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Ø: What were the features of the Egyptian civilization that existed in the Bronze Age?
This civilization flourished in the valley of the river Nile.
The kings of Egypt were known as 'Pharaoh'.
The practice of preserving the body of the dead prevailed in Egypt.
A corpse preserved thus is called a'mummy'.
 Pyramids were tombs where the mummies were preserved.
 They remain as evidence for the excessive use of labour and wealth.
 Agriculture was the backbone of this civilization.
 The Egyptians also engaged in weaving and production of glassware.
 They formed an art of writing-Hieroglyphics

Ø: Prepare a note on the art of writing in Egypt?

 They formed an art of writing. It is known as'Hieroglyphics', which means 'sacred writing'.
 They used the leaves of the plant called papyrus for writing.
Ø: Analyse the progress achieved by the Egyptian civilization in the fields of science and
 They formulated a solar calendar. As per this calendar a year had 365 days.
A year was divided into 12 months, of 30 days each. The remaining five days were set aside for
celebrations. Their advancement in the field of Mathematics is also significant.
 They could calculate the area of triangles and rectangles.
 To determine time they made sundial, a clock that tells time by the shadow
cast by the sun and water clock that works on water current.
Ø: Find an example for the skillful of Egyptian in sculpture
 The sphinx, a statue with lion's body and human head.

Ø: What were the features of the Mesopotamian civilization?
Mesopotamia is the land between the rivers Euphrates and Tigris
Four different civilizations of Mesopotamia: the Sumerian, the Babylonian, the Assyrian, and the
 Major cities in ancient Mesopotamia: Ur, Uruk, and Lagash

 Cuneiform: The Mesopotamian system of writing is called Cuneiform.

 Calendar: Mesopotamian calendar based on the movements of the moon. They divided
year into 12 months, a month into four weeks, and a day into 24 hours.
 'ziggurat': construction of temples namely 'ziggurat' is the evidence of the amazing architectural
skills of the ancient Mesopotamians.They were constructed in cities.
 They were built on artificial hillocks using bricks.

Ø: Write the features of Mesopotamian system of writing?

 The Mesopotamian system of writing is called Cuneiform.
 The script was wedge-shaped. They were written on the smooth surface of wet clay tablets.
 A sharp stylus was used for writing.

Ø: Prepare a note on the achievements of the Mesopotamians in the field of mathematics and
 They formulated a calendar based on the movements of the moon. They divided a
 Year into 12 months, a month into four weeks, and a day into 24 hours.
 They knew division, multiplication, and square root.

Ø: Explain the features of Chinese Civilization?
The Chinese civilization flourished in the valley of the river Hwang-Ho
Agriculture was the base of this civilization
Calendar: a year consisted of 365 1⁄2 days.
The art of writing existed in ancient China as well. The script was pictographic, not alphabetic.
Later it developed into an ideographic script.

Ø: Find the remarkable common features of Bronze civilizations.?

 The use of bronze
 Agricultural progress
 Development of trade and craftsmanship
 The art of writing
 Progress in the field of science
Ø: .Examples for Bronze Age civilizations.
 Indus valley civilization,Mesopotamian, Egyptian, and Chinese civilizations

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