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Toolkit : Templat Merungkai Standard

Semak DSKP. Lengkapkan ruang berikut:

Tahun : 5
Mata Pelajaran : Sains

Topik : 7. Energy
Standard Kandungan : 7.1 Sources and Forms of Energy

Standard Pembelajaran :
7.1.1 State the meaning of energy.
7.1.2 Describe various sources of energy through observation using various media.
7.1.3 Explain with examples the various forms of energy.
7.1.4 Explain through examples the transformation of energy in daily life.
7.1.5 Make generalisation that energy cannot be created or destroyed but can be transformed.
7.1.6 Explain the observations on the sources and forms of energy through written or verbal forms,
sketches or ICT in a creative way.

Pengetahuan / Fakta Kemahiran

(Kata Nama) (Kata Kerja)

1. Meaning of energy 1. State

2. Various sources of energy 2. Describe
3. Various forms of energy 3. Explain
4. Transformation of energy 4. Make generalisation
5. Energy cannot be created or destroyed

Semak DSKP. Lengkapkan ruang berikut:

Standard Kandungan : 7.1 Sources and Forms of Energy

Standard Pembelajaran :
7.1.1 State the meaning of energy.
7.1.2 Describe various sources of energy through observation using various media.
7.1.3 Explain with examples the various forms of energy.
7.1.4 Explain through examples the transformation of energy in daily life.
7.1.5 Make generalisation that energy cannot be created or destroyed but can be transformed.
7.1.6 Explain the observations on the sources and forms of energy through written or verbal forms,
sketches or ICT in a creative way.

Pengetahuan / Fakta Konsep

(Kata Nama) (Makro / Mikro)

1. Meaning of energy Mikro:

- Energy is the ability to do work
- Work is done
- Natural sources of energy: Sun,

Toolkit : Templat Merungkai Standard
water, waves, wind
- Organisms obtain energy from the
- Energy is needed to maintain the
substainbility of our life

- Importance of energy

2. Various sources of energy Mikro:

- Energy sources around us
- How energy is obtained? Ex: Water
rotates turbine to generate electricity
(electricity is a form of energy)
- Renewable and non-renewable
- What happened if the non-
renewable energy is used up?

- Saving energy

3. Various forms of energy Mikro:

- Example: solar energy, heat energy,
chemical energy, sound energy etc
- Where does these energy obtained
- Importance of these energy in daily
- Energy used in daily life

- Be grateful

4. Transformation of energy Mikro:

- Energy can be transformed from one
form to another
- Meaning of the symbol “” and “+”
in transformation of energy
- Examples of energy transformation
in daily life

- Appreciating

5. Energy cannot be created or destroyed Mikro:

- Changes in the world depend on
- Classifying renewable and non-
renewable energy

- Appreciating
- Futuristic

Perkembangan Pembelajaran:

Toolkit : Templat Merungkai Standard
 Meaning of energy
1. Getting to know energy based on its definition
2. Getting to know energy based on the importance of energy in daily life

 Various sources of energy

3. Energy is obtained from various sources

 Various forms of energy

4. Various forms of energy are obtained from various sources
5. Various forms of energy is needed in daily life

 Transformation of energy
6. Energy can be transform from one form to another form of energy
7. Energy cannot be created

 Energy cannot be created or destroyed

8. Changes in the world depends on energy

Toolkit : Templat Merungkai Standard

Semak DSKP. Lengkapkan ruang berikut:

Standard Kandungan :

Standard Pembelajaran 1 : State the meaning of energy.

Pengetahuan / Konsep Kemahiran

(Kata Nama) (Kata Kerja)

Meaning of energy State

Perkembangan Pembelajaran:
1. Getting to know energy based on its definition
2. Getting to know energy based on the importance of energy in daily life

Hasrat Pembelajaran (Learning Intentions) Kriteria Kejayaan (Success Criteria)

1. I learn about the meaning of energy
1. I can state the meaning of energy
2. I can state how organisms obtain energy
3. I can describe that energy is needed to
maintain the substainbility of our life

Semak DSKP. Lengkapkan ruang berikut:

Standard Kandungan :

Standard Pembelajaran 2 : Describe various sources of energy through observation using

various media.

Pengetahuan / Konsep Kemahiran

(Kata Nama) (Kata Kerja)

various sources of energy Describe

Perkembangan Pembelajaran:
1. Energy is obtained from various sources

Hasrat Pembelajaran (Learning Intentions) Kriteria Kejayaan (Success Criteria)

1. I learn about various sources of energy 1. I can state the energy sources around us
2. I can explain how energy is obtained
3. I can differentiate the different form of
energy obtained from different sources
of energy
4. I can differentiate the renewable and
non-renewable energy
5. I can describe what happened if energy
is used up

Semak DSKP. Lengkapkan ruang berikut:

Toolkit : Templat Merungkai Standard
Standard Kandungan :

Standard Pembelajaran 3 : Explain with examples the various forms of energy.

Pengetahuan / Konsep Kemahiran

(Kata Nama) (Kata Kerja)

Various forms of energy Explain

Perkembangan Pembelajaran:
1. Various forms of energy are obtained from various sources
2. Various forms of energy is needed in daily life

Hasrat Pembelajaran (Learning Intentions) Kriteria Kejayaan (Success Criteria)

1. I learn about the various forms of 1. I can state the forms of energy in daily
energy life
2. I can state the sources of these forms of
3. I can explain with examples the various
forms of energy

Semak DSKP. Lengkapkan ruang berikut:

Standard Kandungan :

Standard Pembelajaran 4 : Explain through examples the transformation of energy

in daily life.

Pengetahuan / Konsep Kemahiran

(Kata Nama) (Kata Kerja)

Transformation of energy Explain

Perkembangan Pembelajaran:

1. Energy can be transform from one form to another form of energy

2. Energy cannot be created

Hasrat Pembelajaran (Learning Intentions) Kriteria Kejayaan (Success Criteria)

1. I learn about the transformation of 1. I can explain why energy cannot be

energy in daily life created or destroyed
2. I can explain with examples the
transformation of energy in daily life
3. I can write the equation for the
transformation of energy

Semak DSKP. Lengkapkan ruang berikut:

Toolkit : Templat Merungkai Standard
Standard Kandungan :

Standard Pembelajaran 5 : Make generalisation that energy cannot be created or

destroyed but can be transformed.

Pengetahuan / Konsep Kemahiran

(Kata Nama) (Kata Kerja)

Energy cannot be created or destroyed Make generalisation

Perkembangan Pembelajaran:
1. Changes in the world depends on energy

Hasrat Pembelajaran (Learning Intentions) Kriteria Kejayaan (Success Criteria)

1. I learn about that energy cannot be 1. I can make generalisation that changes
created or destroyed but can be in the world depend on energy
transformed from one form to another 2. I can classify renewable and non-
renewable energy

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