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Hunting Guide and Tips for Better Results

To hunt vermin be it boar, birds or rodents, the thing to note is to know how the behavior
of prey animals and hunting guide, especially wild boar. Pigs in an area tend to have constant
behavior such as grooves pork or crossings when the animal is feeding, foraging time and also
time wallowing. It needs to remember that different habitats of boar, then the behavior
mentioned above can be different as well with other habitats. Pigs in a region have its place
hours, mealtimes and different grooves with pigs in other areas. What needs to be done before
the hunters hunt old or new area are as follow.

Survey the area before the hunt. If the area is new and you have never seen a pig in the
area to determine the flow of pork, where to eat, what to eat in the area and if possible its place
in hunting guide, and do not forget to ask the citizens or keeper when pigs crosses or out looking
for food. The survey is also to identify areas around the site if there are any houses or huts are

Determine where to wait pigs. If you want to wait a pig passing, certainly from the
information obtained from the survey. The waiting can be in trees or behind a tree near a pig
crossing. If local palm and rubber plantations and usually when pigs eat the fruit of palm or
rubber sounded very loud as people break the sticks according to hunting guide, we can know
where the position of the pig. This is where the survey information flow needed so we could wait
pigs where it will be passing near where the animal eating.

Know how the hog or pork with good response when exposed to light of a flashlight or
when you meet human. Here the hunters have to think fast and move fast. If pigs are not
responding and seem indifferent when exposed to light of a flashlight or meet people, we can
hunt for mobile or chase the target in the area but remember that you must remain keep distances
in hunting guide up to 20 meters with the animals hunted. If pigs are silent and impressed
challenging when exposed to flashlight or see people, you should consider your ability to shoot
and your emotional stability. As if shots we missed, it will be fatal for both you and residents
around the plantation. If the pigs ran when he saw the flashlight or man, it means that it will be
difficult to hunt at night when it is dark, but can be done at the bright moon by waiting.

Determine the position of the shooter, power, pressure tubing, and the target of bullets
and shoot according to hunting guide. The position of the shooter should be at a distance of 20-
30 M from the target (if already an expert could be more). Power is recommended at least 3
clicks (to secure Click Full). The pressure tube is recommended at least 2500 psi. Suggested
bullet is a bullet like in the picture or 4.5 mm caliber bullets special big game. The hunt wild
boar pest has existed since thousands of years ago to the present. People hunt wild boar to catch
him dead or alive to eat or just disinfect. Of all the old people hunting wild boar they use in
different ways, there is the old hunting guide and there are also new ways, and to this day the old
ways of hunting wild boar is also still used by people who live in rural or forest edge.

There are some ways to hunt according to guide.

1. Using a snare
In ancient times, people on the island of Java to catch wild pigs by using a trap or snare slap
a rope tied to a bamboo rod is cut and stacked against the big tree called snare. Traps are
placed on the footpath near water sources commonly skipped boar who want to drink water
at night according to hunting guide. When a wild boar through and leg straps touch slap, then
a bamboo rod will be sticking to the top so that the pig legs lifted up along the rope slap. The
next day, the hunter will review the catch and catch wild boar to take home. But sometimes
other animals are caught, deer or antelope that are unlucky.
2. Using a hunting dog
Those ancient times until now also use dozens of dogs to hunt wild boar. Dozens of dogs
were deployed to sniff out traces of wild boar, and after a wild boar they found them to be
chased and be beaten by dozens of wild dogs and trained according to hunting guide. While
the hunter is usually more than one person, they carry a whistle and a spear and a machete or
gun assemblies. If the whistle is blown or the hunter shouted, then the hounds will continue
to chase wild pigs wherever he fled. Once bitten and attacked by wild boar hunters, the dogs
will shoot.
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The Easy Ways of Guided Elk Hunts

Hunting is a good activity that strengthens the ability of people to catch the wild animal.
One kind of animal that is hunted is elk. Elks are mammals that inhabit many forests in our
country. Elks almost in all forest areas in our country are starting from the forests of the islands.
The population is quite high and easy to find. Elks are very sensitive to human beings, so the elk
would have avoided if aware of any human presence around them. Although always avoided, yet
still elk are often caught by humans who were hunting it with guided elk hunts. Elk often hunted
and captured in order to meet the needs of human consumption. The venison is quite tasty and
can be used as an alternative to beef. The fact is what makes hunting elk increasingly
widespread, especially for people who live in rural areas that are closer to the forest.

Elk hunter usually captures the elk to meet the needs of their own consumption and also
for sale to the market-traditional markets. In the market price of venison is quite expensive, it
makes the hunters increasingly eager to catch the elk by using the guided elk hunts. For example,
in traditional markets elk is on sale at a price range of 80,000 rupiahs per kg. Venison in these
markets is usually supplied by the traditional elk hunters who hunt elk using a special bondage.

Elk hunting using snares is easy and quite successful to catch the elk. The hunters usually
snares of elk in the woods and pick locations that often through the elk. Bondage elk made of
rope and some other equipment such as wood in the design so as to be able to make elk caught
by using the guided elk hunts. In addition to use a traditional snares, some elk hunters also use in
more modern ways to capture the elk, among others, using a rifle with live ammunition. The use
of rifles for elk hunting has a higher success rate and also an option many hunters.

There are several ways of hunting. One of them is to use dogs. The dogs are released to
then look for prey. The hunters will turn on their whistles. If the sound of a whistle or noise is
stopped, the hunter had not heard the dogs going back to mistress behind by using the guided elk
hunts. If the hunter is back shouting or blowing a whistle, the dogs will be back chasing a boar.
Besides, hunters also use a wire net gabion. This is usually done by modern hunters, using
gabion wire mesh along tens of meters and looped in shrubs or bushes presumptive boar's nest in
it. Then they let go a number of hounds in the circle area nets to repel wild boar to get out of the
nest. After leaving the nest, the boar will run out of the bush and finally hit the gabion wire mesh
that has been placed around the shrubs by using the guided elk hunts. Typically tens of wild boar
living in the grove of shrubs or reeds will be caught all of them alive.

Using a rifle is also good idea. Modern people today are using a hunting rifle to shoot the
boar pests. They usually drive off the road at night with the lights or similar-sized flashlight
battery by using the batteries, and then around the meadows or areas where many wild boar. If
they see a bunch of wild boar is passing or foraging, then Dorr! Rifle in hand would bark and
issue a hot lead that hit the body of the boar by using the guided elk hunts. Animals hunted
usually loaded onto the car and then taken home by the time the hunt has finished or before the
early morning. However, there is also a hunter that is just sitting on top of a large tree to care for
wild pigs that pass underneath. The hunt wild boar with a large tree climbing is usually the case
in the forests on the island of Java where the forests in Java always overgrown with large trees
and dense so that the car can not move through the forest. Their vehicles are usually deposited in
nearby township residents by using the guided elk hunts.
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Being Successful Hunter According to Guided Hunting Trips

If you are going to hunt, there are some guided hunting trips that you can do. Usually,
people are using gun to hunt wild animal. The first weak point is the head. The head is where the
presence of the brain that we know, all of the brain is the nerve center of all living creatures, so if
this part can be directly exposed to the firing, it will be disabling. The hunters usually prefer this
part because it feels easier in the lock target. But also keep in mind, because of the nature of the
brain that is soft and is the nerve center of the brain is protected by the skull (bone) that is hard
according to guided hunting trips. In some of the hunted animal his size medium to large shot
using PCP imports in this section can no longer survive, can not even run away although in the
end still falling (dead).a

The second weak point is the eyes and ears. In this section is not deadly but could cripple
our target, so we still have to look at the size and effectiveness of the weak points of each game.
There is an experience, when I was hunting in the forest with my friends, middle of the road
bumped deer according to guided hunting trips, because we are only armed with two guns of
import we got confused determine the weak points the target, it was decided we were shooting
on the ears moreover accidental fugitive facing sideways. This decision was made with
consideration of PCP import caliber rifle bullet could penetrate 4.5 cranium or heart and what if
miss, at least still on the head of a deer.

Point three is heart and liver. At this point we all know that it is the point of deadly part
for a big and small game according to guided hunting trips. Point of this is much-loved addition
to the weak points of the head, because it is easier and deadly. The fourth point is leg of animals.
Usually the weak point is located behind the front legs. In this section more effective if we use
import PCP rifle caliber 4.5 to hunt with medium and large size. The possibility of penetrating
the skin and heart for some specific animal is very difficult depending on the type of game
animals themselves. The 0.22,0.25,0.35 caliber hunting rifles are used for hunting such as
raccoons, squirrels, monkeys, monkey, pig, deer, etc. According to guided hunting trips, import
PCP rifle bullet can penetrate the skin of animals of this type, this is due to the strength of PCP
imports far greater than local pcp.

Lastly, and in addition is the base of the throat, in this section is very effective to
immobilize animal prey medium and large size is also more effective for animals accustomed to
its presence in the tree. This is because we are more easily targeted goal of this weak point
(throat) of the position under consideration target game with laryngeal position under the animal.
Once again I emphasize, without any intention to teach things according to guided hunting trips
that are not good but just an example, which is to shoot monkeys. As much as any deer, grouse
and other large animals, when exposed fired at this point certainly collapse.
Finally, basically still in the hunt we have to be smart to look at where the weak point
game, the size of the game, the position of the game itself, and also the equipment or the ability
of the tools we have, for all of our success in obtaining game. Thus are tips on how to hunt with
a rifle.

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