difference. These features provide students
powerful tools for better understanding the current and cause-effect relationship between voltage,
current, and resistance. Students exposed to CCK in the laboratories performed better on
conceptual questions about circuit constructions than students who used the real equipment.
Aside from improving the academic achievement level of students, the offline mode virtual
learning environment through PhET interactive simulations with guided and optimized learning
worksheets was developed to enhance the science process skills of students such as observing,
describing, manipulating, interpreting, predicting and inferencing. As claimed by Akpan (2001), a
computer simulation is a powerful tool to enhance learning by providing opportunities for learners
to develop skills in problem identification, seeking, organizing, analyzing, evaluating, and
communicating information. The experiences of students in virtual learning would add support in
developing the technology skills of students in the 21st century. All learning materials used in the
study conformed to the concepts and principles of Carin & Sund (1985) which stressed that a
science educator must shift from a traditional way of teaching to a more innovative way. They
also asserted that science teachers must not only teach factual knowledge but should also work
towards the development of the students’ inquiry and other process skills. The principles of Dewey
in his learning by doing guided the child to explore and discover especially in his environment
through firsthand experience utilizing the intellectual skills of observation, description,
comparison, measuring, classification, making inference and experimentation.
With this, McConnel (2000) claimed that the opportunities for students to carry out
technology activities such as exploring the mysteries and marvels of the world should be provided
in the school curriculum wherein teachers play the roles as facilitators and guide to scaffold
student’s problem-solving abilities in a social constructivist learning environment like PhET
interactive simulations. Hence, the authors were inspired to develop research-based materials
anchored on OMVLE which was parallel to the K-12 curriculum that promotes better achievement
of students in all science lessons not only in 10th grade but also in other lower and other higher
Comparison of the Academic Achievement of Students in an Offline Mode Virtual
Learning Environment (OMVLE) through PhET Interactive Simulations
The data presented in Table 4 show the comparison of the pretest and posttest scores of
students in both urban and rural PhET groups. It was subjected to z-test for the independent
sample in order to test the significant difference between scores. The data disclosed that there
was a significant difference on the pretest and posttest scores of students in both communities
as shown by the computed p-value which is less than the set level of significance at 0.05. The
null hypothesis which stated that there is no significant difference in the academic achievement
in science between the pretest and posttest scores of students in both urban and rural
communities is rejected.
Table 4 Comparison between the pretest and posttest scores of students in Urban and Rural
PhET Groups

Urban (U) PhET Group Rural( R) PhET Group

pretest U posttest U pretest R posttest R
Mean 11.13 16.38 12.00 17.43
Known Variance 8.21 25.53 11.45 22.79
Observations 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00
z -5.72 -5.86
P(Z<=z) two-tail 0.00 0.00
α = 0.05 level of significance

The result showed that an offline mode virtual learning environment through PhET
interactive simulations with developed and validated worksheets significantly improved students’
academic achievement in both communities. Based on the daily observations of the teachers who
handled the PhET group, students in PhET classes were very eager to learn very active,
interested, and highly motivated in performing their assigned laboratory activities. One of the
teacher-respondents stated that:

“after their first-period class, majority of my students reported promptly at the ICT
laboratory. Because of their excitement to use PhET simulation, fifteen (15) students
directly run the program even without instruction to start the activity. All of them were eager
to learn. When they were given the worksheets, most of them manipulated the simulation
independently. All students were engaged and I have seen students who wrote important
concepts on their notebooks.”

On the other hand, one of the teacher-respondents revealed that most of the students
arrived on time during their PhET classes. There were students who did their home reading about
their topics, eager to learn and to use class time wisely without delay, stay focused and listens
attentively to the teacher, works independently in the assigned tasks with minimum teacher
support, actively engages the computer when instruction was given, actively responded to
questions during discussions and jotted down points during presentation and learning.

The data in Table 5 show that there was no significant difference in the posttest scores of
students both in the urban and rural PhET groups as shown by the computed p-value which is
greater than the set level of significance at 0.05. It denotes that the academic achievement level
of students was comparatively the same in terms of their conceptual understanding of the
electricity topics in science regardless of communities they belong either rural or urban.

Table 5 Comparison of the posttest scores of students in both Urban and Rural PhET Groups

posttest U posttest R
Mean 16.38 17.43
Known Variance 25.53 22.79
Observations 40.00 40.00
z -0.96
P(Z<=z) two-tail 0.34
α = 0.05 level of significance

This study affirmed the benefits of students in the DepEd Computerization Program (DCP)
of the Department of Education (DepEd) that even in the rural community where online learning
was previously not possible, but now through an offline mode virtual learning like the PhET
interactive computer simulations of the University of Colorado, USA, whatever learning of
students in the urban communities could also equate to the learning of students in the rural
communities. This would gear toward the transformation of education by providing public schools
with appropriate technologies that would enhance the teaching-learning process and meet the
challenges of the 21st century (DepEd Order No.78, s.2010).
Furthermore, there were various open learning resource materials on the web where
teachers and students could explore like the PhET interactive simulations where teacher-
respondents stressed that:
“the students became more active participants in the teaching-learning process. The
enrichment card which was one of the parts of the lessons triggered the interest of the
students to discuss and brainstorm and undergo further studies on the topic that they have
learned and encountered, thus, there would be continuous learning and experience on the
part of the students wherein they won’t be able to forget the science concepts because
they have used and practiced it in their further research investigations.”
The output of every learning activity revealed that students were able to answer problems
which developed their higher order thinking skills. The interests of students toward the lessons
helped improve their academic achievement and they performed better in knowledge,
comprehension, application and analysis questions. The kind of learning activities really matters
and enable students to become eager and motivated to perform the task. The discussions and
brainstorming within the group resulted in a better output of the activities.
Students’ Learning Experiences when Exposed to an Offline Mode Virtual Learning
Environment though PhET Interactive Simulations
Based on the results of the focused group discussions (FGDs) emerged the following
themes: Enjoyable PhET Learning Experience, Creating Opportunities and Quick Learning, and
Ignited Students’ Interest to Learn.
Enjoyable PhET Learning Experience. The students claimed that they have fun and
enjoyed every learning worksheet given by their teacher aligned with the PhET interactive
simulations. The key informants shared that:
“we have enjoyed exploring and manipulating the different variables in the Circuit
Construction Kit in the PhET interactive simulations. It was really fun and enjoyable
especially in exploring how to construct the circuits. We have enjoyed seeing the flow of
electrons and other controls which couldn't be seen by the naked eye. We learned quickly
in constructing circuits than in the real lab.”
The responses of students suggested that they have the positive attitude towards PhET
interactive computer simulation. Based on observations by the teacher-respondents, even
students who didn't take up ICT became interested in learning because they found out that
computer interactive simulation was really fun and enjoyable.
Creating Opportunities and Quick Learning. PhET improved students’ academic
achievement. All respondents revealed that they have enjoyed creating and exploring new things
on the different variables and features found in in the Circuit Construction Kit and other PhET
applications like in Biology, Chemistry, Earth Science and Mathematics. The students divulged
“it takes only a few seconds in constructing circuits. There's no need to draw the schematic
diagram because it's already there in the CCK. We learned quickly in constructing circuits
than in the real lab. We felt no worries in buying new circuit parts if we commit mistakes
on the connections because we could just reset. It makes our lesson easier and less
expensive. We become familiar with radio buttons and sliders and we liked also other
topics like projectile motion, PE and KE, etc. not only electricity topics.”
Ignited Students’ Interest to Learn. The PhET simulation provided the very friendly
environment to students as manifested in students' participation and making decisions based on
their observations. The students' output showed that they were able to solve problems that
improved their higher order thinking skills. The responses of SGD participants stressed that:
“it triggers our interest in learning how to manipulate not only the basic features in the
simulation but also the parts in the computer system. Also, we didn't spend money in
buying different parts of the circuit. We have learned a lot in constructing simple, series,
parallel, and series-parallel circuits. It improved our study habits. Also, it enhanced our
listening, problem-solving and technology skills.”
Technology should really be brought into the classroom and incorporate it into the science
curriculum using multimedia computer presentations (Barbara ten Brink, 1993). Many studies
revealed similar findings with this study in which computer simulation was a more effective kind
of teaching approach than the traditional non-ICT instruction on students’ cognitive learning. The
simulation promotes depth conceptual understanding, mastery skills in science, and higher order
thinking skills. Thus, constant integration of computer simulation in the class promotes good
learning experience and achievement among students.

Virtual learning environment through PhET interactive simulation with strategic
intervention materials promotes satisfactory academic achievement among students for both
rural and urban schools. Thus, VLE could be used by science teachers in facilitating change on
their classes especially those DCP recipient schools. With the significant difference on the
academic achievement of students in both urban and rural communities, PhET interactive
simulations could be used to enhance conceptual understanding, process, cognitive and
technology skills in teaching Science. The strategic intervention material aligned with the PhET
software could also guide the science teachers in their quest in improving science education.
Further, this could be used as one of the educational materials in facilitating change and
transformation on the learning experience of students. The performance of learners both in rural
and urban areas have no significant difference, which only shows that the use of virtual learning
via DCP schools could help provide better learning opportunities even in hinterland schools
without internet connection.

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