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Jordan Johnson

English Block 1


Who Will Run The Frog Hospital?

"Who Will Run The Frog Hospital?" Was the title of the painting Sils has painted at the
beginning of the book. Sils was Berie's best friend and has been for a long time. The book is named
Who Will Rub The Frog Hospital? By Lorrie Moore. The Quest For Order in my book is that Berie
and Sils like to party a lot and they smoke an drink alcohol and do a lot of things adults usually do.

The definition for Innocence is the state, quality, or fact of being innocent of a crime or offense,
or the lack of guile or corruption; purity. In my book Berie doesn't show any signs of innocence. The
definition of Loss of Innocence is innocence is a term used to indicate a general lack of guilt, with
respect to any kind of crime, sin, or wrongdoing in a legal context. Sils said, "I'm not afraid of dying and
I don't care." (54). Sils isn't afraid of life and death, she feels like that life doesn't mean anything to her.
The definition for Questing, Seeking, and Searching is a stage that a person goes through. Sils said, "I
can't believe this Berie, but I might be pregnant." (40). Sils thinks she is regnant so that puts her in the
Questing, Seeking, and Searching stage. The last stage is Resolution and the definition for Resolution is
a firm decision to do or not to do something. Berie was coughs stealing money from her job. So she
was sent to a Christian camp so she can learn a lesson to not steal anything anymore. "Wouldn't be able
to see me?" (122). Berie is sad because her parents sent to a Christian camp for 6 months because she
won't be able to see her best friend Sils until she comes back home. After she was done with the camp,
she went to her grandmas house and her grandma put her in a different school, Mount Brookefield
School. She went to her grandmas because her parents moved to Florida. She was able to see Sils
now. Berie and Sils are two completely different now, Berie is now all about school now, and Sils has
changed because she has been by herself for almost a year. Berie and Sils were two crazy girls at the
beginning of the book but towards the end they have learned their lesson on everything that they were

There is four stages in each character because each character needs four stages in their lives. The
Quest for Berie helps Berie get to Resolution because if it wasn't for her parents and her grandma. If she
didn't steal the money from her job she wouldn't be going to to Mount Brookefield School. Instead, she
was sent Mount Brookefield School and she met the love of her life. This takes a big part if her growth
because she might want kids and that will put her in Resolution. Sils isstill living with her parents so that
would put her in the Innocence stage. Sils is still working at Storyland and she plans on staying there.
Her life is more positive now because Sils and Berie needed a break from each other. There is always
consequences to all the mistakes in your life. And when you go through those consequences, you learn
from those and you don't plan on to doing all the mistakes you did in the past. These two girls had
different things in each stage, they will eventually learn from there mistakes.

Berie an Sils are very best friends ever since they were little. They would go out to parties an clubs
together, they would smoke and drink together, and they would travel the city together. My novel
explained the stages very well, they were mixed but overall it was a good book for explaining the stages.

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