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Part II

Discovering Our True Identity

I have not spoken in secret, from somewhere in the land

of darkness; I have not said to Jacob’s descendants seek
me in vain
I the Lord speak the truth I declare what is right.
Gather together and come, assemble, you fugitives from
the nations
Isaiah 45: 19 -20
Chapter 4
Connecting the Past to the Present

Hear you deaf, look you blind and see!

Who is blind but my servant,
and deaf like the messenger I send?
Who is blind like the one committed to Me,
blind like the servant of the Lord?
You have seen so many things but you paid no
Your ears are open but you hear nothing.
But this is a people plundered and looted,
all of them trapped in pits
Or hidden away in prison
They have become plunder;
with no one to rescue them;
They have been made loot
with no one to say:” Send them back.”
Isaiah 42: 18-20; 22

My blindness Our Blindness

For years more or less 15 years I have pondered

upon this verse and wondered in what way I have become
blind. I’ve committed myself to the Lord and could not think
in anyway the reason of my blindness or deafness. I have read
the book of Isaiah several times since 15 years ago but never
seemed to see what I needed to see. The problem lies in the
fact that I personalized the verses in Isaiah thinking
that everything that God was saying to me was just for me
personally. Nevertheless all His promise of restoration came
true but still there were still so many things in the book of
Isaiah I could not understand. Questions like “How can my
land be married?” puzzled me. Then, one night, in a dream
God told me, “You are one of the 144,000 in the Camp of
Isaiah. Then I saw vision of the map of Laos, “This is your
assignment your code is “paranormal 7-7-0-777-7 KLIP.”
Then God gave me the interpretation of the code (but our
Father did not permit me to put the meaning here), and a
vision of Laos passed before my eyes like a movie clip. Then I
ask our Father “Why Isaiah? I thought Elijah and Moses will
be the one coming? Then He said. “Who foretold of Jesus
coming?” “Isaiah”, I said. Again He asked me. “What book
ministered to you and brought you out of bondage?” “Isaiah”, I
said. “For you will bring my people out of bondage and set the
captives free” then I said to myself “I thought 144,000 are
from the different tribes of Israel?” I then reasoned to myself,
“Ah maybe my great grandfather was not really Spanish but a
Sephardic Jew since the 144,000 are Israelites.”

When I started to prophesy, the revelations shocked

me. God was not just talking to me but the whole country.
How short sighted I have been to think that I am the only one.
Then I started to read the whole book of Isaiah all over
again in a different perspective and my eyes opened up to
new revelations. Now I understand why He told me 15 years
ago that my life is like a beautiful white tapestry that is a part
of creation…

Here is an excerpt of that prophecy.

“I dreamt of my husband wearing a Filipiniana gown
which is yellow in color with a red base, and black chalico. I
asked him why was he wearing that gown. Then he knocked
on the door where a beautiful mestiza Filipina is also wearing
a Filipiniana gown colored black. Then he said to me “See?”
Then a small man said to me “Come listen to this tape”. When
he played the tape I was then transported to a small beautiful
island with pristine white sand, I was sitting naked on the
beach praying. Then suddenly a boat arrived with foreigners
who are naked waist up carrying armalites. I looked for a
place to hide but there was none, they are everywhere. Then I
went to hide beside the broken fortress, but I saw that the
gunman also approached the broken fortress. Then the next
scene, I was transported back to my room where I was sitting
with my husband and another person. The person asked me
“Did they see you?” I said “No”. Then he responded “Stay here
with me and I will hide you. Remain here”.
Then that day while we were praying and
worshipping God in tongues, I heard myself singing Bahay
Kubo in the Hebrew. Then the tune changed this time I sang
“Ibon mang may layang lumipad” then at the end of the
phrase “Makita kang sakdal laya”,I cried and cried and I
don’t know why. Then the Father YHWH said thru me:
“Philippines, Philippines my beloved Philippines, Virgin
Philippines. You will be exploited, ravaged and abused,
Remain in me and I will hold you in my arms, and I will
protect you and cuddle you like a baby in my arms.
Remain in me and I will protect you.
This prophecy opened my eyes. God was not
referring to me in the dream but I was just a representation of
the whole Philippines. It’s like saying I AM PHILIPPINES.
And His message is for us to remain in Him and He will
protect us. This prophecy was given at the height of the
Philippine China conflict over the South China Sea reefs. This
is also the time of the beginning of the Balikatan exercises.
Over the anxiety of the situation the Roman Catholic Church
fasted and prayed for a week. But this prophecy was not given
in a congregation but in a small room where people were
Indeed we are a country plundered and looted for
hundreds of years. We are rich in natural resources but we
have been conquered and looted. We used to be a land of
jades and mines of gold but now our children are panning the
remains of the gold that has been plundered from us, causing
our children to be sick from mercury contamination and
abuse. I have visited a town in Masbate wherein, after the
foreigners have finished mining the gold in the town, Filipinos
with no technology and protection, mine whatever was left
over by the foreigners. The result is a town that has lost its
male population, 16 years old and above, from mercury and
cyanide contamination. And who got rich from the gold? Not
the people of the town but the foreigners who mined our
land. We have enriched them leaving us destitute and
helpless. Even today we are 2nd in gold production to Africa
worldwide. And according to Forbes Asia we are the richest
country in the world with 700 mining firms waiting for their
application to be approved, with an estimated 1.8 trillion
dollars of gold production in 2016 alone. The map next page
shows all the mining deposits of the Philippines.

Our History

When we look into our history, Magellan’s historian

Pigafetta mentioned that this is a country whose warriors
and people are gilded with gold.1 Its warriors brave enough to
defend their homeland from invading foreigners even
killing Magellan. But because of that recorded history,
Fig.1. Philippine map of gold, copper and other

after some 5-6 years later Spain decided to invade the

Philippines bringing with them armory and more than 200
soldiers to conquer the land of gold.2 The book “Mysteries of
the Past,” stated the reason for the voyages of the past-
always it is in search of lands that are always green all year
round and of a place whose men are gilded with gold. What
better way to describe our country. Many traveled and
circled the globe in search of these islands, especially the land
where King Solomon got his gold.3 Figure 2. is a map of
recorded voyages in the ancient world. Looking at the map I
initially wondered why all the recorded voyages centered on
the Philippines and Ezion Geber. What do we have for them to
come to the Philippines? History reveals the abundance of
gold of our ancestors, trading it for cheap materials like
clothing, iron, and other things.4 These are documented

Figure 2. Map of early ocean crossings, the black lines indicates

documented often traversed paths.

and can be traced in Chinese records. They referred to us as

their golden neighbor in the south5. The Chinese love to trade
with us as well as other south East Asian nations, even
Europe. But was it just the Chinese? This map shows
documented travel to the Philippines and neighboring islands
as well as travels from Ezion Gever, the port of King Solomon
in the Red Sea near the Southern part of Israel. Yet why can’t
even point out when we really begun as a country or even
know who we are or where we really came from.

The Revelation
However on July 30, 2015, as we were praying
about the earthquake that was about to hit Manila, God, our
Father YHWH gave us His answer about the earthquake,
but together with that prophecy, what He revealed is even
more earth shaking, than the earthquake itself.

Our Father said :

Manila, I will change your heart of stone
to a heart that is tender towards me.
I will change your heart, and you will bow
down towards me and
recognize that I am God.
The God that your forefathers have worshipped-
The real God that your forefathers have worshipped
The true Israelites(referring to our forefathers),
Jacob, my servant has forgotten me.
Jacob, my servant has forgotten me.
Therefore I will shake them until they come to
their senses.
I will shake them mightily like a fig tree
that is shaken by the wind of fire.
They deserve, they deserve to be shaken
in order to worship me -there One true God,
and they will know who they are.
They will know their identity and I will show
myself to them,
and I will let them know who I am.
I will appear to them in dreams,
I will shake my people and they will know me. (2x)
They will worship me and they will serve me.
They will become my prophets to other nations.

Initially after receiving this prophecy my focus was on

the earthquake that our Father said is intensity 8. But as days
gone by and the emotions over the earthquake died down,
God reminded me of this earlier part of the prophecy. Father
YHWH said that we have forgotten Him, the true God that our
forefathers have worshipped. Jacob has forgotten Him and
we will know our true identity when He will reveal to us who
we are.
We have always believed that we are Malays, as taught us
in our schools, that the ten Datus that came to our shores. in
1200 AD were Borneans. So when we received the above
prophecy about Manila referring to us as the descendants of
Jacob, it was quite a shock to us. I started to look for the
evidences, guided by the verse in Isaiah that says:
“ You have seen so many things,
but paid no attention to it.”

Surely there must be evidences. When I came upon the book

The Latter Rain by Jan Connis, which says that “the latter day
prophets will connect what is written in Isaiah to the end time
prophecies6,” I then realized that what has been personally
prophesied about me by a prophet who said:
“You have in your hands a testimony that will shock
the world, you may not understand it now as everything
is given to you in pieces, but the pieces of the puzzle will
fit together.”
It was then that I understood what He (the Father
YHWH) was telling me since 15 years ago- to write everything
in a book, so that a generation not yet born will praise the
The book of Isaiah 43.5-10 reveals to us our blindness
to our true identity. And is calling us to go back to Him, and I
Do not be afraid I am with you;
I will bring your children from the east,
and gather you from the west.
I will say to the north give them up.
And to the south do not hold them back.
Bring my sons from afar and my daughters from the ends
of the earth
—everyone who is called by My name,
whom I created for My glory,
whom I formed and made.

(Then the following verses seemed to leap out of the pages

of the Bible, it says that I’m not the only one who is blind
and that I should lead them out)

Lead out those who have eyes but are blind,

who have ears but are deaf.
All the nations gather together
and the peoples assemble,
which of them foretold this and
proclaimed to us the former things.
Let them bring in their witnesses
to prove they were right so that others may hear
and say “It is true.”
“You are my witnesses” declares the Lord
“and my servant whom I have chosen.
So that you may now and believe me and
Understand that I am he7.”

Isaiah tells us that the blindness and the deafness that

the Lord is referring to is our identity as a nation, not just my
identity as a person but we as a nation. As a nation, we have
become blind to our identity, He says that He will bring His
children from the east and gather them together with His
assembled people. This is a blindness that has started at the
time of Isaiah. In Isaiah 6:9 -10 God said:
“Go tell this people: be ever hearing, but never
understanding, be ever seeing but never perceiving.”
Make the heart of these people calloused, make their ears
dull and close their eyes. Otherwise they might see with
their eyes, hear with their ears, understand with their
hearts and turn and be healed.8”
From then on the northern kingdom of the nation of
Israel had been without revelation from the Lord.

Israel’s Past
It can be remembered that the original Nation of Israel
was divided into the Northern kingdom (Israel) and the
Southern Kingdom of Judah10. During the time of Isaiah the
Northern kingdom threatened to invade the Southern
kingdom to covet their inheritance11. Thus the Lord decided
to banish them out of the land of Israel not only for their
covetousness but also for their idolatry.12 With their
banishment is the curse of deafness and blindness and they
were without revelation from the Lord since then. They have
become blind and deaf as spoken by the Lord through Isaiah.
The Northern Kingdom of Israel was banished from the
land of Israel which started immediately after the death of
Solomon when the Egyptians started to scatter them. Then
after a 200 hundred year war with the Assyrians which ended
in 722 BCE nothing was left of the Northern kingdom of Israel
otherwise known as the nation of Israel.9 This is the first
In 722 BCE King Sargon of the Assyrians banished them
from Israel and replaced the people of the northern Kingdom
of Israel with the peoples of Cush, Seba and Egypt. 13
Eventually the Southern kingdom, Judah was invaded by the
Babylonians. The Southern kingdom and a few from the
Northern kingdom came back to Israel during the time of king
Cyrus of Persia.14 But the 27thousand that king Sargon settled
in the Tigris and Euphrates as well as the unaccounted
number of men women and children was never found and
became the ten lost tribes of Israel.

Bridging the Gap in Our History

Our Father is telling us right now that we are the

descendants of Jacob, we are his people. The proof is out there
but we are so blind to see it and too deaf to hear the
evidences. Now our Father the Ancient of Days who made us
is saying,
“Present your proof since you are my witnesses that
indeed these people, the Filipino people are true
Israelites. You are my witnesses, I have spoken and I am
revealing it to you. Lead them out of their blindness and
there deafness.”
The Bnei Menashe Tribe Testimony-

How the Bnei Menashi Tribe have gone through the fire
of affliction of slavery and eventually crossing over the rough
seas to our country is exemplified by the testimony of the
Bnei Menashe tribe found in India, and I quote Wikipedia.

“The Bnei Menashe says their history of 2700 years

describes their escape from slavery in Assyria (present day
Turkey) to Media/Persia. From there they moved to what is
now Afghanistan, mostly through less traveled areas to avoid
being recaptured and taken back to slavery. From Afganistan
they traveled toward the India Kush and proceeded to Tibet,
then to Kaifeng, reaching the Chinese City around 240 BC.

The Bnei Menashe believes that while in China their

ancestors were enslaved again. After 20 years of settling in
China at around and between 220-206 BCE, Qinshi Huang, the
first emperor of China enslaved their ancestors to build the
wall of China. Due to the heavy work, short deadlines and
difficult conditions, their ancestors were forced to leave China.
They then moved to the southwest border of China, a hilly
region between India and Burma where they lived freely.
During their years there, many of their remaining Israelites
descendants were killed. The survivors then assimilated with
the locals. The former slaves fled and lived in caves. When the
group was expelled from China in 100 A.D. their “leather
scrolls” were confiscated and burned.

At that point different groups went in various directions.

Some went down the Mekong River into Vietnam, Siam
(Thailand) Malaysia and the Philippines. Others
migrated to Burma and into Northeast India . These
people were referred to by others as Shinlung (sound same as
silong in our dialect meaning under the roof of) the cave
dwellers. Today descendants of these people are referred to as
Uli, Mizo and Lushai. In 1894, Christian missionaries reached
Manipur India and worked to convert the local peoples. The
Uli having been from an ancestor known as Manmasseh or
Manmasi. And other stories believed that their songs dates
from the ancient migration refers to Israelites exodus from
Egypt.16 Despite negative genetic studies on the Y
chromosome, they have been assimilated by Israel and are
now settled in the Gaza strip.17

Their tales bridge the gap between our beginning as a

nation and where we came from. Pictures of the Menashe
tribe appears in Fig. 3 asnd 4 shows that they are
indistinguishable from us Filipinos. The tale of the migration
of the Israelites from Assyria to the Medo- Persian empire to
China and finally to the Philippines supports the scientific
evidence of migration from the north to the south 18 instead of
the previous belief that we came from Borneo. The similarity
in features and language of Vietman, Laos, Malaysia and
Thailand bears witness that we came from the same stock.
There is also a similarity of the Bahay Kubo of Laos, Malaysia,
Indonesia and the Philippines19 which was derived from the
same size and specifications of the Israeli booths during the
feast of Succoth which is also covered by palm leaves 20.
History of Laos also tells us that they migrated from China
because of cruel dynasty21. When the Israelites were under
the Medo-Persian Empire, to their names were added AI or
AY to denote that they are YHWH’s people22. Note how most
of our surnames ends in ay or ya or yo as in Binay, Talunay,
Bangkaya, Demasuay or sometimes has ya, ay, ye or yo is in
the middle of the surname like Duplayna, Cayetano or sounds
like ya or yo ex. Abella, Sorenio. Our verbs also ends in Ay,
especially in the Hiligaynon (dialect of Iloilo) ex. labangay,
from the word LABAN which means to take advantage of in
Hiligaynon. This was probably taken from the name of
Laban the father in law of Jacob, who tricked him into
marrying Leah for 7 years of labor.

Notice in the map in Fig 4. that it is not just the

Menashe tribe that is concentrated on the southern tip of

Fig.4 Location of the tribes found in China, the dots are the tribes

China but also the Pathans, Israel, Knanites,Yusufzal, (Joseph)

and other tribes of Israel as well. Notice the nearness of the
location of the tribes to the Philippines, especially the Menashe

Take a look at this picture of the Menashe children and men,

Fig.3. Menashe Women and children

Fig.3b. Tribal dance, women dancing on the pole like
our National dance tinikling

Fig.3b. depicts the tribal dance of the Menashi tribes which is

exactly like our National dance tinikling, the colors of their
costume and design similar to that of our Igorot tribe.
Take a look the similarity in the features of Filipinos
with the tribe of Bnei Menashe found in India. History also
revealed military conquest of the people of the Philippines
together with the other people of other islands like Burma-
revealing a bond of kinship with this peoples.23

The Tale of the 2 boats of our Heritage

In 2011 boats were dug out of Butuan, and the boats was
carbon dated to as far back in 320 A.D. This boats’ structure
and wood was preserved underground.24 They are now
housed in the national museum as shown in the picture in the
following page .
There is another boat, however, which was not given
honor to which it is due. In fact it has been alluded to as a
“hoax”. This boat, however, is real and still existing in the
shores of Sinogbuhan, San Joaquin Iloilo, near the boundary
between San Joaquin and Anini-Y, Antique, Southern Visayas,
(Philippines). It was fossilized by the length of time it
Fig. 5. The Butuan Boat

remained in the shores of Sinogbuhan. According to residents

ghost ship docking the shores can be heard at night. This
ghost ship is fully lighted as some witnesses have said. No
wonder tales of a ghost ship abound, by not acknowledging
our origins, labeling our history as a hoax we have not done
justice to our ancestors, because blogs in the internet say that
the 10 Datus was just a figment of imagination. I hope to
correct that insinuation because Figure 6-8 is a picture of the
ship that is historically known as the boat which brought the
10 Datus to our shores. Contrary to claims that this is a hoax,
the presence of this boat proves that there is indeed a boat
with the 10 datus and their families on it.
There must have been more than one ship since
according to history Datu Putih together with some of those
who settled beside the river of Dumangas, Iloilo formerly
known as Araut went eventually to Manila to settle in
Batangas and Pampanga25. According to the Maragtas there
were 10 Datus. Contrary again to the claims that these are just
rafts, the following pictures taken of one of the boats testifies
that these are huge boats. Its structure is not the same as the
boats dug out in Butuan. Though fossilized, the size of the
base of the boat as well as the holes for the pegs of this boat
gives us a clue to its huge size. The style of the boat as well as
wood used is different from the wood used in Butuan since
this seemed to be made of huge timbers. For it to be
fossilized in contrast to the Butuan boat, whose wood has

Fig.7. Half length of fossilized boat found in San Joaquin

Fig 8. This is a cross-sectional view of the boat in San Joaquin Iloilo

Fig. 6. Huge holes for pegs found in the sides of the bo

been preserved, the age of the arrival of this boat is obviously
hundreds of years older than the boats excavated from
Butuan. The Maragtas which is legendary tale of the arrival of
the 10 datus in Panay, and bought the land from the Ati tribal
head Marikudo narrates how they settled in Panay and some
went to Manila, Cebu and other areas of the Philippines 25

Could this boat be a proof of the Bnei Menashe tribes’

testimony of the genesis of the Israelites settling in the
Philippines? But to build boats as huge and sturdy as these is
a question of the capability and resources of the people
navigating this huge boat. Only a rich country with
navigational knowledge can afford such an expedition. Our
Maragtas tells us that they are rich Datus, exchanging their
golden salakot, necklace for the island of Panay, calling
Madya-as Paradise or Promise land26 as the word Madya-as
implies Saad/maad (Hebrew for promise) of Ya or Promise of
Yahweh. Only a people who is familiar with the concept of
paradise and promise land can call these lands paradise
especially if you came from a land torn by war, an area of
deserts and oasis. If these people came from the nearby
islands they would not call this paradise since it looks the
same as the other islands of the south east.
The word Datu came from the Hebrew word Dath is
Hebrew meaning law in our hearts or lawgiver27 The
names of the 10 Datus are the following: Datu Putih,
Sumakwel, Bangkaya, Paiburong, Paduhinog, Dumangsol,
Libay, Dumangsil Dumalogdog, Balensuela.28 I looked for
the origin of the names and I found the surname Balensuela
among the Sephardic Jews. Libay is Israelite in origin, and
may actually be from the tribe of LEVI. Datu Putih may come
from the Hebrew word Puts meaning scatter abroad,
Sumakwel from the Hebrew word shamah meaning
desolate and el from Israel so that the name Sumakwel
means Israel is desolate and they were scattered abroad
weeping before Yahweh ( Bangkaya from the word
bakhah meaning weep. There were 2 datu whose names
are almost the same Dumangsol and Dumangsil,
removing the prefix du from their surnames which means
OF we are now left with Mangsil and Mangsol removing
the EL or il or ol, which actually stands for Israel of EL for
Elyon or Most High God we are left with the root of the
surname which is Mang. The surname Mang is found also
among Sephardic names which is actually Manga or
Mangas ( Dumangas) which may be synonymous with the
Manmasi tribe or Menashi tribe of Israel. It may also be
the reason why we call our older men Mang. Paduhinog is
a combination of the word pada and hina meaning beauty
and ransomed, “ o” is firt person. Even today the
descendants of the people who bear these names look
like European mestizos and do not look like present day
Malays of Singapore or Borneo.
Indeed Hebrew were the probable ancestors of the
Panay islands. Even the name “Anini-Y“ means I am Yahweh29
I am God and is Hebrew. To have 10 fleets of ships coming to
our shores connotes a large population. It can be remembered
that at the time of king David the census of warriors amounts
to 800,00030. Added to that number are women and children
so that Israel’s population is around 3 million, minus the tribe
of Judah, Benjamin and Levi and Simeon, the 10 tribes would
total to around 2 million. Only 27,000 were carried by king
Sargon to the Tigris and Euphrates, the place where the Bnei
Menashe tribe originated, after their exile. The rest must have
escaped by other means, like this huge boat since it can be
remembered that King Solomon built huge boats in his
expeditions to the land of Ophir.31 Have you ever wondered
how Solomon knew about the gold in Ophir?
The Queen Ati and King Parahu/Perahu of Punt

I would like to insert a bit of history about the Queen

Hathshepsut or Tutmoses II ( 3rd pHaroah of the 3rd
Dynasty of Egypt 1508 BC-1458 BC) connection here:
Going back to the time of Moses it can be remembered
that Moses is a Prince of Egypt, the adopted son of Queen
Hathshepsut. Queen Hathshepsut is known for her voyages
to a the land of “Punt Pwene” (does it sound familiar to you)
where she purchased exotic spices and a great source of
riches. (Remember Magellan also looked for spices which
Malacca or Malaysia is famous of) Recorded in the
hieroglyphics are the gold and goods offered to the Queen of
Egypt of a people who are less than 5 feet tall, living in stilt
houses (bahay kubo with an igloo type roof) whose queen is
called Queen Ati and whose king is King Perahu /Parehu. A
drawing of the face of King Perahu with a small goaty beard
looks like he is Asian. The word Parehu is Hebrew and
Hiligaynon/Karay-a ( dialects of Iloilo) meaning “ the same or
reproduce”. So that the writer may be referring in the
hieroglyphics that “ the King looks like this”. This gives us a
clue that the writer of the Hieroglyphics is Hebrew, because
Hebrews do not use vowels, its up to you to fill up the missing
vowels according to use, which explains the confusion
whether the name of the King is Parehu or Perahu. In fact the
word “Pera” which means money could have come from the
name of King Perahu himself, since it is used to be perahu and
not just pera. ( Letters of Cornelis Matelief deJonge p. 189)
Contrary to what the Westerners believe that Punt is East
of Africa this is may not the case at all. Of course the
westerners would always think of Punt as somewhere in
Africa since their focus is in the mainland or maybe they
Fig 8. Hieroglyps of the King Perahu and Queen Ati

Fig 8.b , Hieroglyphics of the landscape of punt with house on

stilts and palm trees

do not know that we exist at all. But Queen Hathshepsut

guided by her dream to go to the south east reached her
destination after 6 months by sea.
There are only 2 tribes of pigmies in the east, one in Africa
and the Negritoes of Panay called the Ati tribe. The pigmies in
Africa however have kinky hair which does not fit the
description of the family of Queen Ati. This Queen Ati is
famous for her Queen Ati syndrome which some have
attributed to elephantiasis of her legs. We know that
elephantiasis is not uncommon here in the Philippines.
Elephantiasis is otherwise known as Filariasis and causes
swelling of the lower extremities just like how the Queen was
depicted in the hieroglyphics of Egypt.
Is it just then a coincidence that Punt Pwene sounds
the same as Punta Panay, when spoken by a westerner or
middle eastern ? Is it also a coincidence that the name of our
Negrito tribe is Ati? Meaning tribe of Ati or Queen Ati
(Aetas is a collective term for all Aetas all over the Philippines
but Ati refers specifically to the tribe in Panay island ) How
did Queen Hathseput comunicated with the tribe?
According to researches mentioned in the book “Mysteries of
the Past” by Casson et. al, the Ati tribe of the Philippines or
the Negritoes does not belong to the Australasian race but
belongs to the Ur tribe. Doesn’t Abraham belong to the Ur
tribe too since he came from the land of Ur? of the Chaldeans
even though he is Semitic?, before he was told to go to
It can be recalled that Abraham’s grandfather Peleg has
a twin Joktan whose sons and daughters include among
others Ophir, Sheba, Havilah and Jobab who settled in the east
(they were Semites). This is also the period when the earth
was divided. The division however was not vertical but
horizontal, consistent with the theory of the continental drift
of Asia. Thus those who dwelt on the east must probably
spoke Hebrew. The slaves of Queen Hathseput including the
Prince Moses spoke Hebrew which facilitated the trade
between the 2 lands. This must explain the absence of such a
trade after the death of Queen Hathseput, when the Israelites
left Egypt.
In the conversations recorded in the hieroglyphics it was
written, that this tribe in the east descended from their
visitors, and that the visitors are the descendants of the gods.
Queen Ati was also recorded to have asked.
“Which way have you gone? By sea or by air?” She was
familiar then of the chariots of the gods/angels like the one
Enoch rode
After 400 years when King Solomon became king of
Israel, he built ships manned by Phoenicians and Israelites to
the land of Ophir in the east and in the south, where gold was
so abundant that he built the temple and his palace in gold.
Where do you think He got the idea of a land of gold where he
can trade? During Queen Hathsepsut’s expeditions it was
not just ivory and gold and monkey that they trade but also
slaves coming from Punt. Some of them may have
intermarried with the Israelites or have gone out together
with the Israelites during the exodus and thus have enough
knowledge of the place where they come from. Does this
explain the presence of gold ornaments in Egypt which was
made in the Philippines? And the small stature of some of us?

A few years ago several gold items, idols made of gold

and things used in smelting gold were excavated in Surigao.
The Israelites are known for making settlements in areas
where they can process gold before it is brought back to
Israel. It is also in Surigao where you can find a tribe with
blue eyes and blonde hair living in the mountains of Surigao
even today.

Living Proofs- the Butuan Ivory Seal and the Laguna

copper plate
A Butuan ivory seal32 was also excavated dating around
1000A.D with Hebrew Square writing. Contrary to what was
claimed that this is a Javi and old Malayo language. A
comparison of the square Hebrew writing with the Butuan
Ivory seal proves that this is a Hebrew writing in a Hebrew
civilization. Another proof was excavated in Laguna dating
900 A.D., - the Laguna copper plate inscription33- written in
cursive Hebrew with some square Hebrew script. The Ivory
Seal is written in Hebrew square form,- used in formal and
legal transactions.
The Hebrew cursive writing on the other hand like
the Laguna copper plate inscription is a common form used in
everyday transactions, this was the one found in Laguna. It is
actually a letter to a child giving instructions as opposed to
what was claimed that it is a note about a debt. Comparing
these proofs with Hebrew letters one should notice the dots
inside the letter or the hyphen or the patah-characteristic of
the Hebrew language. The Hebrew long final forms can also
be seen in the Laguna copper plate inscription as well in the
Butuan ivory seal.
The written form is surely reflected in the spoken form.
The Tagalog and Visayan especially Hiligaynon dialect
contain a lot of ancient Hebrew words35. These are words
that we use eachday. For the Hebrew language to be
still present today whether in Tagalog and Hiligaynon
or in other dialect, (and has been since the time of
Adam), it could not have been changed overnight into
another language like Hindu and revert back to Tagalog
or Hiligaynon. So the transliteration if it is Hebrew should
be reflected and even use in our past history up to the
present time.

The Ancient Hebrew Language

Hebrew belongs to the west Semitic branch of the
Afroasiatic language family. The ancient Hebrew language
was no longer used since 200 AD in Israel. 36 Even at the
time of our Lord Jesus Christ the spoken language in Israel
was already Aramaic with some vestiges of Ancient Hebrew.
Modern Hebrew, on the other hand is influenced by the
west and some Arabic has been added to it.36 In the book
Mysteries of the Past cites a tribe in Peru who claimed to be
the lost tribe have only retained 3 or 4 words of Ancient
Hebrew37. The ancient Hebrew language is exemplified by
the Torah or the first 5 books of the Bible which was
written by Moses this is also called Biblical Hebrew. Biblical
Hebrew was used from about 10th century and persisted
through and beyond the second temple. Ancient Hebrew is
also the liturgical tongue of the Samaritans, while Modern
Hebrew is their vernacular.

There is dialect variation in Biblical Hebrew as

attested to by the well-known shibboleth incident in Judges
12:6 where Jephthah’s forces from Gilead caught
Ephraimites (sons of Joseph) trying to cross the Jordan river
by making them say; “shibboleth” ( in English “ear of corn”),
the Ephraimites identity was given away by their
pronounciation. Why? The Ephraimites pronounces
“shibboleth” as “sibolet” using “s”, as opposed to the
descendants of Judah (the Jews) who uses “shin” or “sh” so
that it is pronounced as “shibboleth”. In our Filipino
(Tagalog) language its equivalent is “Sibol” and “liit” –
meaning small sprout or growth, which gives away our
identity as Ephraimites36.

In the Chapter 6 common Hebrew and Hiligaynon or

Tagalog words are shown with its meaning. Hiligaynon is
the dialect of Panay Island. Included also are some Karay-a
(an ancient dialect of Panay) words in which even the
pronunciation of the words is the same in Hebrew ex. is
“hazaq” meaning strength or power.
Fig. 9. The butuan Ivory seal in hebrew square form

Excavated ancient Israelite artifacts from other parts of the

world for comparison. Although the Decalogue stone was
thought to be a hoax, you can still see the similarities in some
of the letters
Fig.10. a, The Laguna copper plate inscription and the Hebrew text
(wrong side of the copper plate)

Fig 10. B.Laguna copper plate

Fig. 11. Hebrew alphabet
Fig. 12. Hebrew Dots and patah with its equivalent vowels.

The 1st,2nd and 3rd diaspora

When the nation of Judah returned to Israel 500 BCE,

not all of the nation of Israel returned, but according to
eyewitnesses they were lost behind the Sambatayon River,
and was nowhere to be found since then. Those who
returned, they rebuilt the walls of Jerusalem. Once again
Israel became a country until the Greeks arrived. Then the
Romans followed suit. In 5 BCE ( Jewish calendar) the Holy
Seed ( Jesus Christ ) was born, and the whole nation was
again destroyed and scattered from 28AD ( Jewish calendar)
to 135 AD which ended in war and massacre of around a
million Jews at Massada by the Roman Empire. 38 This started
the second diaspora.
The Jews scattered now over all Europe and Israel lay
desolate and inhabited by the Muslims. In their scattering and
persecutions many were killed in pyre for their belief. During
the rise of to the Spanish and English empires a lot have been
banished from Europe and they settled in the colonies of
Spain to escape from persecution sometimes posing as
Portuguese or Spanish. They took on the Spanish and
Portuguese names of their sponsors. Some took the name of
trees as there surnames while others the places where they
came from, to which they would add the the prefix D’ or De,
Dela or Du.40
When the Dutch East Indies free port opened in the
Philippines in the 17th-19th century a lot Jews escaped freely
to our shores and settled in some remote barangays not
revealing their true identity in fear of persecution from Spain.
Let me quote Jeff Malacca in his story about the Sephardic

“ When the Roman Legions overrun the Jewish nation,

much of the Jewish population was sent into exile throughout
the Roman empire. Many were sent to the Iberian Peninsula.
The area became known by the Hebrew word Sephard
meaning far away. The Jews in Spain and Portugal became
known as Sephardim or Sephardi. The Jewish nation from
Iberia, numbering approximately 750,000 in the year 1492,
were banished from Spain by royal decree of Ferdinand and
Isabella. The Jews of Portugal were banished by Royal decree
several years later (Columbus was Jewish). Relief from
banishment decrees and restoration of civil rights were
promised to those Jews who remained and converted to
Catholicism. These converts were called Conversos or
Marranos and Anusim. Some of the Jewish population
converted in name only, others converted by choice. All the
Jews, whether those who left the country with their Jewish
religious beliefs intact and those that were converted are
described as being Sephardim or being of Sephardic heritage.
Many of the Sephardim left Spain after conversion because
life as a “Neo Christian” or Marrano was not as promised.
“Clean blood” laws were established to deny the “new
Christian” the same civil rights as the “old Christian”. Many
left the Iberian Peninsula were some reverted and others
did not. The converted population that remained under the
influence of Spanish or Portuguese control or the control of
countries heavily influenced by the Catholic Church could not
openly revert to Judaism for fear of the punishment inflicted
upon the inquisition. The punishment for reversion or secret
adherence varied from humiliation to death by fire. Many
Hispanics today practice Jewish custom without knowing the
source. Many are secret Jews.”42

According to Harvard University Professor Jonathan

Goldstein on his paper Jewish merchants in far eastern ports
as cited by tracing the tribe posted on the Philippine’s
Jewish history. “The islands were a Spanish colony from
1521-1898, and Conversos accompanied Spanish adventurers
who settled the islands.43 According to Philippine history
(wikipedia) in the 19th century, “The Philippine ports opened
to world trade and shifts started occurring within Phillipine
society. Many Spaniards born and those of mixed ancestry (the
mestizos) became wealthy and an influx of Latin American
settlers opened up government positions to Spanish born
in the Iberian Peninsula (Peninsulares). The ideals of the
revolution also began to spread through the islands....the
mutiny that was the precursor of Philippine revolution.”44 So
the Peninsulares that has been part of our history are actually
the Jews that came from the Iberian Peninsula driven out of
But even before the Conversos and the Marranos
reach our shores, our country is already inhabited by both
Jews and Muslims as noted by the Jesuit Priest Father
Chirino,45 Luzon and the islands are already inhabited by the
Lequoies whom Pigafetta noticed are always busy gathering
gold and whose ships are always laden with gold.46 In fact
these islands was formerly known as the islands of the
Lequoies47 referring to big bearded men with white
complexion. Migration of the Nation of Israel in these islands
occurred not only in this last diaspora as I accidentally
discovered when I was searching for the article on the movie
about the Journey of the 2000 Jews to the Philippines in
World War II but started prehistorically when the Jews
settled in Samar and Mindanao and they were known as
Chamorro’s according to Wikipedia.48 And I thought before
Chamoros was just the name of the variety red rice. Now I
know it must have gotten its name from the Jews with reddish
faces who settled in the islands. As I scanned at the names of
Shephardic Jews I discovered that some are surnamed Moros.
Ironically however the Moros are in southern Mindanao and
are Muslims. The Maranaws is also a Muslim tribe in
Mindanao. Being the islands located in the Pacific Ocean,
Samar, Bohol, Surigao and Butuan were easily inhabited by
voyager’s looking for new lands and gold.
The painting below shows the appearance of the
inhabitants of the Philippines as exhibited in the Lilly library
in Indiana called the Boxer Codex49. It seems that we did not
get our mestizo looks from the Spaniards, but from the

Fig.13. Boxer Code, Lilly library 1590

Lequoies or the Hebrews who already inhabited the Islands
before Spain or the Sephardic Jews settled in the Philippines.
Even the garments worn by the commoners are exactly the
same as the garments worn by the Israelites in Jesus time.
The last diaspora happened at the time of Hitler when
he planned to annihilate the Jews and some 2000 Jews were
granted Asylum by President Quezon in 1942. Many refugees
where welcomed during the holocaust. Later Sephardic
Bagdadi Jews from India arrived as well as those from the
American European Azkenazi community50

Indeed the Lord has done new thing for us, He said let
us forget the past and not dwell on it. He made a way in the
desert and streams in the wasteland brought us in this country,
and provided for us His chosen. The Lord has blot out our
transgression in one day, Even if we have not offered Him our
sacrificial offerings as in Israel but the Lord in His love and
goodness towards us blots out and transgressions and
remembered our sins no more by the death of His Son Jesus
Christ who washed away all our sins.

Isaiah 42: 16-25

This is what the Lord says- Israel’s King and Redeemer,

the Lord Almighty: I am the first and I am the last *the Aleph
and the Tav. Apart from me there is no God, who then is like

Let him proclaim it

Let him declare and lay out before me, what has happened since I
established my ancient people, and what is yet to come—yes let
him foretell what will come
Do not tremble do not be afraid, did I not proclaim this and
foretell these long ago?
You are my witnesses.
Is there any God besides me?
No, there is no other rock I know not one.
Amen Praise God Alleluyah.51

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