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theoretical framework demonstrates your understanding of the theories and concepts

that are relevant to your research project. You also use the theoretical framework
to help you explain how you will examine your research data, linking your
methodology research questions and the literature together. How does this work?
Well in this video, I will show you how a theoretical framework methodology and
research questions in your project fit together using the image of an umbrella that
has several spikes. So imagine you are conducting a study using the theoretical
framework of experiential learning to understand a particular learning activity.
The theoretical framework is composed of four concepts represented by the spikes in
the picture. Each of these spikes represent a key part of the theoretical framework
that will be used later to analyze the data obtained from the research project. Now
you would know that the spikes of an umbrella keep it open. So if one of the spikes
in your theoretical framework umbrella was for example, missing, your umbrella
would not work very well. In fact, if you miss several spikes, your umbrella would
collapse entirely. This is why it is important to have a really comprehensive
theoretical framework. It will help you collect all the data you need to answer
your research questions. So how can you then use the theoretical framework to
examine your data? Well, you need to find a methodology that fits with your
theoretical framework. Your methodology needs to be designed so that it examines
every concept in your theoretical framework umbrella. You also need good quality
research questions. Your research questions should address those key concepts of
your theoretical framework umbrella, looking at each of the spikes of the umbrella.
This is important because if your questions do not align with your theoretical
framework, you will not be able to answer your research questions effectively in
your project. It is also important that your research questions and methodology
linked together This is because if you have lots of wonderful research questions,
but your methodology is not going to help you answer your research questions, then
that will not be very useful. So your theoretical framework, methodology and
research questions all linked together to form your research project. Okay, now
imagine you have done all of this, you have developed a book theoretical framework,
your methodology is sound and your research questions aligned clearly to both your
methodology and theoretical framework. Now you can turn your brella upside down.
Why? Because this will allow you to catch your data represented by the raindrops on
the screen. If you have a really good theoretical framework combined with a strong
methodology, you will be able to collect all the data needed to answer your
research questions. You can then use your research questions and analysis tools in
your methodology. To examine your data. Were using your theoretical framework. When
the theoretical framework methodology and research questions align. You can analyze
the data you've collected, allowing you to discover new ideas that help you
understand the concept you are investigating.

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