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Drama 7 Questions

Who am I?

Chanade stone. I am 16 years old and am the daughter of a well-known music artist. I never know
who to trust because people only want to be friends with me so they can meet my dad. And get
autographs. They never really like me they just use me. Other people talk about me being my backs
and then pretend they love me so they can go to my house and get gifts and things. I've only really
got myself and Maxi. He's sort of my friend, but I think if he had a choice he would be out with the
popular, funny normal kids. My mum and dad never listen to me, and they only care about
themselves. I’m not important to them or at least they don't show it. They've never attended any of
my school shows they never have time for me.

Where am I?

I'm on the side of the cliff I can smell the sea mist and hear the waves crashing onto the cliff below.
It's windy my hair is blowing in my face and all around. I am sitting on a rock with grass all around
there's a footpath just behind the rock. The sun is shining through the clouds it's quite chilly cos of
the cold wind. The wind carries the sea crashing noises so it sounds louder. There are sea gulls
squawking above.

What time is it?

It's 4 in the morning. I've snuck out of my house and it's still dark as it's the early hours of the
morning. It's Sunday. I am here cos I know that my parents won't get up early because they are
hungover from last night. They always go out drinking on Saturday nights and leave me home.

What do I want and why do I want it?

I want to be understood and listened to because I feel constantly ignored by everyone like everyone
has more important things than me. I want to be close with my parents and be able to talk to them
about everything, but they never have time for me and are so self-absorbed. I don’t feel like I know
my parents at all, and they don’t really know me because they never take the time to. I want an
identity of my own because I’m always known as ‘the rich girl’ or ‘the daughter of a celebrity’. I feel
like people only want to be my friend when it suits them, and they only want to be my friend
because of my dad and the money, and I can never tell if they truly want to be friend or are using
me. I want the chance to prove myself and show everyone that I am my own person and not live in
the shadow of my parents. I don’t really want to jump but I don’t really feel like I have a choice
because no one wants to listen, and no one seems to care. No one gives me the chance to talk about
how I am really feeling inside. If I jump from here, it will be in a place where I feel happy and I can
die with the faint memory of being happy and no one is here to stop me.

How am I going to get it?

I feel like there is no way I’m going to get what I want, and I feel like everyone has pushed me to this
point. I feel like right now there is no way to get it, so the only way out is jumping. And if I jump then
maybe it’ll teach my parents a lesson and they might start to care about other people rather than
themselves all the time.
What must I overcome to get what I want?

I need someone to talk to. Someone to be there for me. To listen to me. To care for me. Because no
one in my life does. So until someone gives me there time I am not going to get what I want and that
is why I am here, on the edge of this cliff because no one in my 16 years of life has ever truly listened
to me.

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