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Philippines I Thee Wed- Part I

When God told us to write a book we didn’t know how
to start or what to write, not until September 29, 2015. During
that time while we were praying, God instructed us to write
everything that He dictated. Thus the Foreword down to
chapter 3 was completed in 8 hours. Then the rest fell into
place in just 3months. The addendum was just added as time
unfolded, but chapters 4-12 were completed within a span of 3
During the last week of February 2016, however, we
met with Rev. Jerry Bowers- the Israeli Director of the US
National Prayer Council, a Jew and author of the book “The Five
Lost Covenants”. He told us that what we have written is a
“KETUBAH” or marriage contract. A KETUBAH is initiated by
the Father of the groom, and contains the History and
anecdotes of the bride and groom, how the two met and the
conditions of the covenant or in our local terms ”KASUNDUAN”.
Once the two parties agreed to the terms of the covenant, the
groom leaves the house of the bride to prepare a place for her.
After a while, the groom comes back and pursues the marriage
once he sees the light in the bride’s room, but if it is not lighted,
he turns back - it means the bride has changed her mind and
refused to marry the groom. The groom referred to here is
Jesus and we are the bride. Will your lamp be lighted when He
comes back?
Our God the Father Y-H-W-H (Yahweh) initiated the
writing of this Ketubah, which contains he terms of the
covenant and the history of our nation, Philippines, and how
we came here to form a nation from the 10 lost tribes of Israel
together with the remaining scattered Jewish nation. This is a
relationship which started in the Garden of Eden between God
the Father and Adam and Eve, a relationship that was severed
by sin. But God took us back again by creating a covenant
(KASUNDUAN) of friendship with Abraham to whom He

Philippines I Thee Wed- Part I

promised that His descendants will be as the grains of the sand,

if he will worship Him Y-H-W-H as God, this is the Salt
Covenant, a perpetual covenant of friendship that can only be
broken if every grain of salt that was shared by both parties is
given back to each one, which is impossible to do. This is the
first stepping stone in our relationship with God. But we
continued to sin and was unfaithful to Him. God the Father
fulfilled again His part by sending Jesus Christ to wash away
our sins in the second step of our relationship with him in the
BLOOD Covenant, which Jesus fulfilled in a relationship of
servitude and sacrifice so we may live and acquire back our
sonship and inheritance in the Sandal Covenant. And if we are
willing to exchange our earthly inheritance for our heavenly
inheritance, God is inviting us again to a higher, closer
relationship with him in a Marriage Covenant- where we
become one with God.
For better understanding of the Hebrew culture and
these covenants, I have attached in the appendix “,Lost in
Translation; Rediscovering the Hebrew Roots of our Faith” by
John Klein and Adam Spears which brings us back to these
The first 3 chapters including the foreword were given
by the Father YHWH Himself, revealing to us Himself, the
Groom and the Bride. Chapters 4-7 contains proofs of our
heritage as the lost tribes of Israel, Chapter 8 is a reminder of
the covenant we made with Y-H-W-H that we have forgotten,
chapters 9-10 is the destiny of the Philippines in the end times
and the tribulation period, and chapters 11-12 is the calling
and equipping of the 144,000, 12 thousand from each tribe of
Israel and their mandate as servants of the Most High God in
these times.

The Scribes: Dr. Ed Marie Togonon –Cruz

With Dr. Lilibeth Diocares Olivares
and Cherry Ann Galvez Enarsao

Philippines I Thee Wed- Part I

Special thanks to
Dr. Jonathan Quimpo, Emie Bajan and Shiela Sorenio,
for their technical help in publishing this work.
Prophetess Maggie Hofilena for mentoring us in the
Apostolic–Prophetic School, Ate Lalaine Solinap for her prayer
support, Nile Banga for the logo, cover page and publishing
this in the internet. Our husbands Romy and Jim for their
patience with us while doing this book, for Pastor Jerry
Bowers and his wife Margie Of the US National Prayer Council
for their contribution, support in launching this book and the
ministry. Ate Jen Cortuna former missionary to China and CCC
staff who took time in editing this book. Our friends who have
encouraged and supported us, and

Most of all to our

For choosing us to do this formidable task
Who never ceased to remind us who we are
in Him during troubled times
Who always inspired,
comfort and strengthened us



Philippines I Thee Wed- Part I

In the beginning God created the heavens and
the earth and everything on it. On the 6th day God
created Adam and Eve. But Adam and Eve were tempted
by satan in the garden of Eden which broke their
relationship with Father Y-H-W-H , so He sent them out
of Eden. Adam and Eve bore Cain and Abel, but Cain
killed Abel thus Cain was cursed to roam around the
earth. Adam and Eve had other sons and daughters,
Shem the 3rd son became the father of many from whose
lineage Noah came. At the time of Noah, people became
so evil, that a great flood annihilated mankind, of which
only Noah and his 3 sons with their wives survived, they
were Ham, Shem and Japhet. Shem settled in the east.
From the lineage of Shem came the tribe of
Abraham, the grandson of Heber and thus they were
called Hebrews. Abraham’s wife Sara bore a son, Isaac,
father of Jacob and Esau. Isaac loved Esau but Rebekah
his wife loved Jacob such that she connived with Jacob
and stole the birthright of Esau as the firstborn son.
Afraid of Esau’s anger, Jacob ran away and went to her
mother’s relative and married his cousins Leah and
Rachel, and had sons with their servant Bilhah and
Zilphah as well. All in all he had 12 sons and one
daughter. These sons became the 12 tribes of Israel.
Leah bore him Reuben, Judah, Simon, Isaachar, Levi and
Zebulun, with Zilphah, Gad and Asher were born, and
with Bilhah, Naphthali and Dan, and with his beloved
Rachel, Joseph and Benjamin. Later he gave 2 birthrights

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to the sons of Joseph, Ephraim and Manasseh while Dan

was stripped of his right as one of the tribes of Israel.
Israel later on divided into the Northern
Kingdom (who retained the name Israel) and the
Southern Kingdom (became Judah who is known to us as
the Jews). The Northern Kingdom composed of the 10
tribes of Israel was exiled after a series of invasions and
became the 10 lost tribes of Israel which the world is
searching up to now until the Father broke His

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Part I.

When The Father Broke His Silence

For a long time I have kept silent, I have kept quiet

and held myself back. But now like a woman in
childbirth, I cry out, I gasp and pant

Isaiah 42: 14

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Atin cu pung singsing

Metung yang tempukan
Amana que iti

Queng indung ibatan

Sancan queng sininup
Queng metung a caban

Mewala ya iti
Ecu camalayan
Ing sukal ning lub ko

Susukdol king banwa

Dikurus king gamut
Babo ning lamesa

Kinu mang manakit

King singsing kung mana
Kalulung puso ko
Manginu ya keya

Philippines I Thee Wed- Part I

I once had a ring

That had a single gem
I inherited it
From my Father
I thought I hid it
In a chest
But it disappeared
without my knowledge
My pain that I bear
Is as high as the heavens
Atop the table
I clasped my hands (in prayer)
Whoever finds
The ring I inherited
My poor heart
Belongs to him

Ako ay may singsing

May batung kay inam
Pamana sa akin ng mahal kung tatay
Sa tapat ng dingding iningat ingatan
Tinago ko sa kaha
Kung san nawaglit di ko namalayan
Nawala ang singsning diko na nakita
Abot hanggang langit ang taglay kung dusa
Sino mang binata ang makakakuha
And abang puso ko
Ay magiging kanya

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You are that ring my children,

the ring signifies a covenant,
it signifies your relationship with me.
You are my covenanted people.
My covenanted people,
I am the owner of that ring,
You are the ring I cherish and should not
be lost again. My love for you is
overflowing my children.
I have loved you ever since you were born,
even in the womb.
I have planned for you
even in the womb.
I have chosen you from your conception.
I have dreamed of you.
And you my children will be the for
my light in this country and the world
The 3 1/2years will start from now when
you have t work for me, under my service
as my servants. Anointed from above you
will bring good news, good news and not
bad news.

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The good news is,

that you my children and the generation
after you,
will carry on life in this world.
You are the heirs of my salvation.
You are the chosen few I have in my hands.
But then the few will be many and 7 x 7
and 7x you will be.
You my children frail as you are and
gentle as a dove,
yet cunning as a serpent.
In love deep within your hearts-
you can only see compassion and love,
and the ability to love even those who
persecute you,
even those who speak against you
at your back.
You were born out of love for I have died
for you on the cross.
You bear upon your bodies the suffering
that I have
and yet you have chosen to love
and be righteous
before Me.

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Introductions by the Father of the Groom & Bride

In the year A.D. 28 (Hebrew Calendar) My people have

been persecuted for worshiping me and saying that I am
God. They were scattered over the earth because of these
persecutions. Some of them went to Asia, some of them went
to other places. They spread My word amidst the
persecution. Some of them hid but then they were searched
out by the Romans. Some of them died for my glory and for
my sake. Nevertheless my word has flourish among them
and many came to know me, and in the year 300 A.D. they
had become many. But also at this time the Roman Empire
has reach its zenith. They have made the Roman Catholic
Church as a new religion, as a state religion. But my people,
My real people at the time, those who did not agree with the
Constantine, those who did not agree with the dirt and the
impurities of the church continued in their way and
separated from them. They proclaimed the good news with
purity of hearts and doctrine, from generation to generation.
Those have become My people. The true religion did not
come from the Roman Catholic Church for they are another
adulterated religion.
The real gospel came from those who were persecuted
for the truth. During those times many were killed, but the
doctrine of faith, the doctrine of the true salvation that came
from Me, flourished from generation to generation. It is not
true that they came from Roman Catholic Church, for the
true believers then, secretly they met in cells, they met in
houses, they met secretly and it went on from generation to
generation until the renaissance and the opening of the
gates, and light shone in the darkness. The true believers

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joined the churches during that time. Out of the darkness

My word flourished together with the impurities in the
Roman Catholic Church, for there the serpent kept on
visiting them.
The serpent had planted his seed and has not been
cut down and uprooted. For the politics cannot mix with
religion, politics cannot mix with true faith. Their spirit
cannot contend with Me. The Spirit, My Spirit will not
contend with such impurities in the world, in their religion
that they say is the right religion. My Spirit will continue in
its own purity. Until now you are still fighting for the right,
for the purity of the church and even now Satan continues to
creep in even among My people destroying the church. Even
in international churches, he has crept in and mitigated
some pastors and leaders in the church to preach doctrines
that is not from Me and which is not pure.
But you, my children should now tell them what
the truth is, the true faith that you should have as a people,
as the people of the Philippines. True faith that is the faith of
little children. The true faith that is in the heart of little
children, and from whom will arise purity. A faith that is
only born out of worship, a faith that is born out of the heart
that is fully, fully, fully given unto Me.
My children, much has been given to you and much
is required to give up and to uproot, to uproot religions that
are not pure. Most religions say they are the right one and
leads to Me. But that is not the truth for the only way, the
truth, and the life is Jesus My Son. There is no one else and
nothing else. Those who come to Him, by His blood they are
cleansed if they ask and receive. The receiving of the blood

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cleanses the heart and purifies the soul. That is the way to
Me and that is the truth.
No religion here on earth can lead them to Me. No
religion here on earth can save. I will name it. No Baptist, no
Methodist, no Roman Catholic, no Buddhist, no
Zoroastrianism, no Muslims, no, no, no, none of these can
make them come to Me, their Creator, none of them can be
the way, none of them, none of them. None of them is the
way, for the only way and the only way is in knowing and
receiving the truth that Jesus the Son of God, My Son, has
given His life for all them, for all of you and died on the cross
for you. He died on the cross to wash away all your sins; for
He has loved you, He has loved you, and He asked that He be
given in behalf of you. That is the true-the true religion-
Jesus Christ my Son. He shed His blood for all of you. Except
for the death and resurrection that He has for you, none of
these religions can save you.
The Romans and even Caiaphas, the old priest
disregarded the resurrection. Yet this is the truth, He is
resurrected and has overcome death, death that is about to
swallow all of you; but because of his death you are alive
again. And life, right now, I give to you in the new
Millenium, without going through death if you accept Him
as your Savior and Lord, God, God equal to me, the Father,
for I am one in Him and We are one, if you will all accept
Him in your heart. This, my children is the true religion. So
many say that they are the only ones who can come to me,
the Iglesia ni Cristo, Jehovah’s Witnesses but if they do not
recognize my Son as God, they cannot come to me. They
cannot come to me for there is only one way, one bridge and
that is My Son Jesus Christ, Lord and Savior.

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You may not be able to understand the Lordship,

the Trinity, My personhood, Our personhood but you have to
accept that 3 is 1. Your minds are small, your thoughts are
small, and your thoughts are not my thoughts and your ways
are not my ways. And even if I have to say it to you, you will
not be able to comprehend it. But just accept the fact that
Jesus is God and He and I are one, together with the Holy
Today I will seal that truth, and I will seal this truth
in the hearts of many, so that they will safe. That they may
be one with Me and be one with Us. That is the truth and I
want to seal right now in your hearts. I know that some of
you are confused of who I am and what I am and who We are
and what We are. For your minds are simple. In time my
children you will understand as your mind goes up into the
next ladder, the next level of the ladder. Then you will
understand and know that I am your God and know the
Godship of who I am. Your mind cannot grasp the greatness
of Who I am- the great God who created you, the great God
who is your Creator.
I created all things, the earth that is my footstool
and the universe my garden. I make all things and renounce
anything I want and announce the things that I want. That is
Who I Am. With the words that come out of My mouth and
that Word is Jesus, all is created and you are created. It is not
your DNA all Words? Letters and Codes? All words, consider
that, your DNA is all words and codons. Just a twist of the
words and the twist of the codes you are all created. The
proteins are created, the building blocks of life. All come
from words and words and words, AG, TC, AG, AG, AG, all are
words, the syntax, all are words, languages are words.

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Everything that you are is Me. Everything that you

are is Jesus and if you do not know Him, then you do not
recognize even your own self. See? See? You can only be
alive if you recognize the Word. You recognize God if you are
recognizing Jesus because Jesus is the Word. The Word of
God becomes alive. That is the wisdom of all Creation. So
Jesus and I are one and the same, equal as God. Do you now
understand the beauty, the magic, but that is not magic. That
is a simple thing, just a word that comes out of my mouth
that creates magic.
I created ears to hear, ears that hear the words I
speak. I open now the ears of those who read the book for I
have made the ears to listen and I open the eyes of those
who read this book. For you have eyes to see and read. Even
the smallest of children and even the simplest among you
can read this book in a way they will be able to understand
all the things that I am going to say right now. For the blood
of Jesus covers this and the blood of Jesus makes them
understand. For the blood of Jesus opens their eyes and the
blood of Jesus opens their ears.

Wonderful words of life

Sing them over again to me
Wonderful words of life
Words of life and beauty
Teach me faith and duty
Beautiful words, wonderful words
Wonderful words of life
Beautiful words, Wonderful words
Wonderful words of life

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Jesus is the Word of Life my children, words that

give life to you, words that make you strong, words that
remove all the dross in you. These are words that I speak to
you each day. These are precious to me, for this is my Son,
for this is Jesus Christ given to you. Those words I speak to
you, even the words you’ve read in the Bible since then. This
is my Son. This is the Word of God. This is my Son. This is the
Sword of My Spirit that pierces the heart in two. He pierces
into the sinews and joints, pierces into your hearts as speak
to you. That is also my Son, My Jesus, your Savior, My Son.
The God Who created you, the God through whom I spoke,
the God who is my mouthpiece. The God who is in My Word,
and the God who died for you and shed His blood for you, for
He has loved you with an everlasting love. He is your
Bridegroom, My Son, your husband, your bridegroom who
loves you so much. And right now He is preparing, He is
preparing to come to you my children, His bride. With
these words, with words He sings to you.

The song of the bride

My precious bride

Come to Me, come to Me

Come to Me, My children
Come to Me, come to Me
Come to Me we will dine
Come to Me, come to Me, come to Me
We will live forever
To the bride I say come,
Come We will dance forever
To the bride I say Oh come
Prepare, prepare your house,

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Prepare, prepare you tents

Prepare your dress, prepare your gown
Come, in my house are many mansions
of gold and silver and gems and precious stone
I have prepared it for you
Come My bride, come My bride
We will live forever, It’s a thousand years,
a million years, and a million trillion years
We will live forever, we will dine forever
We will dance forever, feel My love, My bride
Prepare your tents I’m coming soon
Together all the children into one
Rejoice, My bride for I am coming soon
your Groom
For I am coming soon in the cloud
and here I am, riding in a white horse
To conquer, to rule not to control the world
but to set them free
But you are free, forever free, forever free in Me
Rest assured My bride of My love, Rest assured, My bride,
of the real freedom in Me. To live in victory
over the sins, over the drought, over the famine
For I will flood you with revelations of who I am.
I will flood you with revelations of My love for you
And you will sing with Me
You will dance with Me
You will know Me more and more each day
You will know Me more and more each day

Your Bridegroom
Sept.29, 2015
Philippines I Thee Wed- Part I

Chapter 2
The Conquest of Love Eternal

From the beginning I created you my sons and

daughters in the Garden of Eden. I created you from the
beginning with Adam and Eve, with My sole purpose of
having a family in you, for My sole purpose of having
someone to talk with, of having someone to love, of having
someone to fellowship with Me, and dine with Me and live
with Me, of having someone to love, to shower and to bless.
But you do not understand the purpose of why I have
created you. Your world is too small and your thought is too
small, and you were tempted, Adam and Eve in the Garden of
Eden. And there, I sent you away, for you cannot live forever
when your heart is evil. It will bring chaos and ruins just as
what is happening in the present world. And so I sent you
away so Eden will not be defiled and I sent you away to
chastise you, so that you will know who you are, and in such
a manner that you will grow and overtake over your sin and
conquer it.
My heart wept a million, the greatest pain that I have
felt. The people I loved and cherished deserted me for
somebody else. For they have been enticed by Satan, and
have chosen Satan. Treason. They had chosen the evil one
instead of Me their Creator. Nevertheless I know, for I have
known even before that they will do this to Me, but it still
hurts to be rejected by the one that you love; to be rejected
when you have given them life, to be rejected by your own
children. It is painful in the heart of the Father, and in My
anger I sent them out of Eden. I sent them out to till the
ground, so in your toiling there is chastisement, and in your
toiling you may know and understand your mistake. But

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even at that moment, I know that I would come to redeem all

of you, to redeem the generation, the generation of Adam
and Eve. Even from that time there is a promise, for from the
time on I have promised and I will one day have all of you
here in My arms and I will one day, reign over all of you and
you will love me and worship me.
Such is the pain in the heart of the Father, pain in the heart
of the father to be rejected by his sons and daughters. Such
is the pain my children, such as the pain.
And I have made, I have made Eden - OH such a
beautiful garden for my children, with all the birds, the
fishes, the beautiful falls, the beautiful streams. All that is in
there glitters with gold. All that you can eat is yours.
Everything that you walk on is gold and the grass is green
and soft and smooth. No insects, nothing. The flowers are all
colors and swaying and worshiping Me. But I cursed the
ground out of the anger and pain; I cursed the ground out of
anger, hurt and the pain in My heart. I cursed the ground
and Eden was no more, only a desert with no water in it, a
desert with no streams. They have to get out of the promise
land that I gave them for they cannot live forever when their
hearts are evil.
But I am not angry forever, I could not be angry
forever My children. I could not be angry forever in spite of
the hurt and pain that you gave Me. For deep in my heart, I
have love. It is this constant love for you that caused Me to
die for you, such pain and anguish that caused Me to redeem
you, for sin has its consequence and that is death. I did not
make hell for you. I did not. It was reserved for the angels
who have erred long before you were born. But many people
became so evil and their heads full of demons controlling

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them, and if these people continue to cling to those demons;

together they will disappear and go to the pit with them.
That is why I have to come and die on the cross to
overcome them, to win in victory over Satan and laugh at
him. He thought he has defeated Me, I have defeated him.
Woe to the creation who rebels against his Creator. He
thinks he has wisdom, he does not. I am God. That is what he
has forgotten; for he is a liar from birth and he deceives even
himself. He deceives even himself, thinking that he is god.
Foolishness, foolishness.
When I have created him, so beautiful he is. But
pride my children, pride my children, pride can consume,
pride can consume even the humblest. Be careful of pride.
That’s why, I have in so many ways and so many times have
to humble you. Sometimes when you are already up I have
to pull you down. Sometimes, Oh Philippines when you are
so high, I have to pull you down and bring you into
nothingness, into the ground, for when pride overtakes you I
cannot use you. For greatness only comes from nothingness.
When you realize that you are nothing, and I am the great
God who makes you something. And I am the great God
who works in you to will and to do good works. Then you
will realize that with your own strength, with your own
knowledge, with your own education, with all the things that
you have achieved you are nothing, nothing without Me. I
am, I am, I am your life. I am and I am who you are.
That is the first conquest of my love for you. The
second is at the cross, and now where is love? Where is
love? Where is love? I have loved you, you have not felt it. I
have loved you. I was hurt. You hurt me, you have not felt it.
What you felt was just your pain that I have moved you out

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of Eden. You remorse, yes you remorse, but after that, still
you think that I do not love you. Rebellion sat in, rebellion
sat in, that is what Cain felt- that I did not love him so, he
killed Abel. Rebellion sat in his heart for he thought that I
have favoritism. But the truth is- he is the one who has
rejected me in his heart, for he cannot love Me and he did
not love Me. He did not give his first fruits, he did not love.
His heart did not give his all for me, but Abel he gave his first
fruits. Abel he gave, he gave with all his heart. And I was
pleased with him, being a Father I was pleased. But the
rebellious felt not. For they only want to get, to get and not
to give. And in his heart he was so angry with Me. And his
heart he has so much bitterness. Bitter, bitter, bitter he is he
did not forgive, as his parents did not forgive for what I have
done and the curse that I have said to them. They were bitter
towards Me, and their children, and their children’s children,
became bitter towards me and angry towards me for
sending them out and chastising them. They did not
understand the heart of the Father and they did not
understand My plan. They did not understand that I had, to
mold them, to break them until their hearts become pure.
For such has been the contamination of sin in their hearts
and minds. So bitterness crept on from generation to
generation towards fathers, rebellion in the hearts of the
children. Ohhh, witchcraft, for rebellion is the sin of
witchcraft, rebellion not only towards me but also towards
their own fathers. And so children hating their fathers and
you have become a matriarchal society.
As your proverb say, “ANG HINDI MARUNONG
MAKAKARATING SA PAROROONAN.” And so it is true, for

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you have not looked back to Me your Maker and you have
not looked back to me your Father, so you did not become
what I wanted you to be. Even sexuality has become
contaminated, a manifestation of rebellion towards their
fathers, of rebellion towards Me. If you only knew my heart
and the love that I have for you, then you will understand
and learn to forgive. If you only knew that I have come and
died for you, to love you and tell you of my love, because I
love you then you will forgive. Forgive your fathers, forgive
Me. There is a generation to generation to generation of
unforgiveness and hatred in your hearts.
Look at your society now, your statistics now says in
every 10 men only 1 is a real man. That is not what I have
created. But because of rebellion you have become half of
who I Am. Because of rebellion you do not want to become
like me. Because of rebellion you do not want to become like
your father. And such is the destruction of your whole
society. The destruction of human race, and that is what
Satan loves and that is Satan wants. And he thinks that he is
going to win the battle? I will turn the hearts of all of you
towards your fathers. I will turn the hearts of all of you
towards Me, your Father. I will introduce myself once again.
I am your Father. I am your Father. And I love you. I am your
Father, I am your Father and I love you.
When my Son YESHUA died on the cross to bridge the
gap between Us, you My sons and daughters and Me, to
bridge the gap, the gap that was created by the sin of Adam
and Eve, and the anger that I have for them. That was the
beginning of the rift between my sons and daughters with
me your Father and your fathers on earth. Join now in

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bridging the gap between me, your Father and you my sons
and daughters.
I would like to humble myself before you as a Father,
as I have humbled Myself before you on the cross for the
hurts that you felt substituting Myself on your behalf. I do
this not because I am not God, but because I am your Father.
And I do this not only because I am Your Creator but as a
Father I should set an example for all the fathers in the
world to bridge the gap between their children and
their children’s children, to ask forgiveness to your sons and
daughters for your imperfections and for your sins.
Me, I am a perfect God I do not make mistakes but I ask
forgiveness out of respect of your emotions. And that doesn’t
mean that I am not God, for I am God. That doesn’t mean I
am not powerful and I am not Almighty but it only shows
that as a Father, I am your Father and you are my sons and
daughters and I care for you. And I care for your hurts and I
care for your pain. And I care, I care, I care (3x) for you. I
care for your tears. And I care and I care when you fall down,
when you fall down on your knees on the ground. I do not
have pride as Satan has; I am the best example of humility
for I am a Holy God and a righteous God. I am a Holy God
and when I humble Myself that does not mean that I have
sinned. It doesn’t mean that I have sinned against My
children, I have not. I just bow down before you and kneel
on my knees to pick you up because your small and I pick
you up even if my knees touch the ground. That is what I am
your Father, My children. I would kneel down on my knees
so I can look you in the eye, and you into My eyes and you
can feel My love.

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That is humility, that is love, that is forgiveness, even

dying on the cross and being stoned and being put with a
crown of thorns in my head by my own children. This is
what it is all about. That is all about humility. That is
accepting your pain, that you have been hurt as I’ve been
hurt from the beginning of time. I know some people would
not be able to accept what I am saying right now because
they have known Me as God, as God Almighty and I know
everything and therefore I should sit there and rule and rule
and rule. But I tell you My children even as God, I am also
your Father, and I’m giving you an example for the fathers to
follow with their children. My Son Jesus Christ has bridged
the gap accept it. Accept Me as your Father, not Satan- he is
not your father, he has not created you. He is just a menace
and envies me. Stay away from him and renounce him in
your lives, and all the demons who influences you, even
manifestations of homosexuality will get out of you. Accept
Me as your God and Father, your real Father and the Father
that you have not forgiven.
I rejoice with those fathers who have learned to nurture
their children towards righteousness and grace. They have
become pillars of society and great example for other men
and women to emulate. Crown will be upon their heads for
such righteousness, crown I put on their heads, crowns are
given to them and the scepter of the Royalty of the
Kingdoms of the earth I give to them. For they have learned
of me and have become my sons and daughters, My true
sons and daughters. That is the conquest of love and so we
will live happily forever My children, we will live happily.

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Our song with the Father

Us: “ Ohh my Father, You are One
Ohh my Father you reign above
as here on earth
Ohh my Father you have loved us
Ohh my father we are one
You reign in us, You reign in us, You reign in us
Ohh my Father you reign in us, You reign in us
Ohh my Father you make the flowers bloom
Make the flowers bloom,
Make the trees stand tall and bear its fruit
Let them all reign on earth together with us

I make the universe,I make the planets.
I make the sun, I make the stars.
Enthroned above it is My throne,
Enthroned above it, above the stars is my heaven.
I reign over all. I reign overall.
And you my children above all,
you’ll reign with Me and all the heavens,
Will reign with Me forevermore.
Will reign with Me for all the heavens,
Will reign with Me forever.
Among the stars you will reign,
Among the stars you will shine, (2 x)
Among the stars you will shine with Me.
The stars, I name them one by one,
The planets, I name them too.
The stars I make them one by one
And make the colors that are in you.

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Those colors are the things I make

And even the flowers that I take
To make and break the hearts of man.
So that they can worship Me their true God.
These are all my flowers that I make,
blue and green, yellow, red.
All other flowers are of violet and blue,
so the mighty one can see them too.
All of these I make for you.
Enjoy my children in this paradise.
I make the fishes of the sea.
The almonds, and the trees in there too,
The fishes sing, the fishes swim
The fishes singing for you and me.
I sing, I sing for you also,
Through birds that sing in tune for you.
I sing, I sing for you my child.
I sing for you that you may too
Be happy and dwell in this earth too.
Sing with me; sing with Me my child (3X)
These My child are all the things, I do.
for you to enjoy on this earth,
These and so much more.
The sea, the grass, the grounds, the skies,
All these I made for you.
Dwell in it that you may too,
Be happy as I am with you. Be happy.
Sweet, sweet, sweet you are
Just as I am sweet to you,
My children, ooh. Enjoy Me, as I enjoy you.
Sweet fellowship I have with you (2x)

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Sweet fellowship you have with Me.

Be with Me. I am yours; you are Mine (2 x)

Father YHWH

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Chapter 3
The Steps of My child

My little child, you were born you were born, you

were born. Your steps have become one, two, three, four,
and then you run, and then you walk, you walk with steps
not supported and by your own, and little by little you have
the confidence to walk. So it is with you my child, Israel.
Little did you know of the steps that you have made, of the
progression and your growth, you started out with Me, and
in you earlier years I nurtured you and fed you.
One month, one month, Jacob remember when you first
met me in the stairs, you have wrestled with me, wrestled
with me. You refused to be instructed. You want to walk in
your own. You want to be who you are and you want to walk
on your own. So I struggled with you, and wrestled with you
till morning, until subdued I am, and how you knew me as
your God. You were able to smile at me and recognize me
whenever I come to you. You have not even known me when
you were young, for you were the one who have always
Once, I have shown myself to you in the stairs where
the angels go up and down in battle. Ohh, My child, you
have recognized that I am your Creator. All the angels go up
and down and I am there in heaven, my arms outstretched
and smiling down at you. And you knew Me, for you said that
surely this is the house of God. Four steppingstones, the four
stones were there, you put on the altar and on the altar you
offered to me.
The first stone, you recognized me as your God.
During those moments you were still dependent on my

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sustenance, for you got out of you father’s house with

nothing. Ha, Ha, Ha and running for your life, afraid that
your brother would kill you. You were running for your life
and the only one who sustained you was Me, your first step,
your first month, a time, when you regarded me as your God.
You walked and walked and walked alone, until you are in
pain, and pain gripping your heart. You came into the house
of your father, the house of Laban. There you strained, and
worked and worked and worked for your gift. You worked
and worked for your gift and you worked and worked for
the one you love. You worked and worked for the woman
you love, only to be deceived. Oh 7 years, you travailed 7
years passed only to be deceived and given the wrong bride.
So you labored again for another 7 years for the right bride,
the pure bride.
I reserved a place for you. You were full, full of
children on your quiver, full of blessings. And as they grow I
blessed you more, so the children might not lack. These are
the toddler years, where you need My sustenance, you need
My milk, and you need My abundance. And whole Israel was
born through Rachel and Leah. The whole nation with the 12
tribes was born. They were all born and you became rich,
with servants- I made you rich. Those are the years, the
formative years of Israel. But the years have been in painful,
the forming of the forefathers, and the forming of the 12
tribes. And only a few pleased me. There was so much
hatred, and envy among the brothers. Unrepentant-
bitterness, jealousy, and hatred developed among the
brothers. There was sibling rivalry; they were not one from
the beginning, although each one has been given a place.
Each one I have given a blessing. Each one has a different

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character. Each one has a different life. If ever there was one
who thought he was above his brothers, he was not. For each
one is special in My sight. But as little children, they envied
one another and didn’t want anyone to surpass them.
And so I raised up Joseph whom I had chosen gentle in
character, humble and tender. Intelligence and knowledge I
had given him and he had a heart after My own heart. He has
a heart that worships Me, and always wanting to be with Me.
He had not forgotten Me even in a distant land and the
things that I had taught him was always in his heart and in
his mind. This was why I esteemed my Joseph and I had
planned for him to save you from things to come.
My Joseph, My Joseph, the prize of the blue waters
is for you. The riches of the blue waters is for you, the fishes,
the oceans and the sea. But before you taste the sea I’ll bring
you into a distant land, where even in the desert, stream
flows from you like living waters springing up in the midst
of the desert, where fountains and fountains and fountains
of revelations I gave to you. Fountains and fountains of love I
gave, that even in the depth of the prison walls and in the
midst of persecutions you felt my love, that I have not
abandoned you.
My Joseph, my Joseph, My chosen Joseph. Yours is
the Nile, yours is the Nile, and yours is the Nile. I have
given you the Pharaoh’s and the riches therein. I have
given you the deserts and the nature therein. I have given
you the gold, the cows, horses and chariots. I have garbed
you with a kingly anointing and imbedded you as King. I
have garbed you with gold and silver. And I have garbed you
with riches unknown.

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Joseph, my Joseph you have ruled above your

brothers, you have the chance at revenge but- OH My Joseph,
and you had the chance at revenge. You had the chance to
tell them how bad they were. How great is the pain they
have given you. You have the chance to give them the
outburst of your anger. You have the chance of giving them,
a return for all the things that they have done to you, selling
you as slave, and putting you in the well, but you did not.
Such evil that they had done for their brother without even
thinking of the pain of their father, of little boy Benjamin.
Such selfish envious brothers with no cares in their hearts.
Simeon, Simeon, Simeon, Simeon why such evil in
your heart, why such envy over of your brother, why such
envy over your brother. Do I not love you like the others?
Do I not love you like the rest? Yes I love you like the others,
but each one has a gift. Each one has a plan and none is
better, bigger than the other, something you should put in
your heart, something you should put in your heart.

Reuben, why do you have to climb into your father’s

bed? such defilement ah such defilement. Hurting your
father, so painful. Oh Jacob, I have felt the pain oh Jacob I
feel all the pain of a father. Ohh, why? If you are a father you
would know the pain that this act gives. Consider this. It is
like stepping into the role of My realm. And it is stepping
into the shoes of his father. Such disrespect, such disrespect
and you do not even deserve to be one of the tribes. For you
renounce and stepped upon My foot like Satan, such evil,
such evil, such evil in your heart. But I am a merciful God
slow to anger and abounding in love, I will redeem you.

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Benjamin, innocent Benjamin, Benjamin, sweet

and innocent Benjamin, small as you are, I have given you
rulers upon your throne and in your generation. They have
served Me and though they have sinned like Saul, I will
redeem your lineage of people who are dear to Me whose
heart is after Me and humble themselves and is not after
money or after position, these will I put in position. These
are the ones who deserve the position that they have and
not because of good looks, or because people wanted them
to be there.
The throne and the authority is given to Judah. You
will never lack a ruler in your throne, your justice and
righteousness to will be the standard of the nations. Judah,
in you My Son will rise and rule once again, in whom David
and his inheritance will rule.
Zebulun, Zebulun Zebulun, you ruled among the
waters. You have gone in so many waters, you have gone
from water to waters, ruling islands I have given you the
waters to conquer, to conquer to conquer. And in the end
you have blest me of sending the best missionaries all over
the world. Ohh, Zebulun, Ohh, Zebulun your strength your
strength is small a few have left.

Levi, little have been faithful to me, some of them

have been in praise of other gods and they think that I am
not looking at them. Ohh, they are there in the temple
thinking they’re worshipping me and serving me as priest.
Some I have scattered all over the world, they did not only
became priests, they are my missionaries all over the
world to bring My name. Some who don’t know their
identity or have not known me, have become priests for

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other gods, I will bring them back all as well, back into my
tribe, all of them
Isaachar, Isaachar, you, in whom the sun rises,
Isaachar the sun rises above you. The light of the sun
shining above you (I saw the sun rising in between the twin
mountain and it is blinding). The sun rises above you among
the mountains. It’s in the mountains. It’s on the mountain
that is rising. On the mountains you shall rise.

“ The flowers and the birds,

The flowers bloom in you Isaachar,
The flowers bloom in you all year round
Isaachar, Isaachar, ohh Isaachar.
You were born in the east ,
You were born where the sun rises.
Isaachar, Isaachar, Isaachar.
Take my yoke upon you Isaachar.
Take my yoke upon you Isaachar.
From the rising of the sun (2x)
You plow your fields Isaachar
And the yoke on your back is heavy,
The yoke on your back is heavy,
Take my yoke upon you Isaachar,
Take my yoke upon you Isaachar,
And lean on me Isaachar.
I will make you rise about the mountains
And I will make you rise above the seas.
Isaachar, Isaachar, E samar Esaachar Esamar
Why you suffer Isaachar,
Why you suffer Isamar
The rising sun is rising above you
Isaachar, isamar.3x

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Rise up Samar, Samar, Samar, Samar, Isaachar, Isaachar,

Isamar where the sun rises is Esamar where sun rises is
Esamar. Rise up Samar, you will rise up Samar, once again
you will rise up Isaachar, once again you will rise, you have
learned your lesson, not to worship other gods, not to
worship other gods, never again worship other gods. And
worship me your God. Esamar, Esamar, Esamar rejoice,
rejoice, rejoice Isaachar ,Esamar rejoice.

Pandanggo sa ilaw (dance with the light)

From: Mindoro
Nang pista sa nayon
During the feast in town
Nagsayaw ka hirang
You danced my beloved
Napakagandang pagmasdan
It was so beautiful to look at
Ang maliliit mong hakbang
Your small steps
At ang tatlong basong
And the three glasses
May taglay na ilaw
That contains the light
Ay tinimbang mong lahat
You balanced so well
Sa maliliit mong kamay
In your small hands
Ngunit di mo alam
What you do not know
Na minamasdan kita
Is that I am gazing at you
At nabihag mo ako

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And you captured my heart

Sa iyong pandanggong kay sigla
With your lovely dance with the lights
Magmula noon as inaalala ka
From then on I was always thinking of you
Dahil sa walang lakas
Cause my heart don’t have the strength
Ang puso kung limutin ka
To forget you
Sa pandanggo moy
With your dance
Hanga ang lahat
Many admired you
Tangan mong mga ilawan
You carry the lights
Ni isang walang lumagpak
And not one fell to the floor
Puso kong ito Nais ko liyag
My desire, my love is- that my heart
Ay ingatan mo na rin
You take care too
Pagkat ikaw ang may hawak
Cause your holding it in your hands
Gad, Gad, Gad my peaceful one, peace on your
shoulders, peace on your sides, you who rises above the
others, blessings of peace. Peace on your lands, peace on
your lands. New islands will rise up upon your shoulders.
New islands will rise upon you. These islands rich in marble
you have settled. But your people have been content only of
what was given you. People have exploited you for the riches
that is in your land, of gold and marble and granite. But I

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have greatly blessed you and you will learn and you’ll be
rich and be enriched.
For long, people have enslaved you and exploited
you in a land that is your own, because you have been and
your mother have been servants. This enslavement is in
your veins, and right now, I break that enslavement that is in
your veins. In your veins right now, I break that
enslavement. No longer will you be a slave. No longer will
you be a slave, but you will rise up with your blessings upon
the land. Enjoy the lands of Romblon and Masbate, oh so full
of gold Masbate is full of gold, Romblon is full of marble, no
longer will they exploit you. Gad, Gad, Gad, no longer will
they exploit you. You will rise up above it. You have blood of
your father with you, your fathers’ birthright. I will break
now, I will break now the blood of the slave in you, and you
are free.
And so I speak with Asher, Asher you are no longer a
slave. No longer a slave, and your sons coming out from you
will rise up above other people. No longer will you be a slave
of other people. You have the blood of your father Israel and
now I give you the sonship, not as a servant or as a son of a
servant, but as a son of a King, as a son of Israel and as son of
your Father YHWH.

Naphtalie, Naphthalie, different from your brother,

I break again the bondage of being a slave, of a maidservant
on your veins. I break that, right now. Rise up as a son of a
King with me your Father and son of your father Israel.
Now you will no longer be a servant and bondservants, and
no longer be a slave. You will rise up in the healthcare as
nurses and doctors with authority, not as maids. But with
authority and knowledge and wisdom that comes from me
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and even if you go to other places, (and I give you the

freedom to go to other places), to other parts world as
my missionaries. You go with authority and dignity as the
sons and daughters of Israel. Rise up Iloilo, rise up Iloilo.
No longer servants and maidservants, but daughters and
kings and missionaries even as nurses and healthcare
workers. AMEN, AMEN, AMEN. Word of the Father YHWH
given to us on Sept. 29, 2015


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