Organization and Management Quarter 1: Module 3: The Firm and Its Environment

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Module 3: The Firm And Its Environment

What I know
1. C 6. A
2. D 7. A
3. A 8. A
4. C 9. C
5. A 10.A
What’s in
Activity 1
1.1. An great manager develops a hardworking, productive, and successful team
that performs well above its weight. Good managers attract excellent employees,
make the company a desirable employer, and assist the company grow market
share, enhance profits and surpluses, and cut costs.
1.2. Managers and leaders are not always equivalent, yet managers have the
potential to develop into effective leaders. One method to accept your natural
leadership abilities is to communicate effectively and to celebrate team
differences. Resilience, honesty, and self-control are all qualities that leaders
1.3. The major distinction between leaders and managers is that leaders have
followers, whilst managers have employees. To get their employees on board
and follow them toward their goal of success, a successful business owner must
be both a good leader and manager.
What’s new
1. Preferences and considerations
 Hygiene
 Price
 Taste
 Location and ambiance
2. First of all, who doesn’t want a clean food to eat? Hygiene, for me is a great
practice so if I would treat my friends I will choose a clean restaurant. Price and
the taste is a pair. I want a budget restaurant with a good service implied in it.
Lastly, the location and ambiance is really important because good food with
good price and with good hygiene is easily destroyed if your mood doesn’t go
with your plan while eating.
What I have learned
Activity 1
S(strength)- I am good mostly of the things I do when I am interested with it.
W(weakness)- I easily get bored at some things which leads to many unfinished works
0(opportunities- I can do good in most of the things but only when I put effort, time
and dedication on it.
T(threats)- I can easily fail in the things that I lost my interest with
What I can do

Condition Environment SWOT

example (external or internal)
Economic down turn external threat
Lack of management skills internal weakness

New competitors internal threat

Lack og marketing internal weakness
Poor brand image internal weakness
Poor customer service internal weakness
More supplies of raw internal opportunity
Teamwork and internal strength
coordination of employees
Upgraded technologies external opportunity
and MIS
New government policies, external threat
rules and regulations

1. Micro-environment factors include internal factors i.e. customers, suppliers,
competitors, etc. whereas macro-environment has external factors like political,
social, economic, etc. . in micro-environment, a firm's performance is
determined by the factors or elements in a firm's immediate environment which
affect its performance and decision-making. These elements include its
suppliers, competitors, marketing intermediaries, customers and publics while
on the other hand, macro-environment refers to the set of external elements
and forces that influence the company's development but are beyond the
company's control. It primarily consists of demographic, economic, cultural,
technical, legal, and political factors.
2. SWOT and PESTLE analyses are used to evaluate a new business or project in a
methodical and complete manner. The approach provides decision-makers with
a better knowledge of potential changes as well as the impact these changes
may have on their business.
3. SWOT analysis (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats) is a
framework for assessing a company's competitive position and developing
strategic plans. Internal and external elements, as well as existing and future
possibilities, are all evaluated in a SWOT analysis.
4. Because business does not operate in a vacuum: environmental influences can
have a beneficial impact on enterprises by driving sales, or they can have a
negative impact by raising the cost of items sold or increasing a company's
overhead. A company's ability to make profit is dependent on its ability to do so
regardless of external influences. While most environmental influences are
outside a company's control, it can still prosper if the possible consequences of
these forces are understood and a plan is put in place to mitigate their effects.
5. The environmental scanning is an important part of strategic planning since it
gives knowledge on future factors that will affect the firm. Leadership will be
able to respond to external influences more quickly with the knowledge

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